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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 900x601, bigstock-Bacon-Stripes-fried--122000165_580x@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12707547 No.12707547 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people find eating bugs disgusting but idolize eating an animal that eats carrion, rolls on mud, and doesn't give a shit if it sleeps on its own feces? I love pork, don't get me wrong, but pigs are way more disgusting than insects.

>> No.12707555

t. Jew or Muslim. Pork and pigs are based and tasty.

>> No.12707567

Pigs are actually rather clean. Popular culture makes them out to be filth-loving animals but they aren't worse than any other average livestock.

>> No.12707568

You don't eat raw pigs or contents of their stomach, do you?

>> No.12707570
File: 83 KB, 850x551, (S) PickyToddlerEaters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do people find {thing} offensive/unappealing/intimidating but eat {other thing}?

The answer is almost always "because it's what I'm used to". Which in the mind of the average fear-gripped flyover translates to "because foreigners/hipsters/fags do it and I'm not a foreigner/hipster/fag".

Picky eaters will jump through all kinds of hoops to rationalize their terrible upbringing. Look at the average "vegans are oppressing me" thread. Ostensibly it's about veganism but what it's really about is that someone tried a salad once and couldn't handle the texture of raw vegetables.

>> No.12707571

But i said that i liked pork. And i also like pigs as animals, they're extremely smart and have great personalities, they're just more disgusting than insects.

>> No.12707870

Trips of truth. Butthurt muzzie or yid thread.

>> No.12707875

But he said he likes pork, brainlets.

>> No.12707883
File: 33 KB, 300x275, qqmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork chops are gross Boomer food
Pulled pork is king

>> No.12707885

Aren’t porks like the most intelligent animels we eat?
What does this say?

>> No.12707895


>> No.12707905

yid then

>> No.12707906
File: 93 KB, 600x842, 42e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aren’t porks like the most intelligent animels we eat?

>> No.12707911


>> No.12708134

based. Also when pigs are given the choice to roll around in clean water or muddy water, they choose the clean water 100% of the time. Good job falling for media memes though OP.

>> No.12708145

The most intelligent is probably octopus

>> No.12708287
File: 317 KB, 500x517, 1541864421517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulled pork is great but grilled pork chops are god tier and I don't appreciate you slandering them.

>> No.12708332

yes actually pigs are closer to humans than monkeys

>> No.12708460

>implying anyone includes niggers when they say we

>> No.12708492

Cuz of the taste you fuck. It has nothing to do with being disgusted about the lifestyle of the food. You even say so yourself that you love pork. By your own logic, why don't you love insects? Isn't it super delicious?

>> No.12708503

No they arent

>> No.12708505

what a crock of shit

>> No.12708506

Because insects are too small to butcher, so you're eating it whole, with its organs and whatever shit it had in its bowels when it died.

>> No.12708527

Cavemen can't fathom anyone eating anything that they aren't used to. They cry at a dog being eaten while devouring swine and beef. Forbid you bring up vegetables in any capacity.

>> No.12708534

based sopa de macaco poster

>> No.12708547

Are you the Grug poster?

>> No.12708553

But it's fine with shrimps, crabs and clams/mussels?

>> No.12708601

No, I'm the Gurg poster, that's someone else.
Ooga booga dinosaur etc.

>> No.12708714

By size and composition sure, but not in much else. Mice also share a starkingly similar musculature to humans, doesn't mean we're the same.

>> No.12708753

People eat the inside part of the animal 99% of the time, and if the outside is eaten it's well washed. Insects look pretty disgusting, you eat with your eyes too

>> No.12709353


>> No.12709447
File: 356 KB, 394x892, Annotation 2019-07-30 065430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, the real question to troll those who whine about insects, is why are thye bad, but ironically some other arthopoda going by the name of "prawns", "lobsters" and yes even crabs, are considered a luxury food.

Look at a lobster, and look at a scorpion and put 2+2 together sillies.

>> No.12709509

Six legs bad, four legs better.

>> No.12709543
File: 204 KB, 1063x1063, 3fb85ce1580af24d83f6bde17301e0fe85ed913c7c0d704e81e9a0116cb82e49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu this concept of abstaining from eating pork is from the dark and middle ages when hygiene was in general really poor and it was much harder to detect parasites in pork which could give you fatal diseases.
This was because farmers of the past just fed their pigs with whatever cheap bullshit they could get their hands on. Often it was dubious meat scraps and other refused garbage, often the meat was parasite infected. Cows on the other hand just eat grass and vegetation which is almost guaranteed to be free of parasites.
This idea is from the past, it has not much relevance if you live in a first world country with food and safety standards

I personally think its not ethical to eat mammals since they're so close to us, and the only animals which can display emotions. You won't see a snake or insect or bird (they peck their own young to death for fuck's sake) or fish displaying emotions, but a pig, cows, dog, cat, even the smallest mouse can. Its just something that I felt like sharing with you fags. I don't care what you fuckers enjoy eating but just ponder upon this for a moment

>> No.12709562

Cats and dogs eat their own babies, too.

>> No.12709575
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This, the meat is inspected anyway. Half the point of livestock is parasites and infections can be halted, if anything our meat contains too many antibiotics rather than any sort of magical "filth". I don't get why the inferior Abrahamics act like they don't understand the germ theory of disease when obviously they have doctors and scientists in their own societies.


Prey species are delicious to predator species, particularly if they're of a relevant size range? That we like to eat our original, natural prey even if we have domesticated the shit out of it?


Correct, the issue with pigs is they display both familial behavior as well as high tier compound emotions like curiosity, envy and regret. If you tried to induce one to make a tool, though, it would just roll over and snort at you.


We evolved with dogs, though. Also killing a mount animal to eat was widely regarded in iron age military doctrine and beyond as an impatient mistake of the inexperienced survivalist.


You remove the bowel tube from those animals before consumption with shrimp and crabs, it is important you do so. You can technically remove the bowels of clams and mussels, but they can be eaten whole without harm because they're filter feeders. Well, without infection, filter feeders can pick up a lot of toxins if taken from the wrong area, particularly heavy metals like mercury and cadmium.

>> No.12709578

You will find dogs sacrificing their lives for their human master as well
You will find dogs mourning their young ones as well
You will find cows being overjoyed at the sight of their human companions

Lower creatures just aren't capable of doing that

>> No.12709584

Pork taste good lol
bug taste bad lmao

>> No.12709585

You never saw a parrot or a crow then

>> No.12709673

black people are descended from monkeys and whypipo are descended from pigs.

>> No.12709702
File: 3.10 MB, 4032x3024, 6771FD6A-279B-4EFA-AB20-97641DEACC25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently had a wild time with a super smart African grey. Was fun, would do again.

>> No.12709723
File: 21 KB, 335x298, meatwala-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork chops are good if you brine them first and serve them with a nice pan sauce, but they at least need to be brined or they're a bit dry

>> No.12709798

Pigs are meat

Bugs are bugs

Simple as that

>> No.12709909

You are so stupid, do you eat chicken, same thing dumbass.

>> No.12710845

You don't even really need to brine it as long as it's cooked to 145f.

>> No.12710916

>but they aren't worse than any other average livestock
They're much cleaner than most animals if they have their way, they're just rolling in mud because farmers keep them in a pen full of mud.
For preference, they roll in dry dirt to scour away parasites and any build up of much.

>Aren’t porks like the most intelligent animels we eat?
They're up there but:
any primate > most cephalopods > pigs > dogs > most other mammals

>> No.12710932

>any primate > most cephalopods > pigs > dogs > most other mammals
I forgot parrots and corvids like >>12709585 says. They're hard to place in the list though, their intelligence is weird and doesn't exactly compare to mammalian intelligence. Maybe they're at the cephalopod level, they're trainable obviously, have some limited language ability and can deduce tool use without instruction.

>> No.12710935

>You don't even really need to brine it as long as it's cooked to 145f.
Anon is worried about dryness and texture, not safety.

>> No.12710943
File: 9 KB, 310x411, 84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Jew or Muslim.
Muslim. Jews don't follow their own rules. More of them eat pig than not.

>> No.12710988
File: 198 KB, 836x622, SeaSquirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually, the real question to troll those who whine about insects, is why are thye bad, but ironically some other arthopoda going by the name of "prawns", "lobsters" and yes even crabs, are considered a luxury food.
>Look at a lobster, and look at a scorpion and put 2+2 together sillies.
Your picture is of the order (decapod) not the phylum (arthropoda) you fucking retard.
A scorpion isn't a decapod. It only shares the phylum with lobsters, which is a brainlet as shit observation to try to make since our own phylum (chordata) includes sea squirts.
Does pic related look like a human to you?