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12769373 No.12769373 [Reply] [Original]

Is Starbucks coffee for people who don't like the taste of coffee?

>> No.12769377

The taste of coffee sucks. I've had the artisinal expensive shit too, it's still fucking bad. It's bitter trash. I only drink coffee black because I'd rather not drink liquid sugar with my caffeine. This is the ONLY valid reason to drink it black by the way. Anyone who claims to drink coffee for the taste is a fucking faggot worse than vegans and atheists.

>> No.12769380

Its for people who don't care. I like my coffee black and can't stand it from there. I'll usually get a cold brew with coconut milk if it's my only option. Everything is made so sweet to cover up the shit coffee.

Although, the tea infusions are good. I got a guava white tea with lemomade with NO SWEETENER and it was perfect.

>> No.12769383

this means burned, but more expensive than normal burning

>> No.12769384

Yes specifically “adults” who want to eat desserts throughout the day while feeling grown up

>> No.12769386


Starbucks is now a milkshake and luxury brand (in the upper middle class/professional aspiration way). The purpose of the coffee is caffeine addiction and to give "authenticity" to their luxury brand.

By going to Starbucks on a regular basis, you want to be seen to other people and to your self as a professional going places or aspiring to be one.

>> No.12769388

Starcucks black coffee tastes like shit. That's the only thing I ever ordered, and it had floating plastic shit in the top too.
They must need to cover their shit-tier coffee with cream and sugar for it to be palatable.

>> No.12769395
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>> No.12769399

How autistic does one have to be to believe that its impossible for someone else to like something they don't?

>> No.12769440

I rarely go to starcucks, but honest to god there is nothing that pisses me more than seeing 30+ people in a FUCKING COFFEE PLACE and more than half of them ordering gay frapuccinos and snoy lattes and giving me the stink eye for ordering a normal small coffee. Makes me sick, fucking plebs

>> No.12769442

no starbucks is for millennials and faggots, neither are mutually exclusive.
people who hate coffee go to TIMMY HOS or dunkin donuts

>> No.12769505

Are starbucks coffees for college students going through cocaine withdrawls? How I imagine pot use in heroine dens.

>> No.12769568

Speak for yourself, child palated dork.

>> No.12769673

I worked for Starbucks. Most people that went to starbucks were old folk

>> No.12769758

It's good, the special flavors are pretty great too

>> No.12770172

nice LARPing, faggot. if you walk in and, politely enough, order a small coffee: the baristas love you because you arent complicated or cunty as the majority of our braindead manchild customers.

>> No.12770256

>All starbucks stores are in the same pristine faggot free neighborhoods
>California doesn't exist, coastal cities don't exist, Washington state doesn't exist

>> No.12770259

for me its the caramel frappy

>> No.12770268

Its basically the candy of coffee, like a caramel apple.

>> No.12770319

they're coffee flavored milkshakes. but it's good for what it is. their actual coffee isn't the best but if you get ristretto shots the lattes, etc are fine enough. hard to fuck up espresso and milk. the drip coffee is ass but blonde roast is okay. the memedrinks are shit and the food is total garbage, worse than even panera. bagels are alright though and they sell iced tea like a convenience store.

overall it's just overpriced and subpar, but there's one on every block so it's convenient. also a reliable source for a bathroom with a $4 coffee purchase.

>hating starbucks because the internet told you it's lame
>not realizing every coffee shop has its good and bad points

>> No.12770329

Might as well eat a bag of sugar.

>> No.12770342

Having worked at Starbucks, my favorite order to fill was a black coffee since it took 15 seconds to grab.

>> No.12770439

It's for people who like the "idea" of coffee.
>t. Barista

>> No.12770465


basically this. i dunno if this was a calculated attempt to corner the market on naieve white tween girls that want coffee but dont want coffee or if they just somehow stumbled into it, but it's a great marketing strategy and peak capitaism.

>> No.12770479

Imagine LARPing as a tastelet in your free time.

>> No.12770482

what a reddit tier post, you probably phd'd in gender studies and now work as a barista at starbucks. you fucking failure.

>> No.12770516

hating on starbucks is kinda gay desu
its on the same tier as bitching about mcdonalds
its easy, quick shit for people who are either busy, indulgent, or dumb and im perfectly happy with soccer moms and teenagers staying there and not overcrowding my good coffee shops
pretending like you're some elevated sophisicate for not liking fast food or popular chains is much more exhausting than seeing a high schooler buy a goddamn milkshake

>> No.12770562
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Based and Fort McMurray pilled

>> No.12771210

People who truly don't like the taste of coffee can't even drink Starbucks. Starbucks is for people who add tons of sugar and milk to their coffee.

>> No.12772398
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>worse than vegans and atheists

>> No.12772408

starbux is a bad meme i can't believe people pay several dollars for $0,25 ingredients

>> No.12772410

>what is profit
yikes bro, you just posted cringe in my anonymous board.

>> No.12772456

why do people talk about Starbucks so much when it isn't even doing well and they're rare as fuck?
is it still a thing on the west coast?

>> No.12772815

Starbucks is aight. Ordering something simple isn't even that expensive at all and their locations are usually pretty damn comfy, plus I for one enjoy being around people.

>> No.12772853

I mean, maybe the fraps because they are sugar filled and kid friendly but how can a black cup of coffee be for people who don't like the taste of coffee?

Explain that.

>> No.12772926

Learn how to make coffee you fucking underage retard.

>> No.12772998
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they sucks
they have the same taste as a soluble coffee, which sucks ass

>> No.12773392
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>muh subtle bitter taste
>muh french press

>> No.12773479

Go have some candy, fag.

>> No.12773523

I tried the nitro cold brew the other day, and it was pretty good.

>> No.12773548

If you think all coffee is bitter you really are an underage faggot.