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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12738504 No.12738504 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh anon, have I got a recipe for you today on 18th century cooking

>> No.12738506

I'm frustrated.

>> No.12738508
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>> No.12738541

Why do white people make this face

>> No.12738546
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Does it involve ham?

>> No.12738551

He looks like an alcoholic

>> No.12738552

They're frustrated.

>> No.12738556

>Of course, one of George Washington's favorite desserts to have served at a Mount Vernon dinner party was Orange Faggot.
Jesus Christ, Townsend.

>> No.12738588

We managed to rid the world of over 30 NPCs in one day but nobody took out this BLASPHEMER AGAINST OUR GOD EMPEROR? Step up your game, you soy dilates.

>> No.12738595
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>> No.12738641


George Washington also liked N*gger Toe Pudding.

>> No.12738750


>> No.12738837

Show us on the doll where the orange fool touched you, anon!

>> No.12738854

orange man bad!

>> No.12738880
File: 68 KB, 499x614, butterchurn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that he's a meme here.
He's clearly super into history and often expresses it through cooking. That's fucking cool, you jerks.

>> No.12738888

Sounds like nerd shit to me

>> No.12738890

We disapprove of you

>> No.12738894

Nothing is cool. The universe is an ever-expanding absurdity awaiting mockery and derision.

>> No.12738895

ok, please fuck off spamming this hard tack fruit preserved tri corner nigger

>> No.12739007


He is cool, but I find the orange fool thing absolutely hilarious for some reason.

I feel like I connect with him on a certain level because we both have autism.

>> No.12739940

Everyone actually loves him we are just meming on him pretending to be upset about foolgate

>> No.12741482

What >>12739940 said, he's great we're just having a bit of a laugh mate don't take it so hard.

>> No.12741504

Some of us really do hate him for that, though.

>> No.12741511

For what? The orange fool?
Cry some more my dude. Literally “everyone that disagrees with me sucks”

>> No.12741514

And that would make you a snowflake. You hate a man over a drink. How much more petty can you be

>> No.12741517

He wasn’t forced to insult PRESIDENT Trump.

>> No.12741817

Anyone with a shred of decency and integrity is forced to do that, so there you go.

>> No.12742147

Because putting you in death camps is no longer socially acceptable.

>> No.12742156

why are trump supporters so sensitive

>> No.12742341

Remember how like five years ago we made fun of Tumblr for being overly-sensitive and easy to trigger?

We stared too deep into the void and the void stared back, now we're the easily-triggered Tumblrinas.

>> No.12742536

if he was really into history shouldn't he have a bitch be doing the cooking instead?

>> No.12742545

actually, i was in contact with him about this and he said that since he couldn't get in touch with you to do the cooking, he decided to just do it himself

>> No.12742554

For what? Did some retards actually believe that the name of some old timey drink had to do with President Trump or something? If so, that's hilarious.

>> No.12742620

I knew the response would be this but still used the word bitch because I felt it emphasized how cooking is woman's work.

>> No.12742635

It was called Orange Fool and released on Presidents day 2017 you tool

>> No.12742640
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>> No.12742641
File: 424 KB, 647x818, 1553216436391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes of course I often ask for ketchup in a restaurant then get violent whenever they bring me watered down tomato paste instead of the real thing how did you know

>> No.12742644

Keep crying about it, faggot. It's hilarious

>> No.12742666

Is it a roasted onion? Faggot.

>> No.12742686
File: 431 KB, 1024x576, Jon-Townsend-in-kitchen47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thank you for joining us on this wonderful day. President Obama was just nominated for a second term, and to celebrate the occasion we're going to make a special dish, called the uppity negro.

>> No.12742696
File: 25 KB, 245x326, Cats+are+liquid+comment+edited+at++_e825ebee0d666bb63a86ab80405670e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this buttmad over a coincidence
Even if it wasn't it's still funny, put some more ointment on that diaper rash faggot

>> No.12742754


>> No.12742755
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Maybe it's because it's connected to George Washington

>> No.12742756


>> No.12742850

One Orange Fool Please

>> No.12742858


>> No.12742881

>h-he made fun of muh orange hero who is hellbent on subverting the constitution, so he's a terrorist who hates america and has to go back
The absolute state of the right, lol!

>> No.12742897

Whens this guy going to start talking about 18th century time machines?

>> No.12742905

Please, the only argument the right brings is "MUH FEEFEES." I've not once heard a cogent argument out of any of them, probably because they disdain any sort of thinking.

>> No.12742913
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, e9a371a3d51c745fb748e1fb4a179640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These don't have any nutmeg in them!

>> No.12743021

I feel you and offer this link

>> No.12743140

Just because he's "super into history" doesn't make what he says accurate. There are enough pseuds who think playing Paradox games makes them knowledgeable on history, we don't need more.

>> No.12743164

>doesn't make what he says accurate.
Which is why he flat out says when he isn't sure how to interpret something or he's changing the recipe for a reason. He often goes into detail about the difference between 18th century ingredients and our modern versions or the best substitutes.
He's a salesman with a YouTube show, I'm not expecting miracles here.

>> No.12743988

He's frustrated.

>> No.12744926

He always has that 4 days growth wino trim beard.

>> No.12745003

Ireland spearheaded the reconquista, where's OUR statue damnit

>> No.12745007

Im a non american mutt and i make this face, i think its just to avoid smiling due to insecurity