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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12740714 No.12740714 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a serious discussion about fine dining? Why am I paying hundreds for ants on leaves? Is there something I’m missing?

I went to a place local to me and they served me what looked like a smear of green baby shit with pebble-sizes scallops as corn kernels to finish it off. I paid $65 for that dish alone.

Can someone please redpill me on why these places I see on “Chef’s Table” etc., deserve the praise they do?

Pic, as always, unrelated

>> No.12740717

>Why am I paying hundreds for ants on leaves?
You know, the owner asks the "Chef" the same thing.
Then they laugh, because they know the answer, some idiot like OP will spend that kind of money, then wonder why they did that after the fact.

>> No.12740722

ya so i can explain, rich people who made their money are greedy as fuck they dont spend a dime. However their children love burning it so they usually just go eat wherever nets the most likes on instagram

>> No.12740763

>one dish
why didn't you straight up pay for a full-course meal?

>> No.12741121

Things that never happend for $65.

>> No.12741248

Pebble size scallops aren't proper scallops, they're bay scallops. You got ripped off on top of getting ripped off dude.

>> No.12741265

Why are you asking us? Why are YOU paying big bucks for tiny avant-garde food?

>> No.12741308

Long story short, blame the French

>> No.12741407

Well because, for people that actually go to high end restaurants, they never get one course - its always a 4-5 course meal. So while expensive the meal does satiate you.
Next is that its going to be expensive because the quality is so high, like all high end variations on a certain topic, the cost is going to be high. Thats why super cars cost >$250000, or why people pay hundreds for an expensive set of headphones, or the same for sneakers.
High End Things are sold for High End Prices.

If you don't have respect for cooking as an art, then don't go to high end restaurants.

>> No.12741420

The Russians gave the French the idea of courses

>> No.12741424

What kind of bread is this

>> No.12741456

>high end ingredients
>from Costco
These places buy the cheapest shit they can get away with

>> No.12741573

>those aren't scallops, they're scallops
>you got ripped off buying scallops when you wanted scallops dude

No, they don't. They're the types of places that have the local farms' names listed on the menu. They're the type of chefs who throw temper tantrums over unripe berries or too much fat on a cut of beef.
I don't know why you think you know what you're talking about.

>> No.12741578

t. has never paid more than $30 for a meal

>> No.12741599
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In countries where food matters it's a different word. Coquilles St Jacques being the real deal and petoncles being the frozen tasteless shit people sell to tourists. Most likely what you had.
So to reply to your original post, yes there are a few things you are missing.

>> No.12741616

I'm not OP, dumbshit.
I work in fine dining. I've seen plenty of places that are scams but also plenty go beyond any reasonable effort to provide an irreplicable bite.

>> No.12741667
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>that'll be $300 + tip bro

>> No.12741934

It's actually the gays.

>> No.12741937


Is it weird that I want to stick my face in that?

>> No.12742105

>Why am I paying hundreds for ants on leaves?
Because you have a lot of free time and money, so you seek out extravagance. Growing and foraging non traditional ingredients and experimenting with them takes a lot of expensive labour (sometimes risky experimentation, might find a new toxin). It has become the more fashionable extravagance relative to the use of traditional expensive ingredients and extremely labour intensive preparations.

>> No.12742182

>Growing and foraging non traditional ingredients and experimenting with them takes a lot of expensive labour
Most "non-traditional" ingredients are simply ingredients that were commonly used in the past but were superseded during the industrial revolution and 20th century. It's not some grand experiment to discover new foodstuffs, it's cracking open really old cookbooks and figuring out how to fit it in with modernly available ingredients.

>> No.12742199

what a time to be alive

>> No.12742241
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>> No.12742286

its just a way for posh retards to waste their money while jerking themselves off for how "cultured" they are
appearance extravagance and service always comes ahead of taste in these places which is why they are garbage

>> No.12742434
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>> No.12742459

>I went to a place local to me and they served me what looked like a smear of green baby shit with pebble-sizes scallops as corn kernels to finish it off. I paid $65 for that dish alone.

Oh god, please post this on Yelp.

>> No.12743503

Because umami, haute cuisine and molecular cuisine. Now go and eat your salmon mousse with melon caviar

>> No.12743519
File: 1.74 MB, 542x496, le big mac.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wa la

>> No.12743520

>when you order bread for your table

>> No.12743569

Sounds good. I bet it doesn't really cost $300. Why are there so many prissy little picky eaters on this board?

>> No.12743576

dread bread

>> No.12743608

Every now and then I go to a local fine dining restaurant that regularly nets good reviews in the food press. 120 AUD or thereabouts, 3 courses and drinks. That's two and a half hours of a weekend shift for me, people spend more on a night at the pub.

When I see posters making out like all of fine dining is NOMA I think sour grapes, but it probably goes beyond that because they haven't even considered reaching for them in the first place. All the fast food threads on the board are probably a clue, bunch of fast food shovelling faggots validating their addiction.

>> No.12744541

To be fair, its understandable how some people could get the impression all high end places are like that.

I've been to plenty of places that price and market themselves like they're top shit, but you can tell they're taking shortcuts. If that's your only experience with expensive dining I can understand the bias.

>> No.12744863

Not really all that different from Bleu Cheese is it?
The make up of a Yolk is pretty close to that of a good cheese anyhow.

>> No.12744868

I resent having to wear something more elaborate than a tshirt and jeans, mostly.

>> No.12745001

>dish is called the hen and the egg
>serves only the egg

>> No.12745020

You are too much of a pleb for a place like that. You would say something like "I would rather have a nice steak than eat something like that". That's fine and all, lots of people would rather have the steak but restaurants like that are not for the people who would rather have the steak. Its for the people who have had so many top quality steaks that steaks are no longer interesting. They are bored of conventional food and want to try something different. Restaurants like that are not about the food but about a new dining experience that you have not had before.

>> No.12745111

>hey bro, I got these carrot just rotting in my field, I was just planning on throwing them in the trash, do you want them?

>> No.12745391

>our intention was to treat this carrot like a piece of meat
come on man

>> No.12745451
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That's based as fuck

>> No.12745470

Because getting a res at Dorsia is very impressive.

>> No.12746427

...One born every minute.

>> No.12747813

I would try that.

>> No.12749225

Dorsia was implied to serve conventional food though (sea urchin ceviche).

>> No.12749762

You're an ignorant retarded faggot looking to pay a lot of money for fancy food, and you were matched with a faggot who can't cook, who ripped you off.

Serious talk. General manager of an upscale restaurant in NYC here,

1) appetizer: ceviche. Main ingredients: lobster, scallops, sword fish, prawns, crab meat. Why? Because those are tasty.

2) Entree: Beef Wellington a la mode. Main ingredients: Filet Mignon, foie gras, prosciutto di Parma. Why? Because you're eating the softest french pastry, which conceals a full pound of Filet Mignon, coated in foie gras, wrapped in prosciutto, wrapped in crepes.

3) dessert: croquembouche and select cognac. Why? Because it's expensive, and takes hours to make - and it's delicious.

The above will set you back $250. But that's the beauty of it. It's not something you eat every day. Every retard should be able to afford that meal once a year. So skip the faggotry and ask to see the dish before you eat. Or visit the restaurant ahead of time.

>> No.12749783

Nigger it's not fucking rotten. It's just an "old" carrot, one that wasn't harvested at the usual time. It's like using a dark red bell pepper instead of a green one.