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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12773300 No.12773300 [Reply] [Original]

American here, what can I put in breakfast tea to make it taste better? I’ve already started putting sugar in it so it won’t be bitter

>> No.12773307

American here. Stop being a bitch and drink it

>> No.12773313


>> No.12773315

It’s not that I can’t handle it, just want to try different things with it
I’m not 21 yet

>> No.12773316


>> No.12773317

Flush it down the toilet and get better tea

>> No.12773318

Coffee and bailey's

>> No.12773331

Put some balls in it

>> No.12773337

Honey, milk, heavy cream

>> No.12773407

This has to be a troll.
But you add milk to black tea.

>> No.12773423
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bailey's cum?

>> No.12773428

>implying those balls still have cum in them

>> No.12773431

tastes like shit

>> No.12773437

I’m asking what I can put not what I’m supposed to put

>> No.12773439

lemon juice

>> No.12773447

How about you put your dick in the tea and gulp down a hot cup of cum you little zoomer dipshit?

>> No.12773448

if your tea is bitter, you steep it for too long. pro tip: steep more bags but for shorter time period. or simply get loose leaf, tastes better for cheaper price.

>> No.12773457
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>not learning to respect the flavor of tea.

This site is 18 and older, bud

>> No.12773467

how about i skullfuck you to death little faggot

>> No.12773468

>not learning to respect shitty tannines you get from bags because you steep fannings for 15 minutes

>> No.12773472

So you admit you're a homo? No surprise there.

>> No.12773489

It's not supposed to taste nice. Too reliant on everything tasting very sweet or very salty. We've no time to mull over its taste. Get it drunk and get back on the building site.

>> No.12773511

steep at 90c not boiling water also reduce the steep time. milk will round off the hard tannins but bagged tea is always bad.

>> No.12773516

Twinings is terrible

>> No.12773572

First, get loose tea
Second, add milk if it's still not to your liking

>> No.12773655
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not all at once, idiot

>> No.12773662
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>> No.12773797

>add these
>but don’t actually add them!

>> No.12773827
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>> No.12773863

Throw it in the trash and buy Earl Grey or Lady Grey instead

>> No.12773873

earl gray tastes like shit

>> No.12773903

Early gray is for peados

>> No.12773912

First of all are you making the tea correctly?

>Tea bag in the mug first
>Just under boiling water
>Leave to sit for 3 mins if you find it bitter
>Apply milk and sugar if needed

Whatever you do dont put the milk in first and dont stir or press the teabag (releases bitter chemicals in the bag)

>> No.12773925

Milk. hth anon,

>> No.12773944

>not squeezing the bag because you like a cheeky hint of bitterness

>> No.12773985

Fuck you cunt

>> No.12773987

I do that because I'm stingy and I want my monies worth. Didn't to consider I was making it more bitter.

>> No.12774007
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>muh sugar
>Imagine a baby trying to be an adult but won't tolerate anything related to adult

Go troll somewhere else cumbrain

>> No.12774026

yes I am doing that

>> No.12774046
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>American here, what can I put in breakfast tea to make it taste better?

best option I've found is to turn it into ice tea and add some sprite, or a carbonated lemonade like soda to the iced tea to give it that ice tea flavor. I use diet soda.

>> No.12774068

It is bitter because your water is too hot and you let it infuse too long

>> No.12774079

Brit here. Try adding some melted cheddar, very popular way to serve it in the north counties. Adds a salty tang.

>> No.12774095

are British people actually like this?

>> No.12774101

Just sprinkle some .223 in it.

>> No.12774169

no. its from Asia and apparently only started in the 2010's. ignore that Brit, he's a twat
t. Brit

>> No.12774247
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>Try adding some melted cheddar

>> No.12774307

tannines is what gives tea its bitterness. the longer you steep, the more tannines you will get.
bags are made for 1) convenience 2) quicker release of caffeine. but, they lose flavor as result. kinda like with coffee, the difference between instant and fresh beans is apparent.
buying loose leaf is often cheaper, and it retains more flavor. like, the pic OP posted costs around $6.28. a can of same loose leaf tea costs $5.52, despite coming in metal can. with some brands, you can get same amount of loose leaf tea for half price of bags.

>> No.12774460

Huh I did not know that. I'll try to get a box of tea to play with and see what it's like.

>> No.12774571

forgot to add, if you squeeze a bag you will likely release more tannines, so this isn't the best thing to do.
ultimately, bags are always gonna be lacking compared to loose tea, even expensive brands. I've been in your situation, and was experimenting with bags for some time, steeping 3-4 bags to get the flavor, but it was nearly impossible to get it without bitterness. to say nothing that it's not so cheap.
then I switched to loose. not only it was way cheaper, but it also tasted better, even if you buy cheap brands. it has this kind of "full", strong taste without much bitterness which from my experience is impossible to get from bags. and when I left it steeping for too long, it was only slightly bitter, and it was pleasant in a way too.
so from what I gathered, bags are ONLY worth it if you're at work, or are too lazy to buy a cheap clay teapot or at least infuser. otherwise, there's just no excuse to buying bags, they're lowest grade tea for a reason.

>> No.12774764

Oh right. When I go shopping tomorrow, I'll see if there's any loose tea being sold. My exact critiques of English tea is that it's too bitter and there's little flavor. I always had that pinned on the brand. Not the bag.
I guess there's a filter you can buy that sits on the cup when you pour from the tea pot so you don't get tea leaves in your drink? Regardless, I think you've turned me onto going bagless.

>> No.12774834

a surprisingly well timed board-crossing

>> No.12774848
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>I guess there's a filter you can buy that sits on the cup when you pour from the tea pot so you don't get tea leaves in your drink?
depends, my clay kettle already has a sort of "filter" which catches most stuff like on picrelated. rarely there's a couple small bits going through it. normally tea leaves roll out and get bigger when you steep them, so this never was an issue for me, except when I accidentally got fannings/dust (these can be purchased loose too).
if your teapot doesn't have this, I know there are filters that attach directly to spout. otherwise I haven't checked this. if you're getting a new teapot, could get a cheap clay one or simply a modern glass one with infuser. french press work too but it's not the best for this task, and cleaning the filter is a bit tiresome.

>> No.12774852
File: 21 KB, 425x425, teaball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a tea-ball or a basket strainer that will fit in your cup/mug. Another thing to consider eventually is chinese-style, gong-fu, tea preparation.

>> No.12774865

Just add like one to two teaspoons of sugar and a splash of milk. Like every Brit does. Whoever is telling you to put cream or other weird shit in it is a retard.

>> No.12774870

tea balls are ok but if you get broken leaf/whole leaf tea it needs a bit of room to roll out, so it's not the best idea unless you have a big one.

>> No.12774893
File: 69 KB, 373x500, kora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male pattern baldness
>hardly bottoms
Get the fuck outta here, you not get the memo /ck/ was a /pol/ subsidiary.
Fucking faggot, Kora's where it's act.

>> No.12774908

Milk and a lemon slice. Squeeze the lemon so the juice goes into the tea. Trust me it’s delicious

>> No.12775106
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Ah right. That's very insightful. I only visited this board on a whim and I'm very glad I did. Thanks a lot, Anon.

>> No.12775126

stop drinking rolled up socks and start drinking black tea with cloves and allspice and milk oolong

>> No.12775143

Has extra tannins so it tastes balanced with a splash of milk..... the way Brits drink it.
Add a splash of milk

>> No.12775256

couples splashes of 2% milk, at most a table spoon of sugar, and thats still a lot.
ignore everyone else.

>> No.12775299
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>> No.12775532

Try harney & sons. You'll thank me later

>> No.12775542

English (or British really) tea should have a little milk added to it.

>> No.12775570

Little bit of cream or milk and a little honey.

Also, try differrent brewing temperatures, and try differrent teas. Some black teas are just naturally bitter.

Earl Gray (which is just bergoment and black tea) is also pretty fuckin tasty on it's own.

>> No.12775641

Earl grey is shit.

>> No.12775690

english breakfast is just a brand name for a blend of black teas, probably a few cheap ones with a small amount of a higher grade to improve flavor. its nothing special, and its not "breakfasty". go for a single origin black tea: darjeeling, assam, or chinese: keemun, yunnan. the best flavoring agent if you want something is milk and spices, chai. no sugar needed. lapsang souchong is smoked, so completely different. a little of that is put in "russian" branded teas. earl gray is an acquired taste, but if you want to get fancy, buy yourself some lavendar blossoms and mix them up with a good black tea, thats the iroginal earl gray recipe. bergamot oil is cheaper than lavender blossoms. same goes for jasmine tea. best is when they put lots of jasmine blossoms in the tea, let them sit, and remove them before sale. peets used to carry excellent teas. i worked there. mr peet loved tea.

>> No.12775908

Vodka for green, rum for black, go nuts for oolong. If you plan ahead and chill it, try a White Russian with black tea.

>> No.12775931


>> No.12775945

>milk to black tea

>> No.12776128

Try some melted cheddar in place of milk. You don’t need much and it really compliments the flavor of the tea. Anyone else try this or is it just a regional English thing?

>> No.12776155

From the south-west. Nobody does that, and that is fucking vile. Literally all you need is a small dash of milk. Maybe some sugar/honey. All Americans fuck off with your disgusting cream/alcohol suggestions

>> No.12776397

that sounds horrible m8

>> No.12776515

Tried this on a cultural walking tour in Newcastle. Very tasty. How do you liquify the cheese? Would like to try making it at home.

>> No.12776520

Try a different variety. You can get a variety pack off Amazon or something that has 9-12 different kinds to sample and you might find a variety that's more to your liking. I fancy the citrus varieties, myself.

>> No.12776925

It’s crap English tea for ponces. Needs more stuff in it to make it drinkable.