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12768654 No.12768654 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that picky eaters are becoming more common? My zoomer little brother won't eat eggs or mushrooms or tomatoes, and he says it isn't weird.

Shouldn't you expect people to try out more new things because of the Internet?

>> No.12768669

I don’t like Pickles and typically don’t like vinegar

25 here

>> No.12768671

>he says it isn't weird.
That's called 'having your cake and eat it too'. He's picky but would not like to be called a little zoomer fag because of it.

>> No.12768674

Tell him he is completely weird and an anon on the internet confirms it. I've seen some shit. I know weird, and that's weird.

>> No.12768685

>eggs or mushrooms
i guess that's plausible since slimy foods are commonly offputting-
there's no hope for him. you know what you must do

>> No.12768689

If anything it should be the opposite.

>> No.12768709

It seems the common thread among his dietary aversions is texture. Obsession on such properties is a common sign of autistic spectrum activity. There are many folk theories that claim to explain the rising frequency of ASD, such as vaccines or technology, but none are holistically acceptable. It may just be increased awareness of a singular element of the human condition that persists through history and is only now being recognized as exceptional.

>> No.12768881

I was picky as fuck when I was a kid, but I eventually mellowed out to eat most foods today. I had a lot of sensory issues, however. I'd cry from the texture of jeans, and tags on clothes digging into my skin could make me have an autismo breakdown. Some people are just highly sensitive, and kids don't really have a way to deal with uncomfortable sensations.

>> No.12768884

>Shouldn't you expect people to try out more new things because of the Internet?
Current age internet discourages actual new things, why the fuck do you think people just keep using the same maymays and browsing the same websites all day?

>> No.12768885

I'm allergic.
I hate them raw or sliced, but will eat them in chunks in a sauce or minced for a salsa
These are a staple food, what sort of beta doesn't eat eggs.

>> No.12768889

>Shouldn't you expect people to try out more new things because of the Internet?
no, because other people are already trying it for you. you can accurately gauge your reaction to something based on the reaction of many others

>> No.12768893

Most tomatoes and many mushrooms either taste like shit or have a shitty texture. There are exceptions, but not many.

>> No.12768903

All jokes aside, do you have autism?

>> No.12768905

Inhaling every morsel of food that enters your vicinity is how you become a fat ass.

>> No.12768916

Not more common, it's just becoming easier for people to facilitate their stupid choices. A few generations ago if you turned your nose up at everything you didn't like you couldn't get by. Now it's easier to be picky, the same way it's easier to be vegan, carnivore, keto, or any other of the stupid fads being peddled by mommyblogs.

>> No.12768932

Completely unrelated top the topic, copetismo

>> No.12768933

all mental illnesses are becoming increasingly tolerated. and society is getting worse as a result.

>> No.12768936

>this fucking thread
We need to reintroduce corporal punishment I say.

>> No.12768953

don't worry, you still have time to grow up :)

>> No.12768960

Blame the parents. If you don't raise your child to get used to all kinds of flavors and just feed him fast food and shit, he'll be a picky eater.
I'm raising my kid to eat everything. He's 3 and eats everything I cook. We have our own garden and grow vegetables and fruits and he's used to all kinds of flavors.

>> No.12768962

who cares what he will and will not eat. don't encourage the behavior by catering to his faggot ass and making a different meal. he'll either eat it and learn to like it, learn to cook himself, or starve and die. any of the 3 is a win

>> No.12768984

Possibly. The main problem regarding a diagnosis is that I actually have very good recognition of social dynamics and social interactions as an adult. I can very quickly tell how a person is feeling or what they are thinking, and I'm actually a very good communicator and listener. That being said, as a child, I had all the classic signs of autism (hypersensitivity, difficulty talking to others, the arm-flapping, etc.) and they debated diagnosing me with asperger's at the time.

As an adult, though, I still have sensory problems, including auditory processing issues (I'm often too loud or too quiet and I can struggle to quickly process words in public spaces) and an aversion to specific textures. I "stim" and always have since I was very young to relieve stress. Even though I understand people, I'm still incredibly socially awkward and generally a few steps away from saying things I probably shouldn't if I get a little too comfortable.

It's hard to say. On one hand, I could see that I'm on the spectrum and my hypersensitivity manifested in me learning to be socially perceptive, and my social awkward autismo moments is the real me slipping out. On the other hand, I can see me just having OCD, bipolar I, and high social and generalized anxiety, all diagnosed, which makes me highly hypersensitive and sometimes irrational.

Functionally, it doesn't really matter, but there's your answer. To pull it back to the topic, the only foods I hate from childhood with the same intensity are tomatoes and most melons. I hate that squishy texture. In fact, I have a general dislike of most fruits due to their flesh-like texture. It just feels wrong to me.

>> No.12768986

I'm not picky myself but I struggle wanting to call people out because I mean fuck it Idk if you ever tried a mushroom, maybe you DON'T like it. No skin off my bones. But at the same time it's just like holy fuck dude, your entire life revolves around diet soda and 3 solid foods, kill yourself

>> No.12768994

What would you consider a couple of generations ago? My mom was born in 1964, and is picky to the point where I think she has a mental problem. When she gets a burger, its just the meat and sometimes cheese. The only vegetables I think I've ever seen her eat are carrots, potatoes, and broccoli, but the broccoli has to be steamed to hell. She eats her meats with old bay and A1, and nothing else. Her lunch at work is typically a peanut butter sandwich. She gets visibly uncomfortable at the sight of many different foods that aren't typical meats like chicken, steak, and fish.

When I was growing up I was extremely picky because I learned it from my mother, but these days I eat basically anything. Admittedly though, I don't normally like tomatoes unless its a hint of flavor in a broth or something, and I can't get into most mushrooms other than shiitake or morel, but most mushrooms don't have many nutritional benefits regardless.

>> No.12769001

>Go to restaurant famous for it's huge fucking steaks
>we all get rare 300 gram gravy slathered motherfuckers with sides of mushrooms, spinach, chicken livers and onions
>single legit homofag estranged friend gets a well done burger with a side of fries and ketchup, sends it back to the kitchen because there was pickles on it
I didn't throw a hissyfit because I'm not autismo, but goddamn man you're 29

At least he got home to go balls deep in a hairless twinks asshole whereas I had to pound my chode to Jav again

>> No.12769019


>> No.12769020

>At least he got home to go balls deep in a hairless twinks asshole whereas I had to pound my chode to Jav again
so who's the real winner here?

>> No.12769028

Matter of opinion I guess. I didn't get shitdick but I did accidently give myself a facial to Asahi Mizuno again

>> No.12769092
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after dating a couple years at uni, I found some terrible picky eaters. my ex was a fucking work though:
>"no i can't drink water. it doesn't taste like anything"
>alfredo everything
>mac n cheese if they have it
>no red meat because it tastes too strong
>cheesy rice in the microwave
>would sometimes have veg, but it was like 1/4 cup of canned corn
>black pepper is just spicy enough
>coffee was starbucks mixed/blended drinks
>couldn't drink any booze except flavored rum
we broke up a few years ago, and now she is a man. I think i dodged a bullet

>> No.12769114

My grandparents were born into the peak of the great depression and they adopted me when I was young. When 75% of your meals are potato pancakes, ketchup sandwiches, and other similarly cheap staples, you get an appreciation for anything different. My point wasn't to say there were never any historically picky eaters, just that it was far more difficult to live that way than it is now.

>> No.12769421

I used to fucking hate eggs until I realized it was just how my parents cooked them that was shit.

>> No.12769441


As we get older, we lose our hypersensitivity to extremes of taste aka we no longer lose our shit over a pile of candy. Which lets us appreciate the valleys between the peaks, so to speak. Same thing happens with music/sound.

How old is your little brother? If he's still picky by 25, that's a different story. He could also be used to an Amerifat diet where shit doesn't taste right without sugar, seed oils, sugar, seed oils, and more sugar in FUCKING EVERYTHING.

>> No.12769472

I hate mushrooms. What's a good way to prepare them that'd make me change my mind? Most foods I don't like I can at least eat if mixed with something else but I hate mushrooms in everything I've tried.

>> No.12769484

Your little brother was just defending himself. He will grow up to be a chad.

>> No.12769495

I dont like raw tomatos either. The water and seeds in the middle fuck everything up. The flesh is okay and cooked in sauces is great.

>> No.12769536

manchild ass bullshit right there.

>> No.12769540

Beat the shit out of him.
t. adult boomer who never got beat up but probably should have

>> No.12769543

Meant zoomer, I'm a phoneposting retard.

>> No.12769550

This is my take on it, you go back 100 years ago and an aspie would just be "a bit of a queer fellow" but still be thrust into a manual labor job making a good living, and marry a homely housewife who needs a man to provide for her and give her children

That doesn't really happen in modern society

>> No.12770776

I don't like aubergines or anise but that's about it. I'm not fond of carrots but I'll eat them. I used to be the pickiest eater in my family when I was about 10, now I'm 22 and I enjoy bear meat and kangaroo testicles. If you haven't grown out of your picky eating habits by your early 20s then you are a fucking child.

>> No.12770852

i have the same challenges as you, i could highlight the ones too, recognition of social dynamics, hypersensitivity, too quiet, stim, socially awkward, OCD, anxiety, the problems i have since a kid is creamy textures but i love fruits. i wouldn't mind being autistic so long as i had "savant" capabilities and was autistically good at something. but for now im not convinced. ive learnt that i wouldn't have been so socially awkward if i just talked to my parents as a kid and had actual conversations

>> No.12770969

Why do you think vegans are becoming more common? Mostly because they’re actually picky little shits but veganism gives them a chance to be an even more obnoxious cunt about it.

>> No.12771031

i wouldnt call OPs brother a picky eater but i think picky eating is becoming a lot more common.

its one thing if theyre a little kid but when they carry it into their teens & into adulthood (baring legitimate autism) its not normal and its childish and spoiled as hell.
I know people who are in their mid 20s who only eat cheese pizza, french fries, and chicken alfredo. i think every single one of us knew a tendies kid in high school.
if you look at childrens menus at restaurants in the US its all like, tenders, plain burgers, mac and cheese, and cheese or pep pizza. while your taste buds are way more sensitive as a kid; kids need to try foods that arent just sugary salty and cheesy. its good for their development. I think a lot of kids who grow into adult picky eaters were just tolerated by their parents. Set down in front of the tv with a plate of microwaved nuggets mom nuked for them.
People need to cook with their families more and have actual sit down meals with their families.

>> No.12771041

grow your own, beta

>> No.12771053

This I have lived with roomates for the last 16 years and I would say maybe half of them knew how to use an oven when they moved in

>> No.12771111

thats literally the best part fuck you

>> No.12771130

I'm an autist and can't eat mushrooms or tomatoes without gagging because of the texture. That might be why for him, but he also might just not like the taste.
I'm completely incapable of eating anything mushroom related unless its a paste/sauce, and I can eat anything tomato related except slices/whole tomatoes.

>> No.12771160

>My zoomer little brother won't eat eggs or mushrooms or tomatoes, and he says it isn't weird.
No it's not weird nor uncommon. These exact foods are likely in the top 10 of the picky eater issue foods. Texture, blandness, mealiness, slimyness, who knows? Brussels, broccoli, liver, and yea, even "eww, fish" until fish sticks are shoved down a kid's throat.
I'd hope as a sibling, he was encouraged to keep trying by everyone, in case tastes and preferences open up for him to liking it. Maybe mom undercooks eggs, or only boils mushrooms. My own brother growing up adored V8, tomato juice and clamato, and even wanted multiple jugs of it at birthdays, but couldn't eat a raw tomato. Not true today, however. I think mexican salsa brought him over the raw tomato school. Also, they sucked when we were kids. Nowadays you can get tasty varieties that are actually ripe and delicious and stores stopped refrigerating them on trucks, etc.
I'm not saying your brother isn't with or without signs of a personality disorder, but people do grow a palate. As an adult, I think char roasting and buying baby veggies fixes alot of the vegetable dislikes for most people. I could have a entire sheet pan of roasted baby beets, brussels, mushrooms, cauliflower, peppers, onions, broccoli, allllll of the veggies that exist. Seriously. Gimme it all. Am I vegan? Hell no.

>> No.12771312

To the extent I listen to kids and teenagers they are just as dumb and clueless as my generation was, despite the Internet

>> No.12771404

In my experience, a lot of pickiness among children arises from parents being shitty cooks.

>> No.12771405

I imagine it's just diet

I was extremely picky as a kid, anytime we went out to eat I exclusively ordered chicken strips because thats the only thing I knew 100% I'd enjoy and I never took risks after a bad experience. Grew up extremely poor so anything expensive (lobster, crab, shrimp, pretty much all seafood basically, good cuts of steak, expensive bbq like prime rib, etc) I never tried, and pretty much never ate veggies at all because my mom never cooked them. Well, a ton of dishes have veggies and fruits as a part of them or side so I just wouldn't order stuff with onions or raw tomatoes or spinach, and the like. To this day there's a lot of common stuff like peaches, grapefruit, avaocado, brussel sprouts, green beans, mushrooms, eggplant, berries, and a lot more that I've just straight up never tried

It wasn't until my early 20s when I started actively trying new things and it's only very recently now in my mid 20s that I've started to eat regular veggies (potatoes and corn don't really count). Problem is, getting over these biases while never eating them before or building a tolerance is quite hard, especially as an adult where you can eat whatever you want, so you're less inclined to forcefeed yourself something you find terrible tasting. Stuff like broccoli and asperagus are acceptable to me now that I've found a proper way to do them by roasting them in the oven, but man I tried raw broccoli after just to see once and it was vile. I remember one time as a kid visiting a friends house his mom made asperagus, I had never had it before and was trying to eat some to be nice, but it legit almost made me puke before even putting it in my mouth, the smell made me wanna gag that bad. Smell is a huge deal for some reason with my eating and it's stopped from a lot of asian food as well.

I also hate raw tomatoes but I think I'm justified in that, it's the texture and wetness I hate. Spaghetti sauce I have no problem with

>> No.12771412

People who aren't stuck in the stone age and realize a menstrual cycle when they see one.

>> No.12771546

you should do your lil bro a solid neck him

>> No.12771563

Makes me wonder about the whole bug eating meme. Maybe in a few generations with the right marketing a third world necessity will turn into a first world fashion statement like many other popular foods today

>> No.12771614

that or the heavy fucking aspies would be the village idiot or some homeless guy who's left foot is currently being eaten by a bad case of gangrene he's likened to calling "steven"

>> No.12771625

this. A lot of the time you hate something because you just havent tried it by someone that knows his shit. for years my mom would absolutely hate parmesan and think it was horrible. but the reason is that she thought parmesan was basicly only that powdered shit that does smell gross. When i arrived home with an expensive-ish piece of parmigiano origiano and cooked with it for her she loved it as much as i did.

>> No.12771701

I wouldn't go that far, most people are picky eaters about commonly available food. Tomatoes and mushrooms are probably the most common foods people are picky about.

>> No.12771728

Depends on why you hate them. If it's a textural thing toss them in a food processor, cook them down, and add to something like meatloaf or sloppy joes. If it's a taste thing you're gonna be out of luck unless you feel like trying a bunch of different varieties to see if there is one you like.

>> No.12771840

it's always interesting hearing about other picky eaters. I have a giant list of things I don't like but I love a lot of things other people seem to hate like raw tomato and onion.

>> No.12771993

a delicious menstrual cycle

>> No.12772687

>we went out to eat
>extremely poor
Yeah nice blogpost retard.

>> No.12772963


>> No.12772973

Life is just too easy. When I was young we had to eat what we could get.
I enjoy some things more than others, but the only things I wont eat are pretty much inedible to everyone.
Also zoomers love overreacting. Some soy boy overreacts on YouTube after eating a tomato and the zoomer thinks it's funny and acceptable behavior. Unless you legit have to vomit just shut up and eat it.

>> No.12773066

Well don't the two of you just sound like two fags in a daycare

>> No.12773086

I see teenagers all the time that only eat fast food and admit theyve never eaten vegetables in their lives. boomer parents were shot, gen x parents are somehow even worse. these are the ones that give a 2 year old a phone to stare at for hours to shut them up, dont care what they eat, let them stay up playing games until whenever they want, their only "friends" are from console games so they refer to them by their xboxlive handle like its bladerunner or some shit. the shit food youre going to see in restaurants will conform to their bland zoomer tastes and its going to be expensive and hard to eat normal food, because they dont seem to be growing out of it. We are gonna have 30 year old eating nothing but tendies and fries as a regular thing, not even an ebin meme anymore.

>> No.12773113

I think so, I've been seeing more and more people around me straight up refuse to eat any cut of pork.

>> No.12773117

Hahahahaha how are slimy eggs real hahahaha just cook your eggs nigga hahaha like leave them on the pan

>> No.12773121

I can understand mushrooms, since there's a variety of them. But tomatoes?

>> No.12773123
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Thanks for the laugh, mate.

>> No.12773228

Brussel sprouts are my nemesis

>> No.12773513

Everybody I know around my age at work and at school are always open to try new things.

My dad is the pickiest fucking eater. I can't take him anywhere.
Like the things he won't eat is probably longer than the things he will eat.
He refuses to eat any fruit. Says he doesn't like the taste.
The only vegetable he will eat is carrots and potatoes. He will eat onion but only white onion and only if it's sauteed (like fajitas).
If we go to a Mexican joint, he'll order fajitas - no peppers, no tomatoes, so it comes out as a pile of steaming hot onions.
If we go to a burger joint, he'll get a bacon cheeseburger (but only if the cheese is cheddar) with "no vegetables."
He refuses to try new things. I've tried exposing him to Thai, Vietnamese, Indian, Japanese, and he flat out refuses.

>> No.12773541

Do other cultures besides 'murricans have a "kid's menu" sort of mentality when it comes to feeding kids? I don't think I've heard of indian, east asian or south american people feeding their kids different stuff than what they eat because "it's too spicy, the flavors are too strong" etc.. but maybe I'm just a retard

>> No.12773550

I found I grew into liking/tolerating those kinds of foods as I got older. I try the foods I hate every couple of years just to see if they're ok now.

>> No.12773592

Most countries don't.

>> No.12773622

Was very picky as a kid, did not eat vegetables, after learning to cook I got less picky about veggies but got more picky about the process of cooking food.
Stewing over roasting meats,Stir fry vegetables are best, and bacon fat is best oil

>> No.12773737

There's more than a hundred different tomatoes.

>> No.12773764

Yeah, but they all have similar texture and taste.

>> No.12774240


>> No.12774700

he's right. supermarket tomatoes has no taste.
the only tomatoes worth buying are fresh from a grocer or farmer, or just growing your own.

>> No.12774758

My parents boiled or steamed every vegetable without any added seasoning or sauce except salt, and every meat has to be 100% plain, except salt. School lunches are legendary at being bad. Fast food, fried food, cheesy and fatty food, candy and soda... it tastes "good" even if the quality is poor.

Pickiness can be a problem as a kid when you never had access to things that tasted good that weren't loaded with butter, oil, salt, or sugar.

>> No.12775298

Even as poorfags we'd go out once a year for a birthday dinner. "Going out" means something like red robin or zip's though

>> No.12776260

Not liking foods is kind of cringe

Not TRYING foods is mega cringe

Personally I don't really like fish, raw tomatoes by themselves, extremely spicy stuff, cilantro, or runny eggs. But I've tried camel, yak, moose, dog, raccoon, horse, most organs, disgusting Kyrgyz malt drinks, rotten horse milk, weird gross seafood, etc

>> No.12776302

There are kids menus in Western and Northern Europe, stuff like meatballs, fish fingers, basic burgers, fries etc.

>> No.12776332

I can't stand mushrooms either