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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12702663 No.12702663 [Reply] [Original]

This is the healthiest food you can eat. Wild red meat, what our ancestors ate for millions of years. The advent of farming has made humans weak and dumb. There is no possible counter argument to the raw nutritional value of this delicious beast. Don't forget moose and elk.

>> No.12702677

It is impractical to feed the current population with venison.

>> No.12702684

surely you can't be this retarded

>> No.12702689

I have a hunting license and a 30-30 levergat but i dont think there are deer to take in california
I did see a doe while hiking, on a popular trail leading to the griffith observatory. Was a nice, cute surprise.

Dont know if I can kill such cute animals. Now wild pigs, however...

>> No.12702704

It's impractical for there to be so many people at all. At least 95% need to die

>> No.12702707

No Gurg, raw meat has horrible parasites and other things that can fuck you up. Vegetables clean your ass out and give you all you could ever ask for. You won't ever need meat if you look hard enough.

Besides, even cavemen cooked their dinosaurs.

>> No.12702708

That has nothing to do with it being the best food.
Don't underestimate me.
They are beautiful creatures but they are delicious and nutritious. Kill yourself a deer.

>> No.12702717

Your reading comprehension is atrocious. Please read what I typed as many times as you need before you finally understand.

>> No.12702743


As I suspected: you are a nut.

>> No.12702749

>That has nothing to do with it being the best food.
Shouldn't the populace be eating the best food?

>> No.12702751

Trick question? No

>> No.12702758

OP here, that was a different guy but he is right.
No, most people are garbage.

>> No.12702760

The advent of farming is the only thing that allows you to sit in front of a shining box having a pointless argument over what is the best source of nutrition with strangers across the world. If the paleolithic lifestyle is all cracked up to be, go out there and be the best you. Go out into the woods with nothing but your cock, find a pointy stick and go chase a deer until one of your drops from exhaustion.

>> No.12702761

OP makes an open statement about the nutritional value of venison. He asks no questions, and indicates he will accept no counter-argument.

I, patronizing his premise, broaden the topic to the assumption that IF venison is the best food, then it logically follows that population should all be eating it. Because we are both good members of the human civilization who desire the best for our fellow man, do we not?

If he does not, then I want nothing to do with him.

>> No.12702773


*chambers a round*
Now hold this apple and stand very still...

>> No.12702777

Every time I am aiming my crossbow at a deer, slowly exhaling as I let go of the arrow string, this killing the deer, I like to imagine that instead of a deer it's really a fucking big city coastie liberal cuck like you

>> No.12702786

I already eat deer and live innawoods. It is great. Don't come though, we are full and crazy.

>> No.12702802

I don't live in (((civilization))). Shitties are for slaves.

>> No.12702839

If it were not for agriculture, you wouldn't have that crossbow. What you are is a prissy LARPer bitch who participates fully in a consumerist society completely indebted to agriculture while pretending you're not. It doesn't matter if you can't see your closest neighbors or you occasionally shoot animals with a weapon made of materials completely unknown to the paleolithic men you so revere. Daydream all you want about your self-reliance, you're as dependent on civilization as anyone else in this thread.

>> No.12702862
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>noooo meat is bad for you
>you can't eat more than 100 grams of meat a week or you get cancer

>> No.12702867

Agriculture is for soi cucks. You go live with rats and diseased pest birds shitting everywhere and jews trading useless stocks getting rich off of nothing. I'll be right here eating venison and wild rice

>> No.12702875

>This level of city seethe and cope.
Thank you for proving my point.

>> No.12702888

Hilary lost.

>> No.12702895

Nice reddit spacing, champ.

>> No.12702906

>The advent of farming has made humans weak and dumb
Wrong on both counts. Humans are stronger and smarter than they have ever been thanks to improved nutrition and availability of food.
The idea that high calorie food is bad is mistaken. High calorie food is bad if you are already obese and you are unable to limit your food intake. Otherwise it is just more efficient food; more nutrition in less chews.
But no worries, with time the flavour preference for high calorie foods will decrease as female mate selection continues to disadvantage fatties.

>> No.12702907
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>Only reddit spaces like that

>> No.12702921

How can you look at the average person around you and seriously think we have gotten smarter and stronger? Most people are barely functioning weakling retards. Do you live in a secluded colony surrounded by strongman geniuses?

>> No.12702925

Didn't he literally quote the communist manifesto?

>> No.12702926

>millions of years
I read it right. Cook your Triceratops ribs Bungo.

>> No.12702927

That person is from reddit

>> No.12702945

Everyone around me can read. Even the idiots. Even the retards. No one is malnourished. Men are 5'9" and women 5'6". They are strongman geniuses.

>> No.12702956


>> No.12702966

our ancestors ate a lot of fucking stuff good and bad and mostly died very young

>> No.12702970

Did they have deer, moose and elk in sub saharan africa where we evolved?

>> No.12702971

>Humans are stronger
Categorically false. If you were transported to the 1840's homesteading prairie, you would collapse within 4 hours into a whimpering, jibbering pile of self soiled slime.

>> No.12702975


>> No.12702976


>> No.12702984

Still wrong but like I typed take as many times as you need. You seem to be so retarded that I have to help you now. You were confused with the part of raw nutritional value, I was not referring to the state of the meats cookedness but as to it's nutritional value. Your retardation further confused you by taking it down a route that had nothing to do with what you were confused about in the first place. I have eaten hundreds of pounds of raw meat in my life and have never gotten sick. Git gud.

>> No.12702989

Those 1840s homesteaders still participated in agriculture even if they supplemented their diet with wild game. If it weren't for agriculture, there wouldn't even have been white homesteaders in North America.

>> No.12702993


>> No.12702998

>Niggers are humans.
>Out of africa theory.
Sure is bitch ass faggot in here.

>> No.12703000


>> No.12703001

>Most people are barely functioning weakling retards
most people used to just die, now they survive. Everyone is stronger, smarter and more productive than ever, its just that a side effect of that is people who were too weak to survive in the past are now strong enough to exist

>> No.12703005

is there any remotely reputable theory suggesting humans did not evolve in Africa?

>> No.12703014

I don't care if it's a fawn, a doe, or a fully-grown buck; If I see a deer in my yard, I fetch a rifle. Not only do those faggots have some of the leanest and tastiest meat on earth, but those fags eat my tomato plants and they slept on my wild raspberry patches a few years ago causing them not to grow back until last summer. I like to land a non-lethal round somewhere near their hips, then, I approach them very slowly while whistling whatever song is in my head at that moment. Recently it's been "Return to Innocence" by Enya. Then, I break each of their legs one by one and use an old portable 4-track tape recorder to capture the sounds of their wails, which I then run through Protools with heavy effects added and post results on my soundcloud page. I have to go to the gas station and get some 4 lokos before they close. To be continued...

>> No.12703022

3+3. Take your time.

>> No.12703023


>> No.12703024

I'm going to regret even clicking on this thread and I'm actually going to hide it now, but until you can agree on what "human" means (does it include Neanderthal? Denisovans? Floresiensis?) you're just asking a meaningless question that anyone can project their own agenda onto.

>> No.12703028

please elaborate

>> No.12703033

They weren't hunting venison in 1840, go a few thousand years further back.

>> No.12703034

the idea of what constitutes a species over time is a somewhat arbitrary and meaningless one but there is no denying that our lineage goes back to Africa

>> No.12703035

What interface do you use? I run Protools 10 with an old m-audio.

>> No.12703038

I wish I could take faggots like you out into the woods and show you what real productivity and strength is. Take the average person and put them to running a chainsaw, a mill and a wood chipper, hell even firewood for 16 hours a day. Most won't make it. I guarantee it, I have seen too many break and quit. Lifting hundreds of pounds over and over again, sawing big trees, splitting and stacking cords.

>> No.12703041


>> No.12703051

Farming became dominant in 2334 BC at the start of the Akkadian empire.

>> No.12703057

yeah, we are smart and strong enough that we don't have to do that shit anymore, we have moved on
Violent subhumans like you are in the minority and becoming more and more useless

>> No.12703064

You want a piece of me tough guy? I could out chop you 3x

>> No.12703069

Those people are not strong enough to exist retard, the world has just gotten soft and squishy so they stay alive longer.

>> No.12703079

yeah, and thats a good thing, being smart is more important than being able to punch hard or some shit

>> No.12703080

Ubermensch = Brains and brawn. Seems like I just won the genetic lottery.
I doubt it.

>> No.12703086

I'm 6'8 270.

>> No.12703091

>My dad works at nintendo.
Cool story bro.

>> No.12703098
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>He can't punch hard.

>> No.12703111

Why are you being so mean to us sir.

>> No.12703136

Because you deserve it and the weak should fear the strong.

>> No.12703251

>and the weak should fear the strong.
Why? that just encourages people to focus on frivolous things like physical strength instead of learning shit

>> No.12703326

not him, but he's right

>> No.12703360

As I stated before you want to be physically strong AND learn shit for true peak patrician performance.

>> No.12703368

Well it depends on what you mean physically strong. You should be strong enough to lift shit you regularly encounter and stay in decent shape, but beyond that everything is superfluous and a waste of time

>> No.12703385

Right now get on the floor and do 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups, then let us know how you feel, brainiac.

>> No.12703402

You will never convince me that living in the woods is a waste of time. I do super physically demanding stuff but I refuse to live in satanic Babylon/sodom/gomorra rat infested hellholes known as cities. Cities are for slaves, I will enjoy my back breaking freedom.

>> No.12703409

They are all covered in deer ticks who will quickly turn into people ticks and jump on you just as soon as you begin field dressing it

>> No.12703428

If you are too retarded to check yourself several times a day for ticks you deserve every disease you get.

>> No.12703433

Yet if you were injured and dying you'd run to the nearest emergency room.

>> No.12703448

why would I ever need to do that? Why is that more useful than knowing things?

>> No.12703455

No, I would rather die out here.

>> No.12703458

>the (((emergency room)))

>> No.12703473

>Physcial fitness has no purpose and doesn't affect the state of your mental health which impacts your overall brain function making you more intelligent than being a lazy ass weakling.
The absolute state of cucks.

>> No.12703482

>Cities are for slaves, I will enjoy my back breaking freedom.
The Gauls said the same thing.
As did the native tribes of North America.

>> No.12703483

I agree that 10 push ups and situps is a fairly modest proposition, but again, there is a difference between basic fitness and obsessing over physical strength

>> No.12703494

I will die a warriors death then. They can take my flesh but never my freedom.

>> No.12703505

I do not obsess over it but my muscles are tools like my brain is a tool. I can use both of those to be a gorilla to lift hundreds of pounds and to know that being free in the woods is better than GMO NWO globohomo fagcenters are cancer and not for me.

>> No.12703511

there is literally nothing wrong with GMOs

>> No.12703517

Some of us still have hair on our heads old timer

>> No.12703522

Trusting (((Monsanto))) (((Bayer))) etc.
No thanks, I can actually think for myself

>> No.12703530

I am 26 years old and have more hair on my head than you do and I can still check for ticks

>> No.12703533

you don't need to trust Bayer to understand the science behind why GMOs are not inherently harmful

>> No.12703545

But you wouldn't include yourself in that 95%, would you? You're like the retards who fantasize about a zombie apocalypse but never realize they'd most likely just end up as a zombie.

Technological development to support larger populations > hurr just kill people, you fucking brainlet.

>> No.12703546

Cancer and sterility seem damn harmful to me.

>> No.12703553

I think you might be the tard because "we're overpopulated" is a liberal agenda to get people to stop having kids and let immigrants in.

Nice trips though

>> No.12703556

We get it, you love nigger cock in your asshole. You don't have to tell the whole world anon.

>> No.12703569

what the fuck are you talking about? There is literally no evidence that eating GMO crops in general cause cancer or sterility in humans

>> No.12703582

you realize, you would be one of the useless ones to die.

>> No.12703627

As would you.

>> No.12703644

That's why people should have to track and kill one immigrant for every kid they have

>> No.12703647

Ok Joe Rogan.

>> No.12703650

>Le epic Joe Rogan post XD.

>> No.12703657

The person you're responding to probably isn't advocating for it though, retard.

>> No.12703667
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>> No.12703722

>downtalking cities
>on the internet
Are you aware that this is the biggest, most densely populated city on Earth?
Unplug your computer, and then shoot yourself. By the way guns were invented and perfected in cities, as was all culture, shunning that is like wiping your ass with your lady hand and worshipping one/many god(s)

>> No.12703738

How old did our 'ancestors' live to? 35 at best? Paleo cultists need to stop being fucking morons.

>> No.12703754

Enjoy being a slave. You will never know freedom.

>> No.12703821

You're just a wimp. Even the ancients understood (better than you do) that the body and mind are intrinsic (obviously). Go visit your nearest Amish community and watch in awe at how physically and mentally healthy they are. Dumbass. But it's not your fault.

>> No.12703886

Amish people are sick as fuck and backwards child abusers

>> No.12703902

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

>> No.12703910

So GMOs are bad because Amish don't use them and they are physically strong even though they die younger than non-religious fanatics in the rest of the country?

>> No.12703953

Imagine believing that your physical health, the physical manifestation of your consciousness on earth, has no bearing on your mental well-being, despite the fact that it does to a great extent.

>> No.12703961

The Amish in America are one of the healthiest and fastest-growing demographics tho?

>> No.12704094

Fuck you. I see "the Amish" all the time. You think they don't use modern technology and agricultural development? Certain orders of Amish drive cars and use GMOs, do your fucking research.

>> No.12704273

>How old did our 'ancestors' live to? 35 at best?
No, I think they lived to about 60. The average life expectancy was only brought down because of how many children died from illnesses.

Paleo and keto diets aren't really supported by facts though. We were eating grains before agriculture, and carbs don't inherently make you fat.

>> No.12704668

He's right you know.

>> No.12704675
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>what the fuck I love this backwards dystopian society now!

>> No.12704864
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DudE wE toTalLy eVolVed eaTinG tHiS meAnIng it tHe BesT fOr us.

>> No.12705541

are you 2000 years old that you can compare older generations with modern humans just by experience? fucking mongoloid