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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12722017 No.12722017 [Reply] [Original]

Why does fucking sugar and salt have to be bad for you?

>> No.12722021

its not bad for you at all

>> No.12722025


That's right

Keep eating, OP.

>> No.12722026

But they keep tasting good even after you've had so much it's killing you

>> No.12722039

salt is good if you have low blood pressure
if i don't eat a giant bowl of ramen every morning my erections become persistent and make me pass out from drowsiness

>> No.12722043

They're only bad for you if you have too much. Avoiding processed foods and soda means you'll have a much harder time overdoing salt and sugar.

>> No.12722053


>> No.12722071

they are not bad for you


>> No.12722089

It's incredible that people these days are being brainwashed into thinking that substances essential to human life are somehow "bad" for you. People years ago were eating much more salt and sugar than now, and diabesity was nearly unheard of.

>> No.12722104

sugar consumption is near an all time high. the avg american gets 130 grams a day.

>> No.12722699

Yes, but people back then actually moved around, worked in the sun. The problem with it now is people became lazyfucks who sit around on their asses all day, eating because they're bored. You can't live a sedentary lifestyle and "snack" on sweet and salty shit all day

>> No.12722784

Carbs are not essential in any capacity

>> No.12722854

This is some vegan level retarded take boss. Get a hearty kek every time some faggot yells about bread.

>> No.12722887

>lost my first ten pounds by counting calories for 20 days
>have fifty more to go
I'm gonna do my best, fat bros!
We're all gonna make it!

>> No.12722890

they are essential for survival, doo doo head

>> No.12723416

It’s bad if you shove it down your gullet every two seconds

>> No.12723493

Salt is actually good for you.

>> No.12723504

Define "years ago." Do you mean when life expectancy was 50?

>> No.12723508
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The obesity cope

>> No.12723537

Moderation senpai

>> No.12723553


>> No.12723558

Oh yes you can

>> No.12724066

Good job fatty, I hope it goes well

>> No.12724075

10 pounds is easy in your first 3 weeks, gets more difficult after that, depends on your starting weight of course. If you plateau don’t give up try different approaches.

>> No.12724235

>be me trying to lose weight
>can't eat shit
>running 10+ kilometers daily
>stomach churns and gets mad during my runs

This better work fast, I have about 10+ pounds I need to lose before school starts on 2nd September and I'll be in cold-ass Russia where I can't do shit.

>> No.12724329

Do a few 24 hour fasts, or longer if you can handle it

>> No.12724704

I hope the rate stays like this for at least another month because I'm hyped to finally have a weight starting with 1 for the first time since I was like, 13.

>> No.12724721

>can't eat shit
even on a super restrictive diet you should be able to eat enough to fill you up and give you energy.
Focus on fiber and proteins for a fuller filling, oats and yogurt make a great pre-workout snack or mozzarella with basil and tomato slices, that kinda shit.

>> No.12724726

The difference is raw sugar vs concentrated commercially processed sugar. You can get a lot more HFCS down your gullet than you can just eating white sugar in your coffee or cereal.

It's objectively true, though. Your body can manufacture the glucose you need that you'd have otherwise gotten from carbs, but you can't synthesize amino acids (protein) or fatty acids (fat), both of which are essential to health and life.

>> No.12724730

>carbs and carbs or cheese and plants
What kind of advice do you really think you're giving?
What kind of nutrition do think helps with running or workouts in general?

>> No.12724771

>yogurt is carbs
I mean it definitely contains milk sugars, but it delivers a decent amount of protein.
Oats are carbs but they're pretty fibrous and I find them filling than most other grains, you can use them pretty sparingly and still feel full.
These are the foods that I find help me, what would you suggest instead?

>> No.12724792

Because people are retarded and can't grasp the concept of moderation much less adhere to it, so it's better to make people think they're being unhealthy so they'll try to eat a healthy quantity of it.

>People years ago were eating much more salt and sugar than now
And living to 30 with no teeth
>and diabesity was nearly unheard of.
Because people who got it died

>> No.12724825

Only high blood pressure anons need to watch their salt.

>> No.12724859

The thing about salt is that unless you've got specific issues that salt exacerbates, it's better not to worry about it. There's an ideal window of salt intake. Going below that is going to have drastic negative impacts on your health. Going above it by an equivalent amount is going to harm you far, far less. In other words, salt deficiency is way worse than salt abundance, to the extent that it makes sense to aim a little bit above the ideal intake window.

>> No.12724892

What foods taste good but are healthy, I mean like they taste as good as the normal calorie bomb cheat foods

>> No.12724900
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It is. Very similar to alcohol. Dietary guildines have a limit of 2g a day. No salt at all would be the healthiest option. However, with even turkey breast deli meat containing 500-1000mg per sandwich it is too hard for most people. Salt isn't TOO hard on the body unless in excess of 2g

You only really need salt when you're hiking in the desert

>> No.12724906

>No salt at all would be the healthiest option
This is blatantly false. Salt is absolutely essential to a lot of bodily functions, you will die if you do not get enough.

>> No.12724912

You are blatantly wrong lmao. I know to expect this response since this is the cooking board. Use more herbs and spices and rely less on salt to cure your addiction

>> No.12724933


>> No.12724943

Oh ur right we need 186mg dang. Anything in excess is bad for you though. Average American gets 3g a day

>> No.12724947

If you want protein, why not eat eggs, meat, mushrooms, beans, etc?
Yogurt is a shitty sweetened fake health food for women.
Oats are actually decent but my biggest point is that you shouldn't be eating oats and yogurt together, it's just instant carb suicide. Mix it up. Eating protein and fat earlier in the day can help you set a good base for the rest of your day & helps mitigate hunger.

>> No.12724955

>Anything in excess is bad for you though
Objectively not. Most if not all health groups would recommend no less than 1,500mg daily and approve up to 2,300mg daily without issue. Your body needs salt - more if you're active, or sweating. Also, your body will easily purge excess salt as long as there is enough water to carry it out. The only problem with eating too much salt is not drinking enough water to deal with it.
Get good retard.

>> No.12725027

I am objectively right lmao. It's not no LESS it's a LIMIT learn to read bro. You will only need grams of salt if you lift weights in the middle of a desert or do extreme exercising like a pro athlete. You do not need 1.5-2g of salt retard you're just putting strain on your body. It will also lead to excessive bloat which is why bodybuilders do their best to avoid salt

>> No.12725114

>what is a range
upper and lower limits
but I won't waste my breath explaining since you can't read anyway. There are hundreds of resources pertaining to this information online and not a single one says that fewer than 200mg sodium in a day is adequate for the adult human body.

>> No.12725341

You will start ignorant because changing your eating habits it's too hard
Dunno why I try to help

>> No.12725355

I like mine plain and greek.

>> No.12725568

Not him but you're basically hopeless. You're not helping, you're just a complete retard spreading your garbage.

>> No.12725659

Refined sugar is the bad shit
Gnawing on a sugar cane wouldn't be unhealthy but eating refined sugar would be terrible

>> No.12725666

Ye man eating 2 grams of salt is great for you. Ur def not retarded ur smart lmao

>> No.12725667

>No salt at all would be the healthiest option
Are you trying to kill people

>> No.12725686

I go through at least ~100 g of salt per week, is that too much?

>> No.12725694

Just exercise anon.

>> No.12725706

well if they weren't so good people wouldn't over eat them. making them bad. If people ate to much broccoli, broccoli would be a problem.

>> No.12725710

15g of salt per day = 6g of sodium