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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 60 KB, 1280x960, eggs - 1371597913656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12710208 No.12710208 [Reply] [Original]

I hate eggs.
I never understood why people seem to like eggs.
Anyone else hate eggs?

I don't get excited over bacon (crunchy or soggy) either, but I'd rather eat bacon than eggs.

Pancakes are just fucking boring as shit. Waffles are excellent and crunchy and the syrup fills all the holes so nicely. Pancakes are unsatisfying like the feeling of picking up a dirty used up towel, desperately trying to scrub a car. It's never quite good enough. It's never satisfying.

>> No.12710245

Feel better now that you had your little temper tantrum?

>> No.12710267

Lol rekt

>> No.12710321


>> No.12710447

I hate eggs too, anon. They always make me fart and those farts are always the nastiest.

>> No.12710465

I hate eggs too. The fact they are so versatile confuses my tiny brain. The fact they taste so good is literally retarded. Oh, and the way they can be added to almost any food? Absolute bullshit

>> No.12710479


>> No.12710484

Are you my literally psychopathic ex-"girlfriend"?
If you "LOVE" eating dry tuna from the can, then the chances increase.
If you are, stop looking at me from across the company corridors, I do not answer your calls anymore for a reason, you crazy psycho.

>> No.12710563

>If you "LOVE" eating dry tuna from the can, then the chances increase.
I am a male and I like Sriracha ranch tuna bowls. I tried dry tuna and could force my way through it, but I would if I could.
This statement was still coincidental enough to be scary.
Tell me about your girlfriend, anon.

>> No.12710572


>> No.12710587
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i think ive watched too much Rick & Morty, because i read that in Rick's voice

>> No.12710590

OP has never ventured out of chicken tender territory in his life. Autistics don't like change of routine and prefer predictable foods with safe predictable flavor and texture.

>> No.12710633

>OP has never ventured out of chicken tender territory in his life
This is not true. I always go out of my way to try something new and weird when I go to a restaurant. Eggs are BORING and they often taste like the metal they're cooked on.

>> No.12710652
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op btfo

>> No.12710661


>> No.12710680

She is absolutely crazy and manipulative, she is a literal psychopath, as diagnosed by a psychiatrist after I shared details about her history with me. Literally the worst person I have ever met, the true incarnation of evil in my life No one I have ever met has purposefully hurt me so much. For me, she is literally "the demon", and I am not even joking.
The worst part is that she is truly beautiful and enticing.

Regarding food, she only likes bland things, like dry hamburger steak, dry chicken breasts, dry canned tuna, etc. She can't eat egg yolks because they disgust her. She has the pallate of a child.

>> No.12710686
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confession: the only egg i like are soft boiled with herb-salt.

>> No.12710697

What is herb salt and how is it different from reguiar salt?

I've only ever enjoyed deviled eggs.

>> No.12710700

Does she fuck good? Can you send her my way?

>> No.12710703

Blown out eternally. First post best post

>> No.12710720

Don't go down that road brother. An ex of mine had borderline personality disorder, and I have never, ever had a worse emotional experience than that. Do not fuck with girls with mental illness, it's all fun and games until they have 911 ready to dial on their phone keypad and they're screaming at you that if you dont take them back they'll tell the police you raped them. That woman almost ruined my life permanently and I only got away from her by gambling massively with my freedom and reputation. I was lucky enough to have supportive friends and family who took my side but if a few events had gone the other way, I would probably be homeless, ostracised and penniless right now.

I'm a bit older so here's some advice to any young men here. If a girl ever says she has borderline, is a psycho, schizo, or 'manic depressive' or bipolar, ditch her as soon as humanly possible. It is not worth it, it is never worth it to get your nut with girls like that

>> No.12710723

I hate the flavor and texture of eggs, but I love dipping other foods into a salted runny yolk

>> No.12710729
File: 144 KB, 1450x966, dutch baby with lemon and sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am guessing OP has never cooked anything of value, and dines solely at Golden Corral and iHOP.

Except when I go to Latin America and the eggs are runny and undercooked as scrambled, am I ever finding eggs horrible outside of chafing dish buffets. Nothing can beat the spot like an omelet well made, or a quiche, or poached eggs with hollandaise or fried with ranchera. I never had a problem with bacon, no matter how it's cooked. The more a craft food, the better, though. Thick and smoky bacon from a farm smokehouse is ideal.

Not liking pancakes well made means you've never had good ones, just frozen mix abominations. I, too, prefer a good waffle for the crispiness, but I'm pretty sure OP wouldn't like an eggy dutch baby from the Original Pancake House or his own oven. He's just a picky eater, and maybe has a personality disorder too since so picky.

>> No.12710735

Stop being desperate, fucking idiot.

>> No.12710745

>I only got away from her by gambling massively with my freedom and reputation.
How did you do this?

>> No.12710749 [DELETED] 

>Stop being desperate, fucking idiot.
Got any sex-having protips?
I'm (arguably) not a virgin since I got a depressing blowjob from a fat chick 3 years ago, and sucked a different fat chicks titty.

>> No.12710761
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I'd get waffles more if they weren't such a bad deal. You order pancakes, you usually get a stack of three decent pancakes. You order a waffle, you usually just get one waffle that's got half the mass of the combined pancakes and costs more. Where can I go to order decent waffle portions?

No, fuck you. I'm not buying a waffle iron. I don't want to clutter my kitchen any more with shit I only occasionally use.

>> No.12710795

>I don't want to clutter my kitchen any more with shit I only occasionally use
You don't have a cabinet to shove it in? Are you living in a teeny-tiny apartment?

>> No.12710802
File: 39 KB, 446x700, 1455297794595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a long story but basically, she got to the point of implicating us both in a crime she committed (vandalism and DUI) and said I was her accomplice. She did this on social media, through phoning and texting my friends and family and manipulating them/lying constantly and handing herself in to the police. At the same time she claimed that I was guilty of statutory, because I met her when she was 16 and she claimed we'd had sex then, when I was 18. This wasn't true, but I took a massive gamble and turned myself in to the police, told them the truth, stuck to it and eventually they realised that she had to have been lying. My friends and family gave alibis for me (all true) but for the vandalism charge I did not have an alibi because I was asleep alone that night while she went off drinking and wrecking stuff. This all happened when I was 24 and she 22 btw. I've never had a worse experience. There was a lot more to it as well, but that's the barebones.

So the gamble was basically, turn myself in, or cut and run, borrow my family's savings and run like hell to south america or eastern europe to try and build up a new life from 0. I got away with it but not without learning a few damn lessons.

She tried to contact me about a year ago and I've never blocked a phone number so fast. I also notified the police immediately that she had contacted me and I had not accepted her contacting me. lol. Hopefully she's learnt her lesson now, because she did do time for public vandalism, lost her license for life and got a court order to stay away from me.

>> No.12710815

I love eggs

Then i raised chickens and saw just about every possible life stage and accident of the egg. Made me not like eggs so much

But then i had another omelet. And then carbonara
Like eggs again

>> No.12710817

reddit, the posts

>> No.12710821

>So the gamble was basically, turn myself in, or cut and run, borrow my family's savings and run like hell to south america or eastern europe to try and build up a new life from 0
You probably should have done that anyway, with the way the country's going.

>> No.12710822

Assblast cope

>> No.12710823
File: 13 KB, 250x250, waffle house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where can I go to order decent waffle portions?
Well, belgian waffles are always smaller, so stay away from that if you don't want it, and you shouldn't want it unless Liege style anyway :P

Waffle House pecan waffles are cheap, and they're the size of a dinner plate, and the nuts get toasty so order with pecans.

But, I bet your issue is that you want waffles AND a full american breakfast with hash browns, and most restaurants make you tradeoff between hash browns or a sweet stack of pancakes, either/or when they are the two best things on the menu. What you do is suck it up and eat the price, or share the waffle in half with another person also ordering a full breakfast, or else you order a la carte hash browns or bacon.

>> No.12710829

Yes, actually, that's a good question.
First off, be hygienic and make sure to value your body. Don't become comfortable if you know you're able to improve.
Next, talk with people you feel attracted towards, and make eye contact while talking. Always think before speaking in those situations.
Do not settle for anyone that seems willing to be with you, know what you are willing to settle for, and respect your boundaries.

>> No.12710831

you gave advice on women to avoid.
Can you gibs positive advice on women to bone.
I goto a bar on Saturday nights.

>> No.12710832

tell me what u mad fo

>> No.12710837

>women to avoid
>women to bone
got bad news for you bro

>> No.12710842

>Always think before speaking in those situations.
If I do that I end up wasting too much time in my head not saying anything.

>> No.12710848

Psychopathic people aren't usually aware of their own condition. They just think it's normal to be like that, because empathy is a foreign concept to them. Plus, they always think they're right. Basically, no girl that is a true psychopath will tell you about it. They will actually tell you how kind they are and how others don't care for them (in attempt to manipulate you into feeling sympathy for thrm).

>> No.12710849

>got bad news for you bro
What is the bad news?

>> No.12710855

How will OP ever recover
t. OP

>> No.12710858
File: 1.06 MB, 3264x1836, 1499369288813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I feel like I agree. But life here is still good, I'm very grateful for my freedom, my ability to defend myself and my family, and there's a lot going for living in the States still.

And I would hate to leave my family, I have a lot of love for them especially after they stood by me. Then again this happened about 10-12 years ago before the modern craze where every rape claim was automatically believed to be true. Justice is a foreign concept now it seems.

>> No.12710862

Just take that time to look like you're analyzing the other person. When there's chemistry between two people, it won't feel awkward. A guy that takes more time to answer is more interesting than a guy without any filter that just says the first thing that comes to mind.

>> No.12710867

they're one and the same
do you think some whore you take home from the pub at 1:57am is Pure Waifu material?

>> No.12710872
File: 467 KB, 1068x3478, Screenshot-2019-7-30 ck - I hate eggs I never understood why people seem to - Food Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. OP
Not OP, but I understand why you would think that.

>> No.12710883

>do you think some whore you take home from the pub at 1:57am is Pure Waifu material?
No, but I assume there are bangable women who aren't psych material. Am I wrong?
Do you have advice for banging/marrying a woman?

>> No.12710888

>An ex of mine had borderline personality disorder
I know at least 3 men with your same exact story, resulted in huge financial losses (divorce settlements that never end), ruined careers (try accusing someone like a cop of stalking or a person who has a special license that requires no convictions), expensive legal bills from legal defense for children, or just stupid moves they're fixing constantly like wrecking cars over and over or overspending on credit cards in sprees or threats of harm to you or suicide to manipulate in the moment...stuff you can't even believe is possible outside of a Hollywood film. Not all cops or judges understand the lying nature of what is the truth in people with this mental health history, and people can be quite charming (or else promiscuous and enticing as you say). To all men and women, as soon as someone sets off the flag of mental health problems? Just walk away. Ask about their schooling, and if they were a dropout risk, or struggled in schools, there's a clue not to have children with them. If they were married more than 3 times, goodbye. Go to a restaurant, and if they mistreat and disrespect any staff, walk away now and save yourself a lifetime of being with someone who doesn't afford utter strangers basic courtesies. They are crazy or they grew up under a rock and don't meet your more cultured upbringing.

>> No.12710890

What I meant to say was:
I *am* OP, and the "your all reddit fags" guy is not me.

>> No.12710905
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True, most girls who say they're a psychopath have just watched Silence of the Lambs the night before or whatever and massively romanticised it in their heads. But sometimes you come across a truly disturbed individual. As soon as you notice that it's time to press that eject button.

Go for girls who are active and calm. Find girls who are into wholesome hobbies like hiking, camping, cooking, reading stuff. Find girls who like to have fun but dress modestly even if they're hot/have a lot to show off. Also look for good hygeine, I've been surprised in my life by girls who just aren't clean and that's a major red flag for me. One ex (different one) was a lazy ass who stayed in bed all day whenever she could, didn't shower more than once a week and was in general a fuckin useless sack of potatoes. That got old real quick, even though she was cute and liked me a lot.

Going to bars, I'd say look for girls who look kind and inviting, don't always go for the hottest girl, go for a girl whose style you like or who has an approachable look. Don't go for a slut unless you just wanna fuck, that old saying is true you can't turn a ho into a housewife. I tried that and learned.

Another way to find girls is go to events, talks, hobby meets for stuff you like. You'd be surprised how you can find decent women at meets like this. My wife I met at a talk about medievil armour. I noticed how passionate she was. Look for that humanity in someone not just necessarily a nice ass or a firm pair of tits. Having said that it's really important that you are physically attracted to your girl, if you aren't, you're going to have big problems in the long run. Make sure you like what your girl's got going on.

Another thing, don't spend your whole life looking for all of these traits in one girl. It won't happen. Instead look for some of them and then nurture the rest, let your girl know what you're into and what sort of behaviour you like/don't like.

>> No.12710953
File: 3.34 MB, 5000x3313, 1495708053096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely agree with all of this and great trips too. Younger guys pay attention because this guy knows his shit. When you're a younger guy it can surprise you how malicious and manipulative people can be (not just girls) don't be deceived, some people are truly devoid of human decency.

Don't let this discourage you from socialising though, there are a lot of wonderful people in this world and they're worth meeting and talking to. That's true of girls too.

By the way, I've found that karma is sort of a real thing. Idgaf if people call me a silly boomer but I find that if you care for people, try to make the right decision every time and in general be genuine and vulnerable, everyone will like you more and you'll see that people are attracted to you. It's why you see big fat nerd guys with qts, it's because they're honest about what they like and don't compromise or pretend. Very attractive in a person even if they're a fat loser lol

>> No.12710958

Banging/marrying are two completely seperate endeavors. First figure out how to bang. You don't need to devote a decade to this, just demonstrate (really just demonstrate to yourself) you can manipulate a typical whore enough to bang. Then find a wife but you need to understand deeply and intuitively that they share a lot of characteristics with the first group and that you need to stay on top of your shit.

>> No.12711008

>just demonstrate (really just demonstrate to yourself) you can manipulate a typical whore enough to bang.
I actually went to a bar last Saturday night just to get the fuck out of my house. I sat at the bar and didn't talk to anyone, and just kept to myself, because it was the first time I had been in public in like 2 months and I was shy as fuck.

I was planning to just SIT THERE and LEAVE
after an hour. With 6 minutes left on the clock...
an Indian MILF (think Mindy Kaling from The Office) deliberately sat next to me. I'm pretty tall. and she was really short. Showed me her phone. Let me read a text from her existing bf or whatever, and let me type "too late loser, we are through" on her phone, before taking me to the dance floor.
I don't know anything about dancing so I picked her up a few times and twirled.
She stopped me from continuing this, but continued to hold me hands.
I didn't know what to do, so I asked her if she danced alot. She said yes. I said I don't dance alot. She was like ok, and let go of my hands.
I left the bar since I was only planning to stay for an hour anyway and wanted to keep a good sleep schedule since those are so easy to fuck up and I hate fucking up my sleep schedule.

>Mid 20's btw.

>> No.12711061

You doomer fags need to realize just because you hear it on the news 24/7 or in your preferred hugbox doesn't mean it's any more prevelant and let's be real your average 4channeler is even more insulated from rape claims and we all know why.

>> No.12711063

Well, really all they want is your unstoppable desire to bang them. It makes them feel desired, valuable, etc. Just go full throttle and don't take "no" (as opposed to actual no) for an answer. Just go for the glory until you get shot down, or really, force them to shoot you down. Often they won't. Become an Indian man in your head and pretend IRL is facebook or twitter comments.

Good luck faggot.

>> No.12711131

Thanks nigger.

>> No.12711197

I love eggs, I worked in a egg sorting factory for a summer and couldn't eat eggs for quite a while after that.

>> No.12711844

Eggs are basically a meme food at this point, really.

>> No.12711872


>> No.12711877

Just because you can’t use a cast iron pan properly doesn’t mean eggs are bad

>> No.12711887

is egg come from checken

>> No.12711929

Yes, eggs come from "checken."

>> No.12711957

does egg make give protien for youre boddy

>> No.12711966

No, there are times I literally crave nothing but just eggs.
My drunk food is usually a bowl of scrambled eggs with hot sauce in it.

>> No.12711974

Oh, go suck an egg.

>> No.12712191

Eggs sausage and beans is a great british brekkie. Spinach and eggs are delish

>> No.12712259

Eggs good, I'm not bot *beep*

>> No.12712288

How much is the lunch lobby paying you?