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File: 242 KB, 1080x1440, bombay_sapphire__tanqueray_1520062987_876965a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12783349 No.12783349 [Reply] [Original]

I wanna hear 4chans opinion on Gin


What's your favorite?

>> No.12783357


>> No.12783358
File: 752 KB, 1200x800, formeitsbluecoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i've got 'tism.


>> No.12783364

Burnett's or bust. If you ever hear someone say, "I don't like gin," it's because they drink shit like Tang or Bombay. Or pay a premium for basically the same bottom shelf like Amsterdam or Beefeater. Then you get to boutique ones that range from either pretty good to tasting like bubble gum. Just choose the king of the bottom shelf.

Hendrick's, you're cool.

>> No.12783374

My liquor stores don't sell neither. Canada sucks.

>> No.12783381

Beefeater is dope

>> No.12783382


>> No.12783383

We have both and more in Quebec
Its $35 for a 40oz of Gin.
What is the price of a 40oz of gin where you live?

>> No.12783389

I like seagrams

>> No.12783410

43$ for 40oz of Tanquerey here in NS.

Main reason I made this poll was because I am undecided on Tanquerey vs Bombay but reddit hates Bombay it with a passion for some reason. I can't be the only one who likes to drink it straight.

>> No.12783418

That's gonna be my next purchase. Although I never see it in stores when im there.

>> No.12783424

Tanqueray is like the Henessy of Gin.
Its a meme, I also enjoy Bombay.
I love Beefeater.

>> No.12783426

Jesus Christ Canada, get it together. I can get a 1.75 (~60oz) of Burnett's for $15. If I lived in that frozen backwards hellscape, I'd be stilling like a madman.

>> No.12783438

Ok asa fellow Bombay lover ima have to get the beefeater lol. Fuck tanqueray and fuck reddit.

>> No.12783444

I know, it's a tough life with our low pay and high "sin taxes"

>> No.12783469

Is Hendricks worth it? I like beefeater a lot but I wanna explore the more floral gins. Just not sure if it's worth the expense or if there is a cheaper gin in that category that's decent.

>> No.12783478
File: 79 KB, 798x1200, New Amsterdam Gin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cheap, but this one is really nice and it isn't very pricey.

>> No.12783479

What does that mana potion taste like?

>> No.12783500

I'm fucking easy to please, so long as it's london dry, I'm in.

>> No.12783521

Heaven on earth

>> No.12783527

>Tanqueray, Bombay, or "other"
fucking non-gin drinker faggots

>> No.12783530

>really nice
Compared to what, drinking nail polish remover?
Shit taste man, keep your shit opinions to yourself, you'll hurt someone like that

>> No.12783532

I've been drinking gin for 8 years, Op here btw, and yea fuck off and make your own poll

>> No.12783535

Although I take the fuck off part back, I am a classless drinker, I would like to see your poll desu

>> No.12783536

Tanqueray good
Bombay bad

>> No.12783562

i usually drink gordon's or tesco value. i also make rhubarb gin a few times each year and sloe gin every autumn. Masons Yorkshire Gin is nice with a slight liquorice aftertaste, found one that was sage flavoured and that was rough

>> No.12783579
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me too agree

>> No.12783583
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If you were going to cover all the bases you should have a few types of new age gins, a london dry, an old tom, a genever, and Plymouth.
My poll would probably look like
>Tanqueray (London Dry - juniper forward)
>Tanqueray Rangpur (London Dry - citrus forward)
>Hayman's (Old Tom - sweet & citrusy)
>Plymouth (distinct)
>Citadelle (new age - floral)
>Hendricks (new age - vegetal)
>The Botanist (dry from Islay, local botanicals)
>Bols (Genever - sometimes called "Dutch gin," contains flavors of malt & lower ABV)

And I would vote for Citadelle, because it's fucking fantastic especially for the price. I buy it from the fine spirits shop by the case.

>> No.12783588

they both good asshat

>> No.12783590


>> No.12783684

Try Adnams Copperhouse.

>> No.12783708

First time I drank Gordon's I vomited after 2 glasses. I might just have had a cold or something, but I just can't drink it anymore.

>> No.12783709

Americans take for granted how retardedly cheap their booze and gas is. $15 won't even get you a 375ml of Gordon's here in Ontario and it's twice as expensive in Australia.

>> No.12783715
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My standard gin.

>> No.12783783

Scots are sub human cretins but fuck me Hendricks is my mana

>> No.12784032

Like I said, start a stovetop still. The startup costs is probably 5 canuck bottles.

>> No.12784080
File: 12 KB, 210x350, 21AEB601-CD27-41DE-94AF-FBF1C872ED3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gordon’s and Beefeater are the best gins. And they are cheaper. If you like anything else you have been brainwashed via advertising. Also, Plymouth is awesome gin. Also, Bombay Saphire and Tanqueray are good gins. Hendricks, Boodles, and Nolets are also good Gins. Surprisingly, also, Seagrams makes good gin if you are really down on your luck and you are just going to heavily mix it anyway.

>> No.12784125

Got an unopened bottle of Bombay Sapphire at home. How should I drink it?

>> No.12784368
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5.5€ for 0.5l decent for mixing.

>> No.12784437

Straight, G+T, G+S, or Martini.

>> No.12785281

If you drink Bombay you can play the game where you drink until the lady on the bottle is pretty. But she never is

>> No.12785357
File: 40 KB, 301x600, 2018101214_beefeater_gin_london_dry_24_shadow_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beefeater 24 is my fav because it tastes good and isn't hipster-priced. And of all the booze that I've had, they're the only company that pays attention to the quality of the pour. If you ever look inside their bottles, there's a special plastic ring that helps the liquid pour smoothly at shallow angles, instead of running down the neck of the bottle. Advertising can say a lot, but small attention to details like that say a lot more.

>> No.12785491
File: 98 KB, 643x1500, 96B3B297-BBE4-4FA7-9D01-924B1E778EF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both Beefeater and Beefeater 24

>> No.12785553

>no st george

you guys are fuckin retarded

>> No.12785566

anchor junipero
aviation gin
nolet's silver dry gin is good too for something different

>> No.12785572

Beefeater is best.

Gordon's is good too.j

Gilbey's isn't great, but it's cheap as hell.

>> No.12785581
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Former gin lover, beefeater was my go to for anything that would be cut and bombay was for straight drinks.

But alcohol is degenerate. Christ is your savior and it is not his will that you poison your body.

No matter what you have done, no matter the reason you drink more than you know you should, you're life is worth living sober.

>> No.12785584
File: 176 KB, 218x600, Haymans-Royal-Dock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how I'm mixing it; Gin Mare for a GT, pic related for a Negroni.

>> No.12785695

>But alcohol is degenerate. Christ is your savior and it is not his will that you poison your body.
But he literally turned water into wine

>> No.12785796

It's good. Their suggested G&T which subs cucumber slices for lime is real refreshing on a hot day. The gin soaked cuke slices you can eat at the end are an extra treat. They have an elderflower summer gin out now that I've had french 75s with and that's real floral. Though probably you'd pick up more of the gins floral notes without the champ in there.

As for worth it, it depends how much you make and how much you drink. Bottle lasts a long time if you have maybe 1-2 cocktails every other day. You drink all the time though then you will either need cheap stuff or a lifestyle change.

>> No.12785803
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Recently picked this up for the store on a whim. Liked the bottle, it's very citrus forward and light. Squeeze of lemon and splash of tonic suit it just fine. My go to lately has been Uncle Val's, but I like to mix it up.

>> No.12785833
File: 262 KB, 800x900, 任务_10114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drinking pic related, it's a small batch gin, not super expensive, made near where I live in China.
Some kiwi married a girl here and set up a gin distillery.

It's really nice, good enough to drink straight though I still tend to use tonic.

The red is Dragon's Blood gin, the gold is Gold Dragon gin.
It's kind of weird to have a coloured gin but I guess there's no reason for it to be clear.

>> No.12785847

I love the presentation of Bombay Sapphire but most people will tell you that it's not actually a particularly great gin. Fine as a G&T imo though

>mana potion
FYI: the blue is just the bottle, the gin is clear like most gins.

>> No.12785860
File: 253 KB, 1365x2048, empress_gin_credit_victoria_distillers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got your mana potion right here m8s

>> No.12785866

I wouldn't do it with a good gin but you could always rinse the glass with a dash of parfait amore.

>> No.12785981
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>> No.12785993

Is gin actually good for you, or does it just taste like plants? I've only had Bombay Sapphire and it's not great.

>> No.12786021

It's kinda dumb to rank gins since they range in flavors and the one you choose depends on usage.

>> No.12786049
File: 1.83 MB, 1840x3264, gin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother is more into gin than I am. He asked me to go buy some kinda limited edition candyflossflavoured one for him a while back. It was like €100 a liter and doesn't even taste very much like candyfloss.

Bombay too sweet.
Is gin of girl and girl mixed drink

It's supposed to taste like plants. If you don't like juniper you'll probably not be much of a gin fan. That said, some are more subtle than others. Bombay is kinda heavy on the juniper compared to some others. And it's too sweet for my liking.

>> No.12786090

>Is gin actually good for you
No, practically no alcohol is actually good for you. Red wine is ok I guess.
You're not drinking it for the health benefits.

>> No.12786184

for me it's Gordon's

>> No.12786412

I started drinking St clements cocktails and i just cant drink beer anymore.
beer is fucking disgusting, drink st clements, boys.

>> No.12786443

Made on Baffin Island from Arctic botanicals scooped up by two Eskimoes racing around on skiddoos. As good as it sounds!!!:heart:

>> No.12786461
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Based cheap gin.

>> No.12786516
File: 22 KB, 456x1000, langleys-old-tom-gin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really like langley's old tom gin if you count that as gin

>> No.12786606
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This is some good shit.

>> No.12786643

Its not that bad. Good for g&t but shitty for martinis. Avoid the London dry version bc it does taste like nailpolish remover

>> No.12786666

Beefeater and Amsterdam for me.
I need to get around to trying bombay, but I've heard good things.

>> No.12786689

Monkey 47 is elder god tier if you like gin.

>> No.12786973
File: 71 KB, 1080x1080, monkey-47-dry-gin-50cl72dpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monkey 47 must be what God's cum tastes like. There is not a single better-tasting liquid than this in the entire world.

>> No.12786984
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somebody got a DUI
you blew it palsy-walsy

>> No.12787012

>the London dry version
There's only one kind of New Amsterdam gin and there's a reason it's on the bottom shelf and the only $10 option.
It's shit. You have poor taste if you like it. One day you might learn to appreciate fine things, but only after you stop burning off your taste buds with shit liquor.

>> No.12787017

Has anyone tried suntory's Roku gin? I want to try it bad but I never see it anywhere.

>> No.12787024

Yeah. It's pretty good, but nothing special, desu.

>> No.12787026

I've never known a bar to carry it but you can find it at basically any liquor store, in my experience.
I would trust it. Japanese liquors are always top-shelf. Their Toki whiskey is really beloved so I see no reason why the gin wouldn't be worth a purchase.

>> No.12787039

You say that, any liquor store, but Ive checked dozens near me, even drinking up to 40min away, and no one has it. They typically don't have Japanese whiskey either, but I know theres a shortage of that recently.

I have to get the gin somewhere.

>> No.12787059

Really? Bizarre, I live in the Midwest and I see the Roku everywhere.
Do you have any shops specifically called "fine wine/spirits" shops rather than just gay liquor stores?
I have to drive 30m in either direction to reach one, but I go there and order things I want and they ship them in for me. If they don't already have the Roku, they'll probably be likely to order a half case if they think it'll bring you in to buy. Go in and talk to them about it.

I'm >>12783583 and I do this with all kinds of stuff, mostly the Citadelle gin and the Pierre Ferrand dry curacao.

>> No.12787250

Tanqi is nicer, desu

>> No.12787280

I tried gin for the first time recently. I bout New Amsterdam it was good. Then I got Right gin. It tastes stronger despite being the same % and smells worse. Seems fine I just use less. Wouldn't buy again since it was more expensive.
I only drink gin and tonics.

>> No.12787481
File: 241 KB, 454x900, Rehorst Gin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some of the best gin I've ever had and the distillery is right down the street.

>> No.12787491

The fuck is Right gin?

>> No.12787527
File: 26 KB, 509x1000, brighton-gin-gin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heaven in a bottle

>> No.12787606

That is so fucking pretty.

>> No.12787636
File: 26 KB, 370x700, gin-lane-1751-victoria-pink-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's pink gin

>> No.12787665

Personally I prefer Alt-right Gin.

>> No.12788381
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>> No.12788394

Started with Tanqueray
It's pleasant and tolerable
but it's the lowest i'll go now
Just needed a drink
I was an edgy highschooler at the time
so I bought Amsterdam after that
it sucked shit

i literally do not understand how the difference in taste is so huge

>> No.12788397
File: 146 KB, 645x645, 6E365477-0672-43C5-ABD6-EDF8AE5BE36F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink gin is good

>> No.12788405

just like a car, the color makes it so much better.

>> No.12788423

Does Gordon’s make a car?

>> No.12788435

if they did, the color wouldn't matter.

>> No.12788520
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>> No.12788677
File: 119 KB, 736x1104, G & T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this sound right?
Gin and tonic in the sun.
Gin Martini at night.

>> No.12788683

yo for whatever reason Gordon's hits me really hard, too. even back when I was drinking heavily most nights I could only have 2 or 3 Gordon's drinks or I'd black the fuck out

>> No.12788687

It has to do with length of distillation mostly, essentially there is a sweet spot of time where you get the best booze, before that is called "heads" and after "tails". You can stretch you yield by bottling heads and tails but you sacrifice flavor and uniformity of product

>> No.12788688

It doesn't sound wrong, though it would affect my G&T consumption quite a bit.

>> No.12788728
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Is it true that Yanks doesn't have quinine in their tonic water?

>> No.12788737

I think there is tonic without quinine that you can buy, but any normal tonic I buy here has it

>> No.12788808
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Shhh. No more talk

>> No.12788823
File: 239 KB, 1024x1024, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All tonic has a smidge of quinine, but old fashioned medicinal levels are a thing of the past unless you dig up some obscure hipster brand

>> No.12788843

It's a well fought argument that tonic off a bar-gun has less quinine than even Canada Dry out of a bottle. Frankly, medicinal levels don't exist in commercially available products, nor does a significant amount of quinine have any effect on the taste.

A number of perceived 'taste differences' have been mostly associated to the combination of cellar-temperature or chilled tonic water, as well as the absence or presence of ice. If you are really trying to dig into the flavour profile of your gin, try comparing it with still water compared to bottled. Helps if you have drinkable tapwater.

But yeah, Bombay and Schweppes if you want a fast-food GT.

>> No.12788849

>Gin Martini at night.
Dirty vodka martini. Two olives. Fight me, negro.

>> No.12788853


I'll fight you here and now ese square up

>> No.12788868

Figured I could used the
As a distraction.

I bet your pansy ass thinks vermouth is a part of a balanced martini. I bet you don't even think a double is the standard serving size.

>> No.12788875

They don't have it listed on their website as a product, so I assume it was probably discontinued as it apparently, astoundingly, sucked worse than their original formula.

>> No.12788881
File: 43 KB, 600x450, VLC media player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost forgave you, because dirty martinis are GOAT, but since you're being such a bitch about it then your inferior vodka preference won't be tolerated.

Meet me at VLC media player in 20 minutes if you want an ass kicking

>> No.12788902

Shove that VeryLargeCone straight up your inferior ass. Dirty kills the complex flavours of gin, but accents the purity of French-style vodka.

>> No.12788916

What's the one with the tiny hat...Broker's maybe? That one.

>> No.12789343
File: 29 KB, 640x426, 3F6D0EC0-1158-401F-90C0-417669E195E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanqueray Malacca was the best

>> No.12789349

Beefeater is the 4chan approved gin. Strong, reasonably cheap, and not aggressive. I generally mix it half and half with diet tonic water (Regular tonic water is overly sweet) and its extremely tolerable. When I was in colombia, I was drinking it 75% gin and 25% tonic (fucking small ass tonic bottles) and even then some squeeze of citrus to it and I was a-okay.

>> No.12789376
File: 55 KB, 700x700, 7BD8ACF2-61AE-45F4-AAA8-0DF3B610272B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree about Beefeater. I’ve always wanted to try their Burrough’s Reserve

>> No.12789413

>Dirty kills the complex flavours of gin
Huh what? It can't dull every nuance. When a palate is clear, you'll get an aftertaste of something. If anything it makes it more complex. Maybe your palate is broken. Not every booze needs to be unadulterated anti-mixer or cocktail usage to enjoy.

I use 15 year or older rum in my Christmas eggnog punch bowl, and I don't use white rum in my mojitos. All my margaritas are reposado, and I don't even buy white tequila. All the criticism I face is that I'm using expensive alcohol with mixers. People like what they like, and should enjoy their life. If some dude wants dirty or very dirty gin martinis, I'm like, awesome, someone who likes olives and brine. Add some blue cheese olives while you're at it! Pair your cocktail with a little tapas even. Go for it. Enjoy the combination of flavors! Swallow, ooooh, I detect juniper..mmm.. which is really going nicely with my little chicken pate on rosemary cracker.

>> No.12789560

>People like what they like, and should enjoy their life.

My apologies, I got a little defensive. You are, for the most part, agreeable.

>> No.12789708
File: 14 KB, 376x480, aag_withrrsignature_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this stuff, Ryan Reynolds might be a meme but he knows some damn fine gin

>> No.12789714

A gin mary with this stuff is fucking S tier drinking

>> No.12789910

Beefeater's a pretty decent cheap, everyday gin. Definitely much better than most of the other stuff at that price range. But there are definitely so, so many better gins out there, even without spending an excessive amount of money.

>> No.12790108

i dont like gin

>> No.12790858

Ya and he just bought it, they were successful before him

>> No.12790866

How can any entire human be a meme, even if he starred in a shitty show like 2 guys a girl and a pizza place?