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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12735851 No.12735851 [Reply] [Original]

what does /ck/ think of my dinner?

>> No.12735855

I think you went a little too far with the parsley but I'd eat it.

>> No.12736718

Would eat but chop parsley more next time.

>> No.12736719

Bread and pasta is not traditional in Italy.

>> No.12736728

I think it's lovely. You're going to be a great chef when you grow up!

>> No.12737868

And what do you use to make scarpetta when you're done?

>> No.12737872

needs more sose

>> No.12738005

How did you get those nice floral patterns on a tortilla? Special cookware?

>> No.12738029

Who gives a fuck about Italy?

>> No.12738030

It's not but you can soak the leftover sauce with it.

>> No.12738032

Sauce looks thin and plain and you're missing vegetables.

>> No.12738039

Good thing we're not in Italy then.

>> No.12738044

No need to butter and cheese the bread though.

>> No.12738050
File: 2.18 MB, 2976x2976, 20190803_194138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made pasta today, too. Yours looks prettier, though.

>> No.12738188
File: 835 KB, 2134x2753, Global cuisine grid-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody who cares about cuisine?

>> No.12738195
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Too many carbs, not enough proteins

>> No.12738205

It's fucking raw you moron. All of it.

>> No.12738210

That's Italian cuisine, not Italy. Lots of countries do Italian cuisine better than Italians, e.g. the good old US of A.

>> No.12738216

American "cuisine" is there and it's 6 places behind Italy

>> No.12738326
File: 1.80 MB, 2880x2160, 20190805_170632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold my "Italian" dinner.

>> No.12738490

Okay, you two are good at cooking, but for the love of all that is holy please take a fucking photography class.
>>/p/ is that way

>> No.12738574

You did not toss the pasta in the sauce long enough. It's all just running off. That's why your pasta looks white and not red.

Cook your pasta until it's about 3/4 of the way done, then transfer them into the pan you're cooking the sauce in and toss them for several minutes. Add some pasta water for them to absorb and to also form a thicker, stickier sauce that coats the pasta.

Also, learn to chop herbs a little more finely.

>> No.12738584

Looks fine. Always have fun with your sauces. The anons are right about finishing the pasta in the sauce and yeah your parsley looks retarded. Good for you bud.

>> No.12738707

fuck italy

>> No.12738736

thank you

>> No.12738947

Yeah, I knew the pic was shite, but I couldn't be fucked to change the settings on my camera because I wanted to finish eating before it cooled off too much. I'm >>12738050, btw. It was absolutely fucking delicious.