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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 182 KB, 1024x730, robiola-di-roccaverano-1024x730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12762399 No.12762399 [Reply] [Original]

Pro-PDO arguments:
>Benefits the consumer (you can get a pretty good idea of what the thing in the container will taste like without buying a sample from every single producer)
>Benefits the seller (their good name is protected by law)
>Benefits the connoisseur (high status products are easily identified)
>Benefits the skinflint (under-appreciated and competitively priced high quality products are still easily identified)
Anti-PDO arguments:
>My Wisconsin pasteurize-process industrial waste trashfood tastes just as good as your actual food made of decent quality ingredients because I bet you're a snob
>All food is basically the same, something something chemophobia
>It is my constitutional right to be lied to
>I saw a Penn & Teller once that told me that stuff I can't afford is a scam
>According to the Wisconsin International Cheese Association, Wisconsin cheese is the most respected cheese in the whole entire world
Which side are you on, /ck/?

>> No.12762407

>American (((cheese)))

>> No.12762445

America makes a few good cheeses in the coastal states but since we only subsidize low quality garbage it’s ridiculously expensive.

The way you can tell if a cheese will suck is if it’s fraudulently using the name of a place in Europe known for its cheese

>> No.12762480

WTF is a PDO, you HFF?

>> No.12763759

It probably has something to do with trannies. They’re everywhere now

>> No.12763824

protected designation of origin

>> No.12763839

>Wisconsin cheese is the most respected cheese in the whole entire world
lol outsideof the usa nobody even knows wisconsin makes cheese. That's because amer*can food products are about the least respected in the world...

>> No.12763844


>> No.12763848 [DELETED] 

the fuck is a ""PDO""?

stupid acronyms

>> No.12763853


>> No.12763886

Stay obsessed

>> No.12763913

stay obesed lol

>> No.12763923
File: 217 KB, 1058x587, 1461982505435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here

>> No.12763952

Wait, there's being made acutal cheese in America? Not just (((cheese product)))?

>> No.12763973

Truth in advertising, but no government support of monopolies.

If a bunch of shitalians want to get together and create a regional certification business for their cheese that's their business and theirs alone. If they want to make it non regional, still just their business.

>> No.12763976

>why, of course a huge corporation can trademark common words and expressions
>wtf why should a group of producers have an exclusive right to the name of their incredibly specific product
am*rican logic

>> No.12763983

Cellulose is not sawdust.

>> No.12763996

at least that's what they made amer*cans believe lol. They actually think they are making a product that is edible to anyone who has ever eaten real cheese. It's just as fascinating that they believe they are not a third world country with lower living standard than Europe. Who makes them believe this?
murrrican'ts are every dictators wet dream lol

>> No.12764665

Pretty similar though

>> No.12764688

>Cellulose is not sawdust.
it might as well be.

>> No.12764691

Jesus, you really need some friends, man.
I'll pray for you

>> No.12766242

There is a lot of good cheese made here. The stuff that gets overseas attention though is what we call American cheese at the deli, because of how processed it is compared to actual good stuff.

>> No.12766249
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>American '''''''cheese'''''''

>> No.12766256
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>> No.12766264

That looked really hot for a second

>> No.12766267

>for a second
For 9 seconds, actually

>> No.12766269

And then it looked very fucking hot.

>> No.12766276
File: 1.07 MB, 220x220, tenor[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classy cos she's annoyed at herself for drinking so much that she spewed (hand gestures)
also she didn't get any spew on herself.

I would defenately eat her ass cos she more than likely has fantastic hygiene practises.

>> No.12766312

No one knows how to spell that damn word. My favorite misspelling is "defiantly". Why are you being defiant? What are you defying? Anyway, learn English, dumbass. That's what we speak here.

>> No.12766319

Lol ass eaters BTFO

>> No.12766336

Can't people just put "[region] inspired [product]" on the packaging?

>> No.12766341

They'll only do that if required to by law. Otherwise they have no issues simply lying to you.

>> No.12766751
File: 89 KB, 301x267, 99BEB02A-B7BA-43E5-A237-93ADDD5BA7E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you’re right sorry ck

>> No.12766918

tillamook is bretty gud
cabot has some nice habanero jack that i like to get on bogo

the real issue is we don't have enough non-cow's milk based cheeses, theres only so many times you can vintage parm/cheddar/havarti/etc. before it all starts tasting roughly the same