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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12779639 No.12779639 [Reply] [Original]

List dishes your mother would make you as a child, especially if it took her less than an hour to make.

>> No.12779652
File: 182 KB, 900x1199, 1550872328014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken Breasts. Place 6 Chicken Breasts on a baking sheet in the oven at 450 degrees (Fahrenheit) for like 45 mins to an hour. Season with salt and pepper.

To this day I've never had chicken breasts or thighs that I've genuinely liked, unless they were the deep fried kind from Smiths or something. Feelsbadman.

>> No.12779666

undercooked fish sticks and burned french fries
burnt frozen pizzas
burnt bagel bites

>> No.12779669
File: 64 KB, 555x416, picfFLKPJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravy tacos:
Brown beef, mushrooms, and onion in a pan add mushroom gravy(can or packet).

Fry corn tortillas(pic related)

top tacos with pepperjack cheese

>> No.12779676
File: 108 KB, 600x416, blueberry muffins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandma would make a few dozen blueberry muffins once a month or so.
She did a ton of baking.

>> No.12779680

Shit, meant 400 degrees. We used to cook at like 350-375 in my super early childhood, but we eventually swapped to 400 for most everything.

That honestly doesn't sound half bad, Anon. I'm not crazy over mushrooms, but it sounds palatable.

>> No.12779687

mushrooms are not part of the original recipe. I just add them because I can afford them

>> No.12779689

Damn satans mom wtf

>> No.12779694

White rice
Boiled chicken
Frozen veg
Ta. Da.

>> No.12779704

My mom would make the best beef barley soup every winter. There would be enough to last most of the week. To this day I haven't had a better soup than my mom's beef barley soup.

I love you mom :)

>> No.12779711
File: 230 KB, 736x1104, one-pot-beef-stew-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom used to make this wonderfully thick beef stew with potatoes, carrots, onion, etc. Just your average American beef stew served over a bed of steamed rice. Maybe a little country bread with whipped butter spread over it. A tall glass of sweet tea (or a nice light lager nowadays ). Watching jeopardy with the senpai talking about my day at school or scouts. Eating quickly so I could go bust out the family PC or play some LOTR games on the ps2 with my older brothers.
Damn I'm in nostalgic heaven rn take me back to the early 2000s please :(

>> No.12779712
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chili dogs. with shitty canned chili, the one that comes in the little can, and the cheapest hot dogs and buns you can get, with a little yellow heines mustard and some minced white onion. with kraft mac and cheese.

mfw i ask whats for dinner and she says chili dogs

>> No.12779715

Chicken/beef stew
>onions, carrots, celery
>tomato sauce
The beef would always be super dry and tough because she used lean beef and never cooked it long enough. I guess she didn't know that chuck existed, or that it took at least 4 hours to stew beef. The stewed chicken drumsticks were always much better.

>> No.12779730


-Call me from work and tell me to make dinner
-Me throwing randomly seasoned and vegetables in to oven
-Waiting 45 minutes
-Take out of oven and put in bowl
-Place in fridge

She really is the best cook.

>> No.12779732
File: 561 KB, 1280x1280, Slow-Cooker-Teriyaki-Chicken-Wings-Paleo-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I just remembered my mom used to put like a giant package of chicken wings in the crock pot along with like a bottle of that Jewish brand teriyaki sauce (the really thick one with sesame seeds in it). Along with I think soy sauce and maybe some rice wine vinegar and she'd cook that shit on low for like ten hours. Served on a bed of rice the meat would literally melt right off the bone. I'll have to ask her for her recipe sometime.

>pic totally related

>> No.12779747

>Shredded mozzarella cheese
>Italian dressing
>Tri-colored pasta

It's surprisingly good.

>> No.12779965

>tall glass of sweet tea
enjoy diabeetus
also, just add corn starch to the hot broth at the end of cooking to thicken the stew

>> No.12779985

Boiled beef mince

Add beef mince to salted water. Simmer for 20 minutes and then serve with boiled mixed veggies.

>> No.12780066

Easy there, baller.

>> No.12780150

When I was younger my mom would a bag of Brussels sprouts on a pan, butter the fuck out of them, sprinkle bacon bits and honey all over it and let it cook with the lid on. Good shit 10/10. Takes like 8 or so minutes.

>> No.12780159

1 helping of getting hit with a power extension cord
2 meals of the day not allowed to eat and just have to watch my family eat
Add at least 18 years of loneliness
Wa La

Fuck my mom and everyone else who laughed at me as i starved even though there was food. Its why im a chef now.
So thanks mom for being a bitch.

>> No.12780932

She would make us a cabbage boil. Equal parts ground beef, cabbage, and potatoes boiled for an hour or two. It's not the most flavorful dish, but it gives me good feels.

>> No.12780965

My mom would make a slow cooked roast with a side of homemade mashed potatoes and gravy like once a week every week for my entire childhood, we're not even bongs, full American

It's the one thing she used to cook that I get nostalgic for

I can't think of any "less than an hour" things though, either she'd cook a full proper meal or I'd heat up a frozen dinner myself

>> No.12780978

That sounds like the basis of a good idea

>> No.12781027

Grew up mormon. Casseroles were big in the community. My mom made this regularly.
3lbsCooked ground beef (prob 80/20 and undrained, god damnit think of all the cholesterol) seasoned with salt, pepper, paprika and onion powder
Big ass bag of frozen tots thrown in
Several cans of cream of mushroom soup.
Prob 5lbs of shredded cheese on top.
Combine all this in a dish haphazardly, cook on 380 for a long time and finish with browning it on broil.

>> No.12781036

Forgot she would also put canned green beans in for awhile if she had them

>> No.12781050

My Dad cooked Lord help us on mom's microwave teriyaki chicken breast night. But my favorite casserole of my Dad's was Taco casserole made with left over stale tortilla chips, seasoned ground beef, kidney beans, sliced olives, fresh salsa and lots of cheese on top. Fucking A that slop o shit was good and was great leftovers.

>> No.12781051

Fuck off faggot

>> No.12781059

As a spic i would like to know who and why do they put olives on mexican food? My family doesnt even know what an olive is outside of catholic mass.

>> No.12781080

>especially if it took her less than an hour to make
Is this an undercover "my mother sucks at cooking" thread? Reading through a handful of these makes it seem that way. Jesus, I'm sorry, bros.

>> No.12781081

Thats what we've been telling people for decades. Glad it's picking up steam.

>> No.12781093

Ive been fighting the good fight. Fuck desu desu desu desu desu desu desu newfag. And fuck you yes im drunk and old.

>> No.12781107

I dunno but they're really good. My dad's full Portuguese tho. Huwite people also put them on top of like 7 layer bean dips and eat it with tortilla chips. We don't think of it as Mexican food just inspired by the seasonings and ingredients of a taco. Sometimes I like to top taco casserole with crema.

>> No.12781127


You dont want to eat anything my mother cooked.

This is why I am a good cook. I was making my own food all my life. I remember making fried egg sandwich as a young child in the toaster oven.

>> No.12781128

Fuck off sand nigger.
Odio a los putos musulmanes asquerosos y pendejos.

>> No.12781234
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Once a week she would always make pizza.
I really liked her beef stew, and chicken pot pie.
I did not like her curry, much too mild for my taste.
But her most popular dish was cookies. She passed away, but I'm happy to have passed on her recipe to the students I teach.

>> No.12781420

Still better than a spic beaner.

>> No.12781438

Both my parents are Jamaican so a lot of the food I had growing up wasn’t conventional. My mom would make great oxtail stew over rice and beans. Curry chicken, curry goat, and a ackee and saltfish with flour dumpling breakfast blows egg based shit out the water hands down.

My dad also made chicken foot soup every time we’d have to shovel the snow in winter. Pretty cash and I don’t think I’ve ever had a better after-work meal than that salty pot of brown water with chicken feet in it.

>> No.12781456

I’m sure your mother’s proud of you for sharing that recipe of hers. Would like to have it please

>> No.12781463

Make your standard sloppy joe, or manwich whatever, then bake it between two sheets of crescent rolls. Add cheese if you wish, garnish with sesame seeds

>> No.12781512

I like it anon, sounds comfy.
I still watch jeopardy with my parents when I visit them. Used to do watch it every day with them growing up.

>> No.12781522

>talking shit about tater tot casserole
fuck off faggot if it's too unhealthy don't eat it pussy

>> No.12781524
File: 169 KB, 600x400, 43348 - artist-weirdosheep corruptions diddy_kong gross meat monkey mutton streamer-vinny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moms homemade biscuits and gravy with bacon
god it was so good

>> No.12781529

My sister makes a taco version of this just replace the tots with doritos and add taco seasoning and salsa to the mix and black olives and cheese

>> No.12781538

My mom was not a good cook.
One time I went to get indian food with my friends and when I told her she tried to make """"curry"""" which was more like an unholy lasagna:
Bed of rice
Yellow Mustard (???)
Leaf spinach
Mccormick curry powder (WAY too much)
More mustard
Chedder cheese
Baked in a casserole dish for almost an hour.
It was vile and probably the only time I've almost vomited after eating something my mom had made. I just said I wasn't hungry and let my parents eat it. My dad with his fried boomer taste buds thought it was pretty good.
I love my mom but her cooking skills are iffy.

>> No.12781557

Sausage Balls

>1lb hot pork sausage
>2 cups Bisquick
>1lb of sharp cheddar cheese, grated off the block
>1 tablespoon red pepper flakes
>1 tablespoon parsley

Mix it all up in a bowl by hand until a stiff dough forms. Roll into 1/4 inch balls and bake on sheets lined with parchment paper at 350 for 20-25 minutes, until golden brown and crisp on the outside.

>> No.12781710

yeah it's literally called: 'Soy Vey'
which is fucking hilarious and very memeable

>> No.12781727

Potatoes, vegetables and cheap meat, no seasonings whatsoever. Everything always tasted the same, like nothing. I am now a skinnyfag who is never hungry and doesn't like eating.

>> No.12781735

my mom loves to cook and bake but she has zero patiance for doing shit proper. everything she makes becomes bland

>> No.12782294

Tell me more about how you grew up? What did you eat then?

>> No.12782331
File: 72 KB, 736x505, goolash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but it was pretty standard in every household in the 60's

I still make ti today

>> No.12782339


That is not goulash. That's pasta.

>> No.12782356

Shut up yuroslime

>> No.12782360


Tomatoes aren't an ingredient in goulash. Why can't you afford piment?

>> No.12782370



Thin slices potatoes with ground beef, onions and stewed tomatoes cooked with spices im assuming include cumin. Ate with flour tortillas.

"Greasy Tacos"

Lightly fried corn tortillas with ground beef. Served with raw diced onions and lemon juice.

>> No.12782375

Non salted chicken breast 2 ways, raw in the middle or completely 100% over cooked and desert dry.

Served with boiled to death green beans and practically raw potato.


>> No.12782396

Imagine being flyover.

>> No.12782417


My mother didn't cook. She was always busy making more money than my dad.

>> No.12782423

>No yuropoor has EVER made goulash with tomato or noodles/pasta
Can't wait until GEOTUS nukes your shithole into a smoking crater. Feel free to kill yourself any time while we wait.

>> No.12782434


My favorite things are dwenjang jiggae, kimchi jjigae, selleongtang, and the fuckton of kimchi varieties.

She spent a lot of time doing meal prep every week so she could churn out these dishes quickly. Without it it definitely takes much longer.

>> No.12782593

Sheperds pie
Leggo my Eggos

>> No.12782894

My parents and grandparents are all useless at cooking and baking. They have no recipes that i feel any kind of nostalgia for. I only got into cooking from watching the food network as a kid. I want my children and grandchildren to love my cooking and to enjoy cooking for themselves as well.

>> No.12782897

I’m sorry british fren

>> No.12782910

Sunday breakfast with eggs, sausage or bacon, biscuits, homemade fruit preserves, and stewed cinnamon apples. (dad made the eggs and sausage)
Oatmeal with butter and brown sugar.
Blueberry muffins.
Spaghetti and meatballs.
Oven-fried chicken & green beans.
Pork chops & sauerkraut.
Pot roast with mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, and carrots.
Salmon croquettes (still sick of salmon croquettes to this day)

Dad's end of the cooking:
Pork chops
Lemon-pepper chicken.
Beef-vegetable soup.

Maybe once per week we would eat in a restaurant and get pizza, or barbecue, or cajun-creole food, or southern or Italian food.

>> No.12783045

"""Chinese""" chicken salad
Cooked (usually leftover grilled) chicken- cubed
Minced raw cabbage
minced raw carrot
minced green onion
raw bricks of ramen crushed up
throw that in a sauce of soy sauce, lemon, sesame oil, salt, pepper, garlic, and ginger paste
Let rest for half a day in the fridge

It's trashy as fuck but pretty tasty and refreshing, especially if it's too hot to cook and you're sick of other salads for dinner.

>> No.12783051

sounds good, I'm jelly of your Mormon family.

>> No.12783058

that's noodle mess and where's the fucking mozzarella?

>> No.12783080

>once per week we would eat in a restaurant and get pizza
Is this a lot or am I just a poorfag?

>> No.12783089

your goy emperor can't even build a wall, you'll be waiting quite a while

>> No.12783136
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My mom was an abusive person and awful cook but I still get nostalgic for the only dish she could make, I'm not even sure what it was bros. It was some kind of crepes with this cottage cheesy substance inside. Probably 15 servings in a casserole dish. It was honest to god the best texture ever and I wish I could recreate it.

Served with sides of sour cream, jam, or peanut butter.

My family's cooking is almost entirely German so I have no idea where this came from.

>> No.12783329

sounds like blini

>> No.12783502

That's the stuff. Grandma used to make it all the time, I just add a small dot of insanity sauce and top it with cheese.

>> No.12783525

>It was some kind of crepes with this cottage cheesy substance
>sounds like blini
Blintzes. Blini are the little baby crepes created for caviar appetizers or the crepes themselves. Blintzes are the rolled and stuffed with dairy (blitzed cottage cheese or even a farmer's cheese or ricotta fresh cheese like that). Jewish, russian, german, they all made it, esp with local regional freezer jams and sour cream.

My mom was 3rd or 4th generation German. Her lazy dinner was to set up the electric skillet, brown some bone-in pork chops with onions, and dump in a wet brine packed bag of sauerkraut and put the lid on it for hours on low like it was a crock pot. The rendered fat and juice from the bones simmered with that kraut, and was golden delicious with the succulence of gelatin. I do not remember if it had caraway or even apple, so probably not. Unironically, one of my favorite things as a child. It was served with rye, butter, and probably some salad or mashed potato. This was the saturday kind of cleaning day ignored thing in the kitchen. Occasionally, she would prep it to order faster, or would use boneless chops and they were just not as fall apart tender when it was rushed.

>> No.12783538

>think of all the cholesterol
I hope you do, you couldn't think without it.

>> No.12783549

I'm not that poster, but we were poor, and we ate out once a week.
That was probably part of the reason we were poor. Mom and dad were damn lazy.

>> No.12783578

Standard Amerigoulash, but instead of tomato sauce or a can of condensed tomato soup, use a can of baked beans.

If you're interested, top with cheese in 9x3 and bake for a bit at 350.

>> No.12783592

buckwheat with milk

>> No.12783600

Growing up in the midwest my dad would make something very similar to your mom's pork chop dish but he would use pork spareribs instead of pork chops. It was a very comfy dish. He was of german ancestry.

>> No.12784571

Thank you lads, I'm gonna try and make it. Will post thread with results

>> No.12784578


Use farmer's cheese as opposed to cottage cheese. It's very good.

>> No.12784589

The plan is to make two batches, one more traditional in which I'll use farmers cheese like you recommend and crepe batter. And another with what I'm assuming my mother used which is pancake batter and cheap cottage cheese.

>> No.12784678

Venison and onions cooked at a low temp and then mixed with flour into a gravy.
She thought that steak with peppers and onions were all cooked together, so boiled steak or hamburgers with underdone veggies.
Hamburger Helper
Spaghetti with raw garlic butter and pepper.
Dry Chicken breasts

I ended up doing the cooking in my household.

>> No.12784712

Bacon, garlic, broccoli, rigatoni noodles with mozzarella cheese all in one pan
She called it "country pasta" and is absolutely god tier. I make it every once in awhile

>> No.12784722

>tater tot casserole
my dad used to make this
would add canned green beans to it and to this day, I still cringe when someone talks about how good tatertot casserole is

>> No.12785036

Sounds good post recipe please

>> No.12785067

Don't be a wiener.

>> No.12785100

Snow in Jamaica? Were you on the bobsled team as well?

>> No.12785669

My Mom abandoned my at birth, but my uncle adopted me and raised me. He was a pretty good cook. I always like his cooking. Was usually cheap because we was poor, but he also hunted and kept a large garden along with chickens for meat and eggs, pigs for meat, rabbits for meat, and goats for milk.

Breakfest meals:
>Biscuits and gravy/biscuit bread and gravy
>Fried baloney and eggs with grape jelly
>Fried baloney in gravy
>Bacon, just a metric fuck ton of bacon
>Sausage patties, served similar to the bacon
>Baked potatoes for some reason, usually with bacon
>Tater cakes. Like hashbrowns, but greasier and with onions
>Fried baloney sandwiches
>Fried ham sandwiches
>Grilled cheese
>Home made french fries, some times fried some times baked
>Hot dogs and left over chili, some times boiled, some times baked coated in bbq sauce
>Mac and cheese (home made, not box)
>Milk and left over corn bread
>More sausage or bacon
>Reheated left overs
>Beaf stu
>Chicken and dumplings
>Corndogs (home made)
>Fried Squirrel
>Fried chicken
>Fried dear
>Fried rabbit
>Fried ribs
>Giant pot of corn on the cob
>Large pan of roast vegetables wit random seasonings
>"leather britches", green beans that have been dried out to preserve them, cooked similar to the soup beans
>Meat and potatoes
>Pizza (home made)
>Poke sallat
>Pork chops
>Pork roast
>Pulled pork
>Rabbit stu
>Salmon cakes
>Soup beans with salt bacon
>Squirrel and gravy
>Vegetable soup
Sides for supper:
>Baked potatoes
>Corn bread
>Corn either cream, whole kernel in butter, some mix of cream style and whole kernel, or on the cob
>Fried potatoes
>Green beans
>Mashed taters
>Soup beans
>Tater cakes
>Blue berry dumplings
>Black berry dumplings
>Peach cobbler
>Apple butter cake
>Popcorn balls
>"Chocolate gravy", like a hot pudding
>Peanut butter candy
>Potato candy

Everything was fried in either lard or bacon grease

>> No.12786067

Overcooked, everything.
Instant noodles.
We weren't wealthy

>> No.12786193

>Non salted chicken breast
>completely 100% over cooked and desert dry

My mom would do this, but she'd slather them in orange marmalade first. Her favorite sides were overcooked asparagus and mashed turnip with no seasoning.

>> No.12786231

no offense but you guys have/had really shitty lazy neglectful moms...damn

>> No.12786235

ur uncle is based af

>> No.12786250

That's some southern country cooking right there. "Leather britches" confirmed it as that's a strictly southern deal.

>> No.12786557

>website full of schizos and rejects didn't have the best upbringing

Makes you think.

>> No.12786577

My mom would make Chili dogs with thick nathans dogs and go and get a thing of Skyline Chili to put over it. Shit was delicious.

>> No.12786585

Based uncle, damn.

>> No.12786586

I worked with a Jamaican guy. He would bring in curry goat and shit like that all the time. Tasted so fucking good. Once he invited me to a Jamaican party and there was so much good fucking food and beer. Jamaicans for sure know how to live and really, really hate gays.

>> No.12786589
File: 10 KB, 360x360, base and red-pilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jamaicans for sure know how to live and really, really hate gays.
Amazing. If I wasn't polish I'd want to be Jamaican.

>> No.12786605

He told me that the slang for gay people in Jamaica became "fish" so most people called actual fish "swim-in-the-water."

>> No.12786652

mom was a great cook, dad was too. they used to work together in the kitchen all the way down to cleaning up. we had a lot of dinner parties when I was a kid, mom and dad would always make way too much food so there was always lots of leftovers to gorge on.
>spaghetti bolognese
>beef and mushroom casserole
>corn fritters
>full english breakfast
>corned beef with wholegrain mustard white sauce
>bacon bone soup
>boiled eggs with soldiers
>egg/curried egg sandwiches
>apple pie, homemade pastry
>grilled lamb chops
>sticky date pudding
>meatloaf and gravy
>roast dinner with crispy potatoes and homemade gravy
>schnitzel, mash and gravy
once a week we would get takeaway or eat out