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12739721 No.12739721 [Reply] [Original]

Travel sized hard liquor inside plastic bottles. How safe is it to drink after a few years? Will I ingest xenoestrogens?

>> No.12740056
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Are you low test enough for a few little liquor bottles to completely fuck up your endocrine system and turn you into a tranny?
I mean fuck man, this isn't consistent exposure to BPA it's a few bottles

>> No.12740076

The alcohol itself will have a direct impact on your endocrine system and do more to give you titties than the plastic ever will.

>> No.12740106

to drink alcohol is to willingly drink poison anyways

>> No.12740129

You can always take solice in the fact that no matter how big your tits get, you will never be as much of a little bitch as this guy >>12740106

>> No.12740131

plastic doesnt carry estrogen thats a meme

>> No.12740140

I think you misinterpreted my post, I'm drunk myself. Alcohol isn't good for you though, you assume a bit of health risk when you drink, it's part of the deal

>> No.12740164

You're already drinking poison, might as well lick the plate clean.

>> No.12740256

>will this poison i'm drinking be unhealthy?
gee i dunno, that's a tough one

>> No.12742023

Fun fact: You know when you're all hung over in the morning getting ready for work. Yeah, you're still drunk. - Be safe out their fellow high-functioning alcoholics. Get one of those BAC testers off Amazon.