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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12746708 No.12746708 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever eaten a meal that's given you a Ratatouille style flashback to your childhood?

>> No.12746743

Not yet.

>> No.12746756

My girlfriend hit me with something like this a few weeks ago. When I was young, my southern mom would sometimes make food that you wouldn't really expect to find in the midwest, and one of my favorite meals growing up was breaded catfish, fries, hush puppies with onion and honey, and cole slaw. I could never get enough but being that we were landlocked she'd never do it unless she found actually good-looking catfish (which was rare).

Anyway, my mom passed just before last Thanksgiving after a slow decline. The recovery from that has been pretty rough but I'm starting to feel the return to normal. A few weeks ago when I was getting home from work, my girlfriend was just putting the finishing touches on a catfish dinner and was getting it on the table when I walked in. Probably one of the nicest gestures I've ever had and definitely got hit with a wave of food nostalgia.

>> No.12746758

Im not old enough, nor have I forgotten my roots

>> No.12746818

That's absolutely adorable.
What a keeper.

>> No.12746901

Agreed, she's amazing. Thank you.

>> No.12746904

sandwich ice cream does that. but i havent been able to eat one for like 6 years.

>> No.12746919
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I've had super aged Madeira wine that made me flash back to being on a burning boat in the Caribbeans (even though Ive never been on a burning boat or to the caribbeans)

it was really really weird

>> No.12746934

Your mother was a dumb whore

>> No.12746948


>> No.12746978

My condolences, friend. And your girlfriend sounds lovely.

>> No.12747064
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>be me
>one of those autists that unironically enjoys military rations from around the world
>bust out an mre with beef stew and some other shit because I haven’t had anything all day, am tired, and wanted some rations
>american mre’s are around 1200 or so calories with everything, unlike russian rations which can reach more than 4000 as those are meant for a whole day rather than just a meal
>get some of the peanut butter and jam on the bread while the stew is heating, have that while I’m boiling some water to go with the coffee and brownie/cookie/whatever snack came with it all
>eventually have the stew with some coffee, put a touch of salt and some pepper in it
>doesn’t taste too ba-
>mfw it tasted almost exactly like the stew I used to have as a little kid albeit more salty
>mfw it brought me back to a time before things went to complete shit and I still had some semblance of a family
>literally stare at it for minutes at a time before I shake out of it and have some of the black instant coffee
I always thought what happened to the food critic was just a meme, but I was wrong. Never had or felt something like that ever since either.

>> No.12747217

I know they kinda get memed here, but I was a poor kid who grew up on vienna sausages. Every once in a blue moon, I'll get a craving for them and they always remind me of being a kid. A hungry, empty-fridged kid. So then I eat two cans to make up for it.

>> No.12747257

I made pancakes today the way my grandma used to, which is more like thick crepes. Then put homemade strawberry jam on. Every time we'd visit there would be a fresh stack of pancakes ready when we arrived and the whole house would smell comfy as shit.

>> No.12747307

No because my mom couldn't cook and my childhood sucked.

>> No.12747328

She cheated on you.

>> No.12747539
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>> No.12747549

Had gooseberries for the first time in ages. Triggered lots of good memories.

>> No.12747554

Once I ate a taco heavy in coriander and had a flashback to the time I swore at my mother and she made me literally chew and swallow a bar of soap until it was half finished.

>> No.12747726

Madeira is Portuguese, you faggot.

>> No.12747729

No. The only way that will happen is getting them lunch line bread sticks with marinara sauce. I let a kid cut in front of me in line and he took the last one. If I wasn't raised right I would have strangled him right there. Not even restaurant quality bread sticks can compare.

>> No.12747755

I know but o_o but what does that have to do with the flashback?

>> No.12747765


>Hush puppies

Bull jizzing in the coleslaw confirmed

>> No.12748116

Who the fuck drinks a 1947 Cheval Blanc with ratatouille?

>> No.12748150

found and made my dads old beef stroganoff recipe.

>> No.12748164

when i was 18 i left my home, decided to travel around the world. Did that for almost 20 years. Ended up staying in Asia and getting a job there. Return home to visit family and sat down to eat at my grandma's table.

>> No.12748177

I ate a madeleine dipped in tea

>> No.12748238
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Comfy and nice. Have a ket.

>> No.12748249

Fuck you murder! choke on my fin little bitch!

>> No.12748255

I always am overcome with deep intrigue and desire whenever I get a peak into someones life like this. I want to explore that room now, I wan't to know the daily life of the act owner and the cat. But it is impossible, we only have one life.

>> No.12748269

Nice rambling, fuckwit.
Now, care to answer the question?

>> No.12748278

I love my mom, but I don't think I'll remember anything she cooked herself. :(

>> No.12748298

My condolences. Sounds real comfy, thanks for sharing anon. Best post on this board right now.

>> No.12748337

Trust me. I know the full story and it’s a good one.

>> No.12748539

A 1980s Chinatown buffet bbq pork. They don’t make bbq pork like they used to. Man.

>> No.12748590
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That was a nice story, anon.

>> No.12748687


>> No.12748694

There's this local beer that has the exact same aftertaste as these wild grapes that my papaw had growing next to his house. Everytime i have one i can remember him having my brothers and i haul hay and paying us like 2 dollars a piece and thinking we were rich. We had a little wagon that we would load up and pull the hay in, the plant was like halfway to the dumping spot and the field so we would have a handful every trip and see who could spit the seeds the farthest. We would pool our money together and buy yugioh cards.

>> No.12748695
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Aww that's sweet.

>> No.12748794

Where do I subscribe?

>> No.12748962

A few months ago, some friends and I ordered a pizza. It was the first time in a long time that I was going to be sharing a pizza with people who weren't particularly picky with their food, so, when I suggested Italian sausage and anchovies, there were no objections.

When it came, I opened the box and the smell of salted anchovies, tomatoes, and sausage brought back immediate memories of Christmas Eve with my grandparents, who'd always make, among other things, baked clams, stuffed squid (in a tomato sauce), and Italian sausages. The smell of the pizza so closely resembled those dinners that I froze for what I'm guessing was five or six minutes, just inhaling.

>> No.12749036
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the dichotomy of man

>> No.12749083


>> No.12749093
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>> No.12749101

My mom's cooking sucked :(

>> No.12749150


>> No.12749532

when i was a young lad and we ran out of white bread for sandwiches, my dad made me a pitah bread with "scrambled eggs" (just overcooked globs of eggs) and fucking ketchup.
I just ate it no questions asked.
i still put some ketchup on the side when i eat scrambled eggs because its nostalgic.

>> No.12749645

hamburger helper, and/or instant cheese grits.
I felt cold, and depressed for about four days afterwards.

>> No.12749714


Someone who doesn't think that a 1947 Cheval Blanc is above ordinary, you egregiously stupid, poor peasant.

>> No.12749824

That's like a $5,000 bottle.

>> No.12749827

*spits out bite*

rhubarb butter ain't shit

>> No.12749834

So cute :')

>> No.12750255

eggs and ketchup is pretty good,I remember my sister drowning her eggs in it as a kid before she finally got sick of the taste

>> No.12750264

This is why I cook

>> No.12750269

Very wholesome

Have sex

>> No.12750287
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My boring life couple month ago at burger king. Waiting for a train

>> No.12750288

Your cat has a comfy home

>> No.12750289

Soap reminds me of that time mom washed my mouth out

That sucked

>> No.12750312

no, but smells do

>> No.12750559

Down old South America way, not too far off the Caribbean is it

>> No.12750649

Pine beer. Reminded me of childhood playing around the family cabin in the Rockies.

>> No.12751220

same, but I didn't get to met my grandma, she passed away when I was two months old. She used to make crepes for my older bro when he was little, my mom can't make them for shit. So she was surprised when I started making them on my own when I was eight, and she said they were just like grandma's. God I wish I knew her.

>> No.12751357

Some soup I made was the same one we were served at school restaurant

>> No.12752465

for me it's good, slow-cooked meat that melts in your mouth.
either by itself, corned silverside, a curry or a stew.
my housemate made a fucking amazing lamb pie the other day and the meat was so soft, tender and delicious it took me back.

>> No.12752492

no but i ate at Taco Bell once and it gave me the shits

>> No.12752598

Cornbread, pinto beans, and lemonade my Nanny used to make when I was a kid visiting her. She passed about 10 years ago around christmas. All the family ransacked her shit. Jewelry, collectables, cloths, family pics. The one decent human that lived near her, my brother got all her recipe books and pans for me. I ran across her recipe for this and make it up whenever I'm down.

>> No.12754052

It was the simplest thing really. After grandma had been relegated to a nursing home for over a decade I finally figured out why her scrambled eggs were so good when I cooked them in homemade olive oil.

>> No.12754091

Based parenting. I hope I have children one day so I can do this.

>> No.12754095
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>> No.12754117


>> No.12754254


fag detected

>> No.12754271

Grilled cheese sandwiches dipped in hot tomato soup. I grew up quite poor in a cold climate, and those would often be waiting on me when I came in from playing in the snow as a very young boy. I'm almost 40 now, and just the smell of grilled cheese and tomato soup can immediately send me back there. Where does it all go, fellows? Tell me where all the past years are.

>> No.12754559
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An actual, perfectly sour, perfectly sweet miniature mandarin. I stopped buying mandarins years ago because the ones available to me were huge watery overly sweet mush. I musn't have had a proper mandarin in over twenty years.

Bought a bag of tiny mandarins from a farmer's market on a whim, peeled one and, not even tasting it yet, just smelling the rind as I peeled the flesh from it sent me back to when I was four and would pick them off a tree in my childhood home. Tasted fantastic too.

>> No.12754727
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Smoked european perch is one for sure. Every summer we'd go fishing with my dad and uncles and usually get perches and northern pikes, come home in the afternoon and set up a smoker. We ate fish so often I even started complaining about it, had everything pretty good back then.

>> No.12755972

Rice with fish sticks and peas. Yeah, keep laughing. I make it from time to time and it was my favourite meal during childhood.

>> No.12756096

Not yet but potential foods which could do it:

>The very specific Pumpkin Soup recipe (drank in kindergarden and at home when I was ?-6 years old)
>Fried bread with specific spices and a cream cheese (eaten when I was 6-9 years old)
>A specific chicken recipe with cheese (eaten when I was 16 years old)
>Steamed potato with a specific asparagus sauce (eaten when I was 8 years old in a hospital)

>> No.12756104

I felt like that the first time I ate ass.

>> No.12756123

tasting ass gave you a flashback to your childhood? were you molested or something?

>> No.12756488

The cheese enchiladas at Valle Luna. Every single time!

>> No.12756560

yeah lol :)

>> No.12756590

No, but the smell of a certain brand of shaving cream takes me right the fuck back to basic training.

>> No.12756713

i didnt come here to feel

>> No.12756728

now and then I accidentally stumble across something that were the real treats
>smoked whitefish, cold from the fridge
each year i'd go with my grandparents for a week to the manitoulin, the fish was freshly caught by local fishermen before smoking, and you'd buy it off the back of a truck in the parking lot of the local co-op
>starberry cheesecake icecream
same trips we'd get ice cream every night and go deer spotting on the drive back to the cottage, we could count anywhere between 60 and 140 depending on how hard we tried.
>roughly peeled and cut carrots, cooked down in butter and brown sugar
staple food with every meal as a kid, it took me years to figure out what she was doing
>mock chicken with butter on white
this ones sort of stupid, me and some other kid got in a fist fight because he kept trying to tell me I was eating bologna and he was pissed off because I kept telling him it was mock chicken so he chimped out and swang.

fuck I know exactly what you mean with this, but for me it was chicken noodle

there are just so many cheap delicious foods we ate as kids that get forgotten

>> No.12757207

If you don't mind me asking, and if this isn't really weird, what sort of heritage do you have? You're the first person outside my family I've heard refer to their (I assume) grandmother as "Nanny". Also, what do/did you refer to your grandfather as?

>> No.12757303

i had some am*rican "chocolate" for the first time recently and my whole life flashed before my eyes because i thought it was going to kill me

>> No.12757342

Drinking cheap Lambrusco wine on the gianicolores hills overlooking Rome...love that memory

>> No.12758990
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We're all gonna make it bros.

>> No.12759001


>> No.12759474

Toasted cinnamon raisin bread with butter.
Just a simple thing. Nothing fancy at all. But when I was a kid I used to eat it almost every morning when we visited my grandma's house. She'd toast up a small stack of 3-4 slices, butter them all and cut them in half. I used to eat it sitting at a small table in the kitchen looking out this big window at her garden in the back yard and imagining what I was going to play with my cousins that day.

I've been living in a different country for the last 7 years, and when walking through the local grocery store I saw they had cinnamon raisin bread on sale in the bread isle. I hadn't eaten it in years, even before moving. I decided hey fuck it why not? So I picked up a loaf. That weekend I woke up earlier than usual and decided rather than rolling over and going back to sleep I'd just get my ass up and enjoy my fucking day for once. So I went into my kitchen and put a couple of slices of that bread in the toaster. Buttered it. Then for some reason decided to cut it exactly like my grandma used to. I sat down at my kitchen table in front of my window overlooking the street, and with the first bite I swear I was suddenly sitting at a small table in my grandma's kitchen looking out this big window at her garden in the back yard and imagining what I was going to play with my cousins that day.

And the rest of the day was a good day.

>> No.12759478

Glad your flyover mom died, your gf will most likely be next.

>> No.12759527

Yes. Powerful stuff. Have fun explaining to the bartender why you're crying though.

>> No.12759534

thanks fren. I needed to hear that.

>> No.12759545

someone that asked for anything that would surprise him
he didn't know he'd get ratatouille

>> No.12760101

foods that did this:
pennsylvania punch, which is delaware punch, drank it as a child
cinnamon toast per other poster
cant think of a savory meal that really sent me back. mom was a good cook, her meals would be hard to recreate.

>> No.12760115

oh, wow, so exciting, why dont you write a fucking novel about it? "oh shit im remembering past events, dur dur dur"

>> No.12760204

nope and i probably never will, considering everyone who ever cooked for me growing up were shit cooks.

>> No.12760261
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Thanks for that. I nearly started tearing up.

>> No.12760300

I always used to get green tea ice cream from a japanese restaurant when I was a kid. I recently had some again and it did that!

>> No.12760428

Too bad I made it up then, you fucking homo

>> No.12760445

Don't listen to the jealous cunts, sounds really nice