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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12773656 No.12773656 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to /tea/. This is a thread for general discussion about tea, tisanes, and mate.

What are you drinking today?

Kakigori, sencha, and matcha

>> No.12773717
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>> No.12773722
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"Tea and a good book" is a classic combination. What have you read/are reading recently
I am reading Krik? Krak! It's short stories about Haitian women in Haiti and the US. pretty good

>> No.12773856

Is medicinal tea a meme? Does it do anything? Talking about tea against throat pain for example.

>> No.12773876

Not necessarily. Real medicine is better, but teas afte great to use with medicine or to relieve minor ailments. Throat tea helps and I keep good ginger tea around when my stomach feels shitty.

The meme is when people think tea can cure diseases or can always be used in lu of medicine.

>> No.12773877

honey and ginger work for sore throats but i wouldn't trust any other claims about a tea

>> No.12773890

>What are you drinking today?
For tea. I have
>Green tea
>Thai tea
>Chinese medicinal diarrhea tea
The Chinese really know how to give you the shits. They really do excell at it.

>> No.12773899

>honey, and ginger
I like to add lemon juice to this, and sometimes green tea. Works for me.

>> No.12774037

Made bulk black tea with the last 7 tsp of harney and sons Paris black tea I had.

Two batches so 16 cups in total. 3 cups of sugar to 8 cups of tea cause I like my sweet tea diabetic. Gonna order More tea soon. Been drinking nothing but black for awhile

>> No.12774051

>i wouldn't trust any other claims about a tea
Antioxidant counts are pretty objective

>> No.12774053

>some fag actually goes through all this bullshit just to make faggy tea

>> No.12774118
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Sencha and matcha senbei

>> No.12774122
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>> No.12774125
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>> No.12774163

Puerh. It stokes the burning ember of violent berserker lesbianism that dwells in my heart. The perfect sip to accompany beating the soles of my wife's stompers when I get home from work at the abortion clinic and she doesn't a have a hot, ethically sourced vegan meal waiting on our reclaimed barn door dining room table.

>> No.12774185


>> No.12774187

i used to love drinking tea, but then i tried whole leaf tea, and now any tea i taste is bitter, do i just kill myself?

>> No.12774236

just drink whole leaf, problem solved

>> No.12774243

How many forced meme do you own? I own like ten.

>> No.12774381

Have you never had throat coat tea?

>> No.12774478

thats the same as honey and ginger just different plants, flat coke will do the same. not the same as medicinal claims like anti-inflammatory or strengthen the immune system

>> No.12774484

Oh fuck I had to read Farming of Bones for a history class. sparknotes'ed the whole thing. Found out she completely made up stuff about Haitian-Dominican relations for her book too.

>> No.12774496

I have only had black tea and green tea and liked both. What kind of tea should I try next there are too many options at the store.

>> No.12774663

Oolong. They have flavors closer to black or green tea depending on the type.

>> No.12774760

You start with what you know.
Try different kinds of black, compare Assam and Ceylon for example.
A blend of these two makes up most commercial tea bags.

>> No.12775615


>> No.12775651
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Ending the night with a nice charcoal roasted oolong.

>> No.12776381

Why so little liquid? Is that the rinse?

>> No.12776544


>> No.12777302

how was puerh received on /tea/? I'm considering gifting them since they are exotic but I myself dislike their taste

>> No.12777721

Tea is just gay coffee, get the fuck off my board and back to >>>/lgbt/

>> No.12777776
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I'm drinking my mate at my desk, like everyday of my life. Also pic related looks comfy AF

>> No.12777801

god I wish that was me
Also, so close to a glory-get....

>> No.12777825

so , currently drinking bai hao yinzhen white tea and gaba oolong, im enjoying my new gaiwan , whats you guys favorite Oolong?

>> No.12777829

i dont think hes gay.

>> No.12777951

普洱茶。 它激起了我内心深处狂暴的狂战士女同性恋的燃烧余烬。 当我在堕胎诊所下班回家时,伴随着打败我妻子的脚趾的完美啜饮,她没有在我们的回收谷仓门餐桌上等待一份热情的,道德来源的素食餐。

>> No.12778000


>the moment you realize that that after 4 years of learning chinese , all you get from that is that his wive has perfect feet

i dont like pu erh myself, sometimes ill have small amounts when i host some friends from yunnan

>> No.12778242

Bong here, I want to try British tea without the tea bags. Do supermarkets sell normal tea in a loose form or is it just fruity stuff?

>> No.12778254

Check out the Indian stores.

>> No.12778259


>> No.12778357

the only reason india has tea is because we forced them to grow it instead of paying the chinks.
vahdam.com try Darjeeling or earl grey, they also sell selection packs of 10g with a variety of styles. good luck finding good loose tea in a shop

>> No.12778368

Vahdam is great, can confirm

>> No.12778390

Alright I'll check them out.

>> No.12778429

Is the traditional brittish blend some mix of assam ceylon and formosa or is it usually just assam? I want the peak the sun never sets on the brittish empire experience.

>> No.12778432

begone, Johnny Foreigner.

>> No.12778466

If I was one of the queens subjects I would not need to ask.

>> No.12778484

>Do supermarkets sell normal tea in a loose form
You ought to be able to get tins of Twinnings or bags of PG Tips leaf for proper British cuppa

>> No.12778533
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My local supermarket had loose leaf Lipton tea for a while. It was surprisingly better than the tea bags. I used it to make kombucha. A good option if you want to make authentic southern diabetes tea I guess.

>> No.12779412

TGY. Basic but unbeatable

>> No.12779990

You like your tgy charcoal roasted or more on the green side?

>> No.12780013

What are /tea/'s thoughts on Dong Ding Oolong? Its my first taiwanese tea, and its a really mellow, light oolong.

>> No.12780167
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>> No.12780320

Quangzhou Milk Oolong

>> No.12780349
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is twinnings good?

>> No.12780478

Why the hell does that actually go back to Wikipedia on google image search?

>> No.12781046

Today I had a nice unsmoked lapsang souchong. I'm my next day off, I have a top-shelf puerh waiting for an all-day session

>> No.12781064

I get bad migranes so i have combined feverfew tea with ginger tea and add a little homade orange marmalade.

>> No.12781108

What puerh you drinking? I wish I could make a session last all day. I usually brew out my morning puerh in an hour or two.

>> No.12781140
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This one I picked up from Mei Leaf


I only got a 5g sampler pack of it, so I was saving it for a special day. By all day, I mean I'll start around 12 and keep brewing until probably 5 or 6 while I play a new game I've been waiting for

>> No.12781342 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.12781651

>stop liking what I don't like!

>> No.12782280

So I’m a black tea drinker wanting to branch out. I just have a strainer, tea cup I usually brew in taking about 3 tps of loose leaf, and a pot that needs 8 tsp at least to brew properly that I use when I am running out of a tea.

Any recommendations for tea and accessories/ cups and such ? I like pretty much every flavor of tea black, green or white that’s I’ve found and my NEET bucks came in a bit ago

>> No.12783041

Hi tea,

I drink a lot of black tea with soy milk and honey, but I just use any black tea on hand. Can any anons recommend the best black tea for this combo? I'll start buying it

>> No.12783050

Dont worry anon, I'm with you. This kind of shit is akin to a 25 year old wearing a fedora

>> No.12783428

Any bagged black tea will be about the same for that purpose

>> No.12783436

Mi lan dan cong. Love that smoked peachy flavor

>> No.12783476

look for assam, its stronger than darjeeling and has a more malty taste.

>> No.12783489

A ripe with bulang material, should be good. Let us know how it tasted.

>> No.12783524

Black people drink tea?

>> No.12783539
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Try new kinds of black, try some chinese wuyi oolongs. Check out the ingenuiTEA 2 tea brewer it is super easy for both western style brewing and gongfu. A cheap digital scale and and electric kettle are also quite useful.
If you are feeling brave get one of these 3 crane liubao tea cakes. It is a fermented tea with a pleasant smooth flavor of betel nut. It is just a smooth and cozy tea and one of my absolute favorites. Just break a bit off and toss it it a mug, refill with boiling water when you get halfway through each cup.

>> No.12783546

Buy some CTC (crush tear curl) assam. The perfect strong tea for milk.

>> No.12783792

just ordered some, Big Red Robe is one of my favorite types so i excited to see how it compares

>> No.12783891

PG tips, milk and 3 sugars.

>> No.12783894

Awesome anon! I really hope you enjoy it. I usually brew 2.5 to 4 grams per mug. You can get several infusions if you brew western style or just leave it in the mug like I do. Don't worry about brewing the dust and fine bits, it will not get bitter. The fermentation smell can be a tiny bit weird but just ignore it, you never taste it in the brew.

>> No.12783948
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Daily reminder that green teas is unhealthy garbage and probably the reason why nips get so much stomach cancer.

>> No.12784128
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Time to chip some more tea off the brick.

>> No.12784630

This, get a strong black tea like CTC assam, the milk and honey might not entirely overpower the tea

>> No.12785320

>Daily reminder that green teas is unhealthy garbage
Not at all
>and probably the reason why nips get so much stomach cancer.
High sodium diet, and certain types of fermented vegetables they commonly eat form carcinogens

>> No.12785359

I missed you, /tea/
I've been working my way down the 30 fullchea tea samples and having fun, today I had a ripe puer and actually liked it, a first for puer.

>> No.12785396

What it taste like

>> No.12785444

Ripe puer is tough because a lot of it is absolute garbage and smells/tastes like rotting fish at the dock. They usually make ripe with the stuff that is too nasty to make raw with (kind of like flavored whiskey). You should really only buy it from the big tea factorys like Dayi Taetea and xiaguan or the small productions by western facing vendors like yunnan sourcing and white2tea. When it's good it's fantastic, if anyone wants to try it i would recommend getting any 2016 year dayi cake from kingteamall. Watch out on eBay 60% of the dayi tea is fake.

>> No.12785473

The good stuff is chocolate malt leather forest floor dried fruit, maybe some bitterness, all sort of dark notes, the chinks love to say jujube aroma, viscous and smooth.
The bad stuff is fishy low tide maybe with some wood and mulch thrown in, muddy.

>> No.12785522

I'd drink both

>> No.12785552

Almost exclusively woody with a bit of fruitiness, I've had nothing but the rotten fish experience so far and that's what I was expecting, because these were cheap samples.

>> No.12785560

Lots of poor ripes are more palatable after two or three years to mellow.

>> No.12785774

Honestly even the good ripes have some of that fishy essence. Sometimes you clan deal with it by doing a few rinses. But I kind of enjoy it now. Like >>12785560 said they usually get better after a year or three, a lot of the big factorys age their ripe for a year or two before pressing.

>> No.12785929

>start drinking tea to stop drinking coffee due to high blood pressure and anxiety
>end up drinking several teapots of chifir a day
I need to move on to green tea, it relaxes and calms me down, but strong coffee and strong black tea are just so cozy, I don't know how to live without them.

>> No.12786057

You could try dark oolongs.

>> No.12786096

Can I brew any tea in my cup or do I need fancy Gaiwans and stuff

>> No.12786110

As an American that never really liked Coffee and doesn't like Sweet tea, I never really stepped into the world of tea. Isn't it just bitter leaf water? I don't see why people enjoy it. At least coffee has some strong tastes behind the bitterness and also has a secondary purpose of caffeine to get you through the day. I just don't see the point in drinking something that tastes like gross dirt unless you are some type of health nut.

Is there tasty tea out there or am I right in the assumption that it's all just bitter like Coffee?

>> No.12786123

You've been over brewing it, if you brew it too long it turns bitters. just drinking black teas I've had a variety of very distinct flavors, From soothing Dessert teas to hardy kick you in the mouth breakfast teas . then there are greens which are even mellower more vegetably in my experiences. Then there are herbals which have no caffine at all and can't really be bitter

if your tea is bitter, you're fucking up the brewing time. the most you should brew a black tea is 5 minutes and the most you should brew at all is herbals which their cut off is 8 minutes. everything else shouldn't go more than 2 minutes and some only brew for a few seconds. You brew too long, the cup is fucked.

Hell russian prisoners would brew tea all day so they could get fucked up off it like it was booze. Don't overbrew tea, doesn't matter what the mix is, how good the leaves are, if its flavored or all natural, brewing a tea too long will ruin it and stomp all the wonderful flavors in the cup

>> No.12786124

Good tea is tasty and has way more variety than coffee, fitting all sorts of moods and seasons. Also where coffee just has caffeine, tea has caffeine and theanine, which has a calming effect.

Tea also shouldn't be bitter. Bitter tea is either brewed wrong or brewed from tea bags.

>> No.12786128

Also all tea has caffeine in it, unless it is a tissane/ herbal. Green tea has less than black, and I've had blacks that give me more boost than coffee (Orange pekoe and a scottish breakfast tea, very strong stuff)

>> No.12786131

I know tea has caffeine in it, but I just mentioned that specifically because coffee has so much of it.

>> No.12786161

Don't judge based on tea bags. Tea bags are just the dust they scrape off the floor of the sorting room. Get some genuine tea, online if necessary. Search for longjing, bai mu dan, or tie guan yin, and look up how to brew it "gong fu" style.

>> No.12786168

Puerh. A true classic

>> No.12786183

maybe when i have some money then! Thanks c:

>> No.12786198

not him, but if you want a variety of teas, Harney and sons is a good place to check, has plenty of black teas and also includes a free free sampler of quality leaves in bags with your orders

https://www.harney.com/ its also pretty cheap compared to other shops.

or if you wanna go explore more slighty more expensive options

https://pastebin.com/4ZEuMwBJ here's a paste pin, be aware some varieties of teas can cost an arm and a leg.

Like fuck me who is gonna spend 70 bucks for 2 ounces of green leaves? Not me

>> No.12786710

currently owning:
>generic chinese green tea
>angkhang thai oolong
>earl grey blue
>ceylon ruhuna
>dried chamomile
out of stock, planning to get:
>bai mu dan
>smoked oolong

>> No.12786718

As a long time coffee addict, when I bought black tea gathered and packed in Sri Lanka, I got spooked how much caffeine is in it. Tea also doesn't give you jitters no matter how much of it you drink.

>> No.12786763

I got 99 problems but my leaf to water ratio ain't one.

>> No.12786782

>70 bucks for 2 ounces of green
Fuck the Japanese, just mix some butter and fresh cut grass in lukewarm water.

>> No.12786800
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>Looking at oolong
>this one is 20% off
>Click on it to see what its about
>With a 20% discount its 96 bucks for 2 ounces
>Without the sale its 120 bucks

>> No.12786817

Yeah oolong is the worst for crazy prices. I've seen a few that were about $60 for 15 grams. The only thing that's more expensive is aged teas from the 80s and 90s.

>> No.12786891

fuckin slant eyed jews third bomb when

>> No.12786930

it also probably sells for $5 in China

>> No.12786963

In 2002 someone paid $28'000 for just 20g of da hong pao
No doubt a steal, since those original bushes stopped producing tea in 2005.

>> No.12787764
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How did it take me so long to realize how good cold brew tea is. I just tried cold brewing green tea and its so much better. its not even slightly bitter because cold water doesnt extract any tannins. and its healthier. i don't think ill ever drink hot tea again whats the point

>> No.12787968

>its not even slightly bitter
if brewed correctly it wouldn't be. green should be brewed at 70-80c

>> No.12788049


>> No.12788068

nothing to do with tradition, chinks didn't even have thermometers till the white man brought them

>> No.12788085

im not going to carefully monitor the temperature to stop bitterness when i could just throw a teabag in a jug of cold water, forget about it and get a perfect result every time

>> No.12788116

Is buying a matcha bamboo whisk worth it?

>> No.12788118

Literally necessary

>> No.12788167

>im not going to carefully monitor the temperature
kettles have temp settings now grandpa. also lose leaf is better quality and cheaper by the cup than bagged

>> No.12788174

Only if you're big into matcha ceremony
If you just want a cuppa, any small whisk will do.
One of those cheap little milk frothing wands would be perfect.

>> No.12788209

>and its healthier.
Most of the healthy compounds in tea are bitter. Those catechins that green tea is famous for are a bitter flavor. The healthiest cup of tea is a strong, bitter brew, although that's also the least pleasant.

>> No.12788260

>black tea is basically green tea that has become so oxidized that it turned black
>still has the same anti-oxidant power as green tea
How does it do it, bros?

>> No.12788322

>Caring about antioxidants when the real game is polyphenols, which are only found in fermented teas like ripe puer or liu bao.

>> No.12788469

Polyphenols are a huge category, and all tea has them

>> No.12788479

where can i buy black tea that isnt full of lead

>> No.12788584
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Hiro thinks the article link is spam, but there's a 2013 study on supermarket tea samples in the Journal of Toxicology you can look up

I gave it a quick glance and it looks like Sri Lanka and India have the lowest lead levels of the sampled black teas, and also avoid using fine china teaware which adds 0.4ug/L all on its own.
That said, even the worst Chinese black teas would be safe for about 14L/day assuming you aren't getting any other lead in your diet.

>> No.12788596
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>supermarket tea

>> No.12788656

Low-grade supermarket loose tea is a good example of worst case scenario, it's all uphill from there.

>> No.12789158
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Don't mind me, just posting best everyday tea.

>> No.12789216

>artificially flavored teas
Fuck off, yeah?

>> No.12789386

Tbh sometimes you need quick bag tea. So far I have found luckys market and Bigelow make a great cup. Bigelow in particular has decent green tea that I swear might be Japanese.

>> No.12789403

Anyone have a suggestion for a solid earl grey blend that can be ordered OL and shipped to US?

>> No.12789414
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My Cambodian roommate turned me on to Thai tea – he buys big bags of this shit, cooks it stovetop with water and a bunch of sugar, and mixes it with half-and-half. It's bright orange just like the shit you get in restaurants, and strongly caffeinated.

>> No.12789428
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But then one day I saw this "notice" on the back of the bag, and I've been scared to drink it ever since. Tell me bros, is the tea sapping my brain juice?

>> No.12789509

>tea with coloring added to it
What the fuck

>> No.12789540
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There's just no reason to be consuming adulterated large quantities of any food coloring, so yea, what you're doing is making instant tea like it's some fancy thing to do. It's not. It's instant tea. Lipton or some other store brand will be adequate with cream and sugar too. It's like 2% more work just to use loose tea though and strain it out. Remember in those asian countries, chances are that there is a little burner, or a single fire, and nothing else by way of kitchen, so for the masses, this is ease.

You know what makes delicious iced asian tea? For basic milk tea, scottish or irish breakfast ordinary tea and steeped in milk. Those canned evaporated or condensed milk is most traditional of all but I like fresh. Consider whole leaf Jasmine tea. Green tea with a can of lichees, syrup and all, almost a bubble tea tropical thing. Just buy a strainer and for "cheap" tea, can even buy the chinese tins of oolong or my favorite lychee tea. It's like $5 at wal mart or amazon or local asian shop for like 6 years of tea. Make it by the pitcher and waste it all you want.

>> No.12789639

Check out upton tea imports. They have a few earl greys. Good quality tea, grab some Finest Russian Caravan with your order.

>> No.12789771

Lol food dye causing adhd is some hippie superstition left over from the early 2000s. It is about on the level of people who think wifi gives them headaches. That being said that stuff is garbage and you should not drink it. You can get one of those giant stainless tea ball infusers for a couple dollars at an asian market and their giant tins of loose-leaf tea are dirt cheap as well.

>> No.12789784

dickfuck zoomed detected. food dye causing adhd is from the 80's and 90's you stupid underaged fucking dipshit

>> No.12789796

The point was it's some useless fud boomer meme like msg being bad for you.

>> No.12789830

I think his point is valid though, and some (liberals) got it mandatory labelled on foodstuffs in the 2000s, not the 80s. Probably this label law happened in California if the truth is known.

ADHD I think it linked to red and yellow dyes, both. I don't really care. I think I myself get M&Ms only once a year or less and have no focus issues. For people who do, bless them. Sucks that their parents sat them in front of TVs and screens as a babysitter. My parents read to me. We didn't have colored cereal or things with colors like koolaid in my house because it sucked. My mom picked limes out of the backyard and we got limeade. Coke if we were sick, only. I'm sure it's also the difference that my parents didn't do drugs, nor their parents before them. Good genes and nutrition.

>> No.12789876

As much as I would love to blame California that label about adhd is an EU requirement. Note that it references E110 which is the EU standard for labeling food additives.

>> No.12789882

suck on my gibblets you pompous prick, there is a big flavor difference between thai tea style tea and irish breakfast with milk. I'm not drinking it because it's "fancy" because unlike you I don't treat my food like a status symbol, I'm drinking it because it tastes good, and there's nothing else that tastes like it

you're a big warbling fucko who just told me to throw away my pork sausage and just buy a pork chop because it's less adulterated. eat a raw waffle.

>> No.12789945

The same asian market where you get that stuff will also sell thai tea dust / fannings that should be the same taste just without the dye. Or just drink the stuff you like and don't worry about it. It's not going to give you ADD or whatever.

>> No.12790538

vahdam.com their earl grey is great, their green tea earl grey is awful though

>> No.12790603

Any good peppermint tea recommendations out there? Been wanting to try something to that effect for a while.

>> No.12790619

Got a puerh pick in the mail the other day. Going to crack open my first ripe puerh cake tomorrow. A ripe puerh made from purple tea leaves

>> No.12791045

i thought i was experiencing fishnyness cause i snagged some bad cakes and/or was breaking off cakes poorly...good to know that its a general feature of ripe puerh

does ripe puerh make anyone elses mouth tingly and their back teeth numb? is that the fluoride?

>> No.12791126

Two cups and a strainer are all you really need. Spending on good tea is more important, if you get a liking to it you can find a cheap gaiwan on ebayor aliexpress

>> No.12791155

temp control kettle too

>> No.12791283

>Daily reminder that green teas is unhealthy garbage
<citation needed>
Everything I've read points to green tea being healthier than just about anything else you might drink(with the possible exception of water).

>> No.12791523

That's very useful but, really, if one's on a budget just looking at the bubbles on the water as it boils or waiting a bit after you blast it on a regular electric kettle works perfectly fine. But your first investment should definitely be one, I just noticed they start at $40 now.

>> No.12791752

Purple puer is interesting. It tends to have a distinct "purple" flavor. It also is usually sweet which should be good in a ripe.

>> No.12791772

>i was experiencing fishnyness cause i snagged some bad cakes and/or was breaking off cakes poorly
All of it has a bit of fishyness. The chinks call it wo duei or wet pile taste. Ripe puer is composted. This video shpows the process and just how funky it is.
>does ripe puerh make anyone elses mouth tingly and their back teeth numb?
This is weird, never experienced this but I seen it talked about positively as a sign of quality (effervescence) and negativity as a sign of pesticides or other contamination.

>> No.12791904

>Green tea is so healthy
>Stomach lining sloughs off
>I love green tea
>Has to constantly eat fatty pork to stop the chills and cold sweats

>> No.12791980
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>> No.12792010

Any evidence that it "sloughs off" stomach lining?

>> No.12792337

Drink a pot of the finest fresh gyokuro from o-cha first thing in the morning.
Fast untill sundown.
Repeat for a week.
Congratulations you have stomach ulcers.

>> No.12792379

>don't eat food
>develop stomach ulcers

>> No.12792382

So that's a no on the evidence then?

>> No.12792385

Can any Iraqi anons help me identify this tea I was served? I was working next to a family from Iraq and they would for some reason bring us food and tea, the food was ok but the tea was fucking awesome. It tasted like green tea with a hint of honey and it had a brown-reddish colour. I asked the family what kind of tea it was but they had trouble putting the word into English. It was 10/10 tea though I had three cups without adding anything to it

>> No.12792388

>tfw can't enjoy tea properly because my tongue is always covered in a layer of disgusting film
brush my teeth every day, used mouthwash, bought a tongue scraper. what do I do? I want to taste flavors

>> No.12792393

>>tfw can't enjoy tea properly because my tongue is always covered in a layer of disgusting film
>brush my teeth every day, used mouthwash, bought a tongue scraper. what do I do? I want to taste flavors
What does your doctor say? Maybe it's fungal thrush overgrowth, or you have HIV.

>> No.12792492

you have to season the film first before tasting the tea, like yixing clay

>> No.12792496

I can confirm my stummy hurt after drinking too much green tea and not eating. Dark oolongs I find to be the most soothing and helpful to prevent bloating when eating greasy/spicy foods

>> No.12792524

T. Guy who judges the quality of tea based on how much the liquid looks like chlorophyll.

>> No.12792566

That has nothing to do with tea.

>> No.12792651

Tea is a subtle drink. Your tongue needs to be in peak condition to taste its nuance

>> No.12792671

>Tea is a subtle drink
Stop drinking japanese tea

>> No.12792693
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I drink tea like its water
Actually I don't even drink water anymore. I buy pic related by the loads

>> No.12792704

I drink only the finest, Chinest. You can taste "tea" when you drink any tea, but the finer details of the flavor aren't always apparent to everyone and under all conditions.

>> No.12792817

Just bought me some erva-mate and a cuia to make chimarrão. I'm new to this, always been a coffee guy.

>> No.12792900

Sorry friend this is a thread to discuss tea made with plants from the genus Camellia. Mate is of the genus holly.
But seriously I like mate. Did you get the roasted kind or unroasted? Report back with your results.

>> No.12793474

Not true. /tea/ welcomes mate and any other tasty plant water. Except coffee.

>> No.12793482

What are you talking about? Have you ever tried matcha, gyokuro, or sencha? Chinese greens are subtle, Japanese greens are strong and robust

>> No.12793485

luv it

>> No.12793490
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For me, it's the

>> No.12793563

Peppermint is peppermint, get some from Celestial Seasonings or something.

>> No.12793621

I got one of those temp controlled kettles to make moving house more pleasant. I used to have one in my old bedroom when I was severely depressed so I could at least make tea. It's pretty great, makes it easy to make good tea.

>> No.12793718

I said I was joking.

>> No.12793937
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Puerh tastes like wet dirt, sweat, moss, and old laundry. Why is it so satisfying to drink?

>> No.12793945

That's from the tannins. I don't feel it with normal tea but matcha fucks me up if I drink it without eating. It's similar to when you take a zinc supplement on an empty stomach. Too much to digest at once, makes you feel nauseous.

>> No.12793953

>poo air

The same way farts are delicious.

>> No.12793960

Anybody know if celestial matcha is actually grown somewhere that's not going to give me lead poison like China, I can't find a straight answer the box says Japan as well as their website

>> No.12794056

Are you a violent lesbian by chance?

>> No.12794289
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I like tea, but I'm poor, and also a pleb when it comes to tea. All I've really had is the bagged stuff.

My nutritionist has said that as part of my upcoming stomach surgery I need to lay off caffeine as much as possible (something about afterwards it can upset the lining, I don't exactly remember) and I'm tired of just water.

Do you have any suggestions for brands/types that are naturally decaf? It would also be helpful if they can stand up to boiling water because at work we have one of those k-cup machines, so I can't exactly control the temperature outside of heating the water and then letting it sit for a bit first.

>> No.12794412

Get that Japanese tea that is just roasted stems. I think it is called hojicha. Or just get decaf black tea. But really you should just quit caffeine for a while, it will suck for a week or two but it's not that bad after that. I've done it for six months or so before.

>> No.12794475

what do you guys sweeten your tea with? I like stevia. please do not say sugar.

>> No.12794483

We don't engage in that sort of degenerate behavior here.

>> No.12794490

Rooibos is naturally free of caffeine, brewed on boiling water and tasty. They also sell flavored varieties like chai and caramel, if you get bored of the plain rooibos, just make sure there isn't any black or green tea in the mix and you're good to go.

No idea where to buy it online since I get mine locally but someone on the thread must know of a cheap, reputable seller that doesn't add artificial flavors.

>> No.12794537

Don't sweeten your tea, but eat sweets with your tea. Dates go well with all types of tea in my opinion, and you can find various sweets from different cultures that are meant to be paired with teas.

>> No.12794547

The only tea I've ever tried was the sweet tea my mom made growing up. What's something good to try? This looks more confusing than buying coffee.

>> No.12794786

Try monkfruit extract. It tastes incredible.

>> No.12794820

Get a infuser basket like the finum or one of the stainless ones on Amazon. Get a variety sampler of looseleaf from someone in the pastebin >>12786198 and try some stuff.

>> No.12794842


Pu'er tea. It ignited the burning embers of the madness of the mad warriors in my heart. When I got home from work in an abortion clinic, along with the perfect sip of my wife's toes, she did not wait for a warm, ethical source of vegetarian meals at our recycling barn table.

>> No.12794921

I just noticed that Dayi taetea has an official store on Amazon. Prices aren't the greatest but you can now buy real authentic tea from one of the best makers of ripe and raw puer on Amazon, wild.

>> No.12794993

>Stop drinking japanese tea
>implying jap tea is subtle
some of the strongest flavors in anything I've ever had, like a slap in the face with fruit

>> No.12795129

so what do I do if I buy loose leaf tea? buy one of them metal ball dipper things to steep it with?

>> No.12795133

I've never had any mates. What is it like?

>> No.12795205

Get a brew basket, you can use them in a mug, the bigger the better. The balls suck and don't let the leafs expand properly. Too small.

>> No.12796331


>> No.12796379

I just brew it in a drinking glass, pour it through a sieve into a measuring up, and then pour it into another cup to drink

>> No.12796385

*measuring cup

>> No.12796394

I used to eat Lara Bars with my tea, which are made with dates, nuts, and fruits. My favorite combo was the "key lime pie" flavor with longjing green tea

>> No.12797028


>> No.12797076

Based efficient use of materials at hand tea drinker.

>> No.12797256
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Aged white tea > Puerh

There, I said it. It's out there now. Can't take it back.

>> No.12797642
File: 24 KB, 400x362, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tries this stuff, amazing. Tried one with a spoonful of suger then one with a little less than tablespoon honey.
Not sure which I liked most as a sweetener, also could I add milk to this to add more body? The suger one definitely was more...watery I suppose. The caffiene was low enough where I can handle 2 cups without getting sick or dizzy. 2 cups of coffee would make me nauseous and just not good.

>> No.12797758

Ah, I didn't know those existed, interesting. I'll give them a try one of these days

>> No.12798376

I'm willing to accept that it's a possibility.
Where did you get that?

>> No.12798575

This man lives a sad life

>> No.12798909

Brew in vessel and filter to second, clean vessel is a exactly how things should be done. He could be using tiny infusors or tea bags, but is instead spending on loose leaf. Godspeed, measuring cup anon.

>> No.12798943

Here's *tap* *tap* the mother fucking *tap* *tap* tea.

>> No.12799317

China's best invention besides tea.

>> No.12799333
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Best tea for kombucha brewing?

>> No.12799377

Cheapest black tea that is still drinkable as tea, I used to use loose leaf lipton. If you have a few successful batches you can experiment with green teas oolongs etc. Don't use anything flavored as the flavors can fuck up the fermentation.

>> No.12799400

Also pay attention to steep times and leaf quantities. Act like you are brewing a giant cup of tea if you make overinfused bitter garbage it wont make good kombucha.

>> No.12799463
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Thanks for the tips. What would be a good choice of loose black leaf tea if I want to step my game up and use something besides Lipton? Good online store or brand?

>> No.12799611

You're supposed to brew it strong and long. The kombucha by the end of the process won't taste like the tea you brewed anyway.

>> No.12799620

You're not wrong, although my tea brewing technique is the least of it. I'll get a tea pot or something eventually

>> No.12799640
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With your habits you'll probably be happiest with a gaiwan.
You can even skip the strainer and second cup by offsetting the lid slightly and sipping through the gap if you're lazy.

>> No.12799777

Where do you guys normally buy your tea from?

>> No.12799813

Amazon for the 2-day shipping. They have some decent tea brands.

>> No.12799817

A couple dedicated tea shops in town. Owners know their shit and visit tea estates all around the world regularly.

>> No.12799819

i hope you legit die

>> No.12799903

There are many nearly universal words. Nearly every language has
some derivation of "mama" or "mother" to describe one's parent. It is not
learned, it is some of the very limited innate language that the brain comes

"Tea" and "Chai" are also like this, they are words that come in the brain
at birth because the brain itself is designed to subsist on tea. Tea is
nature's most perfect beverage: it is cooling in hot weather and warming in
cold. It wakes you up in the morning and puts you to sleep at night. The
human being and the tea plant co-evolved and neither one can survive

In comparison with the so-called "coffee," itself merely a repulsive sort
of burned bean soup, tea is fundamentally integral to the process of human
life. So it is no wonder that the mind is born with an innate need for
tea and consequently for the vocabulary to request it. "Chai, Chai!"
cries the child. "Forget my mother's milk, I want Fujian oolong!" That
is how we get our words for tea in all languages

>> No.12799919
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I'll look into that. For what it's worth, the glass I drink from is a nice liquor glass. It's great for getting the aroma of the tea before sipping it

>> No.12800150

How Japanese Green Tea is Made

>> No.12800627

>soy milk
Just get on HRT already

>> No.12800648

top fucking kek also is ebay a good source of tea?

>> No.12800677

Damn. Do you think it could make a nice retirement plan buying pu'er, aging it and selling in 20-30 years?

>> No.12800707

Rereading Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T. E. Lawrence with dusty old Koh-I-Noor Sri Lankan black tea i found in a stone jaw behind my sugar.

Lawrence describes the Arabs in the northern Nejd and Ma’an as drinking this thick, bitter, ”syrupy” tea in their tents, sweetened with sugar.
It’s like reading the Hobbit and suddenly needing a midnight snack - you just crave some hot bitter tea served like how the Badawi have it.

>> No.12800770

only if it you can prove its what it claims to be. also i doubt you can just thrown them in a drawer and forget about them

>> No.12801441

eBay is eBased, has some great suppliers direct from China and using it will help take down the looming Bezos threat

>> No.12801473

>It’s like reading the Hobbit and suddenly needing a midnight snack - you just crave some hot bitter tea served like how the Badawi have it.


>> No.12801695

the shipping generally takes fucking forever but it's decent

>> No.12801727

Just had puerh for the first time. Everyone saying it tastes like fish or dirt is a fucking liar. I bought 150g.

>> No.12801893
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opinion on this?

>> No.12801979

Lawrence was a gay faggot so it makes sense that he liked tea.

>> No.12802057

Puerh does, characteristically, have notes of wet soil. What did yours taste like?

>> No.12802072

The one I had a few days ago had a really nice honey-tobacco (not smokey, just raw) flavor with a nice, milky texture

>> No.12802765

You got me at milky, any specific recommendation?

>> No.12802920

is it worth the time? I use tea bags and just heat the water up in the microwave. What am I missing out on?

>> No.12802973

If you are just making sweet tea it probably does not really matter. You could try cold brewing the teabags overnight in the fridge if you wanted to experiment. If you want to try loose leaf tea I would get something other than Lipton unless you really like their specific flavor. If you are lucky your supermarket might have a loose leaf English tea blend you could try out.

>> No.12802983

Not him but yunnan sourcing .com has lots of white tea cakes, you can look at the user reviews to get a good idea of the flavor of each cake.

>> No.12804037
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>> No.12804047

i drink mate every day
rosamonte brand
it's my favorite drink by far, nothing else compares
it fills me with this intense sense of focus, calm, sense of well-being, and even euphoria sometimes

>> No.12804528

does /tea/ consider coffee as a tea?

>> No.12804767

Do you consider tea as a coffee?

>> No.12804787

Make a tisane with the coffee leaves and we'll talk.

>> No.12804923

It had a bit of a wet soil taste yeah. But like, kind of like how the forest smells in autumn when the leaves are damp. I'd call it more of a wet leaf decomposition taste.
I was expecting it to be much more potent by how some of the people here have been describing it, or like an acquired taste that you won't enjoy the first few times. But it kind of reminded me of black tea, with less bitterness and more flavor. Really tasty.

>> No.12804924

Excuse my hipster ass photo, I had tea made from coffee husks once and it was pretty good, had a strong grain-like flavor, reminded me of barley tea, with a strong coffee aftertaste.

>> No.12804937

That cookie looks tasty. why eat it with sencha?

>> No.12804979

I'm guessing that you had sheng ("raw") puerh as opposed to shou (cooked) puerh which is much funkier and fishier

>> No.12805070

i use a frenchpress, ive also used those tea cups with a strainer attached with it.
i drink around 5L of tea a day to warrant the frenchpress

>> No.12805282

Why would I eat anything without tea?

>> No.12805421

Well why don't I just take a shit in your cup then? You can eat that with the tea and it won't interfere with the tasting experience or anything.

>> No.12805575
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That was unnecessary.

Jin Xuan (milk) oolong and chestnut mochi. Bought a new tray to force myself to stop spilling water everywhere

>> No.12805610

Where do you get access to such exotic snacks to have with your tea? Do you live in Asia?

>> No.12805677
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California. It's easy and fairly inexpensive to get this stuff where I live, but a lot of it can be ordered online

>> No.12805681
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My favorite

>> No.12805703

Are you Japanese or a common orientalist?

>> No.12805710

The latter. to be fair though I have been going to this specific shop since I was a young child with my family so I really enjoy the nostalgia of it. They are my friends there

>> No.12805817

>i drink around 5L of tea a day
and i thought my 2L of daily tea was excessive

>> No.12806180
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Rooibos is great
>inb4 it's not tea

>> No.12806287

For as much hate as Cali gets, you can't beat the selection of world snacks and food we get.

I need to hit up the mochi bakeries and get some too...

>> No.12806395

do you just throw the bags on cold water or splash them first with hot water

>> No.12806428

Be careful, that's a lot and it's not water (even for water it's still a lot)

>> No.12807045

What happens on a day when you have no tea (or coffee etc.)? Wondering what the withdrawal must be like

>> No.12807056

>i have black frens

>> No.12807063

> he drinks unfermented tea

>> No.12807066


>> No.12807081

>don't mind my orientalism because I've had yellow frens all my life

>> No.12807090

Does "orientialism" mean enjoying food that comes from China and Japan?

>> No.12807099

No, it means fetishizing the cultures because of their exoticism. Look at that anon's posts. They're so weeby that another anon thought they were Japanese.

>> No.12807103

>dislike other cultures
>appreciate other cultures
There's no pleasing people like you

>> No.12807113

Nothing wrong with appreciating other cultures but taking it too far is cringe.

>> No.12807139

I can appreciate other cultures.
I just want those cultures to stay in the country they originated in.
Have you seen the state of Paris or Berlin?

>> No.12807166

this. a multicultural world is only possible with segregation otherwise everywhere begins to look the same

>> No.12807246

the guy literally did nothing but post some tea he was drinking with some mochi and then said he goes to an asian market. not a single word was spoken about asian cultures. WHOA COOL OFF THERE YOU FUCKING ORIENTALIST BUYING TEA IS RACISM.

>> No.12807255

You sound mad, did someone hurt you?

>> No.12807265

>giving money to non white immigrants is ok

>> No.12807287 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 352x296, _90234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did someone hurt you?

>> No.12807321

Actually, the workers there are all 2nd+ generation American born Japanese; it is one of the oldest surviving businesses in the city. It's American by all means

Thank you.

Im just in my room eating tea. It's no big deal

>> No.12807327

No one is shouting RACISM but you and that other triggered whit*toid.

>> No.12807337

jesus man don't let trolls or whatever get to you
i like your style

>> No.12807346

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.12807364

which tea has the most caffeine content
i don't like coffee but tea doesn't really activate me like coffee does

>> No.12807376

Green/black/oolong/etc having the most caffeine is a myth. It is dependent on growing and cultivation factors when it is just a plant, processing is not where the changes come in. Differences in caffeine between varieties are negligible, anyways. If you want more caffeine then use more tea leaves, that's the only way

>> No.12807382

I take this back. Gyokuro has the most noticeable effect for me but then again I use like 8 grams for one small cup so that must be why. It is expensive too

>> No.12807390

i want to grow tea
anyone have a source for ordering tea saplings? none of the places i normally get seeds/stock from carry tea trees.

>> No.12807500

Just keep in mind that it will be a long time before you're able to harvest any tea leaves and the leaves will almost definitely be low quality

>> No.12807514

i grow plants for a living. i asked for a source not your opinion, no offense.

>> No.12807516

Offense taken. No tea plant for you, gaijin

>> No.12807527

Hire a chink to do it

>> No.12807555

apparently it takes 3 years before you can harvest

>> No.12807566


>> No.12808838

Cute cat.