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12755157 No.12755157 [Reply] [Original]

Why dont people like licorice? Its delicious.

>> No.12755225

it's the thinking man's candy

>> No.12755231 [DELETED] 

literally WW2 era depression candy

tastes like how I imagine burnt tires would taste like


>> No.12755268

also fuck you for making me buy a bag of candy with this post

>> No.12755271

Its one of those things that's easy to taste like shit.

>> No.12755462

i like fruity much more then black, but will still enjoy some quality black licorice.

>> No.12755483

Can you imagine there was once a time on this planet where there was so little flavor in anything, that someone invented this bitter abomination and called it "candy", and everyone agreed...

>> No.12757153

I like it in small doses.
Couldn't eat it all the time.
Kinda want some now.

>> No.12757195

Fuck blacks

>> No.12757852

Black Licorice is fucking tasty, only plebeians and faggots hate black licorice.

>> No.12759000

I like to make a batch of dark chocolate-covered licorice around fall or winter

>> No.12759143
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Where's the real candy, grandma?

>> No.12759146
File: 422 KB, 640x640, 09AF9842-7CF5-4DE1-A519-83A313885368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck licorice

>> No.12759160
File: 77 KB, 663x407, Screenshot_2019-05-11-12-21-37-015_com.reddit.frontpage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not everybody is special, anon

>> No.12759214


>> No.12759225

I used to hate licorice but when I was probably around 12 or 11. One day I went to my dad's friend's office and he had these strange soft licorice candies and when I unwrapped one and took a bite, it was like taking a bite out of the greatest candy.

>> No.12759282

salt licorice

>> No.12759362

licorice and similar flavors have always been my favorite. I'll take star anise over cinnamon any day,

>> No.12759384

currently best post of /ck/>>12759282

>> No.12759399


>> No.12759406

You have to grow up with it probably. I grew up with all kinds of black licorice and I think it tastes amazing. It gives you that mouth watering feeling that umami/meat flavor does, while being sweet and sometimes salty. So its savory, sweet and salty.

>> No.12759438

It's disgusting and estrogenic.

>> No.12759444
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>> No.12760407

I like Salmiakki

>> No.12760448

I read something that linked the dislike of licorice to the dislike of artificial sweeteners. Licorice is known to have compounds much sweeter than sugar, so maybe oversensitivity to sweetness is to blame at least in some cases

>> No.12760480
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you have to have true european genetics to appreciate it

>> No.12761117
File: 45 KB, 600x600, organic-milk-chocolate-licorice-5kg-8d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk chocolate covered licorice is one of the best candies.
Only subhumans disagree.

>> No.12761153

Okay man

>> No.12761158

The strength of the Anise inincan black can be overwhelming for some, the flavor is much milder in red liquorice.

>> No.12761194
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t. my cultured palete can only enjoy high fructose corn syrup sweetening

>> No.12761218

I ruined anything liquorice/aniseed for myself in university by going out and drinking 20 shots a night of sambuca when I was out on the piss. The smell of anything aniseed makes my stomach turn now.

>> No.12761221

We ate licorice root as a snack in elementary, nobody "invented" this flavor. Fennel and star anise tastes like licorice too. It's a completely natural thing

>> No.12761470

i like them super dried out and stale, they get a really rubbery texture to them to give the jaw a nice work out. better than gum

>> No.12761646

licorice is awesome but if I remember correctly it's harmful if you eat more than a handful

>> No.12761671



>> No.12761677

Cloves are the superior spiced candy flavor. Licorice is still good though. I can't believe all the anti-licorice sentiment in this thread.

>> No.12761698

Boston baked beans are pretty great imo

>> No.12761713

makes men infertile

>> No.12761748

It's not.

>> No.12761873

This is a galaxy brain take on candy and I was unprepared for it.

>> No.12762020

it raises blood pressure, if eaten in large amounts it can cause all sorts of circulatory issues in people with pre-existing conditions, but most people without hypertension can safely consume licorice

>> No.12762025

Whenever i buy spice drops, i segregate them out and enjoy them separately. Clove a best, wintergreen a shit

>> No.12762033

then you're OK

>> No.12762050

i once had licorice with peanut butter and pretzels.
i can totally see this being amazing, gotta try it

>> No.12762216

Not how you use t.

>> No.12762244

fuck that horrendous tasting shit

>> No.12762386

It's so good. I'm really drunk so fuck whoever doesn't like licorice

>> No.12762497

Black licorice was the source of my first ever existential crisis. I've hated it ever since I first tried it, until one day when I grew from child to manchild, I tasted it to find that I liked it.

>> No.12762585

Only had red licorice. Never tasted the black ones ever.

>> No.12763792


>> No.12763820

I love liqorice. Unfortunately, it can cause hypertension due to depleting potassium, so I eat it sparingly.
I prefer english liqorice, and sweet finnish liqorice. Never really enjoy salmiak/salty liqorice.

>> No.12763940
File: 286 KB, 1499x1499, piratos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mate, sweet liquorice can go fuck itself
>salty liquorice best liquorice
Pic related is the best in the world, I could eat this shit for days

>> No.12764510

salmiakki or you can fuck off

>> No.12764520

It's very popular in the Netherlands

>> No.12764939

eating them right now. based af

>> No.12765100
File: 219 KB, 345x454, pack_ko_detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only found this once and now can't as the store doesn't stock it (it was one of those foreign goods places, so they don't order at request, they just sell what they get)
Its like an herb type. Best I've ever had.

>> No.12765338

I love black licorice except that crap that comes from the Netherlands that shit tastes amonia

>> No.12765358
File: 803 KB, 1298x885, 50B1EE3E-97FE-4F0D-B47A-903F1ECFA20F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about salmiakki?

>> No.12765363

i sometimes like it but i don't like the thick brown turd kind

>> No.12766078

t. faggot

>> No.12766112
File: 233 KB, 1280x720, [Eila] Brave Witches - 11 [BD 720p][574CB74B]_00-09-28-276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd heard about it for years as some sort of exotic meme candy that was practically inedible, tried some recently, turns out it's amazing. Thanks, Finland.

>> No.12767324

Nigga Licorice

>> No.12767435

to be fair, the root is actually pretty tasty where the candy is often shit.

>> No.12769615

Lowers test.

>> No.12769818


>> No.12770079

The trick with liquorice is moderation.
Lotta young people have grown up thinking candy must be eaten en heaping mouthfuls.

liquorice is as much about savouring the aftertaste, letting the tastebuds reset, some might say half the enjoyment is NOT eating it.

>> No.12770085

Personally i thing salmiakki and other strong liquorice's succes relies on cold and damp nations.

>> No.12771145

I actually do think about that a lot. The complexity of molasses in comparison to corn syrup or sugar is definitely lost for a child's pallette, but sweeteners like molasses and saccharine were popular in a time where the pure cocaine that is modern sweets was less abundant. Ironically, actual cocaine was on the market, too. But, notwithstanding, sweetness is sweetness regardless of superlative stimuli; you really don't think about it unless there's a market that illustrates that discrepancy, right?

>> No.12771267

Maybe german amazon ships to were you live but it's 4 kilos.
Gotta select "Einmalige Lieferung" on the right, by default it selects some weird subscription.

>> No.12771319

The best

>> No.12771343

absolutely based

>> No.12772377

Licorice is the sociopath's candy.
(Not like a clever and manipulative sociopath, either. More like a degenerate dog-raping sociopath.)

>> No.12772448

so if I want a white girl I should show up with a cuck cage and a bouquet of BLACKED licorice?

>> No.12772515

my favorite candy only downside is it lowers your test

>> No.12772535

I don't like how star anise tastes.

>> No.12772541

this one time i was doing a cardiology rotation in iceland, and we had an adult female (late 20s) who kept coming in with transient hypertension which wasn't responding to the first line volume depletion therapies (protocol at the time there was ace/arb, thiazides, beta-blockers). at one point we suspected malignant hypertension and admitted her, started her on treatment but her bp remained high. we discovered that her boyfriend had been bringing her a pound (almost half a kilo) of licorice to snack on each day, and she was a constant eater of this stuff. not a particularly fat girl or anything. just an interesting phenomenon of what the licorice candy is capable of in an otherwise healthy young adult.

>> No.12772543
File: 62 KB, 450x590, AF-250-Jar-TwoApples-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like it but prefer smoking it