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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12716184 No.12716184 [Reply] [Original]

Today I am going to make a breakfast casserole with some leftover potatoes I have, and later I will make a chicken pot pie.

>> No.12716204

>pot pie
Don't bother.
Believe me, you can't cook and you'll only end up embarrassing yourself.

>> No.12716208

More pictures please.

>> No.12716240

That is kind of the whole point of these threads. I can't cook that well and I want to show those of you that only eat Doritos and ramen that semi decent meals are possible.
Love you, buddy.
If it makes you any more mad I will be putting biscuts on top of it.
Sure dude, one sec.

>> No.12716248
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Cut the sprouting eyes out of my potatoes and cubed them.
Now frying in a decent amount of olive oil just below it's smoke point.

>> No.12716303
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Salt your homefries and dispose of most of the oil.

>> No.12716349

did you boil potatoes before frying? it will help a lot. nice thread sir.

>> No.12716350

I used nine eggs.
A little thyme, a little onion powder, a little salt, and a little pepper.
I also threw in some cheese sauce I had leftover from a restaurant because I am a degenerate.
Then ya blend.

>> No.12716363

Oops, forgot pic. It's good if your eggs are frothy.
It's all getting baked so I figured nah, and I cut them into über small pieces.

>> No.12716368
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>> No.12716420
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Potatoes back in pan.
I forgot to mention that I preheated my oven to 350 when blending.

>> No.12716422
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not just ordering food

>> No.12716428
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Potatoes, then egg, then sliced onions. Don't worry your pretty little heads, cheese goes on in about ten minutes.
Into the oven at 350.

>> No.12716447

good thread, op.

>> No.12716451
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I miiiiiiight have put too many eggs in here for my small cast iron.
I threw a "sheet pan" in under it as a safeguard.
why does ur dog look like jeff goldblum

>> No.12716457


>> No.12716480

Nix that, I just turned it up to 400.

>> No.12716523
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After 20 minutes.
Gonna add cheese.

>> No.12716558
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>> No.12716562
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Wa la

>> No.12716593

Based wa la poster

>> No.12716603
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Im done for a couple of hours, I'm going to watch a movie. Hopefully the thread will be alive when I come back to make some chicken pot pie.
I wholly encourage any anons to post what they're cooking, even if it is something simple.

>> No.12716651

Before I go, does anyone have that picture of the anime girl w/ a hotdog from the hotdog thread that was up yesterday? Please post if so.

>> No.12717267

Great post. Thanks

>> No.12717395
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good thread. I made some pate for work but I didn't take any pictures unfortunately.

>> No.12717498

I appreciate the graf post but I'm not sure how I feel about your handstyle, my guy.
OP here, I'm out running some errands but I will be on my way home and getting things rolling in about an hour or so.
Does anyone have a good pie crust recipe that they favor?

>> No.12717641
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Yeah I wasn't too happy with it myself. I haven't written in like seven years and I was never particularly any good 2bh. My boys in highschool were total killers though. Anywho, in regards to piecrust I usually just go with premade.

>> No.12717708

OP, appreciate the contribution of cooking to the board, but if I can offer a little criticism, that doesn't look good
I can't say I've ever had a good breakfast casserole, but good luck with this. hope you enjoyed it

>> No.12717957

My throwers are fucking garbage. I haven't gotten up in years, and the most I ever got up was when I was AWFUL. I'm not very good right now, either. I just developed a shitty handstyle alphabet and write random words on my whiteboard. Some kids from my HS are INSANE now. They went down to Miami where people get killed over that shit, but they are super talented.

>> No.12717971

It's not really supposed to look good, it's just everything you want from breakfast in one bite, sans coffee. Thanks though, dude.
Guys I really need this picture.

>> No.12718056

Step one
>make ramen because your gf is hangry
It's fucking happening though you guys. I'm gonna nix the pie crust, though.

>> No.12718070
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Gimmi one second.

>> No.12718140

Alright, nerds.
Chicken pot pie.

>> No.12718144
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God damn it I am fucking retarded

>> No.12718205
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Try making your egg wash with yolk, milk, and a bit of salt. When you let the salt sit with the yolk for a bit, it'll help break out down and make it more liquidy, making it easier to spread. Using yolk + milk will give you a shinier coating just milk or whole egg, due to the concentrated protein in the yolk (and milk, vs adding water). I find just the yolk + salt alone is hard to coat the pie evenly with. You can also add sugar to it to get some extra shine, regardless of what you make it with.

Also, if you poach the chicken at a bare simmer and take it out when it's only just reached 165 or a little before (it'll cook a bit inside the pie), it'll come out more tender. I usually use chicken thighs because I find them tastier, and they're thin and flat enough that you can poach them as-is without any cutting, then just cut them into pieces afterward for incorporating into the pie.

Canned cream of chicken soup instead of boullion or chicken stock is a bit weird, but will probably work fine. I usually poach the chicken in the stock, along with herbs from the garden. Helps flavor the chicken a bit, and flavor the stock with the herbs. Then once the chicken is poached, condense the broth down for later incorporation with the bechamel to make the gravy for the pie filling.

>no potatoes

>> No.12718327
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Mis en place
I let my girlfriend handle the chicken, player two has entered the game.

>> No.12718409
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>> No.12718413
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Shredded, brehs.
It's about to all come together.

>> No.12718442
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Broccoli on carrots on onion, then chicken.

>> No.12718453
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Bring two cans of cream of chicken soup/ one can of malk to a boil. Add your two wildcard chick fil a sauces.

>> No.12718536
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Add fresh veggies and simmer for five minutes.

>> No.12718543
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Add frozen veggies and then stir.
(I used half of each bag)

>> No.12718550
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Spread the mix in a pie dish.
(This was about half of the total mix)

>> No.12718561
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Put the biscuits on top.
I know this is wrong and not technically a pot pie, but biscuits were on sale and I figured "why the fuck not?"

>> No.12718566
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Remove biscuits halfway through and rub a softened butter stick on them.

>> No.12718574
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I have bonus points for whoever can guess which retard cut himself using a mandolin while talking to his gf.

>> No.12718577
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I was out of bandaids so I just
>paper towel
>medical tape
>put on a glove
It kinda just kept bleeding, though.

>> No.12718584
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After baking for about 20-25 minutes, here is the final product that my heart so desired.

>> No.12718595

At this point I added
>garlic powder
>a lil' onion powder
> a few sprigs of time (w/o stems)
I kinda just winged it.

>> No.12718599
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>> No.12718631

cute dog. shame about the cut, anon, but I enjoyed reading.

>> No.12718662
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No worries, putting the glove on and wearing it throughout cooking caused any blood to float around and make it look much, much worse than it actually was.
And thanks! That's my goofball sous chef, he gets lots of carrots, fatty bits, and any extras that I drop. Homie works hard keeping my floor clean.

>> No.12718668

It looks a little odd all free range like that, but I promise this shit is deLOIcious.
I'm on my second plate.

>> No.12718795

Nice work OP. I'd eat the fuck out of that casserole

>> No.12718892
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yo homie that's fugged

>> No.12718907

youre fucking trash

>> No.12719265

Did you fry your potatoes in EVOO? That's a yikes from me. Other than that great thread OP :^)

>> No.12719276

Breh you should have cooked the onions first.

>> No.12719310

This fucking wigger needs to stfu and gtfo

>> No.12719467

Ayo, let's see yours. I'm just curious.
It's what I get for using a mandolin and being a lazy fuck. I would have been so easy to just use a knife...
Yeah, but it was super low temp so they took a while and browned pretty evenly (at least IMO).
No u.
In all seriousness, how about you cook something?

>> No.12719471
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I like a little crunch to them, but I'll give it a shot next time.
Like this probably (just realized I forgot to post my onions from the pie last night).

>> No.12719477
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They caramelized in whatever chicken fat I had quite nicely.

>> No.12719482

why use a grands tube when flaky dough can be made in like 10 minutes max

>> No.12720856

Would it be appropriate to call this a quiche?

>> No.12722083
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Looks like meats fucken back on the menu then, eh boys? Finna boutta marinate this shit for a few hours while I get belligerently drunk and then cook it up. I did an adobo marinade because I smelled Mexican food on my way home today and decided that's what I want.

Whoa, look at mister moneybags over here.

>> No.12722092

Oh yeah and just FYI you can buy tubs of that sauce online.

>> No.12722100

this seems close to quiche
so I give it a
would eat /10

>> No.12722110

uhh that is a really dry pot pie there bro
not bad looking for a ...for a...well I don't know what , it's not bad looking for what ever it is ..it just doesn't look like a pot pie.

>> No.12722120

isn't this called chicken and dumplings ?
it looks good and would devour anyway.

>> No.12722514

I whenever I go there I just ask them for the maximum amount of sauce that they can give me. It's 15.
Does the trick, and it's pretty much free (sans my meal).

>> No.12722526

>It's 15.
Well shit, that's pretty awesome. I figured they charged for more than one so I never ask.

>> No.12722533

That's kind of what I was thinking.
Also I can see one tiny piece of chicken. Lots and lots of potatoes, though.
Nah, usually chicken and dumplings is actual dumplings and just chicken in a white gravy.
I get what you mean, though. It's not a pie. It's just insanely good chicken pot pie filling with biscuits on top.
It would be god tier and true to form if I put it in a crust.

>> No.12722809

For the love of god will one of you nerds cook something?

>> No.12723674
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Late night melt & soup comfy bump. I don't have any good cheese, so I'm just using american that I buy only for childhood nostalgia grilled cheeses.

>> No.12723695
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Also, this bad bitch was on sale so I got it. It's mf huge for seven dollars, I know it isn't that nice but I'm going to test out my steak moves.

>> No.12723698

This was a semi recent bone in ribeye, sadly I don't have a cut photo but I was a perfect medium rare. I sous vided it because I am a fag. I'm not planning on doing that to this one.

>> No.12723702

Why didn't you just not worry about it? Is your girlfriend scared to eat your blood?

>> No.12723711
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>> No.12723747

I'm gonna be totally honest with you chief, I didn't find the piece of my finger that I sliced off. It was in there somewhere.
It wasn't a huge piece,

>> No.12723751

Heavy mayo, 2.2 oz of ham on one side, 2.2 oz of turkey on the other.
Salt and pepper on turkey, onions on top.
Going under the broiler.
Shitty lighting.

>> No.12723755

How the fuck do I keep forgetting the pic?
Cheese is in between slices of meat so that it doesn't get all brown and gross, but I do want the onions to cook a little.

>> No.12723759
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Like I said, shitty lighting.

>> No.12723801
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Out of broiler, onto press.

>> No.12723803

Everything ITT looks like absolute garbage, is this how low /ck/ has fallen? SAD!

>> No.12723806
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Wa la
It's a sandwich. This probably comes off as minimal effort, but I just wanted something simple and quick.
Also the soup... Looks like soup. Nothing special, I did pour a lot of Valentina black label in it, but that's all.

>> No.12723810

My man, almost nobody posts actual fucking cooking here. That's what's sad.
I don't care that I'm shitty, at least I'm posting content. Please go back to your fast food threads .

>> No.12723837

Are you the dickered cat fag incognito I've heard so much about?

>> No.12723867

Nah. I'm just some random guy with a dream that this won't just be a McChicken board.
I'm a shitty cook, I share what I cook.
I will get better. Hopefully that can inspire someone like you to give it a shot and not just shitpost about whatever new Taco Bell menu item is out.
I get it. You like food. Try making some.

>> No.12723877

It's honestly a shame that as soon as anyone sees actual cooking that they just assume it's the one other person on this board that posts real cooking.

>> No.12723894
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>> No.12723896
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we here lurkin in yo cookin thread, nice thread OP

>> No.12723916

I bet his parents suck at cooking so he hates seeing what other anons eat.

>> No.12724266

He predicted well.

>> No.12724279

Why can't we have more threads like this

>> No.12724284


>> No.12724285

Because nobody here cooks they just act like they do and discuss fast food.

>> No.12724304

what's the point of trying and photoshoot every step if a bunch of anons will shit on it

>> No.12724309

If people would constructively shit on my cooking I'd probably still bother posting it. But it just gets pushed off by all the fastfood shilling and /pol/ shit.

>> No.12724328

You're not going to like this but 4chan as a whole is cancer. It's a bunch of 15 year olds who don't even know how to turn the stove on talking shit for the sake of trolling. It's basically every board now. Reddit is unironically better if you want to talk about food.

>> No.12724356

It will get better when the kiddies go back to school. The site always goes to shit in the summer.

>> No.12724386

Oh fuck why did you do that?

>> No.12724437

Because I am a man on a mission and most people who shit on it are trolls who would fuck up boxed Mac n' Cheese. It's all good, though. I can take a little criticism, plus they're probably all just angry for lots of unrelated reasons and I genuinely feel sorry for them if that's what brings them enough happiness to keep trudging through their miserable lives.

>> No.12724453

I'm not sure, everyone seems to like chess. I agree it could look better, next time I will blend the cheese in- just for you bb