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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12759505 No.12759505 [Reply] [Original]

>Be kid
>Wake up to fried rice, fried noodles, or nasi lemak
>Lunch was usually rice with 3-4 side dishes or sometimes curry rice
>Dinner was either rice with 4-5 side dishes, on special days we'd order pizza

>Be now
>Breakfast is cigarettes and coffee
>No lunch
>Dinner is either ramen or whatever frozen food I bought a week back

>> No.12759626

>be kid
>be irresponsible and let mommy take care of my happy meal

>be now
>still a big baby and doesn't know basic surviving skill to take care of myself

Ftfy kiddo

>> No.12759629

i can cook, i just don't have the will to cook after a long day at work

>> No.12759632

Sounds Southeast Asian

>> No.12759650

Excuse is an excuse, there are simple meal you can make

Thousands of ppl get off work tired as fuck, but still ppl can manage to stay healthy. Had a shitty dinner ? Make a healthy big breakfast to make up for it

No wait, you can't, you will still make an excuse

>> No.12759653

this is a nonsense problem, if you cooked and ate healthy nutritious food, you'd have more energy. It's the same thing like saying you're 'too tired to exercise'.

sounds like you just want mommy 2.0 to fill the role now
What's even stopping you from doing that either?

>> No.12759677
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>No wait, you can't, you will still make an excuse
you know it
i'm retarded like that

>mommy 2.0
how did you know i want an oba-san gf

>> No.12759695

Are you a Singacuck or Malaysiapoor

>> No.12759698

Are you Korean?

>> No.12759704 [DELETED] 

>Breakfast is cigarettes and coffee

but thats the best breakfast though

>> No.12759706
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>nasi lemak

>> No.12759737

>nasi lemak
I don't know what that is, but I know Koreans eat lots of side dishes. Admittedly, I'm not as well versed in other Asian countries' eating habits.

>> No.12759787

Was it too hard to google "Nasi Lemak" before desecrating this thread with your uninformed opinion?

>> No.12759796

he's a jungle asian you retard

>> No.12759811

Yes, actually. It was. I'm a busy guy. My balls need scratching every once in a while.

>> No.12759890

Based manchild

>> No.12759895

That's your own fault faggot
Learn to cook for yourself you sack of ass

>> No.12759897
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>be kid
>mom left me her credit card and got drunk while i took care of myself and my sister

>be adult
>much happier now without responsibility of alcoholic mom and also able to take care of myself

>> No.12759899

I made a tuna pie yesterday, was delicious.

>> No.12759904

Pathetic lmao. I'm so glad I didn't end up like you

>> No.12759914

As a disgusting wageslave? I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

>> No.12759919

why? having money is nice

>> No.12760084

You were spoiled, bigtime.

>> No.12760298

Having time and money is nicer. In many ways the wagie writes the checks and the NEET bvll cashes out.

>> No.12760331

a Malaypoor
i want an older mommy gf

i crave nutrition

>> No.12760343

Isn't malyasia the muslim jungle gook country? Why not marry a ninja and force her to make dog tendies or whatever you third world niggers eat

>> No.12760361

>be young picky eater
>wont eat food if its even been on the same plate as something i didnt like
>mum says she wont put up with my shit anymore
>eat what i make or make your own
>start cooking almost daily at 5-6yo
>able to stay picky eater but at least not lazy cook
feels good, i even usually cook for her whenever i visit.

>> No.12760364

That's more like Indonesia. Malaysia is slightly better.
t. Singacuck

>> No.12760653

>boil rice
>wash veg
>cut veg
>fry veg
This entire process takes roughly half an hour, bitch nigger.

>> No.12760678

>was that small when fucking cars came out
Oh, so that's who wojak posts incessantly

>> No.12760711

Very cool

>> No.12760789

>eating cigarettes
the kafirs on this site never cease to amaze me

>> No.12760823

>i just don't have the will to cook after a long day at work

And yet your parents could work and prepare cooked meals the same day so your whiny little ass could grow up and shitpost on this site?

>> No.12761011


OP stfu

>> No.12761054

Maybe they were journalists and he is an on call fireman and part time police officer trying to make ends meet while serving the populace, did you ever think of that? No, you didn't. Hence the term "office drone." That's what you are, mindless. No, I don't care that you work in a "rough and tumble" factory driving a forklift or a particularly "cutthroat" MacDonalds. The point stands.

>> No.12761431

Not him, but my boomer dad worked hard at his job 9 hours a day while my boomer mom took care of the house. Housework isn't that hard when that's all you have to do, so of course she had the energy to cook us all a proper decent dinner.

Things are different for me and my wife. When we both come home after 10-12 hour shifts, sometimes 24 in her case, neither of us have the energy to cook a proper meal, and on top of that, we both need to get to sleep soon after getting home, so quick and easy is the name of the game. While I'm still an amateur, I love cooking, and learning new things about cooking. But actually attempting a proper meal, or trying to learn a new dish, is something best left for weekends, when I might actually be able to find the time.

>> No.12761659


>> No.12761673

The trick is doing just enough to avoid burnout

But sometimes i think back and I am pretty sure that I am just depressed as fuck and trying to still do the same as I could before I wasnt as depressed.

I am very sad, actually. Deeply sad. Not sure how to fix it. Just been moving forward and you know youre running on empty when your habits catch up to you.

>> No.12761891

He said he was a malaypoor ... not a kafir, muslim by law.

>> No.12762163

I wake up every day glad I'm not a slope

>> No.12762316

>be kid
>have to help set the table
>get older
>have to help clean up
>get older
>have to cook for the family once a week
>become old enough to leave the house and live independently
>am a well rounded adult who can cook and takes good care of himself
Who else had a good upbringing?

>> No.12763342

Literally did none of those stuff throughout my childhood. Had a helper all the way. Mum coddled us like hell. It was tough and required a degree a mental strength and character but I broke free from it. Now I do everything myself.

>> No.12763350

I started helping out of my own will when my mom and dad started fighting
I did a lot more than just help with chores

Yeah, i wasted a lot of energy trying to cheer people up that didnt deserve it

Sometimes, we are born to parents that run out of love before we are even teenagers. The best thing to do is to just accept that adults are retarded, selfish, and likely not raised correctly. And try to be the opposite of them.

My moms a manchild. My dads autistic. Fuck them, listening to them fight is like witnessing two incels on this board argue about knives.

>> No.12763378

are you kidding? this process would take at least two, two and a half hours.

>> No.12763412

>sometimes 24 in her case
don't know what kind of shithole allows 24 hour shifts unless she's some kind of uber doctor but I'd venture a guess that she's off with tyrone after work and only comes home to sleep and eat your food

>> No.12763429
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Cigarettes and cheap wine for breakfast
Hot Pocket and cheap wine for lunch
Cheap wine for dinner
Pass out and repeat

>> No.12763446

Whiskey all day, with various low alcohol beverages in berween
Smoke weed all day
Feast like a king
Bbq in my backyard while my wife prepares the sides
Children play
Booze is good
Food is good
Life is good

>> No.12763698

Don't US medical interns regularly do those kind of shifts and then kill people on the drive home?

>> No.12763804

Me too. And the hardest part is to let them know they spoiled us too much. They cannot accept the fact that their kindness is hurting the kids being independent. They want the kids to have 0 mistake happened to their life and deserve everything perfect. But it only result in the kids always be a kid

>> No.12763817

You must be retarded.

Rinse rice for 3 min top
Cook rice for 15 min.
Let it chill for 10 min.
During rice is cooking you have all the time to wash and cook veggie

Whole process won't take longer then 35min

Check mate kiddo

>> No.12763841


>> No.12763868

My parents are the main factor but my sisters have turned out godawful. I was part of all this too but changed a few years back (Allah knows how).
>Mum/maid used to do everything for us
>Stopped having a maid, mum sort of separated from my dad and stayed irregularly
>No one would take the trash out, it would sit in the kitchen for a week sometimes
>Same with dishes, piles of unwashed plates piled in the sink
>Whose responsibility is it? No one's of course! That is the mentality we have (had for me)
>Mum comes once a week and does it all
>Psychologically I think its part of her guilt for "leaving us" but she hasn't really left us and is not helping is

There is a lot more, maybe I'll continue later. For the record I'm 25 and have a older and younger sister.

>> No.12764003

You are the same malaypoor that just moved to the apartment your mom bought you right? I rmb you, And I'll find you

>> No.12764417

Why is it that whenever some wojakposter identifies himself, he always turns out to be from some third world country?