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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 720x528, 1539912399718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12705006 No.12705006 [Reply] [Original]

Serving frozen food without telling the customer is now fraud in Italy. More countries should adopt this.

>> No.12705094

Good. Doubt we’ll see this in the US, unless they redefine fresh to something that was ‘once frozen but is now thawed’

>> No.12705105

All the boomer "restaurant" owners would riot if this happened in the US, they love their "fresh frozen".

>> No.12705864

I hate how accurate this is.

>> No.12705874

please mr government, ban progress

>> No.12705878

Fair enough. Italy is very very small so it doesn’t make sense to freeze food served in restaurants.

>> No.12705880

Forcing restaurants to be honest with their patrons is "stopping progress"?

>> No.12705905

That's not the point and the size of the country or how much sense it supposedly makes to freeze food doesn't matter.

>> No.12705923 [DELETED] 
File: 754 KB, 3000x2000, Muslims Protesting LGBT Community.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

>> No.12705926

Freezing is a preservation method. You don’t need to preserve food if it takes 45 minutes to ship it anywhere in the country. Italy is very very small and frequently the farms the restaurant sources food from is located within walking distance. It would be silly to use freezers, and the peasants aren’t strong enough to carry them.

>> No.12705933 [DELETED] 
File: 1.95 MB, 3840x2400, Muslim Anti Gay Protesters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol @ dumb white millenial faggots. You sure do have a warped definition of "progress".

>> No.12705935
File: 5 KB, 221x250, 1539961902467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That still doesn't matter, brainlet. The point is if the food is frozen you need to state it, doesn't matter if you have to freeze your food or not.

>> No.12705937

Those savages do break down into shoe throwing fests from time to time.



>> No.12705941

Of course it matters. If Italy were a normal sized country where it took significant time to ship food, then freezing it wouldn’t be so controversial as to mandate labeling it as such.

>> No.12705942 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 311x162, Anti Semetic Hate Crimes by American Liberals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To white liberals, progress = oppressing women, not allowing them to vote or dive, being anti gay, & being racist as shit.

>> No.12705945

So what you're saying is that antifa is your idea of progress? Good English you have there by the way.

I don't rules of engagement like cops in NYC do especially when everything is being filmed. If you did that to me then expect a broken nose.

>> No.12705950

The fact this exists and is very detailed gave me a good chuckle.

>> No.12705954

We’re talking about freezing spaghetti you troglodyte.

>> No.12705955 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 540x960, Antifa Flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what you're saying is that antifa is your idea of progress?


>> No.12705959

>it was fresh when I froze it

>> No.12705967

Still missing the point. The fact remains that frozen food is of lower quality and therefore the customer needs to be informed of it. Doesn't matter why you had to freeze it, what matters is that it was frozen and you are not stating so.

>> No.12705969 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 560x337, Amerikan Antifa Klan Members.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Neo-Socialist skinheads are becoming popular again in places like California where anti-antisemitism is gaining acceptance again & becoming downright "trendy" in california colleges.

>> No.12705970


>> No.12705981

Have you considered that there's an underlying reason for that and what is it? Democrat open boarder policies with the bitch pelosi and schmucky schumer from NY and their whole dirty hypocrite bunch.
Just listen to these so called people, they're insane.

>> No.12705985 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 1024x766, Neo-Socialist Anti Semites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neo-Socialists are becoming popular again in places like California
And new york.

>> No.12705990

Next pelosi and schumcky schumer will try to give illegals the vote, that might put them right into the presidency.

>> No.12705992

Looks more like London, do they speak English in London anymore?

>> No.12705994

I was very clear in stating my reasons. Italians only care to the point of mandating labels because they are a very tiny country where freezing food isn’t worth it. Normal sized countries have never had the need to care. If a culture developed when they believed that food being served by a bald man tasted worse, then they may have labels stating the food was prepared by a bald man. That’s just a silly hypothetical, by the way. Italy is very small and quite mild weathered, so freezing things is rare and should be labeled to ease customers minds.

>> No.12705996

Speaking English in London might get banned soon, English might offend a raghead islamic.

>> No.12705997

Why doesn’t Trump just fire her? Does she bring in good ratings?

>> No.12706008

We have three systems, she, if you can call it a she is part of the legistlature and I suspect wont be elected again. Trump is president of a different branch of the government.

I suggest reading our Constitution that will give you a good thing to know before you attack our nation again.


It's very humbling knowing that folk came up with this.

>> No.12706011 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 876x493, Anti Semetic California.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But... hating "Zionists" doesn't mean I hate jews right? So I'm not anti semetic!!!

btw: I get to arbitrarily define which of those hook nose jews are "zionists" and which ones are "ok".

>> No.12706033

What is a normal sized country to you

>> No.12706037

Here's a good movie for some of you people.
Seven Days in May.
The blurbs written don't really express the plot of the movie.

>> No.12706042

Those fags should throw their cameras away because a lot of that code was written by Israelis. Of course that'll never happen because they're little cunts that want to be seen, like children.

>> No.12706056 [DELETED] 

>But... hating "Zionists" doesn't mean I hate jews right? So I'm not anti semetic!!!

I've heard this line from so many liberals that I'm always amazed by how little self-awareness they have.

"I'm not racist towards black people at all! I just don't like the 'niggers' that commit all those crimes and rape all those women!"

>> No.12706061
File: 12 KB, 480x360, Where_White_Women_At-Blazing_Saddles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where da white womenz at?

>> No.12706063

Texas sized to Mexico sized. Italy is very tiny.

>> No.12706110

>Programming or contributing in general

Pick one

>> No.12706137
File: 885 KB, 1600x1200, Photo0896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture of a big ass hornet taken from near why I live. I think they like posing for the camera, like niggers, no substance and nothing to say. My cheap phone camera doesn't do her justice, she's a lot bigger than she looks in the picture.

>> No.12706153

I've always gotten a square deal from jews even if employers. What you're saying is a deflection, if you're a programmer / database expert whatever, the people who employ you as a consultant are making more than say 10% or 15% then that's something to look, that's indian and paki companies trying to take advantage of people fresh off the boat so to speak.

I don't have to pick your choices, I make my own. Get a load of that!

>> No.12706163 [DELETED] 

Neo socialists have always hated Jewish success & wealth... it was one of the main justification for the holocaust... that they were getting rid of the "1% evil elitist zionist jews who all secretly controlled the banks & governments."

>> No.12706166

You're a fucking idiot, frozen food tastes objectively worse, how does size influence that you brainlet? At best you could make the argument that Burgoids shovel HFCS and corndogs down their throat all day so they can't tell the difference in taste anyway, that's the best you can do if you want to go the "depends on country" angle.

>> No.12706181

It can’t be that much worse tasting since Italy can’t tell the difference without a government mandated label. They don’t need to know the difference, anyway, since they don’t need freezers in the first place, because the country is very tiny. This sounds like the Italian version of Korean Fan Death. Something they are concerned about but has no actual threat.

>> No.12706205
File: 78 KB, 768x560, Eisenhower-A_General_to_some.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hating the hook nosed jews was always a good reason to spin up the war machine, jealousy keeps a lot of people employed.
I'm not a jew and I see that, Eisenhower tought us that you don't suck up to the militiary industrial complex.

>> No.12706216

Isn't that the faggy EU is for, so a bunch of faggots can tell others what to do and make commities and shit. That's why the UK wants to get out of it and they keep getting delayed, time and time again to keep up some EU shit that's untenable. Those EU fags love their hookers and so called 5 star hotel rooms and expense accounts.

>> No.12706227


>> No.12706282

Does this law still allow the use of frozen ingredients? Because that I don't have a problem with, especially ingredients that wouldn't last in transit. But meals prepared en masse, often off site and in factories, frozen and reheated, being served in restaurants without informing guests is just wrong. Nobody wants to be served a TV dinner when they've paid for a freshly prepared meal.

>> No.12706410

Pretty funny, considering Jews make that choice, nobody else.
No filthy gentile goy is keeping them away from top positions.

What do you think of them apples

>> No.12706439

/pol/ is for politics

In regards to OP, good on Italy.

>> No.12706501

>Serving frozen food without telling the customer is now fraud in Italy

Good. Italians have been pulling a lot of bullshit lately. They don't wanna go the way of the French full of terrible classless restaurants.

>> No.12706602 [DELETED] 

socialism & jews are like oil & water. I can totally see why socialists envy & hate the success of jews.

>> No.12706677
File: 2.33 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the farms the restaurant sources food from is located within walking distance
at least look up your info, you are so wrong here. you think there are farms in the middle of rome, florence, and naples? get some common sense
the us is more like this outside the main cities, but they only grow corn and soybeans because of government subsidies. the profit margins of a farmer are so warped that they grow species of corn that aren't meant for eating. the usa doesn't care about the quality of their foods, that is why they've never had a culture as strong as italy. food brings people together yet no one knows how to cook a decent meal and source good ingredients here in my flyover town.
and fuck all of you NIGGERS rambling about politics in this thread, why does this always happen on a COOKING board.