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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 700x1050, Bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12755194 No.12755194 [Reply] [Original]

Name a food more overrated.

>> No.12755198

Lobster. It's just not that good.
>t. live in maine and get them for less than $5/lb in season.

>> No.12755199

But it's not overrated at all hamed.

>> No.12755209
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Yes it is grease face

>> No.12755215
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>> No.12755233
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>> No.12755236 [DELETED] 

No it isn't raghead.

>> No.12755241 [DELETED] 

Yes it is Obadiah.

>> No.12755244

Fast food. We've turned mediocre food that should be an infrequent convenience into a lifestyle.

>> No.12755248 [DELETED] 

But it's actually not Khomeini turbanweeinie.

>> No.12755251

Beef bourguignon. Every few years, some idiot TV "chef" calls it their favorite food and reboots the meme.

>> No.12755254

Anything labeled

>> No.12755264 [DELETED] 

khoeimeni is based you saudi jew, anyways bacon tastes salty as fuck. Would unironically eat kelp over bacon.

>> No.12755278 [DELETED] 

>Khomeini is based
>Saudi Jew
The retarded Iranian cries out as it attacks you.

>> No.12755289
File: 273 KB, 1500x882, p7_Avocado_HH1806_gi901359518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12755296

It could be considered overrated because it was originally just a method to preserve the belly, loin (canadian) or a combination of both (brit). However, the same could be said of ham. The thing is they both have a unique flavor that is excellent as well as complimenting many other foods.

Verdict on bacon: Not overrated
Verdict on OP: Edgy underage contrarian

>> No.12755306

i like lobster rolls and any dish that incorporates lobbies as the main protein but uses other flavors as well but straight up steamed lobster with butter is trash
t. flyover who went to rhode island recently to try “real lobstah”

>> No.12755310

Bacon is actually good, though. Ketchup, shrimp, and chocolate, on the other hand...

>> No.12755323


>> No.12755328

It's good but pretty much never worth the price of admission.

>> No.12755331

meme veggie that is killing california

>> No.12755339

wtf i love avocados and almonds now

>> No.12755346

usgay wouldnt be a g6 country without cali

>> No.12755353

>y-you need us goy!
I mean we could just set up all those industries in other states once you're gone, but okay.

>> No.12755354

why dont they do that now then?

>> No.12755356

Because that shit is already in California.

>> No.12755357

Why didn't they build that train. The one that they collected all that money for.

>> No.12755358

wow, so much for the free market!

>> No.12755361

Kale and Coconut water

>> No.12755362

Sea bugs(crab, lobster, shrimp)
Raw oysters
Skyline chili
Five goys

And a lot of other shit because bacon is a 9/10 food on its own so it's not really that overrated. Just a little

>> No.12755363

i have no fucking idea, you retards act like im from there

>> No.12755367

Only faggots from commiefornia stick up for commiefornia.

>> No.12755375

only contrarian /pol/tards think commiefornia is a threat

>> No.12755383

>muh /pol/
>muh contrarian
It's like Leeland Yee stopped existing.

>> No.12755384

With special legal protections, tax breaks, subsidies, etc it's more like a state-sponsored monolopy than a free market. I understand why it's done, but I'd take more variety at the expense of some economic efficiency personally.

>> No.12755389

>pretending like other states arent able to reward a competitor business with these breaks
its like you faggots want california to own you

>> No.12755401

>bacon is overrated
>cheap salt pork for the masses is overrated

Yeah and so is water and bread.

>> No.12755410

Chicken wings

>> No.12755428

Salted caramel.
I fucking hate the cunt that came up with it because now it's almost impossible to get normal fucking caramel because every cunt company does everything salted caramel now.

>> No.12755431

and i love seafood but come on

>> No.12755444
File: 27 KB, 313x298, 1531885589113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically everything that isn't made with pork or alcohol is halal

>> No.12755450

meat slaughtered without halal certification is not halal though.

>> No.12755467

Technically they could just eat kosher, or Christian food that isn't pork, or alcohol (debatable on alcohol).

>> No.12755493

What's kosher is also halal, but the reverse isn't true.

>> No.12755506

Man, for a bunch of desert people who all worship the same God, y'all sure did bust your asses making it as complicated as possible

>> No.12755517

I'm not muslim or jewish, but basically muslims don't give a shit about mixing cheese and meat and can't take alcohol.

Jews are fine with the happy juice but have stricter rules for food.

Generally the jews have the strictest food rules so most muslims will happily eat it.

But who gives a shit bacon is awesome.

>> No.12755536

Talking federal breaks, numb-nuts.

>> No.12755704

some muslim halal butcher here in sunny connecticut had a cow escape and it walked across the road into a grocery store parking lot
he just walked over to it and slit its throat right in the middle of the parking lot and is now facing animal cruelty charges. probably doesn't think he did anything wrong, and i'm not sure i even disagree

>> No.12755706

Metal as fuck.

>> No.12755712

I could understand a disturbing the piece or some sanitation related charge but animal abuse is just stupid.

>> No.12755724

so much for assimilation, though
and the latest is some hippies vandalized his store and wrote "stop the slaughter" and "muslims out" or something similar. truly they are the real racists
i grew up in super bumblefuck hayseed country. on a farm. you can't just slaughter an animal in a parking lot
and it was a home depot parking lot, not a grocery store. i was wrong.
diversity is our strength

>> No.12755737

Ayy bub

t. fellow mainer who has no idea why people pilgrimage for this shit

>> No.12756078 [DELETED] 

Fuck off dirty ashkenazi larping saudi crypto jew, stuff your fatass mouth with bacon. I would unironically be vegan over being a gluttonous walrus.

>> No.12756087 [DELETED] 

Go gobble some halal dancing boys fagit.

>> No.12756091 [DELETED] 

lmao go do some metzizah bpeh you disgusting inbred. Persian cuisine> ashkenazi “”””””””””cuisine”””””””””

>> No.12756097 [DELETED] 

I fed a few Muslims bacon, and they swore that it was the best tasting cured duck strips that they've ever had.

>> No.12756103 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 1400x787, 67DB0568-8439-4FC3-A92A-18D1B9BDEE09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the “chosen people” food.....

>> No.12756107 [DELETED] 

Muslims have the highest rate of inbreeding in the world.

>> No.12756111 [DELETED] 


>> No.12756117 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 275x184, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks better than what the Muslims put into their bodies.

>> No.12756129 [DELETED] 
File: 429 KB, 1280x990, 3CC45F12-282E-4A31-AE14-EB1DD34B855B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHHAHA your chosenites descends from a couple dozen sicilian prostitutes and some eurasian steppeniggers. Lmao, meanwhile...

>> No.12756141 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 1600x821, 1600px-Global_prevalence_of_consanguinity.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahem. This is why that Muslim guy who posts comments online isn't just pretending to be a retard.

>> No.12756143 [DELETED] 

Nigga pakis and arabs are niggers, persians are the master race, most certainly superior to larping jews with terrible cuisine, holy shit have you seen jewish food? Dry bread and mystery meat!

>> No.12756146 [DELETED] 

>Posting about kikes
Keep going retard.

>> No.12756147 [DELETED] 

Iran is due to the Khuzestani arabs, Israel literally is inbred too. Have you seen ashkenazis, they literally all look alike.

>> No.12756152 [DELETED] 

Those are Tajik persians you stupid fuck, they literally are your ancestors, mutt. Oh what’s that? American cuisine is literally ultra processed carbs with prion infected beef

>> No.12756153 [DELETED] 

Camel pp is a health drink for Muslims. Persians included. Denying that is denying Muhammad himself, but everything is okay when taqiyah.

>> No.12756159 [DELETED] 

>Those other Muslims are the retards
Anon. Just stop.

>> No.12756169 [DELETED] 

I laugh at the fact 100k amerimutts have offed themselves while you blame muslims for the joos shoahing your twin towers.

>> No.12756176 [DELETED] 

>The retard attempts deflection
It's like I'm watching your brain work, and it's in slow motion.

>> No.12756177 [DELETED] 

Honestly, darius should’ve marched into europe and slaughtered all you idiots, the cuisine, culture, and influence that europeeans have is completely homosexual.

>> No.12756192 [DELETED] 

>this retards mother is getting rammed by achmed and ngongo while he rants about third world pakis and niggers on a fucking cooking board within a Indonesian dick trimming forum.

>> No.12756195 [DELETED] 

>fishing for information while taking wild guesses
You're not smart at all, and statistics prove it.
>Persian master race is sub 80iq

>> No.12756198 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 800x370, National_IQ_per_country_-_estimates_by_Lynn_and_Vanhanen_2006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Statistics is a bitch.

>> No.12756207 [DELETED] 

>Pretending to not be an inbred third world retard
You're not fooling anyone anon.

>> No.12756209 [DELETED] 

You know, you may have sanctioned the country to shit, but let me tell you, your people are fucked too. Enjoy the bacon while you can, cletus, the hispanics and melanated homies are taking over. I laugh at the fact american whites only consists of boomers, and fat people in the shartmart. Goodbye, going to enjoy some gourmeh sabzi while i watch the next negro invasion of eurocucks.

>> No.12756211

Bacon is the basis of almost all stews and soups are you retarded?

>> No.12756223 [DELETED] 

You're so legitimately retarded that I almost feel bad replying to you.
I don't even have to do any work to make you sound dumb.

>> No.12756226 [DELETED] 

italy has the highest IQ in europe?

>> No.12756237 [DELETED] 

Lmao at this amerishart actually believing that iran is the root cause of american problems. The absolute state of “”white”” people. Dude, chubek would have beat yo scruffy ass obese self up. He wasn’t a muslim either, don’t insult culture when yours is even worse.

>> No.12756244 [DELETED] 

That's right, bitch.
Fuck the nords.

>> No.12756246 [DELETED] 

>This retard is still trying to deflect the fact that he's an inbred camel pp chugging subhuman

>> No.12756252 [DELETED] 

Dude go fucking stuff your mouth with those hormones in a fucking pig. Ain’t even religious but your a fucking retard magatard.

>> No.12756254 [DELETED] 

They take in less Muslims, so probably.

>> No.12756265

hazelnut flavoured anything
you know exactly what im talking about Gladice
I had alaskan king crab before lobster
they told me that lobster was a close second to it.
lobster is just trash in comparison, I was so incredibly disappointed.
like, it's still good I guess, but the comparison is just way the fuck out of responsible territory.

you mean american
we don't call it that, we call it peameal, and peameal is nothing like actual bacon, I think it's even kinda nasty.

>> No.12756266 [DELETED] 

haha your fucking president literally sucks the balls of MBS and the house of saud. He would rather have tens of white americants die of improper healthcare than give up support to the saudis. Post your hand so i know your a fucking saudi nigger, you live in riyadh mustafa, dont lie.

>> No.12756278 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 251x201, inbredmuslimsupremacist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the racist 80iq Persian supremacist is now trying to muh maga

>> No.12756285 [DELETED] 
File: 619 KB, 1280x1707, A3977887-136C-4934-8640-F22C21E9257D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the saudi apologist begins to showthat he is a boomer tier trailerpark trash.

>> No.12756293 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 800x800, anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But only lefty socialist dies from no healthcare. Everyone else has a job also remember when the based Israelis killed off you nuclear scientists?
Imagine getting killed by kikes...lol.
Khomeini is such an inbred cuck.

>> No.12756296 [DELETED] 

This is you, and this is what you're trying to run away from.

>> No.12756300

you? bacon is amazing.

>> No.12756304 [DELETED] 

In your dreams nigger, search up tehran on youtube and it doesnt look anything like pakistan or detroit

>> No.12756309 [DELETED] 

Khoemeni literally died before that happened you absolute brainlet

>> No.12756316 [DELETED] 

They literally replaced your population! Hahha My jewish bros emanuel celler, thank you for destroying american white terrorist horse fucking inbred rednecks!

>> No.12756317 [DELETED] 

>in your dreams
But these are facts.
>Muslims are the most inbred in the world
>Muslims are amongst the dumbest people in the world
>Muslims drink camel pp because Muhammad told them to

>> No.12756321 [DELETED] 

I normally dont like israelis, but props to the ones helping eliminate you anglo dogfucking degenerates with sub 70 uganda iq. Love you mama barbara spectre, thank you emmanuel celler, brothers from eurasia.

>> No.12756323 [DELETED] 

>Autistic screeching in Persian
Nothing personnel kid, you're just to inbred to not.

>> No.12756331 [DELETED] 

>I normally don't like Israelis
>But props to Israelis
Oy malechai look I'm breaking this retarded goyim down.

>> No.12756332

anything alcohol

>> No.12756334 [DELETED] 

You have no fucking idea what your talking about
Go get shot by jamal already republicunt

>> No.12756344 [DELETED] 

I dont have a problem with jews, in fact persian jews are fine. Mizrahi and Bukhori jewish are brothers and sisters. Shalom to the good jews of the world, cyrus even helped the ancient semitic jews. Great he was.

>> No.12756347 [DELETED] 

In this thread anon:
>outed the Muslim
>made the Muslim love Jews
Thanks to muslim inbreee
/ck/ attained peace in the middle east

>> No.12756353

Agreed. Faggots who think alcohol tastes good should chug some methanol and go blind for being such retards.

>> No.12756358 [DELETED] 

Bacon threads are fucking awesome.

>> No.12756360 [DELETED] 

I never was religious, just wanted to trigger an uncultured la luz extinguido like yourself. By the way, enjoy your taxes going to jamal and the chosen.

>> No.12756366

Nah, I'm English and I hate California.

>> No.12756367 [DELETED] 

You seemed like the one who was unhinged though, and I guess this post
>This is why that Muslim guy who posts comments online isn't just pretending to be a retard.
applies to you.

>> No.12756369 [DELETED] 

Come to think about it, the ashkenazi secular larpers will be replaced with the haredim and sephardi-mizrahim completely in a matter of a decade. It’s bound to implode. Enjoy your suburb white neighborhood before chinese and indians come in mass.

>> No.12756377 [DELETED] 

You got played like a fiddle you dumb bastard, but you're just so fucking dumb that you can't even comprehend it.

>> No.12756384 [DELETED] 

Kike loving retard.
>I never was religious
When anon uses logic, and you lose faith in your shitty religion, and then admit that you actually love kikes...

>> No.12756395 [DELETED] 

what? lmao stop the mental deficiency please.

>> No.12756403 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12756406

Filet mignon - tasteless
Beef wellington - the puff pastry is de trop
Caviar - overpriced and unremarkable
Foie gras - as above
Truffle - as above

>> No.12756407

I love bacon as a separate side, like for breakfast. I hate the meme of adding bacon to everything, though. It has such a unique and potent flavor that I think it tends to overpower whatever you’re eating it with.

>> No.12756410 [DELETED] 

If you follow the posts.
The Persian muslim supremacists/apologist ended up backtracking into not being religious, and actually loving Jews after just pretending to be a retard as was predetermined in thread.

>> No.12756414 [DELETED] 

I prefer mullet roe, dont like the expensive ones since i assume they taste roughly the same. It’s like the difference between long aged wine and short aged wine.

>> No.12756417 [DELETED] 

>insulting your rulers while living in a monarchy
Makes sense.

>> No.12756425 [DELETED] 

Mfw Muslims are legit retards

>> No.12756438 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 518x1024, CC2E2FD3-2E4E-47EF-AFB6-107C6BAF4160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaha like i said before, enjoy the high fructose corn syrup fruit loops and the mcdonalds grease because american “””””cuisine”””””” is literally the reason even texas’s human biomass is more than whales and elephants, both metaphorically and literally speaking.

>> No.12756440 [DELETED] 

Well enjoy fucking your relatives, and drinking camel waste.

>> No.12756452 [DELETED] 

I'm an ex muslim from Tehran btw, my parents weren't related though.
Basically I know all of your weaknesses without having them, because I denounce Islam, and Muhammad, and my parents weren't biologically related.
I'm like blade, but for the retarded Muslims.

>> No.12756470

bouef bourguigon is literally just beef stew, there isn't anything to overrate about it.
It's delicious and hearty.

>> No.12756475 [DELETED] 
File: 591 KB, 1242x1647, 5F6E7913-C371-49FA-B430-7DEA89C4E4B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha ifucking baited you, i am a american citizen of yucatecan heritage!

>> No.12756481 [DELETED] 

>posted image from /pol/
Okay put a timestamp on it you retarded Algerian nigger.

>> No.12756491 [DELETED] 

>brown fingers

>> No.12756501 [DELETED] 
File: 591 KB, 1242x1647, 1565386676206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown fingered master race

>> No.12756503 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 910x821, F1A34C28-1171-460D-8803-7927FC7D1362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12756505
File: 28 KB, 200x364, 7F7E79FE-F11E-4013-ACE3-F8D350DFF80A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verdict on you, a faggot

>> No.12756512 [DELETED] 


>> No.12756513 [DELETED] 

I chug habanero regularly, too bad whit*s can’t handle the spice on paprika

>> No.12756521 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 390x382, 1359600240288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is Hungary

>> No.12756524 [DELETED] 

You're not Aryan white anymore?
Fucking pantifa was pretending to be a white suoremacist again.

>> No.12756526 [DELETED] 

What percentage of america is hungarian magyar??? Haha anglos and germs/irish now larping as magyars lmao

>> No.12756537 [DELETED] 

Are you still pretending to be retarded?
You've already been outed as inbred, muslim, and brown, so you're not actually convincing anyone that you're just pretending.

>> No.12756547

I called these dog dicks as a kid. One time I was sitting in the back of my truck in highschool. This kid I knew rode by on his bike and called me fag. So I stood up in the bed of the truck and rifled a dog dick at the back of his head. It exploded and made him fall off his bike. Still think about it sometimes.

>> No.12756550 [DELETED] 

What’s wrong with antifa? Unironically they are based, rest in peace to the comrade who was martyred raiding the ICE facility. America needs more immigrants to improve the culture. Who wants some shitty burgers from the midwest when you can have latino, egyptian, moroccan, chinese, korean, and all sorts of diverse cuisine. I’d rather have curry lounges and mexican resturants than some old boomer establishment where only old people go.

>> No.12756557

That's a big yikes from me.
There are ["'(whites)'"] across the globe *excluding just the skin colour.
Either way, my opinion on most overrated foodstuffs is Pumpkin Spice.
It is so fucking mediocre.

>> No.12756564 [DELETED] 

Those same inbred, retarded mooslems are getting into your pure blond whores pussies. Becky loves BBC (Big black chicken) over bacon and grits (aka diarrhea progenitor).

>> No.12756572 [DELETED] 

Eh, it doesn’t taste bad, but maybe i had it too much as the fragrence goes away after the first couple drinks. Btw try some pumpkin soup, that stuff is magical.

>> No.12756580 [DELETED] 

>I’d rather have curry lounges and mexican resturants
I know flyover is a meme here, but there are huge immigrant markets in metro areas.
I used to live above an east Indian shop, a couple blocks from great Venezuelan and Guyanese restaurants.
Now I live in a more white/asian area so there is little diversity.
Sure there are still some great places to go, but if you're issue is the diversity it is your location.

>> No.12757163

Lmao digestlet. Can’t handle the high powered lifestyle? Go cook your pathetic little meals and leave the world to the adults who can handle it.

>> No.12757186 [DELETED] 

>Pretending that most Mudshits aren't soaking up bullets for the Jews while killing each other
The most hilarious thing is you can flat out tell this to their face, and they won't stop.
Also Burma... fucking lel.

>> No.12757194 [DELETED] 

Explains why they smell like trash.

>> No.12757242 [DELETED] 

56% if I remember the meme correctly ;)

>> No.12757253 [DELETED] 

Christ dude, see a medfag those fingernails are indicating incipient organ failure, wtf?

>> No.12757254 [DELETED] 

The percentage of Muslim inbreeding, and low iq is the actual comedy.
When the facts state that you people are retarded, and inbred, but you jeep on posting like the facts didn't just fuckingnorive that you're all statistically retarded, and inbred.

>> No.12757354 [DELETED] 

I literally am latino you stupid fuck, go fuck yourself you idiot amerishit.

>> No.12757368 [DELETED] 

Listen, fuck Islam, fuck Judaism, fuck Christianity, fuck “white” people, fuck “asian” people, fuck “black” people, and fuck “american” people. I dont give a fuck about religion, only biology and lifestyle. Did your granddad die in the marine barracks bombing? People die in war, get over it, holy shit are you salty. I guess the britbongs should still be fuming about the british soldiers killed in Lexington right about now... By the way, my grandfather wasnt a idiot and dodged the draft! HAHAHAA!

>> No.12757372 [DELETED] 

Dude, how fucked up are you? There are medfags who would call an ambulance on you if they heard that kind of incoherent jibberish.

>> No.12757376
File: 55 KB, 468x350, 7C9A0729-BCA4-43BF-86FB-EBBCAC8D23C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full English breakfasts are totally overrated

>> No.12757384 [DELETED] 
File: 354 KB, 873x900, 049CF3DF-D857-4A7D-B764-43ED0F79AAB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fish and chips is overrated

>> No.12757388 [DELETED] 

What are you trying to say in this post?

>> No.12757395


>> No.12757398
File: 23 KB, 550x412, 44569ADD-72A1-4B4B-9DC5-B1266243CC42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fish is not overrated, I love it especially when you put malt vinegar on it. The chips are totally overrated.

>> No.12757402 [DELETED] 

Calm down you retarded inbred camel piss drinking rape baby.

>> No.12757406 [DELETED] 

Pepe posters are so retarded they can't paint the Pakistani flag correctly.

>> No.12757408


>> No.12757419 [DELETED] 

you're all pretentious faggots lmao

>> No.12757424 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 1584x864, 9BFF5997-B1AB-477B-AA1A-C8EBFA984455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12757431 [DELETED] 


>> No.12757432 [DELETED] 

>Pakistani flag
It's obviously a bloody British butthole.

>> No.12757434

>there isn't anything to overrate about it.
the name, sweet summer child. they overrate the name. if tv chef gianni lamborghini said beef stew was his favorite food, no one would shake two shits at it. but he uses its fancy french name and the simple-minded masses cream their pants.

>> No.12757438 [DELETED] 

Your fingers are literally brown, and Islamic.

>> No.12757443 [DELETED] 
File: 484 KB, 648x641, 9BDF6300-25C1-4D7F-A9FD-0910B45DCB7B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Between the retards here and the soyjack spam, this board has been fucked since /pol/ became popular as a result of 2016. All of you fuck off back to >>>>>/pol/

>> No.12757454 [DELETED] 

Most pretentious coming from a country that has a mass shooting every day..

>> No.12757458 [DELETED] 

>the brown persian supremacist is crying /pol/ now
Maybe you should've just shut the fuck up , and no one would have posted the facts about your trash religion, and subhuman race.

>> No.12757476 [DELETED] 

Irani tranny can't handle the bants m8?
Shiiet anons haven't even posted the 1/10 molestation statistics yet

>> No.12757478 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12757487 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 576x662, DB56903E-8BBD-4FBB-9178-3080E4860390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao baiting this faggot amerilard is hilarious, I’ve been jogging in boston for 3 hours now. Stopping to reply to your weak mind. I am not persian, or latino, btw, my ancestors raped yours so just know my mongol blood flows in you, amerimutt. Heading to hohot mid august anyways. Love me some grilled lamb.

>> No.12757490 [DELETED] 

Always amuses me to see inbred flyover racists trying to figure out what race someone is
inb4 b-ut ur all niggers!

>> No.12757491


>> No.12757702 [DELETED] 

Yes, yes you're in complete control.
You're, so in control that you forget about all those thigh-ing seshes that your islamic cleric, brothers, uncles, and Muslim father put you through. You forget about that time that you your little brown body tried to complain, but found out that it was as Muhammad willed it.
You forget that you got molested as hard in real life as you did in this tgread, but yea, you're definitely in control...
>muh /pol/
You're a faggot.

>> No.12757722 [DELETED] 

Reminder: you got btfoed so hard in this thread that you tried to retain your race, religion, and entire ethnic background you tubby shitskinned fuck.

>> No.12757728 [DELETED] 


>> No.12757873
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I mean, the meat is nice, but the small quantity of it, the amount of labor required to get to the meat , the frequency with which you cut yourself on the shells, and the mess you create in the process is just completely not worth it. What a waste of time and money.

>> No.12757891
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>> No.12757918

Zapp's voodoo potato chips

>> No.12757931

Epic Meal time is almost a decade old at this point, don't you think it's time to get over it?

>> No.12757938

Bacon was a thing before epic meal time

>> No.12757952


I had it a bunch of times, once at a fancy steakhouse called Roots. It was good, but I don't see what the fuss is about.

>> No.12757953

Yeah no shit, it was "a thing" on 4chan before the site became pozzed with cynicism and everyone became a reactive contrarian. My point was even Epic Meal Time, riding the crest of that trend, is almost a decade old.

>> No.12757972

>the frequency with which you cut yourself on the shells
Nigger how weak and thin skinned are you.

>> No.12757978

Pretty thin skinned, I work with computers all day. My fingertips are like that of a baby. /s

Average, I've eaten crabs twice and twice I've cut myself. Not deep mind you, shallow scratches, but when all those spices get into that it's not the nicest feeling, especially when the cut is between your fingernail and the finger, ugh.

>> No.12758006 [DELETED] 
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Jews cheat all the time I'll seriously find taco Bell wrappers on the ground in an all Hasidic neighborhood. They also have holidays all the time and drink and drive their kids around drunk and when you're inbred and driving drunk it's a hell of a thing to witness.

>> No.12758024 [DELETED] 

>look at me everyone I'm a natsoc from /pol/

Can you kys please edgy emo kid all grown up and woke now.

>> No.12758059

Damn, man, you’re a soft dude, sorry to hear about the crab incidences. I break those bastards open with my bare hands, so it shocked the shit out of me to hear you getting cut on them.it is overrated for how little you get though you’re right there.

>> No.12758084

I guess if you eat them often your hands would get used to it. I don't consider it that weird because when i was in Baltimore and my friends took me to eat crabs they themselves said that you sometimes get cuts while eating.

>> No.12758142 [DELETED] 

No u

>> No.12758945

It's overrated because of fucking reddit going ham (heh) over bacon so much that they essentially deified it.

>> No.12759055 [DELETED] 
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>posting actual nazis and swastikas and advocating ethnic cleansing is fine
>calling someone a flyover is "racism" worthy of a 3 day ban
Imagine having such severe economic anxiety that you take a job working for free just so you can defend the honor of fat fuck inbreds on the internet

>> No.12759073

I appreciated this story and it's happy memory for you.

>> No.12759084 [DELETED] 

Where are the jannies when you need them? Same idiots raided /his/ yesterday.

>> No.12759088 [DELETED] 

The jannies are not on your side

>> No.12759420 [DELETED] 

Stop attacking the Muslim guy you bigot.
White supremacy is part of their culture, and they believe that they are white.

>> No.12759425 [DELETED] 

Shoma ham jens baaz hasteed

>> No.12759432

Those right wing white supremacist hippies!

>> No.12759494

>not liking something means you think it's a threat

>> No.12759549 [DELETED] 

I can't STAND white people

>> No.12759580 [DELETED] 

>I can't STAND white people
Corey Buker/Kamela Anus 2020

>> No.12759614 [DELETED] 

I unironically hope they win

>> No.12759615 [DELETED] 

They can't stand themselves either, so there you go.

>> No.12759622 [DELETED] 

Good thing third worldfags can't vote.

>> No.12759643 [DELETED] 

I can't STAND black people

>> No.12759655 [DELETED] 

Insufferable samefag

>> No.12759658 [DELETED] 

>using the word insufferable
Hi boomer

>> No.12759664 [DELETED] 

>being Reddit
Fuck off tranny.

>> No.12759669 [DELETED] 

What's 'reddit'?

>> No.12759676 [DELETED] 

Your home. Now go back there gay man.

>> No.12759683 [DELETED] 

Wouldn't it make for sense for the person most familiar with it (you) to return there? I'm more of a 4chan guy myself. Each to their own, though.

>> No.12759692


>> No.12759703

ANY food labeled "Gluten Free".

>> No.12759720 [DELETED] 

Fuck you, you piece of shit muslimfaggot.
Go back to **ddit where your shit le ESL tier trolling would be appreciated, and then overdose off of estrogen while ksg-ing your brains all over your sao wall scroll.

>> No.12759728 [DELETED] 

>Go back to **ddit where your shit le ESL tier trolling would be appreciated, and then overdose off of estrogen while ksg-ing your brains all over your sao wall scroll.
I literally don't understand this sentence. Can you try again in proper English?

>> No.12759748 [DELETED] 

>I literally don't understand this sentence
You're inbreeding is showing again.

>> No.12759754 [DELETED] 

>KYS tranny, and you have shit taste

>> No.12759756 [DELETED] 

Fuck you're mum

>> No.12759758 [DELETED] 

Yeah, sorry boomer, but I don't know what that means. Try English this time.

>> No.12759764 [DELETED] 

It means that you should an marter yourself retard.

>> No.12759770 [DELETED] 

Epic troll xd

>> No.12759815 [DELETED] 

jesus man this entire thread.

>> No.12759818 [DELETED] 

nice cropping dumb phoneposter

>> No.12759829 [DELETED] 

>ban evasion

>> No.12759858 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12759875 [DELETED] 

nope. All the berniebros and girls will be old enough now to vote, come 2020 and trump will be crushed.

>> No.12759905 [DELETED] 

What does this have to do with booker/harris 2020?

>> No.12759926 [DELETED] 

bernie will get fucked by the establishment, leading everyone to vote for anyone but trump.

>> No.12759981

Great thread.

>> No.12761072

lol Mainefag here too, Have to agree, lobster Is way overrated..it's funny as fuck to see tourists cuck their hands like seals as they crack a shell open. I watch them and remember my first time and then I weep.

>> No.12761095 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12761096 [DELETED] 


>> No.12761099

Italian food as a whole

>> No.12761102 [DELETED] 

Fucking Albania lmao

>> No.12761968 [DELETED] 

thanks for that map. rarely have I seen a people as stupid and brain-damaged as Albanians. it's funny your image confirms my impression.

>> No.12762065

>Fried chicken
>Cabernet Sauvignon

>> No.12762074

>there are people who exist who say chikfila and in-n-out are the best food they have ever eaten in their lives.

>> No.12762078

MA fag here, I agree, it's really not very good. Just cheap protein that New Yorkers and tourists think is "gourmet food."

>> No.12762082

Literally anything "Mexican."

>> No.12762097
File: 56 KB, 700x525, avocado fruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like to eat avocados, avocado shakes or avocado ice cream, but I still feel it's overrated especially for how expensive it is.

>> No.12762130

was he wrong tho

>> No.12762151


>> No.12762393

>but I still feel it's overrated especially for how expensive it is.

If it was as cheap as apples it would be perfect, but as is, I can eat sweet potato pie when I want something smooth and savoury. Pitashio shake and ice cream instead of avocado.

>> No.12762402 [DELETED] 

indonesia is muslim. why aren't they inbred?

>> No.12762439

plain water, as in for 'hydration' purposes

>> No.12762484 [DELETED] 

Not that anon, but my guess is that they can't inbreed because Malaria takes their children before they can fuck them.

>> No.12762562

I pilgrimage for that dark elixir.

Moxie, is the reason I drive five fucking hours to York me.. oh and you fucking awesome taffy.

>> No.12762883

Easily gorgonzola cheese.

>> No.12762893 [DELETED] 

They have a large enough non Muslim community to rape, and I believe the government just didn't take part in the survey.

>> No.12763812 [DELETED] 

Nope, I’m indonesian myself and cousin marriage is highly taboo. In fact, there are laws against it.

>> No.12763826 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 546x700, A6E455E5-3A50-403C-B846-EC87CA7459C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should also be of note that muslims were let in to europe as a result of the same politicians who waged war on libya, iraq, and syria allowing them in. But by failing to acknowledge the fact you took out khadafi, saddam and others, and putting every practioner of islam, including ahmadiyya and aga khans brand at blame, is seriously mentally retarded. As gaddafi said, you take him out and europe will be black and muslim in 50 years.

>> No.12763838 [DELETED] 
File: 352 KB, 1200x1014, EE51E270-1B17-4C5C-960F-ED786033FD96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

El Americanos es los degenerados.
Wake up and see the truth, cletus, inbred cousin fucking southern fag. Yall white honkey girls love BBC.

>> No.12763856 [DELETED] 


>> No.12764091

literally everything thats hip and "healthy" nowadays. bacon is based.

>> No.12764254


>> No.12764652

I was robbed 3 times.

I ordered expensive lobster at a cheap chain and it was horrible.

I figured I was being to cheap and the "Red Lobster" chain probably didn't cook it right. So, I bought this shit tier food at two expensive restaurants - on in LA another in Cancun.

So much money burned on a myth.

>> No.12764667
File: 82 KB, 225x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bacon all by itself is overrated as fuck, but it's a god-tier sandwich ingredient.


>> No.12764682

I can't, because it IS overrated. Doesn't mean it's not fucking great - just not as great as many people make it out to be.

>> No.12764690 [DELETED] 

Aw, is da widdle weddita gwumpy?

>> No.12764700

Akshually, halal slaughter is more strict about being as inhumane as possible.

>> No.12764706

Nah, there are a few other meats as well that aren't halal. Dog for example - most of that just isn't relevant in Western societies anyway.

>> No.12764716

Kosher food can contain alcohol.

>> No.12764728

They did and are you retarded uninfirmed californiafag

>> No.12764752


>> No.12764762
File: 530 KB, 1525x763, slkdj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably sperm flan. I mean...how good could it REALLY be?