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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12781021 No.12781021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12781025


>> No.12781034
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also posting cook’s mark of honor itt

>> No.12781041

When you start dumping beer on furniture, it's time to stop.

>> No.12781042
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Suckin on a big juicy

>> No.12781054

After al/ck/ was banished I tried checking out the reddit /drunk/ board and it's pretty much this. The OP posting a selfie with a can of light beer he spilled because he's "so wasted" (usually there's a backstory about an SO or shitty job) yet somehow had a camera in the other hand and there's a bunch of exclamation points and for every upvote he'll take another sip.
Yeah, for anyone who's not sure what it means when someone calls a post "reddit", it's literally this.

>> No.12781058

at least he's not spilling anything actually worth a shit.
find it a little hard to believe he's that drunk on beer, though.

>> No.12781065

I always knew al/ck/ was a Reddit beachhead.

>> No.12781076

Two six packs of light beer pints will get you there. He's probably a lightweight or faking it, though.

>> No.12781094

thats not a selfie dummy. go be butthurt somewhere. im here trying to chill with my homies because late hour ck is max comfy

>> No.12781133

I was very vocally against al/ck/ from the beginning. /ck/ has always been anti-generals, and the woe is me shit that al/ck/ attracted was fucking cancerous. Nonetheless, /ck/ has always been an alcoholic board, but the alcoholism isn't meant to be contained and discussed; it's a part of OC threads, it's a part of industry threads, and every time you ask a stupid beginner question and get an informed reply, it's typically a drunk cook blowing off steam and sharing their knowledge. Aside from niche shit like the baking guy or butcher guy who used to make threads answering questions about their field, /ck/ has always been against generals. al/ck/ wasn't reddit; it was just some guy from a fast board who attracted other guys from other shitty fast boards, but nobody here really realized what making an
al/ck/ general really meant so /ck/ anons posted in it at the beginning. Now we have the fucking cat blog, which has somehow managed to convince anons that OC - on the fucking food and cooking board - belongs in a containment general. If you want to know what reddit looks like on a (formerly) slow board, check out the cat blog.
>al/ck : gw::
>cat blog : trump

>> No.12781137

This thread is so gay I'm thinking about letting it fuck me in the ass.

>> No.12781149

cheap ass wine cause I've lost 25 pounds in 2 months by not drinking beer

>> No.12781153

it was a little bit click baity since i was tipsy and drop it by accident but you know i did what i had to do to get anon’s attention

>> No.12781162

>im here trying to chill with my homies because late hour ck is max comfy
I've been here every night for nearly a decade and am not your homies. This also isn't late night, and late night /ck/ is fucking garbage; I literally go to sleep 5-6 hours from now when you start getting the 'straya kids getting home from school "bantering" with the bong kids waking up.

>> No.12781168

i wish i could get drunk off of light beer! but i'm drinking rum and coke zero and revolver blood & honey :)
god bless texas!

>> No.12781172

quit pissing on my parade will ya. kindly fuck off

>> No.12781173

>being an alcoholic
>burning yourself while drunk
>cooking while drunk
>not preparing before you get drunk
>posting on 4chan when drunk
Never gonna make it.

>> No.12781190
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this nigga gets it

>> No.12781192

>he thinks anything he posts belongs to him or is under his control after hitting "submit"
Fuck yourself. You retarded, "I'm so fucking drunk I had like half a case of 4% beer I bought over the weekend and it's only Wednesday night" fags are cringe as fuck, and just by posting here you're ruining everyone else's otherwise relatively good time.

>> No.12781201

yeah bruh im going to sleep after this beer. you fags arent worth spending time with. i got work to do first thing in the morning

>> No.12781207

is that corona

>> No.12781221

Bros, you just posted cringe. Like you made a cringe baby together.

>> No.12781222

Stop talking like a nigger you aren’t eminem you’re just poor

>> No.12781229

im a nigger tho ;/

>> No.12781232

>i got work to do first thing in the morning
Work? In the morning? On a weekday?! Holy shit dude, you've had like, what? 3 Miller Lites?!! This is some pretty heavy shit, OP. I think you might get fired. You should like totally be worried about this whole situation. You're really interesting, btw, with your whole, "alcoholism" thing.

>> No.12781245

i hope you are happy with yourself being shithead to some rando on 4chan when i never wrong you

>> No.12781249

>tfw eminem

>> No.12781255

Honestly I feel like shit, but that's because I spent all day in bed with mug vodka and take and bake pizza, and actually do have to go to work tomorrow. Making a reddit tourist cry was actually the highlight of my night, but that's all on you.

>> No.12781257

Based inland northwest anon. Haven't had a drink in two and a half weeks, nearly gave in tonight but got kombucha instead. Damn I miss beer.

>> No.12781258

>actually trying to one up him
This time I physically recoiled.

>> No.12781263

for the record im not crying it sounds like im crying because im jerking my dick thinking of you babe

>> No.12781265

ooo edgy

>> No.12781273

Jump off a bridge

>> No.12781281

Get the fuck out of here zoomer this isn’t some twitch stream support group

>> No.12781283

lol imagine being this much of a seething faggot who gets mad at the internet over nothing

>> No.12781290

this is not all you can insult thread either fuck you

>> No.12781300

As much as I am enjoying this beer, I applaud you for not drinking.

>> No.12781302

ooo edgy

>> No.12781315

I’m sorry your dad abandoned you, but whatever circle jerk you were hoping to accomplish has failed, please go back to rėddit

>> No.12781326

> projecting this much
reported for faggotposting. sorry sweetie this is a non-homo board

>> No.12781328

>it's time to stop
...and lick the furniture

>> No.12781330

y’all ruined my night. welp good night tho y’all were dick to me

>> No.12781332


>> No.12781334

Thanks anon. I was having 8+ drinks practically every day for about 5 years, definitely needed a break. Was easier to stop than I thought it would be once I committed, but I still crave beer like a motherfucker. Not just for the booze but the whole sensory experience and ritual of it all.

>> No.12781350

steel reserve and everclear. going to prison soon.

>> No.12781358

haha cya

>> No.12781359

dont drop the soap in the shower bro
...just kidding :). how long are you going for?

>> No.12781372
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4x Okocim Jasne. It's way worse than it used to be, but it's on sale now and it's worth that 10.76 slavaridos for 4-pack for sure (~3$)

>> No.12781382

meant for u hun >>12781359
fuck hiromoot ive been solving these capchas for 5 mins. when will it end.....

>> No.12781384

fuck >>12781382

>> No.12781385
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Canada House and Vernors
Easy and cheap drunk.

>> No.12781387

nice are you a ruski ?

>> No.12781397

>getting drunk on Miller Lite
It's 4% ABV
I would need to drink a gallon to get normal drunk

>> No.12781400

al/ck/ belongs on /r9k/
buncha pathetic losers

>> No.12781403

Have fun throwing up. Michigan?

>> No.12781404
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>tfw haven’t had a drink in 3 weeks
Ah yes, being sober is truly a great feeling.

>> No.12781407

Being slightly drunk while cooking is honestly the best part about drinking

>> No.12781410

al/ck/ posters are insufferable depressive faggots that belong in /r9k/ with all the other snivelling losers

>> No.12781414
File: 44 KB, 525x700, KodiakRidge_Beauty_2Cans_RT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course. Chasing with some of these.

>> No.12781418

Feeling that exact feel right now. We're gonna make it bro.

>> No.12781427

just one beer for old time sake anon?
* tsklick shhh *
hand u your beer

>> No.12781434

Looks like miller lite

>> No.12781437

I haven't had one in months. I'm poor.

>> No.12781494

in a whiskey tumbler, one shot scotch, then fill the glass 50/50 with espresso and either milk or cream
espresso can be hot or chilled, during the summer I like it nice and cold
sugar optional, not recommended unless you don't like scotch
dunno if it's got a name or what but it's my go-to drink for nights when I stay up in order to reset my sleep schedule
happens more frequently than I'd like
this is the fourth time this month

>> No.12781515

polski actually (ruskies write in their moonrunes)

>> No.12781521
File: 50 KB, 429x600, 10881703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy a nice sipping beer. This is my latest favorite.The best way to describe it would be like a Blue Moon with a honey/vanilla aftertaste. It's perfect for chilling out after a hot summer day.

>> No.12781533

Bought some Franziskaner Weissbeir because it looked good. Tasted great.

>> No.12781552
