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File: 17 KB, 440x270, turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12752904 No.12752904 [Reply] [Original]

Is the Disney World turkey leg good or just a meme?
also other Disney snacks thread such as Dole Whip

>> No.12752930

You can get a roasted turkey leg at literally any county fair. Don't waste your money getting one at disney, when you could be getting something unique

>> No.12752935

Also some truck stops sell them at a sane price year round. Worth checking any near your home if you really like turkey legs.

>> No.12752948

the only thing thats worth getting food wise at ANY of the disney parks is sea salt ice cream, and thats only available at tokyo disney
its actually pretty damn good ice cream

>> No.12752956

The reason for them isn't because they are awesome, its just a photo opportunity. Everyone there is blowing a year's pay on a 5 day vacation so they expect a lot of photo ops, and the turkey leg is a cheap thrill for lame people.
Small child, huge turkey leg, social media faggotry ensues. Happy customers, and Disney rakes in the cash. There's your summary.

>> No.12752961

I went with my girlfriend and it total cost us about $3k. Which is half a months salary between the two of us. It's not that expensive if you have an income.

>> No.12752973

>Small child, huge turkey leg, social media faggotry ensues
Turkey legs were a big thing in Disney long before social media though. Although I guess it would have been similarly 'funny' in a traditional photo album

>> No.12752979

They're dry as fuck and turkey legs have those weird cartilage things in them that make eating them a chore. Honestly, I'd say they're more trouble than they're worth but the mouse tax really ups the ante as far as their worthlessness goes

>> No.12752981

You, an adult, went with an adult. Add kids to the equation and shit adds up quick

>> No.12752998
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OP you're stupid. Literally everything at any theme park is a "meme"
Are you saying you could get something unique at Disney World or that you can get something unique at a fair for less money?

>> No.12753011

You spent $3,000.00 on a visit for two adults to a children's theme park?

>> No.12753045

Disney can be a fun vacation for adults IMHO

>> No.12753065

Keep your opinion humble then. It's a bad time. I can't imagine what Disneyworld/land could offer me as an adult. I went to Universal a few years ago and wanted to kill myself the entire time. I don't hate fun or anything it's just stupid. Rollercoasters are fun but you have to wait in line and nothing else they offer is any good.

>> No.12753080

Nah that's pretty gay

>> No.12753116 [DELETED] 

>t. hates fun

>> No.12753128
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If you can afford to go to Disneyland you can afford the 5 bucks they charge for a turkey leg, poorfag

>> No.12753150
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>> No.12753158

I want to fuck those monkeys

>> No.12753168

>only $12
my local state fair charges $14 for them

>> No.12753178

Jeez they serve those everywhere nerdlings and kids congegrate. Pax East, Ren Fair, Comic Cons and whatever else. 8 bucks a pop average.

>> No.12753183

Sounds like a real redneck shithole, anon.

>> No.12753190

Those fuckers. You're still poor tho.

>> No.12753191
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back to /khg/ please

>> No.12753212
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I remember going to various Disney parks in the 2000s. They were still $5, and my family being red necks bought some extra to bring back to hotel to eat in the morning or snack on.

>> No.12753226

Citrus Twist.

You can get the Citrus Twist as just Citrus and it's amazing!

Also Trader Sam's Grog Grotto. The only place in Florida you can get genuine, authetic KUNGALOOSH!

>> No.12753319
File: 171 KB, 900x609, cheeseburger-and-vegetable-springs-rolls-adventureland-cart-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are fucking great

>> No.12753327
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>> No.12754229

Dole Whip < Dole Dippers

>> No.12754231

It's emu, OP.

>> No.12754239

Yeah... this x1000

Modern society is full of phonies buying phony goods from phony men in phony suits pursuing validation from other phonies.

When I see another vapid sheep claim she's original for doing the same manufactured social "experience" as her million clones I wish I was in a big field of rye, free from phonies, just catching that rye. I'd be a person catching rye.

>> No.12754248

No, it can't. This is why you will never be successful.

>> No.12754624
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>> No.12754661

A smart adult would know to go on a Tuesday or Wednesday and not on the weekend. Universal studios lines are no more than 10 min long on those days. Fuck disneyland tho. Even on weekdays its packed to the brim with chink tourists and theres no way you can possibly see the entire park in one day, much less California adventure nextdoor

>> No.12754670

every time i saw anyone in a video eating one of those it looks dry and tough.

>> No.12754745

i spent $3k for a week off of work to spend time in a fun place with the girl that i love. yes that’s correct.

>> No.12754766
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Le Happy Merchant is pleased with your programming.

>> No.12754773

Adult here.
Epcot world showcase with the food and wine festival was brilliant. I could easily spend a whole week there and not get bored.

Also, Disney springs has some great places to get food.

You're just plain wrong my friend (not my friend).

>> No.12754779
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>can buy an entire turkey for 12 dollars and fry it up myself for about 5 dollars worth of oil
>people think this is a good deal

>> No.12754792

everything is cheap in redneck *heavenholes, I think you meant coastie shithole.

>> No.12754807

Love is literally an involuntary dopamine release. They have commercialized bodily dysfunction.

>> No.12754844

>Love means nothing because it's physically quantifiable!
>Also Disney is profiting off your desire to have fun and express love by building a place to allow you to do this for a price!
>Did you know Disney was profiting off Disney World? DID YOU?

>> No.12754854
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>> No.12754859


no, it can't, you are retarded.

>> No.12754862

why not

>> No.12754868
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>half a month's salary
>not expensive

>> No.12754870

>wanting to be this unironically
You're broken, you're defective, KYS immediately.

>> No.12754871

Based Caulfield

>> No.12754874

Are you allowed to bring outside food in or do they bag-check everything at the gate?

>> No.12754880

I mean, it's a leg of smoked turkey. Of course it's good. I've never had a Dole Whip.
In Downtown Disney they had poutine, I liked that. Also some nice smaller restaurants.

>> No.12754912

you guys sound like pleasant and happy people

>> No.12754919

yeah you can bring it anything except booze

>> No.12754928


>> No.12754934

>Everyone there is blowing a year's pay on a 5 day vacation
I'm going to Disney Land for a week, then the D23 Expo. For two people, all in, I'm looking at MAYBE three grand. How in the world do you only make three grand in a year?

>> No.12754935

he’s unemployed what do you expect

>> No.12754958

Jeez that’s a lot of money. I’d rather use it for my truck or computer. But I hope you have fun on your trip!

>> No.12754967

Oh, that's good to know. In that case, why not just pack lunches for yourselves and save monies?

>> No.12754975

Because assuming you aren't a local, you should take advantage of the unique opportunities. I'm not going to fly halfway across the country just to make sandwiches I could eat at home.

>> No.12754989

Let me guess, you're staying with someone while going to Disney Land, right? Otherwise I'm just straight up calling you a liar. A 5-day ticket to Disneyland is nearly $700, and that's without a park hopper. And the Expo is gonna be another $250 at least. Just for two people, and JUST for the tickets that's at least $1,900. And we haven't even gotten into hotels, plane tickets, food, transportation, ect.

>> No.12754994

Sorry, slight miscalculation. It'd be $1,200, and once again that's just for 5 days plus the expo, not a week.

>> No.12754996

5 days plus the weekend of the expo is a week.

>> No.12754999

>I'm going to Disney Land for a week, then the D23 Expo.
Was what was posted. That implies 9-10 days. And D23 is in Florida.

>> No.12755002

D23 is in Anaheim.

>> No.12755006

Ah, normally it's in Epcot. But that still implies 9-10 days, which would still make that anon a huge liar

>> No.12755008

Fair enough.

>> No.12755009

At best, it would double his cost. Which would still make him much closer to accurate then the person he replied to who said it costs "A year's pay" to go.

>> No.12755025

>At best, it would double his cost.
Uh, fucking no? Plane tickets are stupid expensive, as are hotels. And this isn't even going into transportation, renting cars or getting taxis both cost money. Or food, come to think of it. At least 3 times the price, easily, if not 4.

>> No.12755029

Plane tickets are about $400 depending, hotels maybe $150 a night. Transportation is negligible if you are staying near the park. So he's off, but I feel like you don't travel often and have a skewed sense of costs.

>> No.12755042

>Plane tickets are about $400 depending
Right so that's $800 since there's two of them
>hotels maybe $150 a night.
9 nights=$1,350, 10 nights=$1,500
>Transportation is negligible if you are staying near the park.
You still need to get to the park, and you've still gotta pay something. Plus even if they don't use anything but buses, they still need to get to their airport at their departure location.
>So he's off, but I feel like you don't travel often and have a skewed sense of costs.
Anon, you still haven't even factored in the food yet and they're already over $3k with just tickets, hotel and plane tickets. How exactly am I wrong here when you admit I'm right

>> No.12755043

You're not right if you think it's "At least 3 times the price, easily, if not 4.".

How about this, post your full numbers for all costs then we'll talk.

>> No.12755105

3 or 4 times the cost of $1200. And I just proved to you that it's well over $3k, by your own admission.

>> No.12755111

Universal is better than Disney in almost every way

>> No.12755113
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>spending upwards of $3000 to go to a manufactured attraction owned by a soulless corporation


>> No.12755121
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same age im making 35k but i just started. it's supposed to go up, but if they dont give me a raise then i'll look for a new job.

disneyland does sound fun, people to do and things to see.

>> No.12755133

This. Going to any other theme park I feel like I’m not coddled or misled into thinking I’m a “friend.” Disney pulls that bullshit while jewing you out of a fuckton of money for everything. Any other theme park treats you like a respected customer and leaves it at that.

>> No.12755136

I mean, that atmosphere is mostly for the kids, I imagine most adults understand that it's a business.

>> No.12755146

No shit, and maybe i’m Just cynical, but it just spoils the mood for me. Universal studios is gonna tell you you’re gonna have a good time and they’ll be friendly, but they don’t pull the “mickey’s friend” bullshit. My bank offered Disney designs for my debit card only and when I called to activate it I had to sit through some CS rep saying “me and my friend Mickey are here to help you!” It pervades every aspect of Disney and in the modern world feels so absolutely saccharine.

>> No.12755158

I once saw a deer at Universal Studios.
Shit was lit.

>> No.12755164

> It pervades every aspect of Disney and in the modern world feels so absolutely saccharine.

i'd go so far as to say it's straight up cult of personality tier marketing/PR, which makes it even scarier. there's going to be kids growing up with that kind of PR as normal.

>> No.12755165

I'm confused, why was your bank's customer service rep saying that?

>> No.12755167

Because the debit cards were Disney themed

>> No.12755176

I think you are being a little cynical, it's mostly just to create an atmosphere for the guests. I mean, I guess I can't stop you getting angry about it, but every theme park tries to make you feel like a special guest. Disney just has a lot more space and money to make it happen.

>> No.12755188

>every theme park tries to make you feel like a special guest
And that’s fine. I’m paying them to do that. I want to be treated special. What I don’t want is to be told I’m a “friend” or “family.” I’m a guest in a tourist-y land, not your nephew or neighbor.

>> No.12755196

This just proves that Disney is a money trap for overstimulated poor people.

>> No.12755204


>> No.12755210

>What I don’t want is to be told I’m a “friend” or “family.” I’m a guest in a tourist-y land, not your nephew or neighbor.
See and that's why I think you're being a little cynical about this, or maybe just overly sensitive. You might as well complain that Disney World is "too clean"

>> No.12755214


>> No.12755221

How does it feel to be so bitter and cynical about everything?

>> No.12755228

>bitter and cynical

its called being an adult, anon

>> No.12755229

Maybe that's your adult experience, not mine.

>> No.12755246

how is it bitter or cynical to not want to be treated in a "fake" way?

>> No.12755257

Theres something unsettling about eating a Turkey leg at an amusement park. Just have a hot dog and some chips

>> No.12755263

You know that depending on where you get it you'll be paying the same price for that hot dog and chips, right

>> No.12755280

It’s not the same really. There’s a difference between saccharine coddling and the park being clean

>> No.12755300

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, because I kinda don't think so.

>> No.12755305

I mean, they're doing a job. Of course it's going to be fake, all their interactions with you are fake no matter what. Would you prefer them to just roll their eyes at you and tell you to fuck off before playing on their phone?

That still doesn't explain why the bank CS rep would say that, to them it is no different than any other theme they offer on cards.

>> No.12755308

Anytime you're interacting with other people there are numerous layers of fakeness going on, no matter how intimate you think you are with them.

>> No.12755309

When you're in a largely boring job like call center work, many people latch on to whatever they can to make the job more interesting for them. So that little thing she says might make her happy enough to get through the day.

>> No.12755318

Probably not here anymore and not the people you're responding to but what you have won't last.

>> No.12755326

>Your life will eventually suck because mine does

>> No.12755333

I have the sudden urge to kill john lennon after reading this

>> No.12755344

No, the cards are sponsored by disney

>> No.12755490


>> No.12755519

>spending half a month’s salary on overpriced food and shit rides
At least go to a good themepark

>> No.12755523

unless of course, you're a poorfag
come on anon just spit it out already, nobody's impressed

>> No.12755695
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Northern Virginia here, turkey legs at the ren faire costs 4 dollars, county fairs are like 6.

>> No.12755710

I mean, yeah, most people can’t go to Disney for half a month’s salary unless they live nearby. Airfare is a lot

>> No.12755742

>People go to Disneyland for any other reason than to entertain children

I've been many times since I'm local, but only to give my kids a fun day

You couldn't pay me to go on my own as an adult. Paying out the ass to stand around in line for hours on end in the California heat for some themed rides? Jesus fuck...

>> No.12755744

Define "a lot".

>> No.12755750
File: 2.25 MB, 2100x1350, 2583A639-5B94-40F1-B29B-E7ED2E8A4288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Universal: to ensure immersion, let’s not sell brand name sodas in the wizarding world. We’ll keep juice, water, and our own signature drinks, each with unique labels, on display.

>> No.12755755

is that not a unique label?

>> No.12755756

Check’d. Fuck Disney.

>> No.12755760

Universal manufactured labels for their own in-house products that actually match the theme of the park. Disney just took a pre-existing bottle and gave it an admittedly cool logo. But the point is that soda already exists in the Star Wars universe and instead of at least selling coke under a new name, they’ve made coke canon in a universe that existed millennia before our world.

>> No.12755761

never been to disney so help me out please. you've been in a park for an entire week?

>> No.12755762
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Why would I want to go to a theme park that i focused on one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.12755763

>We only care about immersion in the wizarding world, one small part of our overall parks
Geez Universal sounds shitty. Also that space coke bottle looks cool.

>> No.12755765

You'd be hard pressed to do and see everything in Disney World in only a week.

>> No.12755766

>t. Never been to universal

>> No.12755768

Neat I haven't seen this pasta for a while

>> No.12755774

I love this pasta.
Doesn’t change the fact that the wizarding world is actually a well developed park and I enjoy it even as someone who dislikes Harry Potter.

>> No.12755775

Yes, I have. Also you just said
>Universal: to ensure immersion, let’s not sell brand name sodas in the wizarding world.
Which means they don't even bother outside of the wizarding world. That's how words work, friend.

>> No.12755777

>defending Disney this hard
They literally spouted the “subverting expectations” bullshit to explain why their shit Star Wars area has a fucking pina colada bantha milk.

>> No.12755780

>Muh Star Wars
Glad to see the real reason behind you being so upset

>> No.12755782

huh, ok. sucks being a broke NEET sometimes, that much money is way out of reach

>> No.12755784

I also watch Rock and Morty, fellow high IQ individual. Brohoof! /)

>> No.12755785

Does NO ONE else see that the bottle on the left says "Cock Conk"???

>> No.12755788

What exactly is your point? I started off talking about how dumb it was to have such shit themeing and striving to “subvert expectations” rather than make something unique and memorable.

>> No.12755792

If anything it says "Conk Conk" Or "Comk Conk"
I think you just have cock on the brain

>> No.12755795

>I started off talking about how dumb it was to have such shit themeing and striving to “subvert expectations”
You just mentioned subverting expectations the first time here
I get that you're upset Star Wars is bad now, but this is kinda sad

>> No.12755797

>these GETs
Disneyfags BTFO

>> No.12755799

>Ignoring the other gets

>> No.12755802


>> No.12755804

What even is your argument here? I don’t give a shit about Star Wars any more than I do avatar or Harry Potter. It’s just the fact of the matter that universal has made more unique and memorable foods and presentations than Disney has.

>> No.12755809

>made more unique and memorable foods and presentations than Disney has.
Dude I live in socal and I've been to both numerous times and I don't even like Disney but that's definitely not true.
Knotts is waifu though.

>> No.12755811
File: 42 KB, 326x236, 1484215971397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't spent every last cent of your paycheck every two weeks
>save up money
>have at least two-three months worth of paychecks saved up as a cushion

>> No.12755812

>going to the California parks
That’s your problem

>> No.12755819

You can go to Knotts and eat at the food station right outside of the park without going in you know.

>> No.12755822

So you’re going to the glorified mall Universal rather than the actual park

>> No.12755828

That wasn’t my point, dumbass. You’re going to the shitty universal that only exists because of the original tram tour. The Florida parks are infinitely better.

>> No.12755831


>> No.12755832

Universal Florida is way worse than Disney, but that's something that's gonna be down to personal preference, so that seems silly to argue about

>> No.12755837

Universal California is a completely different park than universal Florida. Are you actually retarded?

>> No.12755842

I feel like most people who prefer Disney over universal are either parents, people who are Disney fanboys, or people who shit on universal for having too many simulator rides (which I actually agree about, but disney’s newest rides are even shittier screen rides and yet people are eating them up.)

>> No.12755847

There's a Universal in Florida?

>> No.12755848

I just think there's more to do at Disney, and granted yes they have too many simulator rides.

>> No.12755849
File: 173 KB, 900x1200, 1548469753347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I hug the bunny at Universal? No? Then Disney it is.

>> No.12755852

So this is the power of a Californian?

>> No.12755854

Well universal’s about to open their next park which will have the Nintendo area, so mankids will probably flock there next (and hopefully we get other areas too)

>> No.12755856

Then maybe my opinion about it will change, we'll see

>> No.12755865

Would it be legal to grab her ass in this situation, I mean that's probably padding right so it's legal, right? So I can grab her ass right? I mean, she obviously knows she's sexy so she wants me to grab her ass, right?

>> No.12755869

Furry cumbrains

>> No.12755872
File: 73 KB, 500x351, 1557541130235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad Universal-fag who doesn't have delicious fluffy waifus.

>> No.12755891

Airfare only comes out ahead if you're going to be needing more than one day's driving to reach either park. If a family of 4 in LA decided right now that they needed a weekend visit to WDW, they could hop on a plane to Orlando for ~$2000 round trip, and that's talking extreme, "our flight leaves in an hour," last minute.

>> No.12755893
File: 1.83 MB, 500x219, susan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Universal does what Disdon't.

>> No.12755897
File: 86 KB, 220x282, damn shatty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm, jealous??

>> No.12755902
File: 2.96 MB, 720x404, Let me be good to you.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this desperate.

>> No.12755906
File: 395 KB, 384x216, eris.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mice being sexier than ERIS. GODDESS. OF. DISCORD.

>> No.12755918


Would you ever fuck a hippo? Just asking, haha

>> No.12755925

Considering Disney has commissioned unique foodstuffs from companies before, the Dole Whip, it stands out pretty noticeably that all they did was have Coke relabel some bottles and a rather large misstep on the part of both companies. However, it's not really a big deal.

>> No.12755928

This is fucking weird. Why is it cheaper to fly from LA to Orlando than from Dallas to Orlando

>> No.12755934

Dole whip is overrated desu.

>> No.12755936

Because those are larger airports, with a lot of more planes running on those routes. More supply means lower price.

>> No.12755937
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My friends says yes haha.

>> No.12755952

There's only one answer to that kind of question and it looks like this: ((()))

>> No.12755965

u mean pusi??

>> No.12755971

We asked for the taste and quality poor faggots need not answer.

>> No.12755983

Why don't you go eat a dick, faggot? It's free.

>> No.12755998

You get more bang for your buck at Universal. Less obligation to stay longer to "experience" everything and ultimately cheaper for a better experience (unless you're a kid or parent I guess)

>> No.12756050
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Oh, so you have the shitty one.

>> No.12756056

Based Didny Worl poster

>> No.12756076

who is this semen demon?

>> No.12756082

smoked turkey legs are amazing.

>> No.12756090

It's a perfectly fine pineapple sherbet type dessert if you can stand something that is almost entirely food grade chemicals. But that wasn't really the point I was trying to make.

Orlando is a major tourist destination and a huge amount of airports in the US offer direct flights for cheap.

>> No.12756106

I've never seen someone so BTFO with such grace and ease.
You did god's work today, anon.

>> No.12756115

>Not being a regular brit/pol/ browser


>> No.12756206

I grew up in a large family with a stay at home mom and a dad who was working his way up from the ground floor at a newspaper (ended up being VP of production but we were all grown by then) so there was no way in hell we could have afforded a trip to disney and I never even felt like I missed out because we went on camping trips to national forests which were infinitely more fun and interesting than being in a crowd.
Remember, your kids will have better memories and experiences doing /out/ shit instead of corporate manufactured wonderlands.

Thx for reading my blogpost.

>> No.12756216

I hear when Californians try to go to the superior Disney the lightning strikes them down.

>> No.12756400

Enjoy feeding your kids bugs lol.

>> No.12756426

Nice get!

>> No.12756456

I really hope that price is in pesos.

>> No.12756476

Same age, making $20k/year, I get by, why can't you?

>> No.12756515

Perhaps he doesn't live in a van down by the river?

>> No.12757461



>> No.12757508
File: 516 KB, 220x244, tenor (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe it.

>> No.12757534

>feeding this beast of cultural cancer

i bet you vote democrat

>> No.12757622
File: 742 KB, 900x672, tokyo_disneyalnd2_020[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tokyo Parks have some great tasting popcorn flavors for less than 4 bucks a box.

>> No.12757645

>Wow, prepared food in inconvenient areas costs more than raw ingredients??

>> No.12757720

holy fuck
worst tier list, you may as well just google gay classics
I would say go back to >>>/lit/ but I don't think they'll take you

>> No.12757834

Have they changed disneyland at all? Havent been there since like 2011

>> No.12757872

Make that a family of 4 or 6. Easily $6-8k all included. After taxes. That is a pretax cost of $10k or more. Average plebs earn ~$28k per year. How much of that goes to food and rent?

>> No.12757882

Jesus... you could buy 3 or 4 entire uncooked turkies for that much.

>> No.12757886

>What is retirement
>What is an emergency fund
>What is not living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.12757897

I only make about $60K a year. With 10% of my income going into stocks and 4% into an 401K, I still have more than a thousand of pure disposable income each month. Learn to plan better.

>> No.12757909

Food at Tokyo Disney is so cheap compare to US Disney

>> No.12757930

Admittedly 14% is decent and better then the average by far. But you really should be shooting for 20-25% even if some of it is in a standard brokerage account.


>> No.12757934

The stock purchases are through a company plan, which is currently yielding 200%+ returns due to our rapid growth. Otherwise I would be investing more, but if this keeps up the math more than works for me.

>> No.12757940

>The stock purchases are through a company plan, which is currently yielding 200%+ returns due to our rapid growth.
That is great, just don't fall into the trap of holding too long. If it tanks you would lose the job and savings. Try to sell a good percentage of that as soon as the schedule allows. Don't be the guy that has his retirement in the company he worked for and that company was Enron.

>> No.12757950

Oh for sure, they mature every two years, and I've been reinvesting about half of it into other options. Though I'm honestly not too worried about the future of our company, we're one of the biggest in what we do.

>> No.12757956
File: 8 KB, 284x178, Smelloscope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12758053

Sounds legit.

>> No.12758499

But OP asked about the Disney one.

>> No.12758560

I guess you could say he was (*takes off glasses*)......a catcher in the rye
[roll credits]

>> No.12758587

It's literally just a roasted turkey leg. That's not some exclusive Disney experience.

>> No.12758596

Adding kids doesn't make it a years pay Anon...even a minimum wage job would pay more annually

>> No.12758709

>tfw get career and get boner over how much I make a year
>realise uncle sam takes a fat cut
>have to move out of parents so the rent takes another cut
>insurance, phone etc take their cut
>student loans take another cut

shit sucks my man, I'm starting to realise it's more sensible to spend the effort on learning to enjoy the small things than it is to work on making more money.

>> No.12760172

That sounds bad.

>> No.12760286

Turkey taste worse than chicken. The only selling point is the impressive size combined with a low iq social gathering. Normal people in normal environments that want poultry buy chicken.

>> No.12760555

I never liked having to deal with cartilage and tendons.

>> No.12760600
File: 221 KB, 1500x1000, chddar-cheese-popcorn-selection-jspcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


savory popcorn is pretty nice

>> No.12760609

>disney slowly closed all their amazing cake shops and replaced them with Starbucks

Fuck you, that cafe overlooking the lake and fountains at Epcot was amazing.

>> No.12760649
File: 109 KB, 600x900, B5A05919-1439-407E-A2F7-0C5AF1323B49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta get it with bacon and wear a fedora hat whilst devouring it

>> No.12760725

I'm gay by the way. Not sure that matters.

>> No.12760740

Haha yeah, bacon that up, take that Allah! Need to wash this down with some black rifle coffee company branded coffee, black only like my guns, epic, what do you think arfcom?

>> No.12761753

Nigga are you really gonna make me explain hyperbole to you? No shit it isn't a years pay, but it's still a lot of money

>> No.12762030
File: 1.88 MB, 3000x2660, 1529269901000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OMG Disney is so great guys! There's no other park that has the same level of scenery and sweaty Filipinos in costumes as Disney! I love getting my picture taken with a girl dressed as Cinderella! It only cost me $3000 and a trip to one of the two most inhospitable locations in the US! I love the microwaved food! I love dealing with hordes of families and little kids! I love two hour waiting times! Fun rides? No thanks, I just want SOUL and ATMOSPHERE.

>> No.12762438

You guys only make 6k a month? That’s fucking depressing.

>> No.12762449

It's pretty good. The Garlic Shrimp flavor was a little strange though.

>> No.12763001

I didn't know tim had an ass like that wow!