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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12711545 No.12711545[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>3rd date with a girl I am crushing on
>Whip up some good grub
>Do surf and Turf
>filet mignon
>Cedar plank salmon

>She comes over
>"Yeah I don't eat steaks unless it is charred and i will never touch seafood OMFG that is gross"

Should I call it off? I love cooking and she gives me "I only eat chicken tendies vibes"

>> No.12711554

Is she hot?
Seriously, bro. How hot is she?

>> No.12711558

if she wont even try to eat something you made for her you should just leave right away

>> No.12711560

If her food vibes seriously conflict with yours, it could easily be a dealbreaker. Unless you're just looking to get laid a few times, then it doesn't matter. But if you're wanting relationship material, and food is really important to you, I can see it not working out.

>> No.12711564

why does it matter? can you not be with a person who has different tastes then you, are you a child? my wife is a vegan and i eat meat all the time, its not difficult to cook for us both

>> No.12711571


She is hot. I'm 28 and she is 23 so I am trying to wonder if there is an age thing. From what I gather she is a little spoiled from family so I think trying new things is out of realm of comfort for her

>> No.12711573

She's not 23. She's 8, living in the body of a 23-year-old. You're dating an adult child.

>> No.12711576


Its not so much that she is different because I personally do like the opposite attracts dynamic because it keeps things interesting. The problem is her childish approach of it

>> No.12711584

i get you wanted to surprise/wow her, but you should have asked what kind of food shes into first.
i'd be pissed at both her and myself in your situation. as for calling it off, probably. unless she also seems into you and has redeeming qualities.

>> No.12711591

This guys >>12711554 question is very important. Most dames are very picky with what they eat. You obviously shouldn't invest in a long term relationship with any one that pleb in their food preferences, but a quick run to Popeyes might just get you laid. So if she's fine enough just get some Za and then 'split her pie'

>> No.12711595

perhaps before cooking for someone who you arent sure of their eating habbits, you ask next time? you have no idea of any allergies, religious restrictions etc. you are the one cooking, it is on you to check with the party you are preparing food for

>> No.12711628

>le thinly veiled 'woman hate' thread

>> No.12711652

its not a "le haet thread" if the reason is perfectly valid, fuck off back to whatever shithole from whence you crawled

>> No.12711666

We hate women here, cuck. We're a band of brothers who enjoy these threads. So stick to dilating and fuck off back to plebbit, soy faggot

>> No.12711673

if shes 23 and you havent banged her by the third date you're a meal ticket/drivers license

>> No.12711678

3rd date is a little early to be cooking in your house, skank ho with no worries about you putting something in her food/drugging her/videotaping her, and/or she is just not intelligent enough or experienced enough to know it's a dumb move. Why'd you invite her over anyway? Cheap?

3rd date is a little early to assume you know what they like to eat without even damn asking

I don't really eat seafood, or I'm very picky about it. Was that wild salmon? You cooked cedar planks but it wasn't outside over the fire (if the steak wasn't charred). Hrm. Seems a bit fancypants but poser. Also, I prefer a steak prime, or else any cut by filet, if given a choice, it'll likely be ny strip, ribeye or skirt. Would I have eaten steak you served and apologized for the lack of wanting to try the salmon, yes. Did she recover from initial refusal and enjoy your sides, or was there awkwardness when you were rejected? If you made items I really hated, and you agreed they were bad, I'd have just rolled with it, and gone out together or ordered in or takeout.

>From what I gather she is a little spoiled from family so I think trying new things is out of realm of comfort for her
That's the opposite of spoiled. It either means she has tasted better foods prepared more professionally, has never had to just make do with mediocre, or you think spoiled = stupid and lack of variety.

>> No.12711681
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>thinly veiled

>> No.12711707

Not liking fish I wouldn't mind. But did she really not eat the steak because it didn't have grill marks? That's some higher level autism.

>> No.12711718

shes embarassed to get stuffed and then have to take a phat dump at your place. ive been on countless dates where the girl didnt eat for this very reason. all but one made up an excuse though. but one straight up said most girls are afraid to eat on a date because theyd have to poop later in the date

>> No.12711720

My gf is the same, just feed her easy trash but slightly improved and plated well and she'll think you're the best cook ever.

>> No.12711729

>3rd date is a little early to be cooking in your house, skank ho with no worries about you putting something in her food/drugging her/videotaping

He could also just drive you outside of town and rape you with his buddies and videotape you. If he wants to get criminal about it with someone who knows his name and address he could do it any time he pleases.

>> No.12711739

Do girls not understand how digestion works?

>> No.12711749

>"Yeah I don't eat steaks unless it is charred and i will never touch seafood OMFG that is gross"
Tell her her roast beef smells of fish.

>> No.12711764

how is it possible that your right hand doesn't like the same food you always eat ??

>> No.12711817

meet his cute little tomboyish looking girl who was a cashier at a gas station , after a couple times I asked her for her number and got it .
tell her to dress nice because I am taking her to a place that requires reservations .
operative word being "Reservations " go to pick he up .. holy shit her idea idea of dressing nice was dressing in board shorts and huge hoodie and god damn tennis shoes.
I was just dumbfounded , I called and cancelled the reservations took her to an applebee's , spent the next three hours trying to figure out why she thought that was dressing nice , then two days later spent 300 dollars on clothing for her to wear when we went out , also found out she was 30 years old instead of the 21 she looked like and she was recently divorced ,and all kinds of other explosive revelations.
it was a freaking wild ride while lasted , but pretty god damn fun and outrageous

>> No.12711820

I'm gonna give you a heads up here. I love cooking and that conflicted with my ex a lot.
>she'd spray everything I made in ketchup before tasting, despite my objections
>If there's no sauce it's disgusting
>I made ramen from scratch, took 8 hours. Her reaction was to push the bowl away and say "ew!"
>Rice and potatoes apparently taste nothing
Cooking is a daily thing. If you clash even once a day every day.. shit is gonna get tense fast. Trust me, I won't even date girls that slather shit in ketchup anymore, got severe ptsd from making food for hours and have it ruined. If you can get around it, sure. But don't assume it will be fine.

>> No.12711840

>I made ramen from scratch, took 8 hours. Her reaction was to push the bowl away and say "ew!"
I'm surprised you didn't murder her on the spot.

>> No.12711847

trying to please a dog that eats cat shit is pointless my brother
but I do know that pain I really do.

>> No.12711851

Yeah, I mean.. she saw me cook it. She knew what was in it. I even asked her if she was fine with it before.
It is a good feel that others can understand me. Thank you.

>> No.12711854


You tell her : Goodbye and Goodluck. And that's that.
What's wrong with all the faggots in this thread? Are you actual cucks?

>> No.12711863

>tfw cook a very nice meal of steak with bearnaise sauce, grilled carrots and homemade mashed potatoes from for this guy i was dating
>worked very hard and made sure it was all perfect
>he scrapes off the bearnaise sauce and puts bbq sauce all over it and gets mad that it isnt "well done" and says he doesnt eat vegetables and i should make him some mac and cheese with it
>seriously told him to get out right there and then

>> No.12711879

wow you are so cool can you teach me how to be as super cool as you

>> No.12711880

Behold, a man that never gets more emotionally involved in a partner than he is with cooking. You're cucked by your hobby.

>> No.12711884


>> No.12711886


Don't ruin this thread, whore

>> No.12711899

i am literally a gay man

>> No.12711900

Seriously, wtf is up with all the cheesy rebbit-tier phrasing of posts on this board?

>> No.12711910

I was just trying to match how pompous you came off as. Still, have you even had a serious relationship or do you push everyone away as soon as you don't have the same opinions?

>> No.12711916

Can i watch you two have sex :3?

>> No.12711922

No UwU

>> No.12711946

Just smash and pass. Anyone worth being in a serious relationship would've nicely told you they liked their meat a different way and apologized you made seafood which something they didn't like. Really immature of her.

>> No.12711954

It's just corny and passive-aggressive like something a numale or a woman would say.
Also, I'm not even the person you were talking to but now that you mention it, your post is pretty cringy
>men who don't put up with entitled brats r the actual cucks, man!!1

>> No.12711964

tried too hard, way to go faggot. why not ask her what she likes to eat before assuming next time

>> No.12711989

How is it passive-aggressive? Is it just that you don't know the meaning of the word?

>> No.12712020
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More cheesy passive-aggressiveness. Female or soyboy?

>> No.12712030

So you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.12712047
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>So you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.12712048

>trying to please a dog that eats cat shit is pointless
what does that even mean and how is it even relevant ?

>> No.12712058

I figured that he thought that even asking a question as this point is passive aggressive for him, since he probably communicates exclusively by screaming at his mom.

>> No.12712080
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>I figured that he thought that even asking a question as this point is passive aggressive for him, since he probably communicates exclusively by screaming at his mom.

>> No.12712112

dogs eat cat shit and garbage ,they don't care about how anything tastes .
so anyone who is also like this , means that you will never please them because they will not care what you do or how long it takes to do it , it won't make any difference to them , because they can eat garbage and be happy with it

>> No.12712139

Idk bro, did she even eat the food you made her?
If she refused to so much as try it, and she wasn't doing it because she thought you put date rape drugs in it- she sounds like a nuisance.

>> No.12712204

post tits

>> No.12712215

Where are you from? Country.

>> No.12712281

Based and Plinkettsuppositoried

>> No.12712329

Drop her. You like to cook, she's a pleb. It will never work.

>> No.12712340

Listen to this man. If a person really likes cooking and trying new foods how much are they going to miss out on with a partner who wants no part of that?

>> No.12712344

Never ever ever ever ever date young girls. Fuck them and then leave them for an older woman. Seriously trust me.

>> No.12712358

Five years is practically nothing unless you're still in high school.

>> No.12712359

Anything made from scratch is awful and just screams "I'm cheap!" Why would you subject her to that?

>> No.12712372

Because I like to cook and I can't buy the ready stuff in my country, but I can buy the ingredients.

>> No.12712377

Slap her with your cock and tell her to fuck off

>> No.12712396

>It either means she has tasted better foods prepared more professionally, has never had to just make do with mediocre
not op, my parents are rich, my sister has had the option of eating amazing meals and will never have to just make do. but she refuses to step out of her comfort zone of chef boyardee and mountain dew and will never have to. she is clearly spoiled.

>> No.12712407

its a man that doesn't want to date a mental child.

>> No.12712432

>Should I call it off?
Yes. Not because she has preferences, is somewhat spoiled, or that she's a picky eater, but because she shows no appreciation for the trouble you went through. This girl doesn't give a shit about you.

>> No.12712475

>are you a child?
He isn't, but you are. If you can't distinguish between a difference in taste and blatant egotistical behavior, you're either still a kid yourself, or downright autistic.

>> No.12712485

>my wife is a vegan and i eat meat all the time
How has nobody pointed out that your wife won't eat your meat so you have to suck the salami all the time

>> No.12712571

I don't think this happened but if it did ignore her from now on. Not even be friends

>> No.12712589

OP here.
Women owe me sex.

>> No.12712613

> t. Some washed up barren roastie
Your times over hag

>> No.12712663


that's what you took away from this?

>> No.12712670

This, get them when they're virgins and mold them into your liking. Roasties are worthless.

>> No.12712681

You're just young. The frontal lobe isn't done maturing on you. People of quality with a head don't accept drinks in bars, opened bottles of beer, or go to people's homes alone in the first few dates. Despite you wanting there to be no real risk, there often is. The fact there's a bunch of pervs on this forum should have been proof enough that creepy dudes exist in pretty big numbers just about everywhere.

>then two days later spent 300 dollars on clothing for her to wear when we went out
Errr, I wouldn't have accepted a gift of clothes for a date like that. Odd, really, after 2 days, ya know?

>got severe ptsd from making food for hours and have it ruined.
If your passion is indeed cooking, there's someone out there who shares it. There's just no reason to be with someone who doesn't get you to that degree. I don't even mind the people who salt food before tasting it, everyone has their tolerance there, but ketchup to help it go down? Their life is just really different from mine, and there's better be serious bank, mesmerizing and stimulating intelligence, or serious lack of options, like me with a new terminal illness. Sex is great and all, but disrespectful people are intolerable.
I was once in line at a kitschy little local restaurant in Newport RI, mid-morning brunch crunch and food was highly rated, you know how it is when you are on vacation with late risers...anyway struck up a conversation with a couple waiting with us, and this from from PR had a bottle of seasoning salt, a sazon goya bottle taken from their car, like oops almost forgot, and why was it on vacation with them? They can't eat eggs without it.

>> No.12712779

Feminists don't fully read or interpret anything. They just respond to anything that vaguely appears like criticism on a woman, with a random pick from a set of absurd insinuations.

>> No.12712836


>> No.12712856

If someone has the tastebuds of a child then chances are a lot of other things they do are childlike. Find yourself another girl. It may seem like a meme but there are actually tons of girls that are into guys that can cook.

>> No.12712897

DTMFA. This relationship has no future.

>> No.12712936

kitchens that way, go make it how you want then, i'm hungry and i'm eating now

>> No.12712976

Depends on 1. how much you actually care and 2. If you think she would try to be accomodating about it if you did care.

My gf doesn't share a lot of my interests (non-capeshit movies, video games, 'problematic' memes, racism) but she loves me and understands that it's important to humor me and try them once in a while, listen to me talk about them some, and let me know that it's okay that I like them (the last two are a little harder for her but she tries lol) and I try to do the same for her with her interests. It's hard to have a real relationship if you have to just ignore and totally work around things that are important to the other person rather than embracing them.

>> No.12712979

>didn't ask her what she liked first
You goofus.
Also 23 is a dangerous age, fill her up with salads so she doesn't balloon out.

>> No.12712989

>got severe ptsd from making food for hours and have it ruined
Don't be a faggot next time.
Who the fuck doesn't just say "hey do you like/ant homemade ramen?" before wasting eight hours?
Just be a human bean capable of communication!

>> No.12712992

Girls barely understand how anything works

>> No.12712994

I can see now that you are a truly mature person.

>> No.12713000

Probably not even him lol

>> No.12713001

Chuck's Fuck and Suck

>> No.12713041

While asking her what her food preferences are before making something would've been prudent, if she isn't willing to try something you made for her as a surprise, that's a bad sign.

>> No.12713061

Fussy eater women are the worst... AVOID.
My ex girlfriend always wanted food but always said no to every single thing I suggest.
I always just ended up cooking her fucking chicken nuggets with ketchup because we argued about what restaurant to eat at to the point where we'd been sat arguing for 3 hours and nuggets would shut her up.
I got her eating chicken fried rice, but she was scared of the polystyrine it came in from the local Chinese, like the touch of it and sound of it in your hands would make her puke on the spot.

Fucking awkward women man... the shit we fucking put up with for pussy.

>> No.12713161

This is such horrible advice. Young women are the only ones worth your time. A young girl is your only shot at helping her develop into a good wife. Any older woman who isn't married isn't worth the risk.

>> No.12713301

>Errr, I wouldn't have accepted a gift of clothes for a date like that. Odd, really, after 2 days, ya know?

I did talk to her for three hours prior to this ..and I learned why it was necessary and to honest it was hella worth every penny , if fact I bought her hundreds dollars during the year we were together.. I wanted her to look nice because when she was dressed like a girl she was heart stoppingly beautiful to me .
what actually broke us up was she cheated and went out with someone else .
after she discovered that she was attractive and finally had the confidence she needed she tested it out , I found out and walked away. I don't want to be with someone I can't trust.

>> No.12714465
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The digits confirm

>> No.12714513

>i will not have sex with you unless you fuel my ego by consuming my shit tier chef wannabee pretentious slop!
You don't want a girlfriend. You want someone to coddle you and tell you
Anon, just call your mother if you want to get positive reinforcement. Otherwise, you'll always remain a virgin.

>> No.12714517

You can't fool me, Satan.

>> No.12714774

Why not just make whatever you want for you, and make something else for her? A girl like that probably will just want something simple like a salad or some shit anyway.

>> No.12714803

Sounds like my father and brother

go ahead but beware of future restrictiins

>> No.12714811

Kill yourself frogger

>> No.12715424
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That's the correct way of handling such a situation. Bravo!

>> No.12715440

girls nowadays r stupid af and know nothing about food, especially about good food. additionally they cant cook anymore or prepare something tasty besides microwaved popcorn.
u can try to teach her food and good taste (worked for me) or it will bother u every day...

>> No.12715470
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its kinda your fault for being out of touch with the modern womens pallet

I haven't met a chick who wasn't some form of vegetarian or vegan in a long time. Wont cook a girl meat unless they expressly said they will try it before hand.

>> No.12715490

You sound like an entitled roastie.

>> No.12715673


You dont see why she cheated on you? You were an ATM card, nothing more.

>> No.12715698

Yeah, sorry you had to find out like this. It's happened to me too.
Someone might seem ideal but to me this is a level of personality clash I could never surmount.
I can't stand picky eaters. Even if she's hot and nice, you'll grow to resent her if you're an adventurous eater who likes to cook and she's too childish to support you.

>why does it matter
>why does it matter that you get along with your significant other
Faggot, enjoy your crumbling relationship after 10 years when you realize you have nothing to talk about together. If your wife is vegan and you're not, but you're fine together, maybe food isn't really important to either of you. But to someone who really loves to cook and try new things, dating a childish picky eater faggot would be soul-sucking.

/ck/ is the second most female-prevalent board after /co/. Speak for yourself and hightail it back to your containment board, self-flagellating faggot.

>> No.12715828
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Not OP, but similar scenario:
>be me, 22
>match girl on Tinder after moving back to my hometown a week ago
>7/10 music major at college campus 5 min walk from my house and all the nice restaurants downtown
>ask her if she wants to grab a bite soon last night
>says shed skip class today if I hit her up when I'm done with my morning appointment
>prolly hitting her up in an hour or two from now
I don't know if she's a complete food casual because she has a job at Wawa who are arguably the most based gas stations with food in America. Which of the following do I consider?
>microbrewery with badass pub food and badass beer
>Irish pub with bangers and mash etc., full day breakfast, hot teapots
>coal oven pizzeria
>decently priced thai food spot (she expressed interest and has never tried thai food)

>> No.12715887

>/ck/ is the second most female-prevalent board after /co/.
>Forgetting /cgl/ and (depending on how loosely you define female) /lgbt/

>> No.12716067

>Don't ask a person what they like to eat before cooking for them

You are both mentally ill and it is best for humanity if you do not pass on your genes

>> No.12716441

>I don't want a partner I want a second daddy who will feed me tendies and do everything for me
>Eww, grown up food? Yucky!

See how easy that was?

>> No.12716452

My gf hates onions.

>> No.12716456

There are no women here. They like /adv/

>> No.12716505

>You're just young. The frontal lobe isn't done maturing on you. People of quality with a head don't accept drinks in bars, opened bottles of beer, or go to people's homes alone in the first few dates. Despite you wanting there to be no real risk, there often is.

Yet you're still willing to get alone with him in a car. You blind yourself to an equal risk because you think it's too culturally inappropriate not too ... if you're going to talk about maturity in risk taking don't be so selective.