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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12768840 No.12768840 [Reply] [Original]

Cigarette after lunch is the cornerstone of the American dream

>> No.12769150
File: 902 KB, 643x1043, Marlboro_Gold_Original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cigarettes and coffee

the only eternal relationship

>> No.12769171
File: 81 KB, 500x500, 2411200001_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any domestically sold American cigarette packs carry that giant 'Smoking kills' sticker? I only see that on imports, and I don't know why anyone would bother importing Winstons if they already lived in the US.
Anywho: For me, it's Seven Stars.

>> No.12769306

>smoking air

>> No.12769310

In my country they put images of fucked up teeth, fetuses and brain dead people.

>> No.12769489
File: 35 KB, 414x235, GOLDEN-VIRGINIA-50g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i'm not drinking I only smoke after meals.

>> No.12769548

Where do you buy them?

>> No.12769561

In mine too, i collect and trade them with my friends. I have a rare mustache throat cancer image

>> No.12769564

been smoking dark blue Drum for 8 years and golden virginia just doesnt do it for me, feels too bland unless i roll a loose and fat one on purpose but that would probably give me throat/lung pains after a while. been thinking about trying a 50/50 drum/GV blend though, might be just the stuff.

>> No.12769600

>not just smoking weed

>> No.12769614
File: 28 KB, 254x350, amsterdamshag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've never seen that for sale in the U.S., i buy this for $15 a pouch.

>> No.12769702

Cannabis and tobacco are nothing alike. I don't know why you would mention one as though it were a substitute for the other. The only thing they have in common is route of administration. It's basically like if this were a thread about omelettes and you asked why we don't just eat buffalo wings instead.

>> No.12769709
File: 204 KB, 520x680, larger_Camel Wides Filters (USA Aug 2010) - Right side angle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Camel Wides coming through.

>> No.12769714

i smoke tobacco, weed, vape and smoke spice

>> No.12769745

amsterstam and norwegian shag are the fucking GOAT. but where the fuck do you live that you pay $15 a pouch for it?
even in NYC before they banned pouches of RYO bacco it was only $10-11

>> No.12769755

I've found that smoking tobacco/weed in a ratio of 8:1 is perfect for maximum nicotine yet being completely immune to cancer.

>> No.12769757

It amazes me when I go to the states and people bitch about 4.50 a pack being expensive...

Cause I pay $20 a pack in leaf bux

>> No.12769774

Cigarettes in Afghanistan are 10 cents a pack

>> No.12769778

>literally paying for easier cancer

>> No.12769801

How the fuck do you have internet in Afghanistan? Aren't you too busy being ied'd every day?

>> No.12769814

Were all gonna die anon. Why not do what you want in the meantime

>> No.12769820

Millions of americans have been to Afghanistan its been a top destination for young men for like 18 years

>> No.12769827

*spends the last 10 years of your life in agony and bankruptcy paying for medical bills*

>> No.12769829

>Were all gonna die anon. Why not do what your addiction want in the meantime

>> No.12769862

>Millions of americans have been to Afghanistan its been a top destination for young men for like 18 years
For what reason? People take vacations there?

>> No.12769865

i get your point, but millions of healthy americans die from horrible diseases including cancer regardless of their lifestyles.
yes, it certainly doesn't help by smoking, but there are hardly that many pleasant ways of dying.

>> No.12769866

Or are you talking about the military?

>> No.12769870

>*spends the last 10 years of your life in agony and bankruptcy paying for medical bills*
Literally just own a shotgun.

>> No.12769876

nicotine prevents Alzheimer dying from lung cancer is better than forgetting who you are and then dying

>> No.12769886
File: 23 KB, 500x459, i-deliberatley-entered-a-thread-full-of-things-that-i-5787722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12769891

food and cooking board

>> No.12769896

Did you just start posting on /ck/ this morning? There's a cigarettes thread almost every day. Smoking is part of line cook culture. Deal with it.

>> No.12769898

Look if your gonna dis on the army already just fucking say it you contraian faggot

>> No.12769907

Nicotine prevents Alzheimer's? Holy shit give this man a Nobel prize!! We must tell the scientists!
Lol jesus, didn't you guys get sued for billions of dollars for lying about cigarettes? Also pretty sure this entire thread is illegal

>> No.12769910 [DELETED] 

eat shit loser. Sage

>> No.12769914

About half my dip can has a warning about how it can lead to tooth loss or whatever.
Haha, bump!

>> No.12769915

I had a great time in afghanistan when I was in the army nothing about my comments was negative

>> No.12769925

E2-E4 gang represent

>> No.12769927 [DELETED] 


>> No.12769932

>not getting article 15s and staying e-1 forever

>> No.12769944

> pretty sure this entire thread is illegal
lmao (You)

>> No.12769947

promoting tobacco on a website that allows people under the age of 21 on it is illegal

>> No.12769950

Nice try, retard.

>> No.12769954

In the US the law is 18, and this site is 18+ only.

>> No.12769955
File: 3.32 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20190808_224630683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh yes, nicotine

>> No.12769957

Fuck off, old man.

>> No.12769961

I quit smoking about 3 years ago. And started again this month. I feel like shit. I hate the smell. I hate smelling like it. I hate being so weak that a stressful period reignited a 20-year habit I had managed to quit cold turkey. But it just feels SO good. I even got all the supplies to roll pipe tobacco so it works out to less than a $1 a pack. I can't count how many times I sat there and thought "What the fuck am I doing?" when smoking in the last month. I know better. But
>after hardwork
>after a good movie
>right before bed
there's so many times that are just orgasmic with a cigarette. I hate myself.

>> No.12769964

its 21 now in most states

>> No.12769965

>Nicotine prevents Alzheimer's? Holy shit give this man a Nobel prize!! We must tell the scientists!
Are you retarded, anon? This is old news, nobody needs to "tell the scientists." Pharamceutical treatments for Alzheimer's are mostly cholinesterase inhibitors, meaning they inhibit the enzyme that metabolizes acetylcholine.
Meanwhile there's an entire class of acetylcholine receptor *named after nicotine*. Hmm, maybe nicotine could be helpful in some way...
But no, because hurr cig cigs can't be brain good, news say bad for me durr!
>Epidemiology shows that nicotine preventing and therapeutic effects on Alzheimer's disease (AD), but the mechanism is not clear.
>Our results suggest that nicotine is beneficial in retarding the neurodegenerative diseases AD. These data provide a mechanistic base for the potential development of selected α7 nAChR agonists or iNOS inhibitors used for treating AD.

>> No.12769970
File: 35 KB, 564x564, 2fd9f6fa64174f5cc0d0645153a39f48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with nasal stimulation, my friend.

>> No.12769975

Only federal law applies to the internet afaik. This also isn't official advertisement (whether there are shills itt is unprovable) so I don't think the law applies. It's on par with telling your friends smoking is cool.

>> No.12769986

No it isn't. 18 states isn't most states. And nobody's promoting anything in the first place, although that's wrong on yet another level because those 18 states don't have laws against people promoting tobacco on the internet regardless. Ohio doesn't get to decide what people discuss on the public internet using computers located in other states.

>> No.12769994

Redpill me on rolling my own cigarettes.

>> No.12769997

get a machine, tubes, and pipe tobacco its taxed less

>> No.12769999

no one is promoting shit. were talking about what smokes we perfer.

>> No.12770005
File: 72 KB, 300x300, 1400965535437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn crinkle your nose on my cock right now bb

>> No.12770009

It's probably better in general to do so but I know personally I'm terrible at rolling even WITH a machine and I got lazy and went back to regular cigarettes really fucking quickly. When I want to smoke I just want to smoke, not deal with pulling out a tray and papers and tobacco and screwing around with a machine trying to get the thing fed in right and then ending up with some non-sticking too thin mess.

>> No.12770010 [DELETED] 


>> No.12770013

Did you get molested by your uncle recently or something? Why do you keep mad-posting here?

>> No.12770017 [DELETED] 

>Did you get molested by your uncle recently or something? Why do you keep mad-posting here?

>> No.12770021

Its great tubes for 5$ (200 count) Pound of tobbaco for 10-30 depending on brand/quality. I usually buy a pound bag for 15$ and 2 boxes of tubes per month. 25$ a month on pretty decent smokes is based as fuck.

>> No.12770023

when i rolled my own I would make like 500 at a time and keep them in an ammo can with a cigar humidity thing

>> No.12770029

I don't think you understand what sage does. It just makes it so that your own post doesn't bump a thread. And you don't use it as your name or put it in the post box, idiot.

>> No.12770033

sage goes in all fields

>> No.12770038 [DELETED] 

>I don't think you understand what sage does. It just makes it so that your own post doesn't bump a thread. And you don't use it as your name or put it in the post box, idiot.

>> No.12770040

Do I need a machine or is hand rolling acceptable? Any recommendations for papers/filters?

>> No.12770047
File: 864 KB, 800x690, 1540453991225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Top-o-matic T2 and roll them into a tube. But, you know, back before they started taxing canned cigarette tobacco, I could swear the hand rolled ones were a better experience. Something like taking your time and cooking your own food to the best of your ability and enjoying the reward. They felt more worthwhile or something. I remember having this dinky little plastic rollers with a vinyl belt.

>> No.12770052

5$ will get you a roller. hand rolling is harsher and you buy regular papers instead of tubes. If you go hand rolling Bugular, OCB, are good papers. Dont get rice papers like zig-zag they are for weed and dont work too well for smokes.

>> No.12770055

Other people are posting in the thread. Posting without bumping does nothing if others are posting while bumping at the same time.
Cool decade old meme. Hello this is dog hahaha hilarious.

>> No.12770074


>> No.12770077
File: 20 KB, 480x480, wj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food and cooking board
>eat shit loser. Sage
Also dunhill internationals for me.

>> No.12770104

Thanks, I think I'm going to hand roll since I like them stronger anyway.

>> No.12770129
File: 23 KB, 300x250, fb317ed7b1b4cf8e3964107cb73032ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she'd love that. Her face is just too cute. I bet you're cute too. This girl is also quite cute.

>> No.12770263


>> No.12770296

Not him but I will.

>> No.12770323

It fuckin slaps

>> No.12770324

Honestly makes sense to me.

>> No.12770795

why dont you just chew nicotine gum instead? smoking itself does cause alzheimer's because there's way more at play than a little nicotine you dingus.

>> No.12770807


>> No.12770849

I don't smoke to protect against Alzheimer's, that was the other anon. I just found your response to him here...:
>Nicotine prevents Alzheimer's? Holy shit give this man a Nobel prize!! We must tell the scientists!
... completely retarded given the protective effects of nicotine on Alzheimer's are well established old news and you inexplicably didn't even bother taking two seconds to check before making your idiotic attempt at sarcasm shouting about Nobel prizes and telling the scientists.
Seriously, what were you even thinking? That it would be a near-impossible miracle for someone to find evidence of nicotine, a substance acting on the receptors most involved in the pathology of Alzheimer's, could conceivably have any sort of therapeutic benefits for Alzheimer's? What is wrong with you?

>> No.12771432
File: 108 KB, 1000x500, 1563858543702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chocolate milk and cig is fucking based and redpilled

>> No.12771489

No it isn't. America was not the first country to have tobacco smokers, people have been smoking since the dawn of man, and almost certainly have been smoking after their lunches just as long

>> No.12771628
File: 30 KB, 405x720, f3e0c4403f0fe8ed0e5e92c863d7fef1438f5638_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back to me once the pack of darts has become your lunch, you filthy capitalist pig.

>> No.12771676

Thankfully your brain melted before it got cancer.

>> No.12771835

>bankruptcy paying for medical bills
not in my country cunt, lmao

>> No.12771839

it's cheaper and it's actual tobacco.
the shit in cigarettes is usually old shredded newspaper dipped in """"tobacco""""" extract and other chemicals.

>> No.12771842

try the chopstick trick.
>wrap paper around a circular chopstick
>seal it
>slide it off the end onto a filter
>pack the tobacco, weed, other herbs in from the top like you're loading a musket

>> No.12771844

>tobacco smoking predates the discovery of American tobacco by the native americans
Fascinating. Lemme guess, cocaine mummies mean aliums gave us tobacco? Oh, I know, it was actually the Caucasian mound builders from Thule! lol

>> No.12771944


>> No.12771950

what the fuck dude

>> No.12771954

It used to be $10 in CA but it's $15 now from taxes, a pack of american spirits are $10.

>> No.12771969

I smoke both and weed makes me want to smoke a cig after a bowl. I f I ever quit weed I would have to quit tobacco, porn, and drinking because they all go together.

>> No.12772167
File: 135 KB, 360x394, 1565464038392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao I bet you think the devil put dino bones here to deceive us

>> No.12772173

what's the most patrician brand of cigarettes?

>> No.12772244

I like black dunhill's or nat Sherman's

Ryo tho

>> No.12772690

we are all cute

>> No.12772944

looking at the prices in other countries, im happy that im from Poland. A pack of cigs is $4-$5 here. But then I remember that Poland is a shithole

>> No.12772993
File: 34 KB, 640x513, 1565658559338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% gebaseerd

>> No.12773000


>> No.12773295
File: 79 KB, 564x672, 322f02d14858b18ad36cd908eeec4802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too, friend

>> No.12773304
File: 38 KB, 600x600, kodiak_LC_wintergreen_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior form of tobacco coming through

>> No.12773311

>huffing chemicals
1 bowl of tobacco in a pipe is proven to be the safest way to smoke and has the lowest risk of cancer next to not smoking at all

>> No.12773355

>muh cancer
Lungcancer when you're fucking 70 years old is nothing. Peripheral neuropathy is the real bitch

>> No.12773388
File: 134 KB, 300x300, 300px-R%C3%B6%C3%B6kij%C3%A4b%C3%A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't smoke cigarettes

Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?

>b-but it kills you

And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?

>it's addicting!!!

It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation

>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!

Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel

>> No.12774652
File: 1.43 MB, 360x238, 1562183437367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stand cigarettes, I only like cigars.

>> No.12774680

It smells like shit and give you shit yellow teeth.

>> No.12774681

The gay thing about cigs is not that you die a bit younger, really doesnt matter if you die at 70 or 75. No matter how old you are, you will never be happy about it.
The problem for me is that it just drained my energy, I dont want to feel sick while I am still young.
Still smoke very rarely, marlboro gold.

>> No.12775875


>> No.12776131
File: 87 KB, 563x691, 69bba098862e37c98700dc8a539b50f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute girls are based

>> No.12776488


>> No.12776533

Bro that mustache throat cancer pick is on every other package here i fucking hate it

>> No.12777635

Kek it's rare round here, we mostly have dead fetuses and childrens mourning before a gravestone

>> No.12777664
File: 42 KB, 500x750, 99195f05330af91815cf0272faad4509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over here it's wierd staged pictures of infertile women, impotent men and many hospitalized people. Every now and then a huge scandal occurs because the images dying people in hospital beds were not only taken without permission but the people depicted weren't even hospitalized for anything related to smoking.

>> No.12777708
File: 82 KB, 728x971, 1565733299343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you pay for a pack of, let's say, Camels ? In baguettistan it's almost 10 fucking euros and we have "neutrals packs" no coloris or logos at all, only the name on a plain gray color

>> No.12777843
File: 932 KB, 3072x2671, _20190812_200755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit a week ago and you should too.

>> No.12777858

t. people who thought smoking when 12 made them cool and are now addicted
>muh i like the taste
>muh relaxing
>muh i quit when i want
>muh what are you scared
>muh what are you too poor

>> No.12777873

I started at 22

>> No.12777947


>> No.12777971
File: 47 KB, 564x564, 55963742de3dcda2fd8acad5c6dee204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10,50 euros for 35 camel cigarettes. 8,20 for 26.
I pay 10 euros for 34 Gauloises, yet 60 grams of John Player Special rolling tobacco is 10,10 euros. Smoking is pretty expensive here but France and the UK have it much worse. Packets aren't that neutral olive/grey colour but they all have these well known warning labels and for about four years or so those dead people pictures. A lot of organisations are pushing to ban smoking outside of your own home so I guess at some point I'll have to quit.

>> No.12777984

>Marlboro Gold
Based 16yo wine cooler grill

>> No.12777994
File: 137 KB, 660x353, vannellezwaar50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not smoking the quintessential Dutch zware shag

The virgin halfzwaar vs. the chad zware bats

>> No.12778006
File: 52 KB, 540x720, 9ece5ac14798a1fdb2c751047d0def6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes treat myself to a pack of this or Javaanse Jongens De Luxe. The only people who smoke halfzwaar are people using it for DUDE WEED LMAO

>> No.12778026

Echte Nederlandse sigarettenrokers roken Tivoli of Belinda Menthol

Kek this. JJ 3/4 and Tembaco are also pro tier

>> No.12778033
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>> No.12778044

Never liked Stuyvesant to be honest. Didn't even notice it was gone.

>> No.12778048

I have severe depression, I just didn't care back then.

>> No.12778062

>*snuses in ur path*

>> No.12778092

Have sex.

>> No.12778113

I started smoking when I was 15. I smoke once, maybe twice a day. I enjoy it because it's relaxing. I can quit when ever I want, just seeing this thread reminded me that I still have a pack in my drawer and I forgot to smoke this week. Does this upset you? It does, doesn't it?

>> No.12778122

>I can quit when ever I want

>> No.12778128

Traditional pipe smoking does ruin your teeth more than cigarette smoking does, it can also still give you cancer of the gums and throat. I still vividly remember my dad's plumcake & scottish blend pipe tobacco smelling amazing though.

>> No.12778175

Why does this upset you so much even though it's true? You should try smoking some time and stop listening to everything mama tells you

>> No.12778203

I've been smoking for 12 years man, you can't imagine how often I had thoughts like yours (le I can quit cig a day blah blah) and it all went to shit every time I tried to quit for good.

>> No.12778230

im like this, other than i smoke 6 cigs a day max, i do it because i have nothing better to do and i dont wanna stare into space. it also makes me look busy in public instead of a loner

>> No.12778277

And where are you from ? I'm a frog btw

>> No.12778318
File: 351 KB, 543x672, 1563302863136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?
Yes, what's last place like?

>> No.12778445

Netherlands, Tobacco is still cheaper in Belgium.

>> No.12778500

Never thought I'd turn into one of those hipster vape faggots, but it's better in every way. I used to spend $60 for a carton/ 10 packs of Marlboro Red 100s every week. Now, I've spent maybe $90 altogether for a vape, heating coil, two rechargeable batteries, charger, and two bottles of nicotine oil. The oil bottles cost maybe $11 each and last me a week-10 days, and a new coil costs maybe $3 and has lasted for months. Doesn't burn holes in my clothes, and doesn't stink up my house, car, or hair. Vape is better in every way.

>> No.12778591
File: 68 KB, 564x719, fcc450fe75d75782ff12792c74d3149e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever works for you, more and more people are starting to do it, which is no wonder with how expensive tobacco has gotten. Might look into it myself, are there any oils that still taste somewhat of tobacco or is it all weird mint and candy flavours?

>> No.12778757

I vape only indoors because it doesn't leave a smell
You can buy some with various tobacco flavor

>> No.12778797

there are tobacco flavours, bur many arent good
vaping has many benefits, taste, smell etc. but the effect is much weaker.

>> No.12778890

what helped me quit was taking the time to appreciate the post coffee / movie / work calm outside but just not smoking during that moment

>> No.12778897

I prefer handrolleds, rolling them is fun

>> No.12778903

My favorite is the one with the chick blowing smoke directly at her baby's face like yeah, that's totally what the average smoker looks like

>> No.12778936

smokers are more likely to die of a catastrophic cardiac event which is relatively quick

>> No.12779074

First time I quit (heh) e-cigs were a huge help. I think all the kids call it vaping now and it's apparently for fags. But those little V2 e-cigs made it completely painless. 2 weeks of e-cigs, and they got shelved as well.

>> No.12779129

>was life a contest about who lives the longest?
It is to me and I thank you for removing yourself from the competition.
Cigars are better anyway.