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12714017 No.12714017 [Reply] [Original]

If drago s were real what would their meat taste like? How would you prepare dragon meat? BBQ it, roast it or stew it maybe? What seasonings would you use?

Pic unrelated

>> No.12714020

Just go to Florida and hunt for feral iguanas.

>> No.12714033
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i assume a dragon would taste like a dinosaur.
and i assume a dinosaur would taste like an alligator.

dragons would taste like gator

however, if no gators are available to you, just fry up some lizards.
i assume a gator would taste like a common lizard, seeing as they are just large lizards (((aka small dinosaurs[[[aka small draongs]]])))

youre welcome ;)

>> No.12714070

I imagine dragons would be tough and gamy and lizardy. So I would cut the meat thin and grill over high heat and serve with a garlicky chimichurri sauce to mask the gaminess and lizardiness.

>> No.12714072

But werent dinosaurs mammals?

>> No.12714079
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you are a fucking idiot.
truly a fool,
who knows nothing.

>> No.12714102

You'd probably have to steer clear of any organs seeing as dragons would have to expell flammable and reactive gases for their fire. Meat would probably be really tough so a marinade and/or slow cook would probably be optimal. You could also go a bit faster then make pulled dragon. Simplest would be a stew though

>> No.12714113

this man ***clearly*** knows what he's talking about.

you could also use the jewels in the dragon's belly for presentation

>> No.12714120


>> No.12714121

Birds are the closest living relative

>> No.12714177

Most fantasies assume that dragons lay eggs, which mammals never do. They also typically have features like a difficult hide and a carnivore diet. So I'm guessing they'll be very tough and fatty. Dragon flesh would be like eating leather. I wonder what dragon tongue would be like.

>> No.12714179

You wut

>> No.12714210

Do rats taste like steer?

>> No.12714219

Dinosaurs are related to birds. They would taste like chicken.

>> No.12714246

No you fucking brainlet
>Hurr durr dragons need rocks to digest their food

Gemstones form under high pressure and heat, only one of those would happen inside a dragon. At most it'd be smooth rocks even if they did eat them

>> No.12714249

I hate when you clean a dragon and find a half eaten princess when you cut open the gut

>> No.12714258

which half are we talking about here anon? Asking for a fren

>> No.12714269
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Depends on the princess and which half

>> No.12714272
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I'd cook Eliza's fresh hindquarters into medium-rare dragon steak, anyday.

>> No.12714282
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>he doesnt know about dragon hoards

>> No.12714309
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>Keeping your dragon shekels in the stomach so the goyims don't steal them from your lair

>> No.12714320
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>> No.12714325
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>> No.12714329

honestly I think most dragons would be not only difficult to eat, but just not taste all that great, the prestige from eating one would be the real draw so chefs would still have to figure out a way to manage to make them palatable. Even though, you know, in most settings these things are fucking sentient.

baby dragons would be extremely lean with not much meat, likely the only one you could eat with minimal preparation though

young dragons could be comparable to preparing moose, long and slow with something acidic to break down the muscle fibres.
a moose steak is a novelty that serves mainly to dull your teeth, but a roast can be very good eating.

larger dragons? fuck, only real way to do it is to ignore its toughness by slicing it very thin against the grain.
prosciutto, carpaccio and even bacon come to mind but you'd end up even having to make pulled pork, because you have a whole dragon to cook and only so much time before it rots
otherwise you'd have to make preserves, meaning it would be even tougher.

swamp dragons may taste like alligator but it wouldnt make sense for any other types (also swamp dragons usually have poisonous blood)
from what i've heard, alligator tastes like swampy chicken meat, though i'd imagine more like a swampy poorly cooked and extremely lean pork, like if you boiled a loins main muscle.
i've had froglegs and they taste like swampy chicken meat, not a fan


>> No.12714379

>The real treasure at the end of the rainbow

>> No.12714618
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Why are you asking here? We're a community of commoners here. Try asking a King or some royalty what dragon tastes like.

>> No.12714820

The real question is what chimera meat would taste like. Would each different animal part have its own flavor just like the animals it's based on or would it be a uniform type of unique flavor?

>> No.12715333


Sentient is sensing, sapient is thinking.

>> No.12715350

>which mammals never do
The platypus would like a word.
>The platypus is a semiaquatic egg-laying mammal

>> No.12715353
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>> No.12715565

Yes yes the platypus is also a functional abomination, it's a duck-beaver

>> No.12715579
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>> No.12715659


I had baby dragon when I was at Medieval Times. They had that on the menu and swore it was real.

>> No.12715716

It would probably be disgusting since they eat gold coins and treasure

>> No.12715793

Its widely known dragon isn't a peasant food

>> No.12715814

your DM sucks.

>> No.12715834

It was probably human baby flesh

>> No.12716234


whatever it was it tasted like chicken

>> No.12716238

It would be white meat for starters

>> No.12716263
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>> No.12716270


cleaning off the scales would be a chore

>> No.12716324

I assume a dragon would also be a highly functional abomination

>> No.12716328

Eat gator and find out

>> No.12716682
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Actually yes. It's a big lizard that can somehow fly while also being able to produce, store and eject some pyrophoric gas(es).
But it would still make a bit more sense than a beaver that is also a duck but only on the face and feet, is also venomous but only on it's hindlegs during mating season. Sounds like a fucking JoJo stand

>> No.12716829

it's not that big of a stretch to have the ability to store and eject pyrophoric gases
cow would like a word with you

just following our worlds laws of natural selection and no magic, sparking that gas is difficult. Even the electric eel can't really make a spark, naturally selecting a spark gap would take such a very strange set of circumstances.

>> No.12716867
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Dragons probably smell like egg farts and burnt vomit.

>> No.12717018

Look up pyrophoric gas my niggie, they are gases that reactive to our normal atmosphere, reactive in such a way that they ignite.
Also I never said anything about it not being big stretch cause it is. Storing gases in your body that ignite when it comes in contact with air outside your body sounds fucked. My point was that the likelyhood of a platypus existing to a dragon is fucked, like a giraffe to a unicorn. Horse with a pointy bit of enamel or a skinny cow-camel with a long as fuck neck and lanky legs.

>> No.12717041

Don't forget that it's also one of only three mammals with electroreceptors, too!

>> No.12717081

Exactly it's such an intricate thing for an organism to posses so gas storage isn't completely out of the question.

>> No.12717206

It would probably taste like an extremely strong lizard. Try komodo dragon.
Dragons = lizards, bit dinosaurs, btw; otherwise they would taste like extremely strong birds (so you could have tried cassowary).