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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 454x520, awwhwhwhwhwh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12753939 No.12753939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I love spicy food!!!

>> No.12753957

One of these days I'll be walking past a fat fedora-topped neckbearded faggot with a MLP shirt sitting on a bench outside of an ice cream shop, gamestop or comic book store. I'll see him giggling at his phone like a fat toddler. I'll look over his shoulder and catch him posting a sóyjak thread.

That's when I'll pull off my shoelaces, double wrap them around my fists and strangle you. Your pained, guttural gurgles will bring pleasure to my ears as you fruitlessly flail and struggle to lift your copious mass and flabby little arms to stop me. Eventually you'll grow limp as the last few gurgles escape your throat and your grotesque manatee-like body sinks into a formless blobby puddle. I'll pick up your outdated iphone that's fallen on the cement and cracked and immediately delete your thread, then call your mother and inform her that her son has passed away, to which she'll respond with a sigh of relief and inform me that she still has 2-3 fertile years left if I want to give her another chance at producing something worthwhile.

>> No.12753961
File: 43 KB, 644x800, dddddddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of these days I'll be walking past a fat fedora-topped neckbearded faggot with a MLP shirt sitting on a bench outside of an ice cream shop, gamestop or comic book store. I'll see him giggling at his phone like a fat toddler. I'll look over his shoulder and catch him posting a sóyjak thread.

That's when I'll pull off my shoelaces, double wrap them around my fists and strangle you. Your pained, guttural gurgles will bring pleasure to my ears as you fruitlessly flail and struggle to lift your copious mass and flabby little arms to stop me. Eventually you'll grow limp as the last few gurgles escape your throat and your grotesque manatee-like body sinks into a formless blobby puddle. I'll pick up your outdated iphone that's fallen on the cement and cracked and immediately delete your thread, then call your mother and inform her that her son has passed away, to which she'll respond with a sigh of relief and inform me that she still has 2-3 fertile years left if I want to give her another chance at producing something worthwhile.

>> No.12754009


>> No.12754217

Fuck off you stupid fuck, you’ve been posting the same soyjack shit on /his/, /int/, /ck/, etc. Spamming this shit is neither humorous nor entertaining. Eat a fucking piece of plastic you fucking idiot.

>> No.12754220


>> No.12754274

neck yourself

>> No.12754278

You are not funny. Stop making these threads.