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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12715502 No.12715502 [Reply] [Original]

>eat 4 pounds of food
>step on scale
>weight doesn't change

>> No.12715522
File: 526 KB, 364x489, sweatysnaek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat 4 pounds of food
>step on scale
>am now 6 pounds heavier

>> No.12715564
File: 90 KB, 388x446, 1563510782107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat 4 pounds of food
>stomach explodes

>> No.12715587

your scales are broken

>> No.12715646

>eat 4 pounds of food
>eat 3 more pounds of food

>> No.12715651
File: 54 KB, 256x256, download (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weigh self
>take shit
>weigh self
>gained 2 pounds
>eat burger
>weigh self
>lost 1 pound
>take shit again
>lost 1 pound

>> No.12715680

Yeah I have noticed that too. I can take a huge piss and shit in the morning (sometimes I piss more than a full liter) and although my scales show +/- 100g there is zero change before and after. No idea what is up with that.

>> No.12715685

Your scale is shot dumdum

I got a good and cheap digital scale from Amazon, it connects to a phone app via Bluetooth and I can see my weight history easily now, plus other data. Best scale ever, and helped s lot in losing weight when you can see recent trends.

>> No.12715744
File: 1.58 MB, 360x202, aj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>step on scale
>eat 2 1/3 kilos of food
>shit 1 1/8 pounds
I normally weigh 178lbs and my scale is off by 4.7 kilos. How much do I weigh?

You should be able to solve this.

>> No.12715754

this is the worst nightmare

>> No.12715761

>subscribing to the botnet
Never going to make it.

>> No.12715767


>> No.12715913

Ur broken!

>> No.12716317

>eat while pooping on the toilet
>don't gain any weight

>> No.12716935

you weigh your own shits?

>> No.12716947

The toilet automatically assesses weight based on water displacement and then displays the result on a digital touchscreen above the cistern.

>> No.12716952

>needing fucking Bluetooth and apps to record your weight

>> No.12716995

just because you eat 5 lbs of food doesnt mean you will gain 5 lbs right after retard. there isnt 5 lbs of calories in the 5 lbs of food you just ate. you will weigh that many more calories

>> No.12717016

it's still five pounds of matter. mass doesn't disappear because you chewed it

>> No.12717020

are you sure you're not stepping on a clock ?

>> No.12717028


American education, lads. Take a good look.

>> No.12717040

>step on scale
>275lbs like the fatass I am
>Up from 270lbs some months back
>Decide to go on the starve myself diet like a dickhead
>Lose about 5lbs
>Stop on scale every single day 3 times a day just to see what happens
>it regularly drops or adds 2 pounds with seemingly no immediate reason
>Even stepping off and stepping back on shows different results

>> No.12717051

>adding 5 lbs to your body doesn't mean you will be 5 lbs heavier

>> No.12717065

calorie in, calorie out? more like eat in, shit out.

>> No.12717401

I think you mean volume, you moron.

>> No.12717631

Based retard

>> No.12717811

I shit standing up, on a scale
fucking idiot, learn to read

>> No.12717977

21 grams.

>> No.12718202

>cums inside of OP's mom
>step on scale
>lost 5 pounds

>> No.12718204

On Earth they mean basically the same thing. Get bent, yuropoor

>> No.12718224

Weight is the mass multiplied by gravity. They are not the same and 12 year olds learn this. Stop making us look stupid you fucking idiot.

>> No.12718229

This. Fucking technology. Fucking “digital” anything. Fucking botnet. Use pen and paper.

>> No.12718241
File: 709 KB, 1200x1200, 1564397906405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a shit
>lost 5 pounds

>> No.12718255

>take a shit
cant weigh myself now

>> No.12718259

>fart non stop for 30 seconds
>lose 2” in waist size

>> No.12718276

>weigh self
>eat 1lb of food
>gain 4lbs

>> No.12718387

>Eat 4lbs of food
>Step on scale
>Scale breaks
>Fall through floor

>> No.12719237
File: 420 KB, 517x700, 1533708975036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink 12 oz, whegh 1 pound more?

>> No.12719768
File: 31 KB, 680x692, visible confusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>step on scale
>eat 3 pounds of food
>shit 0,7 kilos of fecal matter
>get kicked out of ikea

>> No.12719849

Yes, nigger. I'm aware that something that's 100 grams on Earth also is 100 grams on the moon. The terms weight and mass are functionally equivalent on Earth where "gravity" stays mostly constant (no we aren't in the Marianas Trench or at the summit of Mt. Everest) especially in a colloquial sense.

>hehe this pasta has a MASS of 100 grams it doesn't have a WEIGHT of 100 grams fufu dumb AMERICAN
Fucking kill yourself or go back to /r/science, you faggot liberal.

>> No.12719885

Get better scales you retards

>> No.12719979

Lel bloating can't be annoying tbqh

>> No.12719981


>> No.12720005

You already embarrassed yourself being a vitriolic spas. The word you were looking for was volume.