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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12734986 No.12734986 [Reply] [Original]

>babish isn't a real che-

>> No.12734993


>> No.12735005


>> No.12735031

Ain't gonna click on your virus link, but he's not a chef. Even declines the title in his Hot Ones interview saying he hasn't earned it.

>> No.12735032

comfy thread

>> No.12735042 [DELETED] 


Uhm excuse me sir, this is a phoneposting board. Please fix your link or else get banned, thanks.

>> No.12735073

He's not. He never went to culinary school or worked in a professional kitchen, even as a dish washer.

He's a home cook.

>> No.12735077

He's not a chef and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.12735091

is babish a psycho or something he has scary dead shark eyes

>> No.12735122


>> No.12735163


>> No.12735203

Why do we hate babish again?

>> No.12735341

He looks and sounds really, really gay.
Also muh readit

>> No.12735355


Hipster millennial liberal living in one of the worst cities in the world cooking average food and whose only saving grace is a voice distorted by audio enhancing codecs.

Like share and subscribe. Don't forget to donate to my patreon so I can afford my $2500 rent.

>> No.12735358

He just triggers the wannabe chefs, because hes famous despite not knowing anything about cooking

>> No.12735363

he's jewish probly

>> No.12735369

Haha he would look so much better if his beard was on top of his head instead of on the bottom. Baldies coping with beards is like if manlets coped by wearing circus stilts, just ridiculous.

>> No.12735372

So, envy.

You know it's worth more to make it than to deserve it. No one gives a fuck if you deserve it. You gotta make it.

>> No.12735375

>So, envy.

Lol weeew the projection.

>> No.12735379

U jelly af bro

>> No.12735385


You're either a shitty troll or very dim. Who in their right mind would willingly live in a hell hole, and likely in severe debt, for a youtube channel? Anyone in their right mind would avoid such a place and "profession". Only a diseased mind would encourage hardship upon themselves.

>> No.12735388

Pretty much this.. is what most complaints are like

Babish lives the ideal urbanites life and image, big city, nice rent, clean kitchen, beard, clean editing, extensive knowledge of tv shows.

In the end you guys are just blinded. Theres nothing inherently wrong with anything about babish, its just a stark contrast when you look at your own life and ideals. So instead of just ignoring him you go in on him, making shit up to hate him further. Very simply put, its just fear. Tale as old as time.

>> No.12735393

U poor af bro

>> No.12735398
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Ah, shitty troll it is. Well, you can be dim too.

>> No.12735406

U mad af bro

>> No.12735414

Yeah it's not optimal. But the dude is doing what he loves, has gained recognition and acceptance due to it, and has that 'flexible schedule' thing you get to do when you're your own boss. Even if it's not that great, he's really free to do whatever and that's awesome. Plenty of reason to some anon on 4chan to be envious about

>> No.12735437 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 400x400, soy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hehe i LOVE e-celeb threads!!!!

>> No.12735443

he looks like a fatter babish, lol

>> No.12735449

he's a vudeo cook, that's like complaining about a gordon ramsay thread

>> No.12735453

>Replying 3 times to bottom shelf bait


>> No.12735455

>one of the worst cities in the world
t. butthurt flyover

>> No.12735464

Why are you making up all the assumptions about him Did Babish fuck your GF or something? Are you mentally ill? You sound like an old fat lady bitching about young hot girls. Sour grapes.

>> No.12735536

I did his recipe for confit baldy, it turned out pretty well.

>> No.12735715

he looks up videos of professionals teaching the same shit and just copies the lessons for his own videos. there's no point in trying to learn from an amateur

>> No.12735767

as an actual asp guy, i dont think so but you never know
when you look at his personality, hes just a regular insecure hipster though

>> No.12735779

IMO the fact that he screws up a decent number of recipes and then shows how to rectify it does more for your average home cook than perfect instruction.

>> No.12735838

True, true. Nobody watches him for professional cooking. Babish is pretty much a comedy act - bearded milennial wastes all his disposable income on a fully decked out kitchen and struggles with it. All these god damn hicks just get triggered by the elements of the show and dont see the big picture

>> No.12735908

he might not be a professional cook but considering how he pulled off some baked goods and beef wellington, he easily could be.

>> No.12735984


>> No.12735989



>> No.12736458

i have never seen a more true post, absolutely based and sums up this whole babish deal on /ck/.
now bend over

>> No.12736490

>what if ryan reynolds was a heeb and had down syndrome eyes and was a faggot youtube chef

>> No.12736627

If /pol/ was a spam filter you'd never get any mail.

>> No.12736637
File: 161 KB, 560x315, 5b38247fd3ec3f1686c9e4da4d7f51b9_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He needs to do foods from American Psycho!
I'm very curious as to what rare roasted partridge breast in raspberry kool-aid would be like.

>> No.12736639

Babish inspired me to start cooking.

>> No.12736739
File: 1.75 MB, 1716x1000, Screenshot 2019-08-05 at 13.46.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... _this_ is the power of American "cuisine" ?

>> No.12736749

>nice rent
what the fuck, how does anyone even know or more importantly care about how much rent some video cook pays? how is that relevant in any way? has the whole world gone MAD

>> No.12736844

He gives off a major sociopath vibe to me. He doesn't give a shit about food or cooking; he just likes the attention.

>> No.12736846

Whenever I see that image my subconscious puts a hacksaw in his hand. I'm always surprised when I look more closely and see a coffee mug.

>> No.12736971

He's so fucking SLOW. Even moving twice as fast as he was there, he would still get screamed at if he actually tried to work on a line.

I don't know anything about this idiot beyond his stupid videos always recommended to me on youtube. He was also on that Jon Favreau chef show on netflix and you could tell there he has no idea how what he's doing.

>> No.12737039

More projection than a movie theater.

>> No.12737097

fuck off, if he would be literally twice as fast he'd be fast, certainly not too slow, he also was only cooking two burgers at a time

>> No.12737114

I like him. As long as weak-minded people are triggered, I'm happy with what he does.

>> No.12737123

Honestly what infuriated me more than anything, I don't mind that the guy makes money off of cooking videos or that people enjoy him, but when people who are home cooks think they can bang on a line it's silly. The dude was making smash burgers, they aren't even temped!

>> No.12737135

You have the audacity to say the other anon is projecting?

>> No.12737138

Ironically most people on 4chan who accuse others of projecting are doing it themselves

>> No.12737154

Including you

>> No.12737164

He even said himself he's not a chef. If anything he was a fry cook for one day.

>> No.12737202


>> No.12737307

>makes content by and for home amateur cooks

>> No.12738548

>Works in Fat Brown Burger Bobs place during off hours and makes 3 burgers
Today I am a chef!

>> No.12738581
File: 135 KB, 640x800, breaching with babish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's not tho
Maybe old lib but not nu-lefty liberal

>> No.12738587

He's literally said multiple times he's not a chef, he's a video editor and entertainer. He knows that. So if you don't like him don't watch him.

>> No.12738676

I have autism. What is that facial expression in the pic trying to convey?

>> No.12738689

>I'm making a lot of money, ha, I "made it" kinda feeling a bit dead inside though

>> No.12738706

The skinny jeans say otherwise.

>> No.12738720

what's wrong with skinny jeans? they're horrible if they're an extremely tight fit but the one he's wearing in the pic seems fine to me

>> No.12738826

His cooking skills are pretty mediocre but he acts like he's the greatest chef on YouTube. On the rare occasions that I watch a video of his, there are always some dumb mistakes that even I know not to do, and I'm not even that great a cook, mediocre as well.

>> No.12739182

Does he though? Or is that your mental illness sour grapes acting up again? Because like em or hate him I've never seen him act like what you describe.

>> No.12739248

>I don't know anything about this idiot
and yet you've already formed an opinion of him.
says a lot more about you than him.

>> No.12739384

leftist have armed themselves in record numbers since 2016. You're retarded if you think having an ar-15 means you can't be leftist.

>> No.12739434

take your pills grandpa

>> No.12739467
File: 57 KB, 449x491, marx_gun_control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberals are stupid, disgusting capitalist cuckolds. Leftists follow Marx. Stop confusing the two, burgoid, you're most likely a liberal. Capitalist cuck.

>> No.12739481 [DELETED] 

Yeah. I did. He's a "home cook," which means he's a hack. If you haven't cooked in a real kitchen, you do know how to cook. Period.

>> No.12739513

>>12739248 #
Yeah. I did. He's a "home cook," which means he's a hack. If you haven't cooked in a real kitchen, you don't know how to cook. Period.

>> No.12739579

Adam Ragusa fans being butthurt

>> No.12739580

>inb4 babish shill
He's said himself he's not a chef, and that he would get eaten alive at a restaurant. In his own words, "I'm a home-cook with a YouTube channel, I haven't earned the title of 'chef'."

He's kind of fun to watch in small doses, no need to get infuriated.

>> No.12739775

Jeeze if he's a hack what does that make you?

>> No.12739876

or maybe you're a salty bitch who can't cope with how popular Babish is on /ck/ now.

>> No.12740897

It means
"hey im posing for this pic for my thumbnail/twitter and im smiling but only a little because im very manly and i drink whiskey ooo nutty and fragrant *smacks lips* with a hint of mm yes vanilla even though theres no vanilla in it mmm yes"

>> No.12742163

Vsauce can cook????

>> No.12742179

Of course he is, you faggot. Plenty of libtards will photoshoot with a gun but will be first in line to say that the government should disarm the population.

I can guarantee you that that AR doesn't belong to him since it's non-compliant with NY law.

>> No.12742651

Of course he is. He's mad as fuck and can't stop.

>> No.12742654

Pure envy

>> No.12742667
File: 42 KB, 885x516, oscars-the_jewels_46849_c0-0-2605-1518_s885x516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hipocrasy is even worse than that. Look up celebrities with concealed carry permits. A bunch of them have been outspokenly anti-gun to the media.

>> No.12742682
File: 9 KB, 300x256, 1470133991310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but he acts like he's the greatest chef on YouTube
He certainly does...
In your head.

>> No.12742698

No he doesn't. If anything, he's quite humble. Some anons here are just seriously messed up in their heads and live in their own reality. Wouldn't be surprised if they hear voices in their heads all the time too.

>> No.12742750
File: 119 KB, 640x640, babish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to season with kosher salt AND freshly ground pepper.

>> No.12743123

yeah no.
definitely not.

>> No.12743243

those burgers aren't as easy to make as you think, that dude is a super pretentious burger guy who does the meme grind and barely forms the patties so they fall apart super easily.

>> No.12743953
File: 190 KB, 1242x1162, 1556679882729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

choice of pants is now an identifier of political ideals
if you sit at home in nothing but your stained underwear, stewing in your own fecal matter then you're "alt right" praise KEK

>> No.12744031

What's wrong with his lower teeth? Why is he afraid to show them? What is he hiding?

>> No.12744037

wait...what? do you not know how to smile? go try in the mirror. It either looks like his, or it looks horrific alien in human skin tier

>> No.12744105

Hiding your lower teeth when you smile is a sign of poor genetics and a submissive personality.

>> No.12744123

Why can't I find any information on this? Oh, because you pulled it out of your ass.

>> No.12744301

Just watched his most recent video. Good video, I should make some popsicles sometime.

>> No.12744363

He's stated that he doesn't see himself as a chef and even admitted that he's just a guy who can work a camera and edit videos at a decent level.