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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12754702 No.12754702 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck, I was opening up my baby spinach to have a nice healthy salad, and there was a fucking caterpillar sitting in top of it. What the fuck.

Washed and ready to eat, my ass.

>> No.12754711

Your spinach is fresh and healthy anon.
A caterpillar couldn't live in it if it wasn't.

>> No.12756455

while a vexing lower lifeform crawled across your food, a moth just flew out of my container of organic mixed lettuces.

>> No.12756788

While a moth flew out of your container of mixed lettuces, a pupa rolled out of my bag of broccoli slaw.

>> No.12756814 [DELETED] 

Nice gets!

>> No.12756816

Have sex gaybo

>> No.12756817

Burn it

>> No.12756820

Fuck you, pussi-nigger

>> No.12756821

>he's never gotten the bonus frog
Must suck having less than 7 points in Luck.

>> No.12756901

At least your moth flew out, mine dropped dead into the bowl.

>> No.12756919

>bought some grapes
>got home a large spider was just in the middle of them dead
>couldn't believe my eyes

Is it really that hard to have the mexicans sorting these actually check to make sure there are no LARGE insects in them?

>> No.12756928

If people took the time to insure every last bug and other lifeform was off the crop, the price of produce would skyrocket.

Clean your vegetables.

>> No.12756937


>> No.12756942

>bro I saw a large spider in my grapes

Imagine actually being this pedantic. You need to get a life.

>> No.12757463

Washed and ready to eat but what you didnt anticipate was

Caterpillar strooooonng

>> No.12757480

>Washed and ready to eat, my ass.

Can I have some?

>> No.12757484

>If people took the time to insure every last bug and other lifeform was off the crop, the price of produce would skyrocket.
good--people are more than willing to buy food they know is safe and clean

>> No.12757686

>waaaaah food that is grown outdoors sometimes has bugs in it waaaaah mommy mommmy!!!
lmao kid. food is either grown in shit outdoors covered in bird crap and insects and spiderwebs, or it's hacked off a freshly slaughtered animal or lugged out of a garbage-filled sea full of urine, feces, and oil spills. oh no, you'd better spray lysol on your salad, wouldn't want mommas little boy to get sick.

>> No.12758042

Based ass-eating zoomer

>> No.12758139
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Bros, now I'm scared. How many bugs did I unknowingly eat?

>> No.12759052

It's gross

>> No.12759062

you can at least fucking GLANCE at them as you're putting them in the bag

>> No.12759089

Other than poisonous ones, bugs are actually very nutritious.

>> No.12759708

then die

>> No.12760005
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Dumb dumb, that's why I -don't- want to eat it. Go be a third-worlder elsewhere ok?

>> No.12760119

If you eat processed foods like most amerilards you eat bugs all of the time. So many in fact the FDA hasregulations governing how many insect particles can be in certain processed foods. Enjoy your bugs, my fellow lardys.