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12702374 No.12702374 [Reply] [Original]

What is the vegan rationale that insects and fish are less valuable life forms than mammals?

>> No.12702379

>vegan rationale
Just chock it up to obsessive crazy and/or below average IQ. Why ponder anything they ponder?

>> No.12702388

Whewre are you getting that from`Vegans won't even eat honey, because it's an animal product.

>> No.12702409

I guess I should have said "vegetarian," some of whom are pescetarian and some of whom are okay with eating insects. For those who only allow fish, or only allow insects, what is the rationale beyond that from a moral perspective?

>> No.12702463

Moral hierarchy based on level of sentience. Bugs and fish are far less sentient than birds and mammals so they have less value.

>> No.12702482

Pescetarians aren't vegetarian, they are pescetarian.

>> No.12702488

exactly, useless to "debate" these things
i feel like posts like op are just bait really

>> No.12702492

I dont think there is a rationale beyond the moral perspective. meat and poultry are farmed in such a way that brings great suffering to the animals. its not the case with most fish and insects, so theres no issue with eating them

>> No.12702502

>Le enlightened bacon and burger eater npc
Total shitlord npc

>> No.12702504

One is cute and furry, the other isn’t.

>> No.12702741

Vegen here, see bugs and lobsters and shit like that don't really have feelings, just like yeast. You wouldn't feel bad after you ate a big wad of yeast would you? Hell no.

>> No.12702757

Vegan and vegetarian are different things.

>> No.12702969

Never heard a good vegan argument against backyard chicken eggs.

You get protein and they keep ticks and insects out

>> No.12702979

I'm vegan and eggs are a ok but I wouldn't eat American grown eggs.

>> No.12703340

fish and bugs are pretty much just plants that move

>> No.12703353

veganism is a kike trick

so is insectivorism

it just werks

>> No.12703354

-bites into rare steak-

>> No.12703989

most dont eat fish though
bc they dont eat them anyway

>> No.12703995

Too much yeast makes your teeth turn grey.

>> No.12704004

What do vegans think about eating reclaimed meat from dumpster diving?

>> No.12704926

I'm a veggo, not a vegan, but the argument is that chickens shouldn't be laying an egg a day because it takes so much out of them. Humans have bred them to lay that frequently, the wild fowl that our egg laying chickens are descended from only lay 10-15 eggs a year.
Left to their own devices, many chickens will eat their own eggs to regain lost vitamins and nutrients.
It's comparable to pugs and french bulldogs, humans have created these freaks that should never have existed, but here they are.
And they're as deserving of life as any other animal, it's not their fault that we've done this to them.

>> No.12705017

As a Vegan, I will explain. Insects have a lower level of sentience to other animals, as such, it is more acceptable for humans to eat them, or at least, it is less unacceptable. Insects lack consciousness, and as such lack the ability to form a social contract with humans.

>> No.12705041

>vegan rationale
stopped reading there

>> No.12705259


>> No.12705385

Why? My chickens live better than most brown people.

>> No.12705411

So they should go extinct in your view? That's the alternative to not using them for whatever they have become.

The reality is that we were left these animals due to previous generations breeding them as such. They fill a purpose so they continue living as a species. If we eliminate that purpose, we eliminate the domestic continuation of the species and they are not capable of non-domestic survival (unlike hogs). Humans will not play keeper to 'useless' animals from now till eternity, that's unrealistic. So once we stop eating their eggs, that's it for them.

So, continued existence with strain, or, extinction for the sake of a few humans feeling morally satisfied temporarily before moving on to the next cause.

>> No.12705430

technically, there's no vegans who eat fish and/or insects. hell, there's not even one vegetarian who eats either of those since by definition both only eat vegetables

>> No.12706387

>less valuable
As an entomologist I can assure you insects have a greater impact on your life than some boring ass charismatic megafauna.

>> No.12706456

But humans are above other mammals and birds so I don't see why we can't eat them

>> No.12706531

>by definition both only eat vegetables
No, that's wrong.
Vegetarian: Not eating animals
Vegan: Not eating or using animal products

>> No.12706551

That's because you're stupid and are missing the point entirely, buddy! It's not that those with higher sentience are entitled to devour all those with less sentience, it's that suffering and cruelty are magnified by an organism's ability to conceptualize and understand their circumstances. Thus, something like a pig has a far greater capacity to suffer than something like a salmon. Since it isn't imperative to eat pigs to live, some people take it upon themselves to reduce the suffering of living beings by selectively consuming those with a smaller capacity to suffer, like fish.

>> No.12706730

Fish are highly intelligent. The wrasse has passed the mirror test. Most great apes haven't even done that yet.

>> No.12706760

Fish and bugs arn't as cute as little lambs, piglets of calfs.

>> No.12706814
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Vegans are retarded.

>> No.12706850

Well, for instance, lobsters (and many other arthropods {exoskeleton-havers}) don't even have a brain. They just have basic neural ganglion clusters in several points throughout their body that relay basic electrical signals. The most they can amount to is literally like basic lines of programming code:
>Can only see binary, just light/darkness
>If darkness small/brief, approach, attempt to consume
>If darkness large/long, avoid
>Light = free space
>On incidental physical contact, avoid/traverse
They are little more than a (delicious, oh god so delicious) meat robot.

However, that's not even the vegan rationale, because that requires research or knowledge of facts and biology to some degree. The vegan rationale is:
>"Ugly/weird" = Ew gross, eat it, whatever
>"Cute/pretty" = Oh no, precious life forms, never kill

>> No.12707290

Capability of suffer- oh wait this is just a vegan hate circlejerk thread so I'm wasting my time.