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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 1300x866, 60341014-cut-of-meat-set-poster-butcher-diagram-and-scheme-cow-colorful-vintage-typographic-hand-drawn-on-whi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12759321 No.12759321 [Reply] [Original]

Howdy /ck/

for the first time this year I decided to take the plunge and order a half share of a cow from a local farmer. It's going to be good. They're all grass fed, vet treated, the lady has a breeding heifer that just had triplets at 19.

what I am getting is 1/2 of a 2 yearold heifer, hanging weight 280lbs for the whole cow so about 150lbs for me, being passed from the farmer to a local "artisan" butcher who will cut it up however i choose or "butchers preference" (1'1/2" steaks and 50/50 cube steak and ground hamburger with the usual roasts)

that said, since the beast will be slaughtered end of the month, I thought I'd come ask you folks what thoughts you had on what instructions to give the butcher?

i guess beef/butchery general too

>> No.12759357
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bumping with juicy high def meat

>> No.12759393
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>> No.12759396

Based and beefpilled.

>> No.12759400
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>eating a cow

>> No.12759409

not entirely, just have a chest freezer and i'm getting a fucking prime rib at 3.50/lb

>> No.12759412

Should get some nice porterhouse steaks mmmm

>> No.12759419

beef is one of the four most common mass produced meat sources eaten by humans in the united states

if your problem with it is moral, than i assert i am buying a cow that basically lived at an organic spa it's entire life. i've literally been to the farm the cows will just come up and lick you they're happy as hell.

>> No.12759422
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i'll be getting porterhouse and more bb

>> No.12759448

info update i own a sous vide, a vaccum sealer, a food dehydrator, a cold smoker, a meat grinder (kitchenaid attachment), and a food processor so if anyone has any recipes for cuts of beef they like or heavy processing they like to do i'm open to recipes

(also before you ask, i volunteer at a thrift store and get first pick when newlyweds drop off half their wedding gifts for the tax writeoff)

>> No.12759528
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>> No.12759603

Ask the butcher to saw any bones not in the roasts, steaks or ribs into sizes you can use to make stock. Make sure you get both the rib slab and short ribs. Have him saw the shanks into 2-3" thick pieces to use for osso buco.

>> No.12759617

Man, that looks good.
I think I made something like that a while ago but it didn't look like that.
How do they get the filling so bulky? It can't all be herbs, can it?

>> No.12759624
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Ah, found it.
Not nearly as much filling, see?
Just some garlic and herbs. Maybe I could fill it out a bit with some fresh spinach and parsley next time.

>> No.12759630
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>> No.12759635
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>> No.12759641
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Could probably have cooked it a little less.

>> No.12759690

Who the fuck eats roasted whole onions? Besides my father, I mean.

And while it looks okay, you should really only ... oh fuck I can't remember. Mom used to wrap flattened flank steak in something and called it something.... Some tomato sauce over.. Rugga... rigott... BRIGOLE! Ha I remembered!

Now I'm tempted to try it myself...

>> No.12759696

yeah bro, it wasn't me that made it i'm just bumping with steak porn until someone gives me a clue what to do at the butcher so they don't look at me like i just rolled in from stupid town on a flaming tire

spinach is what the recipe for that steak called for, and a porterhouse with mozzarella and sundried tomatoes and likely some herbs.

yours looks really nice too.

>> No.12759718

I don't know why you're so angry, son. Roasted onions are great.
And clean your room

I'll fill it out with some spinach next time. Or maybe kale, depending on what's cheap.

>> No.12759723

they could be small onions like home grown pearl onions or whatever? it's not that gross i'd have a chunk of roasted sweet onion with a roast

>> No.12759802

All onions are sweet when you roast them.
They are normal h'white onions.

>> No.12759819
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some onions are sweeter than others when caramelized but all onions would work yes

>> No.12759820

are you gay? you must be, only a massive poof would own all that shit

>> No.12759874

i really like to fucking cook dude what do you want

also in my defense the sous vide is for making cannibutter.

>> No.12759898

Eating onions as a solitary side is just... I don't know, wrong. It's survival level shit. There is way you can make them that much of the meal and not be secretly pulling discarded half smoked cigarette butts from public ashtrays.

>> No.12759921

well i mean usually you eat them with some kind of sauce but i've had pearl onions served with a light butter and herb sauce or bechamel before

>> No.12759925

Yeah and now I'm thinking about onion rings as a side. But a straight up roasted onion? No sir, that is a bridge too far.

>> No.12759986

i dont think it's excessive to imagine taking bites of roasted onion while eating a roast man i just dont

>> No.12760003

I simply cannot truck with that. It is barbaric and uncouth. Yet I see we must agree to disagree on this subject.

>> No.12760011

OP, demand the
1) tritip
2) cheeks
3) caul fat
4) skirt

This is important. Fuck beef “tendies” and shit steaks....take the time eat the best parts of the animal

t.raised brangus cattle my entire life

>> No.12760018

>All that red meat
Will you share your kill with the entire tribe, Tongo? Or are you that fat and disgusting?

>> No.12760022

They'd be happier in the wild but keep telling yourself that while you eat your burger tubby

>> No.12760029

finally fucking someone with an answer godbless

i will be getting every cut of beef, but i'm supposed to tell them how i want the beast cut up i guess

>> No.12760037


Guys, should we tell him or should I?

>> No.12760044

They are, how else would you have a farm of cattle? You find wild ones, tame them and there you go, a farm. You give them their shots and drug them so they stay 'happy' and straight to the slaughterhouses they go.

>> No.12760045

probably me my boyfriend our room-mate, neighbors, family, friends, and the rest ought to last til i can buy one next year

>> No.12760063

Cows have been domesticated for thousands of years. I can guarantee you that there are no more than 5 thousand cows in the American "wild," and most likely those consist of mostly escapees.

Jeez, I thought I was the nigger here, but you're more dense than lead.

>> No.12760065
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>> No.12760068

Imagine being this dense.
Only professional cow trappers have the skills needed to tame wild cows, you're not going to be finding your own cows pal. You buy them at auction like everyone else.

>> No.12760576

I see onions, potatoes, and carrots on that plate, and plenty of gravy.
What do you have against onions, man?
What do you think of something like French onion soup?

>> No.12760615
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I don't understand why people on this board keep calling out my inclusion of onions in mixed root vegetables as some kind of abomination.
Is it just one guy trying to be funny or are there really people who think it's weird to enjoy a roasted onion?

>> No.12760931

i wasn't the man bashing onions, i was trying to reason with him and say that i've had them lightly dressed before

>> No.12761726

Oh, me too. I live alone and in this sweltering heat I'll sometimes only be in my underwear when I have them.

>> No.12761816

Ask for the tritip.

>> No.12761821

I dont understand why anyone wants meat thats been frozen so long. When I want quality beef I just go to the market, buy the exact cut and amount I need, fresh as possible, and use it that day.
You are saving a few bucks, but also getting things you dont need in ratios and quantities you didnt choose. Plus its all frozen so instant drop in quality, you pay for a freezer and electricity, and take the risk of a power outage. TONS of disadvantages, with little upside.
I guess your chest freezer, sous vide, vacuum sealer, food dehydrator, cold smoker, meat grinder (kitchenaid attachment), and food processor will be happy and feel loved. My boyfriend, our room-mate, neighbors, family, friends, and the rest will be happy too. But, whats in it for you? Let the store buy entire cows, its stupid for an individual to do that.

>> No.12762081

Are you aware that meat is frequently frozen and defrosted during the shipping process and the meat you buy “fresh” at the grocery store has likely been frozen three times or more.

>> No.12762096

>But, whats in it for you?
I'm not that anon, but the massive cost savings combined with being able to get cuts that aren't readily available at the supermarket are why I do the same thing. It also lets me buy substantially higher quality meat than the supermarket sells.

>>but its frozen
so's the meat the supermarket sells.

>> No.12762131

This board is mostly fast food reviews. Probably 2% of /ck/ can do anything more than frozen pizza.

>> No.12762143

It legally can't be called fresh if it has been frozen. I don't know that they call it fresh, usually only see that with chicken or fish.

>> No.12762215

To add to what has already been said, you get meat that is not treated with ammonia and salt before packaging, is only handled by the locker employees, of which I've never seen one that has more than four employees, and you. Also as op said at the start he knows the condition of the cow. It wasn't lame or covered in tumors. It didn't spent three months in a feedlot bulking up on the cow equivalent of chips and mountain dew, it didn't spend three days in cattle hauler with 18 other cows wallowing in their own wind whipped shit, and it wasn't handled by twenty individuals and no less than three different companies with different practices and safety standards before it ended up in your grocery store.

>> No.12762805

I need your address so I can give you a well deserved blow job for introducing me to Osso buco. No homo

>> No.12762813

Which testicle are you getting? The left or the right?

>> No.12762818

youre gonna make a wellington right? perfect opportunity for a wellington on the cheap.