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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12729916 No.12729916 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest /ck/ - how awful is your mom's cooking?

>> No.12729925

My mom is actually a really good cook

>> No.12729955

Utter shite. Everything (the color) was always totally white and bland. Pepper was considered exotic spice.

>> No.12729974

my mom is obsessive-compulsive, she has excessive concern with details and "proper" recipes, so her cooking is actually pretty good. but the problem is what she chooses to cook. half of her favorite dishes is stuff I hate with passion, like pumpkin porridge, pea soup and such.

>> No.12730005

Pretty fucking bad. She knows how to cook less than 15 dishes. Like 2 of them are really good somehow, but the rest is bland and depressing as fuck. Found out that my grandma (her mom) was also a shitty cook so I understand. I keep trying to encourage her to look up new recipes and shit but she doesn't really care. My aunt, however, from my dad's side is really good, same with her mom. I always loved going to their place because they'd always try unique shit. I'd never tell all this to my mom's face because I'd break her heart but yeah.

>> No.12730017

Pretty good. She’s a Southerner born and raised so she does Southern food best, but she’s always branching out and trying new recipes.

>> No.12730022

It's 50/50 as fuck. If she feels like it, she can make literally feast from heaven. On the other hand, if she's feeling lazy, I would rather munch on dead rats

>> No.12730070

pretty great actually

>> No.12730092

the 3 pillars of her cooking:
-mccormick seasoning packets
-canned tuna
-salad dressing

>> No.12730112

Honestly? Pretty fucking amazing. All meals from scratch, erry day. Bread? She baked that, daily, except during the hottest part of the summer. Even grew her own veggies and kept chickens until she retired. Never used box mixes or packets.

My only gripes were really minor: she'd overcook pork, and always kept the heat level mild. Oh, and to this day she insists on hand-washing dishes since in her mind washing machines haven't improved since the 1970s.

>> No.12730194


Pretty bad these days. The salt free and high fiber diet has taken a major toll on her taste buds that I find myself eating out and trying to find a reason to go home for dinner.

>> No.12730279 [DELETED] 

How bad was she? Her cooking was so bad the rats sued for food poisoning. How bad? Her roast meats were was considered a vegan product. Sheesh. My mom's cooking was so bad the Red Cross issued our family military grade gas masks. Her sponge cake was approved as a structural building material. She was bad. So bad that the fire alarm would go off when she poured a glass of water. She was bad, I tell you. Bad.

>> No.12730297

How bad was she? Her cooking was so bad the rats sued for food poisoning. How bad? Her roast meats were considered a vegan product. Sheesh. My mom's cooking was so bad the Red Cross issued our family military grade gas masks. Her sponge cake was approved as a structural building material. She was bad. So bad that the fire alarm would go off when she poured a glass of water. She was bad, I tell you. Bad.

>> No.12730302

food tastes great, but she makes too much, lets fruits and veggies spoil, and unwashed dishes/utencils/hands dont concern her as much it should, which is the least bit

>> No.12730454

She's so afraid of burning things, the vegetables are never fully cooked. I hated onions as a child because onions were basically lightly steamed instead of being sauteed. I fully understood what Chef John meant when he said "people who hate onions probably grew up in a house with weak stoves."

>> No.12730459

She's a great cook, actually.

>> No.12730466

Pretty bad, she does everything in the worst and laziest way so she can spend more time laying drunk on the couch and the food will still be edible if she forgets to check it for half an hour

I think what I hate the most is her hard boiled egg method: put eggs in water, put them on stove on high heat, turn it off whenever you remember, let them sit in the water on the stove for another 6 hours until you can be fucked to peel them, enjoy your nice green yolks

>> No.12730473

Mine was really good she and my dad owned a pretty famous place and she did some of the cooking and my dad did some other stuff. I don't know if it's true but they got out because some mafia types wanted to "be partners." It was before I was born.

>> No.12730533

It's alright, but am from the south so my father/men of the family cooked the actual good shit, my mom just cooked regular weekday bullshit but my dad was the real cook of the good shit

>> No.12730545

didn't realize until I started cooking on my own
feel bad for my dad (RIP)

>> No.12730581
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Pretty hit or miss. She often bought these God awful frozen lasagnas and she loved them. I thought that all lasagna was shit for most my life, until a tried a real one.

>> No.12730586


>> No.12730587

she cooked for my whole family every night
also taught me basic cooking skills
feels good man

>> No.12730591

Awful, unseasoned shit in oven for 45 minutes, and she likes eggs boiled for nearly a hour. My dad is the actual cook in my house.

>> No.12730604
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I feel pretty sad for you people who grew up with crackhead moms that couldn't cook and left you with hot pockets. Perhaps that's why you're so bitter at the world and vote for shillary.

>> No.12730607

Terrible, she hates seasoning.

However I will say there are some dishes she makes that are delicious.

>> No.12730624

Your mum liked my seasoning last night if you know what I mean

>> No.12730629

Can't even cook pasta properly, canned and prepared shit was the way to go for her. I started cooking by myself at 11 because it was so bad.

>> No.12730630

I don't really remember my mom cooking much. She'd make some of these rich, Midwestern dishes that are sometimes good but are often rife with cans of soup or cream cheese or seasoning packets or frozen ingredients. She made a thing called taco pie a lot, she made tater tot casseroles sometimes, and beyond that Hamburger Helper and frozen stuff. Ground beef tacos with packet seasoning. We ate out a lot too.

I didn't really start enjoying food until I started dating my wife. Now I munch her butthole on the daily.

>> No.12730634

My parents used to be one of my country’s top caterers so pretty great.

>> No.12730640

My dad always did the cooking in our family. He had to learn after his first marriage failed and found out he actually really liked it. He's pretty good when he's not relying too much on prepacked sauces and whatnot. He still makes the best beef chili I've ever tasted.

>> No.12730645

She does some stuff really well, some stuff averagr, and some stuff really poor. Heres the really bad stuff
>pork chops: always underseasoned and overcooked
>salmon: same way, no tenderness at all, overly well done, bakes it with these lemon slices which give it a bittwr taste from the rind
>ahi tuna steaks: i make her let me cook my own. Hers are overdone and grey all the way through. Mine are "rare" with a pink inside and sear outside
So mosty she overcooks stuff

>> No.12730648

Is that deep, dark, and delicious?

You people should remember your moms, without them you'd be nothing. I got lucky and had one that cared and was good at it and cooked for a restaurant. What's sad is that as I got older into highscrewel I went through a phase where I didn't appreciate her so went off on my own.

I point is that you only get one mom, make the most of it while you can. Someday it'll be too late and poof, she's gone.

>> No.12730652

must be nice

>> No.12730660

Eventhough my brother is technically executor of her will we both have equal votes and we still haven't come to agreement on where to lay her ashes.
It'll come to all you.

>> No.12730661

I like to think that a little bit rubbed off on me.

>> No.12730725

pretty bad, anything that was cooked stovetop was burnt most of the time like grilled cheese on one side but i ate it anyway and said thanks. as soon as i had a job and could afford eating from taco shops / fast food i was amazed food actually had a lot of flavor

>> No.12730736

mine is pretty fantastic but always overcooks pork.

Everything else is great. Amazing curries, stews, lasagna, spanish dishes... but pork chops get fucking nuked. Lucky she doesn't cook pork often.

>> No.12730740

But I don't want her ashes.

>> No.12730746


Shes an amazing lady, and always inspired me. Knowing I come from her dna gives me more self confidence than any of my personal achievements ever could. My dad as well.

I just wish they got along better.

>> No.12730757

I don't know. She has been dead from a fungal infection of the lung for over 6 years now and I am starting to forget. I guess it was mostly simple, solid stuff. Different meats with potatoes, peas and carrots. Gravy. Chicken soup made from a lot of vegetables and a whole chicken when I was sick. Shortly after she died, my father tried his hand at a home-cooked meal. He bought extremely fatty meat for the grill and just mixed it under with rice. rice burnt at the bottom. I refused to eat that day. And I feel bad about it. He was having a hard time and at least he tried.
Neither of my parents was an exceptional cook, I suppose. And we ate delivery and fast food too often. But at least they tried. And that is what counts.

>> No.12730816

Shes really bad. All the years of lying about how it is edible has taken a toll

>> No.12730817

My mom is a midwestern "good" cook.
The few recipes she can make, she can do really well: meatloaf, chicken & dumplings, zucchini casserole, crispy garlic pork chops, swedish meatballs, pot roasts, ham & scalloped potatoes, barbecue ribs, etc.
The other side of that coin is that she has not ever incorporated new recipes to her repertoire and probably never will. She can make maybe fifteen dishes well and nothing else.
Not only that, but she won't try new foods either.

>> No.12730837

My Mum's a pretty great cook. her lasagne (both meat and vegetable versions), sweet n' sour pork meatballs and this wholegrain rice with spinach and cheese bake she does are fucking bomb. And she used to make amazing proper chips when I was a kid. Sorry, fries

>> No.12730880

Forty years of smoking has destroyed her taste buds. I'm glad she finally quit, but everything she cooks is ruined with salt. She only ever wants to eat ramen. When I cook something she'll eat one bite and then dump salt on it until it's basically salt with a real dish garnish.

Her parents couldn't cook either. They were wealthy and distant. Their kids existed to help harvest the crops while they went and blew the subsidies on liquor and partying.

My dad was a good cook. He was really bad about frying everything though. We used to make homemade jerky using a dehydrator and would always have hundreds of pounds of it around for friends and family. His last few years was spent in uncontrollable pain and sickness and he never cooked much other than the occasional breakfast. He died last year. I miss him.

>> No.12730905

Read this in Rodney Dangerfield's voice

>> No.12730925

My mother was a home-maker so she had plenty of time to cook and took it seriously. She made everything from scratch. Nearly all of our vegetables were grown in our garden. She was still adventurous, so she would make dishes from all over the world.
My siblings and I were raised on a healthy, balanced diet free of processed food and artificial ingredients.

>> No.12731063


She use to be hot.

>> No.12731214

Time cuckolds all beauty.

>> No.12731404
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>mfw my mom overcooked eggs so much they were mostly burnt into the pan and she'd scrape them and put them in my plate
>forced to eat this once or twice a week
I think she's one of the main reasons why I learned how to cook so early in life

>> No.12731697

She must be so disappointed.

>> No.12731711 [DELETED] 

my condolences anon

>> No.12731713

The only things she fucked up were octopus and lamb/kid/goat/mutton. For some reason, when it came to those things, she always cooked the fuck out of them. Now, she's cookin'em in heaven. : (

>> No.12731744

look bro I love my mom and that's why whenever I'm with her I make the food, both as an expression of my love for her and as a way of keeping that psycho bitch out of my kitchen, because the "meals" she creates are sins against nature.

>> No.12731791

Do unloving foster parents count? They were all pretty terrible and I was really happy when I went to college got an unlimited meal pass. There was one lady who tried her best and I remember she made really good pies, but her husband beat the ever living shit out of me for any reason and I was glad when one of my HS coaches took me aside and asked why I was always covered in welts and always had a split lip.

>> No.12731796


Pretty bad. But so is her parents' cooking. Everything is unseasoned and in the oven wrapped in foil, or boiled in a pot. It's fucking grim.

My dad is a bit better. Still doesn't really know what seasoning works well though.

>> No.12731842

Actually terrible. She keeps ingredients way past their prime before cooking them. Literally frozen meat from 6 months ago and 3 week old vegetables. She cooks for me all the time and I just take it back to my place and then throw it out. I tell her I ate it to keep her happy. Sorry mom.

>> No.12731856

My mom's cooking is literally 14/10, but my dad's sister-in-law is the GOAT. I told my mom that my aunt's cooking is a little bit better than hers and she agreed and attributes it to my aunt living in a country where almost all fresh ingredients are organic by default and an open air markets are accessible nearly daily.

>> No.12731859

My mum is the same, lol. Keeps stuff in the freezer forever then defrosts it to cook for me to eat. I eat it and then spend the next day on the crapper. It's better than being hungry, I suppose.

>> No.12731862

she never cooked, always my father who did it

>> No.12731879

bat shit horrible, and she spends the majority of her money on alcohol and junk food and is beginning to look like that fat monkey you see sitting on the ground digging into a bunch of fruits.

>> No.12731881

She can cook but for the last 3-4 years she mostly cooked vegetarian/vegan bs only and lately she mostly just cooks for herself and my dad only so when i get home from work theres literally nothing to eat for me as she only buys groceries for like 2 days.

>> No.12731959

im sorry anon

>> No.12732027

I'm curious, you guys keep saying you're from the south, but south of what? What country? What State? I myself am from the southern part of the U.S. Are you as well?

>> No.12732043

Beauty is only temporary

>> No.12732069 [DELETED] 
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Unless youre a Bogdanoff

>> No.12732080

I've never known someone with as poor time management skills as my mother. You so much as make small talk while she's frying up ground beef and she'll lose track of time and burn it.

>> No.12732088

I have been mistaken, that image is explanatory of beauty that is truly incessant.

>> No.12732113 [DELETED] 
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Had a phone call with an old female friend
She said i sounded much more confident now, much more like a man
I told her i loved hearing her talk about anything at all. Told her she had qualities of character i always looked up to and used as an example for myself. She liked hearing that, I think. She sounded like she was choking back tears.

My bloods rushing. Hard to admit but I love her with all my heart and always have. I feel like we are nursing something very deep between us. Something eternal.

Whats the best murrican breakfast? For me, its gotta be either machaca with corn tortillas with plenty of pico, or chicken fried steak with grits and sliced tomatoes.

>> No.12732115

kys freak

>> No.12732119

triggly incel, have some sex.

>> No.12732120

maybe i will with your corpse when you kys, freak

>> No.12732124

I wish I could cook an oz as good as my mom. She makes it look fucking easy and no matter how much I replicate her recipes they are always shit in comparison. Why is that, anyone else have that problem?

>> No.12732135

My mom doesn't really cook. Her mom does though, and pretty well.

>> No.12732184

Get out. This is an incel website

>> No.12732219

She’s really good actually, always tried new things and went for exotic foods when it was available. My only complaint is that she can’t do spicy stuff in the slightest while I love it; she finds black pepper too hot.

>> No.12732231

I don't know if my mom cooked a lot better when I was a child or her cooking got worse over the years, it's really hit or miss. Some things she can cook delicious, others are terrible.

Worst thing about her cooking is that she absolutely overcooks every piece of meat. I mean she cuts pork tenderloin in half an inch pieces and she cooks that shit for half an hour until it's completely dry and disgusting. To this day I have no idea why she keeps doing this, 0.5 inch pieces of pork tenderloin are done in like 3 minutes tops.

>> No.12732380

Thanks, man. I appreciate it.

>> No.12732390

My mother is OCD but her cooking is lazy improvised gluttonous trash

>> No.12732392

You should have more respect, young man.

>> No.12732403

Part of perfectionism can be being too scared to put effort into some things for fear of failure.

>> No.12732420

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the reason. And I'm the same way.

>> No.12732624

It was okay. It wasnt incredible but it was always edible.

>> No.12732626

My mom is a decent cook. She mostly makes very bland dishes, but they're done correctly. She just never learned how to do anything outside of a very narrow band of options.

>> No.12732648

I'm in the same boat desu. what helps me is trying to not be autistic and remember that perfectionism doesn't always equal results.

>> No.12732676

>coming home during freshman year of college for fall break.
>Birthday falls during this weekend
>Ask if we can just have some meatloaf
>Instead get bland, sopping wet, ground turkey mixed with cauliflower topped with jarred salsa

>> No.12732709
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you know what to do anon

>> No.12732719

She doesn't cook anymore she basically gave up on life after dad left us.
She used to make really good liver and onions though.

>> No.12732736

I have never heard of someone of my age whose mother was a bad cook, not even grandmother
But I guess we are the generation that will make cooklet moms

>> No.12732750

She was a decent cook, albeit a couple fuck ups from time to time. She literally only eats carbs, however. Stuck in the past with that moronic idea of low fat diets. Her best dishes are lasagna, chicken pot pie, bellpeppers stuffed with mince meat (which she sometimes also adds breadcrumbs which fucks it up), chicken stroganoff, feijoada.
My Dad also cooked much more sparingly, but the few dishes he knew I would argue were better than my Mom. His spaghetti bolognesa was amazing, his chili that he stopped making out of the blue, bbq, fried pork belly, shrimp garlic tapas.

As a family we’d also eat fondue and raclette, and beef fondue.

I’ve learned to cook as well, but unfortunately none of my parents dishes yet. Everything I know I skimmed from chef john. My sister has tried cooking my Mom’s lasagna, I know she has struggled with that but I dunno if she succeeded or not.

>> No.12732762

To also add, my grandpa on my Mom’s side also has a famous dish. Collard greens cooked in pork fat

>> No.12732781

>herbs/spices ruin the food
She isn't the best

>> No.12732792

she can do some stuff pretty well. but she tends to overcook things (meat, pasta, all kinds of stuff) and she's gotten very lazy, meaning she doesn't cook from scratch any more but makes mostly packaged shit (which is the reason i learned how to cook)

>> No.12732907

She overcooked every single thing. Didn't season anything. Didn't know how to make any sauce. The only time of the week where she wouldn't just microwave some shit was sunday, a chicken roast that was so dry I had to drink water together with it to be able to swallow. She was a stay at home so no real excuse. She made me hate food and if I didn't eat she'd ask my dad to beat me up. Which he did until the day I snapped and fought back breaking his arm in the process which led to me leaving the house at 17. I'm 33yo now and I love cooking.

>> No.12732924

She did a variety of main and side dishes well but wasn't very adventurous. She could make good cookies, cakes and pies from scratch for special occasions like holidays or b-days. Her primary fault was overcooking vegetables to mush but that was quite common of all home cooks in the midwest of her generation.

>> No.12732937

she honestly tries quite hard, but it's generally very bad. it's all vegan/vegetarian, which is okay in itself, but it's all bland, watery, poorly seasoned and nothing but carbs. it's neither palatable, nor entirely healthy, and mostly just a chore to eat. i think that's the compromise she meets when she's cooking for others, if it were just her i think she'd just stick some broccolini in a sandwich press for five minutes every night and be content.

>> No.12732965

I was born in Georgia, raised in North Carolina.

>> No.12733005

Bad enough to turn me into a decent chef, op

>> No.12733011

I can make a mean bowl of oatmeal!

>> No.12733150

She's indonesian so I've eaten rice most of my life. I do get sick of it sometimes but I always end up crawling back.

Nasi goreng, mi goreng, rendang, soto all the time. All pretty good but can be pretty spicy. Not a problem for me, but whenever she has WHITE guests they sometimes struggle, although they otherwise usually enjoy her stuff. I wish she'd put more tasty vegetables in her cooking though - she hates eating veggies.

She also makes western stuff but its almost always out of a jar or can or something. I've never had her make me an awful meal or anything.

>> No.12733171

It's like 5/10 at best. Not inedible, but once I started eating out regularly I realized how much better food could be.

>> No.12733274

Really good actually, she actually got politely asked not to enter a couple of community cooking competitions (e.g. chili cookoffs, etc) because she kept winning them several years in a row. Both of my parents are good cooks, and cooking with them is one of the things I look forward to during Christmas/Thanksgiving/etc.

>> No.12733304

My mom dabs on everyone's mom ITT. Everyone still comes over to my mom's house to eat all the time, all my friends who I grew up with all still come over to eat, neighbors all talk to my mom constantly about food. Shit, you should see my parent's house during thanksgiving how fucking crowded it is from family, friends, neighbors, one of my cousins is a sheriff and he brings some sheriff buddies.... She didn't go to any sort of school to learn, my grandma taught her and my grandma could flat out fucking cook, holy shit. She's getting up there in age so I'm trying my fucking hardest to learn how to cook like she does, because when she goes, I'm gonna be fucked.

>> No.12733315

But I bet you have a host of other problems now.

>> No.12733459

It's bad now, mind you she's almost 80yo.

>> No.12733504
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Pretty bad desu

She knows like 5 dishes and they're all super bland. She's never given my food a try cause I put "weird stuff in them" aka spices

>> No.12733509

i'm so sorry anons

>> No.12733530

I'm from North Carolina as well buddy

>> No.12733569

Yeah I suck at making desserts no matter how hard I try. On a more serious note just because you have a bad childhood doesn't necessarily mean you will become a fucked up individual as an adult. Have a job, a house to my name, a wife, no drugs, never been to jail or whatever you could have been implying with that projection of yours. Could be better, could be worse.

>> No.12733649

chin up, perspective is progression

>> No.12734158

>tried to get mom to watch some cooking videos on facebook
>"ok i will" *head soullessly goes back into her facebook feed*
>quit bothering with attempting to teach her how to season anything so i just do it on my own plate because she does a god awful job at seasoning the canned vegetables she cooks

>> No.12734178

She either cooks really well or she doesn't. It's a surprise every time even when she cooks the same thing.

>> No.12734347

heh same

>> No.12734356

Not awful but she ALWAYS overcooks steaks as well as the turkey on Thanksgiving

>> No.12734409

>always overcooks porkchops
>overuses cream of mushroom soup


>> No.12734413

cooks steaks at an tier above a nice steakhouse

>> No.12734427
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Really fucking bad except for deserts

>> No.12734525

My mom is an amazing cook tho

>> No.12735128

I really need to get into that cream of mushroom thing. So many people do it. There must be something to it.

>> No.12735190

it's pretty much just savory-flavored salt goop. It has its uses but nothing too crazy

>> No.12735223

My mom is kind of bad overall for American food with exceptions with some dishes. She is Sage level in Asian cuisine though.

>> No.12735987

My parents can cook well but usually don't push any bars, very safe but can't complain
The real issue is my mom is terrible about buying groceries, she buys way too much random shit to add to foods but never any basic foods to actually cook with, and meat never gets out of the freezer to defrost

>> No.12736013

it's ok

>> No.12736157

Both my parents are really good cooks. They taught me a bunch of basics in both savory and desserts.
My mom's biggest problem is that she's always comparing herself to her mother, who was apparently a crazy excellent cook. She died when my mom was a kid so she never ended up teaching her all those little tips and tricks. We still have some of her recipes, but a couple of them have some little twists that my grandma had apparently not written down, so they're almost-but-not-quite what my mom and aunts remember from childhood.

>> No.12736201

As a white boi, I could honestly eat rice with nearly every meal, shit's tasty as fuck, I'm a lil' jelly

>> No.12736209

My mother isn't that bad,
My grandmother however is a terrible cook, she makes an okay pie but normal meals are usually bland, overcooked and depressing.

>> No.12736210

>all these people talking shit about their mom's cooking while they still live with her


>> No.12736217

Thank you for standing up to them. We need people like you. May I suck your penis, sir?

>> No.12736226

I need to ask why some people don’t like flavor. What is it that makes these boring people like boring food?

>> No.12736238

A capacity to taste flavor. If you need every moment and experience to be dressed up with intensity and excitement, your sensory apparatus is dulled. You do not fully appreciate complexity until you can truly appreciate absolute simplicity.

>> No.12736268

Pretty average. She got lazy when I was a teenager and the most she ever made was sausage and vegetables or bbq chicken sandwiches. She made pretty great Mac and cheese, but that was my grandmothers recipe.

I didn’t care at the time but now I kind of resent her for not putting more effort into her kids meals

>> No.12736309

Decent, can cook malaysian and brazilian food pretty well, but everything else depends.

>> No.12736328

Solid 7/10. She likes to experiment but is unfortunately insecure about that due to dad hating on most of her ideas, he'd rather just eat traditional stuff. Thing is, she's does 9/10 meals out of random ideas she gets and when she makes something tried & true she tends to pay too little attention to it and it ends up worse than she could make it. Still a really good cook overall. My usual diet goes to the trash bin whenever I'm over at parents place.
The family's bad cook is grandma from father's side. She makes god tier beef broth but that's about it. Everything else is either overcooked or undercooked, if it can be dry it's always way too dry. She likes to bake and whenever she brings cake over during holidays we eat a piece out of courtesy and then throw the rest out once she leaves. 9 out of 10 cases it's still partially raw. She can semi-reliably bake one chocolate cake, but apparently she doesn't like it so she only makes it for Christmas.
The best part is she acts like an absolute pleb about steaks. "Well done only". She can't stand seeing the blood, pretends-gag whenever she sees it, etc, but once she undercooked fucking pork cutlets to the point there was visible blood inside and proceeded to eat it like it was fine.

>> No.12736371

The amount of recipes she knows is countable on fingers of your hand but she does make them pretty well.

>> No.12736385

Really good but she only cooks the same five or six things. However, when it's a special occasion she can produce some really wonderful things.

>> No.12736390

Honestly, it’s good. But it’s “mom cooking”, she actually hates cooking and is only doing it to feed her family. Unlike me, I love cooking.
She used to be utter shit and my dad used to be a cook so he has high expectations and taught her a bit. So she did well thanks to my dad. She no longer cooks now that I have left home.
But yeah, most moms’ cooking is stupidly overrated and full of cheap tricks because they are not that passionate about it. Been to cousins’ and their moms’ food is mostly bland or disgusting. Bonus point for moms who think they know shit while they actually know nothing.

>> No.12736393

My mum used to only stew chicken because she didn't know how to cook it properly, was always tough and tasted like shit. And she wondered why I loved sauce so much

I never knew how good some meats like lamb and steak could be until I was in my early 20s

>> No.12736418

>Makes the most cholesterol filled dishes
>Always delicious
>Makes some spicy shit only the men in the family could eat
>Can cook any meat perfectly and is actually an avid chef
>Unfortunately can no longer eat what he cooks so no more spicy and tasty shit

>Makes the most bland shit known to man
>Not really enjoyable even when she makes "unhealthy" food
>salt? What's that?
>The males of the house are forced to either order something or cook for themselves
>Lazy as shit
>Was actually a good chef but she began not giving a shit about cooking when we all grew up

>> No.12736451
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My mom HAS cooking skills but she's incredibly lazy in the kitchen and will cut corners with everything.
If it can be store bought and warmed up in a microwave she'll do that nine times out of ten.

>> No.12736644

I used to be tired of what my mom made, but after moving out I realized how good her cooking actually was. Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies and I'm the type of person who quickly gets bored of constantly eating the same dishes over and over again. The fact that I was alright with eating my mom's food for years shows something. I've tried going to restaurants and ordering the same stuff she made, but it's rarely quite as good. She always prepares pumpkin or tamarind soup when I come over, and even though I'm not really a soup person, I could gulp down an entire bowl in seconds.

Honestly, my mom was pretty based. She worked 60 hours a week and still managed the housework on top of it all.

>> No.12736650

Very bad. Intentionally bad. She has a chip on her shoulder about the idea of cooking as a rebellion against her own traditional mom (who is herself not that great of a cook).

>> No.12736659

She cooks by rote memorization and patterns, rather than any kind of understanding of cooking principles. So she knows how to cook several dishes she has been cooking for decades, but any attempt to branch beyond these results in disaster because she has no idea what she is doing and no desire to learn. To her cooking is a chore that you just do the same way every time and you just want to get through it. She would never venture into "trying something new" because that might not go over well and she doesn't really care to take the risk because there is nothing to be gained in it for her.

>> No.12737657

bro is that u?

>> No.12737694
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>taught me how to make god tier pesto I've made with her since I was a kid

T-thanks Mom. A cunt in every other respect tho.

>> No.12737883

Really good! My mom taught me everything I know. She is georgian but she makes all types of dishes. She once had a french fiance and she learned a lot from his cooking.

>> No.12737903

whore couldnt recognise a good steak if it fucked her in the ass

>> No.12737917

Surpassed in most aspects after 2 years of moving out. She's alright. Makes a fantastic blueberry pie tho.

>> No.12737921

so bad i rage quit her cooking as a teen and learned to cook for myself

>> No.12738243

I don't have a brother but I feel you bro come give me a hug

>> No.12738629

South Louisiana, so i'm deep deep south

>> No.12738637
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Hold on, just give me a sec to consult my pamphlet.

>> No.12738646

I got into cooking after I moved out and started shopping for myself. Microwaved, store bought pasta or pre seasoned tacos my whole life. She's a fucking bland cook and doesn't give a fuck.

I love my mom, but she is absolutely no cook. Her white lady enchiladas are actually decent though but as low effort as anything else.

>> No.12738675

>Dicks don't touch.


>> No.12738709

>Georgian mum
So she's hairy, dumb and ugly?

>> No.12738770
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My mom is pretty bad. She can cook a good recipe 1/8 tries.

One time she made a Mexican dorito """ lasagna"""

My family made fun of her for weeks. It wasn't horrible but its certainly not something i want to eat outside of shitty county fair food.

>> No.12738916

She used to be great at it but she gives way less fucks at her age and cuts corners now. My father has always been better at it as long as he doesn't get too drunk.

>> No.12738923

She chronically overcooks vegetables. I just look at them and am slightly repulsed.

>> No.12739054

wait really? fuck

>> No.12739361
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This is probably the only chance I'll ever get to say this, so here goes

The meat loaf she makes is standard, it's average as fuck. Her chicken noodle soup is entirely flavorless and I sneak in some chicken powder in order to get through a bowl--We still feign excitement when she tells us she's making it, but that's entirely for her sake. Her cookies are easily above average, but nothing mindblowing in the slightest.

However, I'd be lying if I said that this woman's spaghetti sauce didn't make me fucking jizz myself every goddamn time she makes it. I don't know what the hell it is that she does, but she knocks the ball out of the fucking park every single time with this sole concoction.

>> No.12739392
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My mother only knows how to cook thai dishes. She can’t measure for shit and can’t even grasp how to make cookies. If women ever bothered to learn to do new things maybe they would be on the same level of cooking as men

>> No.12739607

I can't remember a single meal that wasn't overcooked or under-seasoned. I didn't know it was actually possible for vegetables to taste good until after I moved out.

>> No.12739618

She's an incredible baker, mediocre cook. I love you mom, but it's true

>> No.12739805

My mother is to be applauded for her consistency, not for her ingenuity or creativity with flavors, textures, or presentation. I'm not getting beef Wellington or duck l'orange for dinner, but I could always count on the easiest and quickest pasta with meat sauce, or pan fried pork chops and instant mashed potatoes with a can of vegetables for a side. She has a rotation of 6 or 7 meals tops, but they are easy and quick, and they kept me fed. Or she would go and fetch whatever fast food my fat dad wanted. Thanks mom.

>> No.12739807

me mum makes cookies with the following recipe and they taste like dry bitter dirt, but I don't have the heart to tell her

>1/2 cup brown sugar
>1/3 cup white sugar
>1 egg
>1 stick butter (heated until pliable)
>1 & 3/4 cup flour
>1 tablespoon baking soda
>1 teaspoon baking powder
>1 taplespoon grand marnier or vanilla
>3/4 cup chocolate chips

>mix egg & sugars, whisk
>add softened butter
>spoon in remaining dry ingredients; flour, baking soda, baking powder & grand marnier/vanilla and mix
>refrigerate for 15 min
>bake for 7 min at 350F

I know next to nothing about baking, what could I do to improve the recipe?

>> No.12739836

Unironically the worst of anyone I know. Useless cunt.

>> No.12740061

Depends. Some of her best stuff is usually Venezuelan dishes like pabellon criollo or pasticho (lasagna)

>> No.12740065
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soften the butter first anon,
blend the butter and sugars until light and fluffy, then add egg and vanilla, followed by dry ingredients

should be much smoother

>> No.12740266

>tries to make a silly meal to please her family
>gets made fun of
Fuck you guys

>> No.12740343

my moms actually pretty good and I love her food.
But she's undersseasoning because she believes the salt = bad meme and her chicken curry isn't that good.
Otherwise shes a healthy cook finding new recepies to do and experimenting.

My grandmom however, wow she's fucking terrible.

>did cooking classes once and literally has cooked same food for 50 years, never trying anything new
>meat pastry and cheese roll is thick, dry yeast dough with tiny bit of filling that is unedible unless its fresh outta oven
>all foods flavors are just dill and parsley because there's shitload of that shit
>fuck im tired of dill and fucking parsley stop with that shit they taste like fucking ass
>goulash soup is LITERALLY colored water and off cuts of sinew and fat floating in it with a potato and fucking dill.
>all meats not overcooked but literally burnt and saw dust like texture
>constantly old people fucking meme of filling your plate with greasy fucking food and telling you to finish it and ask for seconds. Thanks for the eating disorder fucker.
My grannys a kinda fucking kgb asshole anyway. Everyone likes her at first glance but lmao living with her is hell.

At least jew butter is nice.

>> No.12740477

I have no complaints. I've since been exposed to a slew of other cuisines and while her cooking days are mostly over I'm happy that she'll try new things when she could easily be like most moms itt.

My wife is an amazing cook, but there's a few classics from my childhood I wish she would make.

>> No.12740521
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>> No.12740526

It's a bit bland sometimes, but she does godtier thing to mushrooms.

>> No.12740868

I know you're lying about the sauce to make her feel better, even though she won't even read your post. You're a good son, anon.

Keep cheering her on, even if her cooking kinda sucks.

>> No.12740876
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my mom is nothing special, my mommy gf on the other hand..

cant do waffles tho

>> No.12740880

I know you're a faggot, but you have the wrong idea if that is how you think people from the "south" are.

>> No.12740904

Atrocious. She cooks like a stingy Boomer who thinks all fat is the devil so it's actually terrible. That when she would cook btw - for most of high school I ate cereal or had instant red beans and rice I cooked myself. She pretty much just refused to cook for her children and lord knows she didn't have anything to teach me.

>> No.12740911

I'd happily dump my mother's ashes in a landfill.

>> No.12741005

What the fuck is it with boomer-age parents growing up in the 70's and hating salt and fat? It always annoys me to no end.


I swear, it's like they run on old wive's tales and superstition or something.

>> No.12741502

True, true. They look more inbred and like downies.

>> No.12742653

Her cooking is absolute shit. Luckily i learned a lot from my ex wife before she left me for Jamal.

>> No.12743057

Does anyone have an answer to this? There has to be explanation besides just Boomerism.

>> No.12743084

You don't know about the government scare campaign against fat, pushing the populace to shovel money into the pockets of grain barons?

>> No.12743126

My mum is a based cook. Unfortunately my dad is dreadful to the point where he doesn't believe raw chicken is dangerous, despite getting us both sick with it before.

>> No.12743184

Really mediocre. 95% of what she made was perfectly edible albeit under seasoned. The rest was 50/50 something decent tasting or absolutely horrible.

>> No.12743185

Her food is pretty good. She's from Guyana so I eat a mix of Carribean food and American food.

>> No.12743370

Based mom and appreciation of mom.

>> No.12743383

I was being sarcastic.

>> No.12743429

A tiny bit above basic.

>> No.12743605

My mom was a mediocre cook throughout my childhood and it seems as soon as I moved out she really started putting in an effort because the food she cooks now is incredibly good.

>> No.12743653

Mine gets women's autism and fucks off on her phone or something until somebody else notices that the fucking water has entirely boiled away and the eggs are now burning.

>> No.12743663
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dont remember the last time she cooked for me i was probably like 14-15, 21 now, mostly reliant on pic related for nutirion.

>> No.12743721

Nothing to write home about

>> No.12744347

I did but I wasn't sure if there was something more to it.

>> No.12744353

Why were/are Boomer women so awful at cooking when they had housewife mothers who actually cooked? This is why Millenial women suck at cooking.

>> No.12745146

I love mom but Jee-sus! Eventually when I was a kid I just willingly took over most cooking duties because even mom realized I did a better job.

Here are things mom would do:

'Tuna casserole' : Canned tuna and cream of mushroom soup. I think she also did like the dried onion topping. Imagine really hot wallpaper paste.

Spaghetti night: This was where she made the spaghetti but made no effort to drain it. You served yourself by just kind of scooping the noodles out of the pot of water. This of course would cause any added marinara to immediately break down into pink water.

>> No.12745385
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She's always trying out new recipes and cooking new things, which somehow come out perfect all the time. I don't think I could cook as good as her. Delicious and savoury. My father can cook great as well, even though he's got no education or a job.

>> No.12745392

my grandma cooks 10x better than my mother.

I remember being young and kicking up a fuss because her food tasted so bad. I threw a tantrum and ate my rice with water and cheetos on it

>> No.12745517

Prison food tastes better

>> No.12745645

Gets worse as she gets older

>> No.12745668

She made cookies once that I actually chipped a tooth on.

>> No.12745680

pretty bad but then my dad hasn’t ever cooked anything except for once. it was a couple of months after my parents broke up, he had me and my younger brothers for dinner. it was spaghetti bolognaise and it was so bad that one of my brothers vomited, and the other ran away and was missing for a day.

>> No.12745696

My mom is one of those that uses the same storebought spicemix for most meat/chicken dishes, so she's very average. It's basically the taste of my childhood. I still buy it from time to time, it works well on white rice as furikake or whatever that Japanese style of rice spices are called.

>> No.12746454


>> No.12746487

so good that i missed her immediately when i moved abroad. i hope one day to find a girl who is such a good cook.

>> No.12746508

It ranges from completely bland at best to downright inedible (undercooked semi raw chicken, etc). On rare occasion she makes something that is good, extremely rare. But most of the time its just terrible and I dreaded eating it while growing up, and still dread it now.

>> No.12746563

Its boomercore cooking. Back in the day they always used shit like that. My mom still fucking does it. "Pour can of soup over chicken and broccoli then cook in oven for 45min until flavorless" is basically how all boomer style cooking goes.

It isnt good. At all. Dont do it.

>> No.12746626

Not at all lol. She was blonde and a mathematician. A fake georgian really, 0% ethnically georgian, she is mostly russian and german. The only reason she has a georgian surname is because her georgian legal grandfather was cucked.

>> No.12746644

We used to eat spaghetti 5 times a week. I think I'm exaggerating but I look back in my memory and its there - 5 times a week, on average.

>> No.12747779

based rodney dangerfield poster

>> No.12747786
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I remember when I was a young lad, she used to put a whole lot of effort into cooking, making really delicious italian food with fresh ingredients, and regularly organizing dinner parties where she would invite all her friend. That was 20 years ago. Now she's a hopeless alcoholic who is slowly but surely destroying her health with cigarettes and alchohol.

Funny how things change. At least I turned out alright

>> No.12748051

I smoke so it kinda taste a little bland. But she likes everything I cook for her so it's alright

>> No.12748062

You think you did, but 20 years ago she was about as old as you are right now.

>> No.12748132

Truth be told, she made some really good stuff when I was a kid... I just wasn't able to appreciate it because every kid is a picky eater.

Now I'm lucky if I even get something homemade. Maybe I should stop being a NEET.

>> No.12748261

Unambitious and literally effortless sums up my mom's cooking skills. Usually meat/fish + cooked potatos + veggies. Last time i had a unmarinated chicken brest, fried as a whole, with potatos and steamed red cabbage. The chicken tasted super bland and no amount of seasoning could save it.

>> No.12748286

So terrible that I had to teach myself to cook, but at least that made me a career that didn't suck.

>> No.12748452

tastes like dried out, ground beef flavored sponge
premade sauce and cottage cheese with five year old dry italian herbs make it taste like vomit
like hockey pucks
>sloppy joes
actually ok but it's beyond impossible to fuck up sloppy joes
seasoned with what tasted like worcestershire sauce concentrate and far too much salt
cooked too low of heat for too long with no maillard
mostly from a can or frozen

it's no wonder my dad died of obesity. the only time I had good food was out of the house. hell, even junk food was more palatable than over-salted Boomer fare.

>> No.12748460

Don't be a faggot, now, sweety.

>> No.12748461

>Unambitious and effortless

I blame my sister and myself for being picky eaters and time for breaking down her energy level. I know it the past she would host feasts and parties.

>> No.12748470

the only thing she cooked that didnt come out of a box were boiled hot dogs

>> No.12748502

She was really bad bless her heart, but she would make a great welsh rarebit for special occasions. Recipe passed down from her grandma

>> No.12748544

Said dude who probably actively browses /pol/

>> No.12748588

this is facebook boomer material right here

>> No.12748607

Sounds like my mom, she makes some delicious homestyle food but you pretty much always know what you're in for. A real lack of any sort of vegetable in most dishes as well. She definitely has a touch for cooking that is unfortunately missing from everyone else in my family though.

>> No.12748619

I pretended I was a moral vegetarian from age 11 until 18 (when I went to uni) because my mum couldn't cook meat, it was always super well done and unseasoned. To be honest I didn't miss meat that much, since I love tofu, beans and quorn.

Now she's gone vegan so my dad loses some weight, and enjoys cooking a lot more since she has more time. She still likes to preach to me about going vegan, even though I only started eating meat again because she cried and begged me when I was 18...

>> No.12748641

Better than most. My Mom was actually a trained professional chef who worked in a high end hotel for a few years before having kids. That said, she had to feed three kids, two of whom were fairly picky eaters, especially my sister who on top of being picky, was also a vegetarian who would arbitrarily stop liking certain foods out of the blue, so it was always somewhat of a balancing act with what she made.

>> No.12749421

My mom is a literal aspie who will not eat 80% of food. Seafood? Fuck no. Pork? Nope. Anything besides American, Mexican and Itallian? Oh my god, no. She never cooks, except on special occasions. She can make a bomb cheesecake and gravy, but literally nothing else. Ive had to make the holiday meals since I was 13 due to her tism.

>> No.12749535

Before she died last year she went a decade long downward spiral being less and less able to move her body due to multiple sclerosis.

Worst tragedy: I don't remember the last time she prepared a meal.

>> No.12749548

it was fine, basically lower-mid suburbia core as our family had 5 kids. only things I never ate were beef stroganoff and spaghetti bolognaise, I hate mushrooms, and the smell of bolognaise sauce makes me gag, neither of those things were mum's fault.

>> No.12749550

it sounds like your sister needed a spanking tb.h

>> No.12749587

And I'd love to deliver that spanking

>> No.12750334

So good that when I eat it a tear comes to my eye.