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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12740356 No.12740356 [Reply] [Original]

do you guys have any ideas on how to revolutionize the food industry? I'd like to hear them.

>> No.12740369

More sugar in everything.

>> No.12740394

Roulette restaurant.
Wanted a bit of ketchup on your burger? BAM. you get a fucking ocean of katsup on a club sammich. Wanted some mustard on your hotdog? Too bad, fucker. you just got a hearty smothering of ghost pepper paste on a lobster roll. Ordered Fish tacos? Fuck you, you get beef fajitas.

>> No.12740403

Let me explain further: When you order something, a virtual roulette wheel is spinned in the back that chooses one of thousands of options for food, and toppings. If you are lucky and get EXACTLY what you ordered, you eat free.

>> No.12740412

Fuck off Kellogg

>> No.12740428

Large gardens that pop up everywhere and have shit growing right there. Customers come in, pick what they want, and go pay for it. If you knock something off the vine, you have to pay for it. Wont have everything of course, but most of the greens that are good for peoples salads can be found there. Pays well because you need to know your shit before working there, good reputation, brand identity soaring with all the nuvegans. Motto involves tackling the problem of food deserts in poor communities or some sort of horseshit. Its basically a community garden, run by a corporation.

>> No.12740452

Imagine your favorite foods...in suppository form. You could be having a conversation with someone and chewing on Beef Wellington with your butt...and they’ll never know.

>> No.12740466

I think you're joking, but don't underestimate people's desire to gamble.

>> No.12740510

Two slices of cheddar cheese, pressed together with mustard spread between them, beer battered and quickly deep fried.

>> No.12740557

You could never revolutionize something as simple as the food or restaurant industry. Cheesy sales tactics don’t work. And whatever revolution that may exist has already been found by the Chinese Koreans or Japanese. What’s more revolutionary than cooking your own food? The only revolution is gmo. Apparently they found ways to reduce overhead on smoothies by using gmo mutated fruits. Like peaches that grow raspberries where the pit/seed is supposed to be. You get two for one.

>> No.12740564

Please tell me you are lying about that abomination

>> No.12740575

As hyperbolic as that is, you know who has been perfecting GMOs for 10,000 years? Human beings. Literally every vegetable you ate in 1802 was the product of 10,000 years of genetic modification for desirable traits. You can't eat a grain of rice in China without it being the product of deliberate selection for grain length, flavor, disease resistance, pest resistance, growing season, or adaptability to environment.

>> No.12740578

Selective breeding and cross breeding are not the same as gmos

>> No.12740597

They sure are. They're just a shitload slower and less efficient.

>> No.12740602

Cum. Man Milk. Splooge. So much untapped (unfapped) potential.

>> No.12740603

It's not. That's just a glib cop out that pseuds love to present with a smug smile on their face as if it's game over. But selective breeding will never introduce a gene from a jellyfish to a wheat plant.

>> No.12740606

And now we add fish genes to our tomatoes.

>> No.12740705
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this is the only revolution the food industry will see in the coming years

>> No.12740711

blender meals

>> No.12740766

Force an universal standard of measurement for the whole food service industry. A small fried rice shouldn't take up half of a fucking takeout tray

>> No.12740815

>please give me less food
What a faggot

>> No.12740825

I'm not saying that. I'm saying a small from place A should weight as much as a small from place B

>> No.12740827

>selective breeding is the same as genetic modification
you're retarded

>> No.12740871

Meat made from notmeat

>> No.12740884

Bring back Automat restaurants with seating that makes it so the acoustics are quiet and most tables are booths with high seats for privacy. No servers coming to harass you. I desperately want something like this.

All that's needed is the kitchen staff behind the glass doors, a janitor and a security guard.

>> No.12740920

Vegetarian food as standard across the board with a few meat dishes at a surcharge. This should especially be true on planes.

>> No.12740951

Utensils pre-heated/cooled to complement the dish served. Soup bowls with an agitator.

>> No.12740962

24 hour operating restaurant or delivery

Delivery/fees that aren't more than $5 altogether

>> No.12741018

Movie theater where they serve whatever the actors onscreen are eating. Never been done.

>> No.12741061

a take away that serves pizza, chinese and fried chicken and has italian, asian and black delivery drivers depending on what you ordered

>> No.12741102

ok you're onto something

>> No.12741111

A murder mystery style restaurant where one of the customers is the main dish, butt it’s not revealed till the end of the show. Will need to overcome some regulatory hurdles for the US and Europe, but can be done in some countries right now probably

>> No.12741113

Cracker Barrel but it’s a Steakhouse

>> No.12741118

Hannibal pls

>> No.12741140
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MRE vending machines or something similar where a meal is preserved in a package and sold in a vending machine.

>> No.12741156

Stop going out to eat

>> No.12741229

Big titty goth servers.
Fry everything

>> No.12741237

Blindfolded waiters and chefs. Customers are given protective suits to keep their clothes clean.