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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12770254 No.12770254 [Reply] [Original]

For your health

>> No.12770267

Is "drinking tap water is bad" a meme? I drink tap water if I'm out of drinks and haven't grown a third leg yet?

>> No.12770272

Why would be drinking tap water bad? I drink like 4+liters of tap water a day

>> No.12770305

Only tinfoil hat wearing, essential oil, doomsday prepper, Facebook ranting retards actually think drinking tap water is bad. They genuinly believe they put chemicals in the water to make it easier to brainwash you and control you, but they never say or know what the final result of this "totally real it's totally happening" brainwashing scheme is, maybe for shits and giggles? Idk, conspiracy theorists don't ever think there's any easy explanation for something, everyone and everything is out to get them and is meticulously planned.

>> No.12770333

I'm fasting since I need to get an ultrasound in a few hours. I havent shit in a week and my stomach feels like it's gonna burst even after starving myself for 3 days.

>> No.12770334

I would definitely consider having your water tested for potability, especially if you're on well-water or something.

Problem with tap water usually is just that it tastes like shit.

>> No.12770437

thanks4 th e reminder bro :)

going to go get a sip rite now

>> No.12770457

Drinking plain water by itself isn't super hydrating because it flushes through you too fast to absorb as much of it as if you were drinking tea or squash or something.

>> No.12770955
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it can be really bad but not necessarily, in NC everybody got their water from their own well until contamination from the iron mine poisoned the water table and the city was sued and forced to run water lines to half the county to supply clean water. In the older cities like in the northeast and rust belt are still using lead pipes and draw the water from contaminated sources like Flint Michigan. Send off a sample of your tape water to be tested, it only costs like $5. I did and turns out my water was extremely acidic with a pH of 3.8 which is not healthy to drink at all

>> No.12770960

I hate water, it has no flavor.

>> No.12770985

It has minerals

It can taste really good if your body need minerals

So Tap water is good for you sorta.

>> No.12770993

Water won't get me drunk.

>> No.12771008

I just chugged so goddamned much water, just Brita filtered tap water at room temperature.
Room temperature water master race, gas all coldfags

>> No.12771010

Room temp is best for your health

Cold fucks with your insides

>> No.12771481
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Reminder to feed your kittens/cats filtered water with an ice cub or two

>> No.12771494

Maybe for your genelet insides

>> No.12771498

idk how the fuck people drink so much water a day. If I drink more than 50 ounces a day I can't stop peeing.

>> No.12771564


>> No.12771567

Don’t chug it. Sip it.

>> No.12771574

Body mass. Bigger people retain more water

Smaller people overexert their kidneys

>> No.12771581


>> No.12771590

I drink two gallons minimum per day after getting several kidney stones. Never again. Word to the wise, drink water.

>> No.12771600

its not like overexerting it with just plain water will damage it though.
oh yea. after that happenned to me i always have a big container of water next to me since ill drink anything in front of me even if im not thirsty.

>> No.12771672

>its not like overexerting it with just plain water will damage it though.
You absolutely can damage your kidneys by drinking too much water.

>> No.12771684

water is disgusting
it's like eating poop

>> No.12771735

No thanks, I already drink Coors Light

>> No.12771758

vodka is 60% water
60% is a pass

>> No.12771770

how are you not just contsantly pissing?

>> No.12771789

How much did (((they))) pay you to say this?

>> No.12771833
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who tf up

>> No.12771878


I had a well and it was iron rich so it tasted like blood. But the girls who were anemic loved it so they'd come over just for a glass of good old agua. Sadly, the state enforced emminent domain and built a highway over by bedroom so that's all gone, now... I miss well water.

>> No.12771884

Squash is the way to go. A little drop of citrus is great with ice!

>> No.12771889

nice madeup story
dilate transphobe

>> No.12771897

Holy shit, I do that all the time. I will drop a single ice cube into the cat's water and he'll go to town. That and he prefers straight from the faucet which my sisters hates because of "toxicity" but fuck her because my cat's health is more important than hers. Also the tongue doesn't actually touch the faucet so she's full of shit.

>> No.12771901

Pretty sure I had the same thing from drinking too much alcohol and poor diet. Now I've always got a little bottle in my pocket that I'm constantly refilling from taps / fountains, etc.

I hear ya, and agree.

>> No.12771906

I was just thinking about going and getting some water. I will take this as a sign and actually go do it.

Thanks OP

>> No.12771913


Or just take larger quantities of rockish salt (that gay pink himalayan shit or the gay clear himalayan shit) and only have to drink a quarter of the water you thought you needed to drink*

And have a boost in sex drive and mood that makes you rethink "why the fuck did these retards tell me salt was so bad?"

* - as long as you have body fat for the body to use salt and extract water. A camel's hump is just fat. Not only for food but for conversion into water via sodium.

>> No.12771917

What? We had a well and it was iron rich. Most of my friends hated our water because it tasted like blood. But there were some people who liked it for that very same reason.

Don't believe me, look up Highway 108 bypass in California. The state took our property and in that corridor was a very iron-rich water aquifer. It's all in the environmental reports.

All that iron, though -- I wonder if that contributed to my own kidney stones.
At least it wasn't lead.

>> No.12771921

Enjoy your Lasix.

>> No.12771929


Oh no, it's almost like I'm not a fat type II diabetic piece of shit!

Remember, your European ancestors literally ate a shitload more salt than any modern has. It only has its demonic reputation because it's conflated with the shitfest that is the "mainstream" diet today.

>> No.12771951

OK, point taken. My dad has that problem. Heart problems, stroke but no diabetes, yet. His brother does have that, though. It scares the shit out of me. I really try to pay attention to what I ingest. And yes, salt does have a bad reputation here. But I think it's cholesterol that is the real baddy. At least in my family (which, yeah, is European ancestry as you called out).

>> No.12771970

>ut I think it's cholesterol that is the real baddy

LOL. I used to eat 8 eggs a day and had completely average to healthier-than-normal vital stats. Sugar, seed oils, and the cucking of the fasted state by "3 square meals a day!" bullshit are far more insidious culprits than cholesterol.

>> No.12771997

>CA 108
My parents used to have a vacation cabin about 40 minutes from Sonora off highway 108. Spent at least every other summer up there until I was 16 years old.

>> No.12772200
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Oh, wow! Never thought I'd see anybody on here that would be remotely familiar with this area. Cabin? Pinecrest?

>pic looks kinda like He_Man's little helper dude that I can't be bothered to remember or look up...

Yeah. I keep hearing mixed messages about that. And I don't really know what to believe or at least try out. I normally just try and keep things balanced as far as cholesterol. I know it can be productive in the body and I know it can be detrimental in the body. But I'm not keen on giving up eggs or cheese. Meats, I don't really have an issue with. I keep seeing those are the fats that get one into trouble. What say you?

>> No.12772206
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>> No.12772217

The fluoride compounds used in drinking water are industrial waste in need of a cheap disposal solution. Lobbyists working for rich corporate bodies have convinced government institutions to include it in water additives with inadequate scrutiny. The studies which prove it is safe do not take long-term low level exposure into account. They do not consider that some people may drink more water than others. They only prove that there are no immediate negative effects.

The mind control conspiracy you are talking about is a cheap narrative that makes it impossible to question this practice without being seen as a nutcase.

>> No.12772221

Does it make frogs turn gay?

>> No.12772222


As I said, sugar, seed oils*, and not letting the body get into a fasted state are the three devils that swallow up the joy of living and aging gracefully.

If it comes out of a box or has an ingredient list beyond 4 items, it's probably fucking bad for you as a regular part of your diet.

And it's funny that you mention fats...

>> No.12772234


>> No.12772350

>quads of truth

That's an interesting article. I am saving this thread for my family when they wake up. It's funny... It all seems like common "horse sense" really.

I remember when my ex girlfriend had thyroid cancer and cooking for her was quite the challenge because of all the extra ingredients in stuff. You'd look down the items and there'd be "spices". What the fuck does that entail? So I'd write down all the important stuff and just make everything from scratch. Like you say, about four ingredients.

Best pizza ever.

Getting back to water, though, do Britta filters actually make a difference? My mom goes hiking for weeks at a time and will use multiple water purification methods (usually a pen sized carbon filter) for stuff like giardia and issues like that. That seems to work for her, so far. Also, sometimes she will use capsules as a last resort for stream water purification (I'm guessing chlorine / bromide concoction -- not sure). But I was wondering about those Britta carbon filters. I used one of those carbon filters for a water fountain for my cat's water which was constantly flowing and he loved it. Just a wondering random thought.

>> No.12772364

Back to /x/

>> No.12772365


>> No.12772367

The second post makes sense, though.

>> No.12772373

I had a neighbor in Portland, Oregon who had moved there from Alaska because of the Bull Run water supply so he could raise his family without fluoride "infecting" it. I think they now use that chemical in treatment on its' way to Portland. I always wondered, "What was he running from?" Because, well, Alaska.

>> No.12772384

Only the very first sentence. But seed oils are easy to avoid, if youre eating fried shit all the time and chasing it with dessert, yeah youre in for a bad time. Worst is the fried sweets like carnival food, but you dont exactly go there for your health. And "fasted state" just means leaving some time between your last meal and bedtime. Gorging yourself all the way from sunup to sundown is a surefire way to get diabetes. When you wake up, just fucking sit there. You can take a walk or run if youd like. But just sit there and let the brain process waking up, and you better not look at your phone right off. And when you sleep, same thing. Put the phone out of reach and just stare at the fucking ceiling, processing the day. Youll sleep like a baby. Even better if you dont have a lump of food in your midsection.

Its all common sense shit but yes its true. Nobody teaches it anymore so is it really common sense?

>> No.12772626

I am.

>> No.12772718

It is common sense. And you're right. Nobody teaches that stuff. I wake up, drink water and go for a walk... not far but maybe a mile and half or so. I meet older folks who do the same thing and have conversations with them, slowing my pace. It's nice and a great way to start the day. This is all before daybreak. In fact, I'm about to do so shortly after posting this. Getting my dad off of "fried" foods and stuff had been a problem. He loves things like sausages and such and I do, too. But I cannot justify what goes on in my bloodstream based on hereditary facts. I make pizza but I would never put pepperoni on that thing. I remember gaming with some people (D&D) and they'd always get Little Caesars' pizza and I couldn't partake. I never wanted to come off as a douche but I just couldn't do it. I'd chip in for money but I couldn't eat that stuff.

I didn't know about the seeds, though.
Are you talking particular kinds?
Or just in general?

>> No.12772919

2$ have been deposited into your account. Thanks for spreadimg disinfo on 4channel. Together we will destroy everything everyone loves.

>> No.12774138

When I'm at work I drink 7000-8000 ml of water.
Is that too much? I sometimes feel high from how much water I drink.

>> No.12774141

If you drink cold water I hope you die from hypothermia, you like cold water so much I doubt you'll like it when it's in your lungs. Drink room temperature water.

>> No.12774244


>> No.12774250

I must drink 3-4 liters a day. But I also start my days with a 10k run.

>> No.12774256
