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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12736808 No.12736808 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't this board have a wiki? I wanted to get into cuisine and I was going to read some books on cooking or whatever. Where can I go to level up?

>> No.12736809

Weebs get the rope

>> No.12736843

Nigga there is like 6 million cook books out there just go to the store and look fir a cool recipe

>> No.12736851

Have you tried not being an autistic faggot?

>> No.12736854

My mother says I'm perfect just the way I am.

>> No.12736927

Damn, what a shame to hear that. Guess you'll have to fuck off and never come back now. Fucking faggot.

>> No.12736934

You weren’t gonna do shit you lazy doofus, just like every other facet of your life. You like the idea of being able to cook so you fantasize about it and gather a dozen pages and articles but stop halfway through the second sentence and go jerk off to girls with throbbing cocks and never set foot in a kitchen. Now fuck off to /k/ and pretend you’re gonna start a knife collection, which you will also fail at

>> No.12736935
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You have to lurk to learn here

>> No.12736946


>> No.12736954

That's why your mom loves me, that is exactly what I told her.

>> No.12736966

>Why doesn't this board have a wiki?
Most fast food tier lists are autistic nonsense based on where you live over the actual quality of the chain.

>> No.12737080

>Where can I go to level up?
the kitchen and start cooking.
only experience points gives levels.

>> No.12737093

To give you a serious answer, a good starting point for a cook book would be The Food Lab by Kenji Lopez-Alt, since it's not just a recipe collection, but also gives you information on how and why certain things work.

>> No.12737224

the last time i saw someone make a thread about this the whole thread derailed and exploded because people couldnt agree on how to boil water
was the funniest shit i ever saw on the internet

>> No.12737236

Try being born again as a human being with average IQ and enough braincells to google recipes and try them out

>> No.12737240

For real tho. Check out Good Will and other thrift shops, they often have a couple dozen cook books around for cheap.

>> No.12737241


>> No.12737248

Because we’re autists who can’t agree on a sticky. I’d recommend looking up YouTube videos on basic techniques like knife work and basic recipes like making marinara sauce from scratch.

>> No.12737258

>All these weak babies telling Op to look for weak baby things like "books"
Kidnap a strong grandma, force her to teach you her powers.

>> No.12737877
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fucking based

>> No.12737882

Just ask us. We're the experts here.

>> No.12737896

There's the booru. It's a start I guess.

>> No.12737897
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there was actually a thread a while ago someone posted a bunch of recipes they'd save from over the years >>12611536
most people that do actually cook don't bother to give a recipe since their photos are all about plating, but if you ask for a recipe or about an ingredient you see but don't recognize usually you'll get a reply

>> No.12737948


>> No.12737957


>> No.12737963

>hurting a grandma
weep nigga


>> No.12737998

He's right you know

>> No.12738011

recipe threads are based, but they die super fast.

>> No.12738056

I just came here to ask the same question.
A board like this should definitely have a sticky, so to clear up basic questions that aren't worth their own thread

>> No.12738077

What a nice old lady.

>> No.12738086
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Watch A Taste of History on Amazon Prime.

>> No.12738092

Holy shit she is frightenly old

>> No.12738113

Not all cookbooks are made equal. I do wish there was an easy repository for finding good cook books.

>> No.12738135

implying you'll learn anything in this shithole
maybe if all you want to know about is fastfood alcohol and ecelebs

>> No.12738143

*J. Kenji López-Alt

>> No.12738156

I like the book Salt Fat Acid Heat, it has a lot of great information to build a foundation of knowledge. There is a netflix show but it's kind of shit and the author is a poor host.

>> No.12738209

Are you kidding? Retards here argue about the proper method to boil water and you think they could come to some consensus on a methodological sticky? The best one could hope for would be a definition of the primary techniques like braising, sauteing, stewing, pan frying, deep frying, roasting, grilling, bbqing, etc. with perhaps examples of dishes using those techniques from around the world. It would still be untenable, because some texas/italian grandma would come in screaming about it. Just give it up and google shit, attempt something, post your OC and proceed to get raked over the coals by fastfood kids along with a few constructive posts you can learn from.

>> No.12738258

Anime website.

>> No.12738263

It's an anime website. Get over it, newfag.

>> No.12738280

Oh okay that sucks. It's my first time on /ck/ and I wanted to know some basics on how to break free from rotating through the same 5 dishes every week while being a broke-ass student and thought that'd be the question a sticky would answer since I bet faggots come here every day to ask the exact same shit.

>> No.12738352

>Oh okay that sucks.
Not really. As I said, google something you want to eat, post what you made and ask how it could be improved. A few posts might help. But yeah, this board is in the middle of summer so you're going to get a lot of kiddie posts before they go back to school.

>> No.12738386

Oh I was referring to how it sucks for the board, that faggots can't agree on what seems to be basic shit.
But thanks for the advice anyways, I'll try it next time.

>> No.12738535
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>> No.12739970
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I agree I came here to look for some quality cheap recipes for weekday dinners.
I clearly would be better off lurking /fit/ but I don't want to bulk up, just to enjoy some decent food after work
Very Disappointed, put together a wiki, this is an interest board for fuck sakes

>> No.12740250

she's dead now

>> No.12741064

Go to YouTube. No, seriously. Videos are infinitely more informative than articles and cookbooks.
If you're just barely competent enough to boil an egg, then go for Tasty. It's normie trash, but it does teach you the ropes. Once you can handle a pot of pasta you can look at stuff like Munchies and Bon Appetit.

>> No.12741066

Brothers Green Eats (or Pro Home Cooks as the channel is now called) is exactly what you want. They have dozens of videos on how to cook cheap and fast.

>> No.12741260

>useless retard
every time

>> No.12741583

This channel looks promising thanks for the recc

>> No.12742132

You too clearly need to lurk more.

>> No.12742138

Whatever you say, buddy

>> No.12742393

came here to post this

>> No.12742435

always has been and always will be, dipshit

>> No.12742439

Uh huh, yep, keep saying it