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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12702006 No.12702006 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone bought or been approached by door to door meat salesmen? Somehow my dad fell for it, and ended up spending 150 bucks on awful "steaks"

>> No.12702016

meat is never awful

>> No.12702023

This stuff was filled with water and had awful seasoning on it.

>> No.12702067

Why the fuck would you even answer the door?
NEVER, answer a knock on the door, or a phone call. EVER!
Don't be fucking stupid. Absolutely nothing good can happen when a random stranger summons your attention. Get a biting dog, strong lock, and a door camera. Also, shut off the phone ringer. Any call or visit will be prearranged many hours in advance through text methods.

>> No.12702069

I agree 100% and told him this.

>> No.12702090

I've had it happen before, but I haggled him down from a whole case of various cuts for $400 down to just the ribeyes and filets for $50.

Got 6 ribeyes and a dozen filtets.

Also why the fuck would you ever buy meat that has seasoning on it already?

>> No.12702112

door to door salesmen haven't been a thing since the early 90s, my dude.

>> No.12702118
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Yes, and I sicc'd my dogs on them. Pretty humorous as they flailed their arms around while my dogs nipped their calfs. Fuck gypsies.

>> No.12702135




>> No.12702147

Buy a strip of ribeyes from Costco. Portion it out and freeze properly. There you go. You have a months worth of steak for like 90 bucks.

>> No.12702155

Guys you're scaring me

>> No.12702205

Wrong. Kirby still sells vacuums that way.
My grandpa did a few years ago, forget the company name. Some of the meats were okay, others were pretty shit. Total scam in any case.

>> No.12702223

based fuller brush man

>> No.12702244

there was a guy who spent 20 minutes trying to sell my mom pizza hut coupons for 30 bucks
she bought them
they were really good coupons honestly like buy 1 large get 2 larges free shit paid itself off real quick and then some

>> No.12702265

Who would buy meat from a guy with a briefcase full of steaks?
Like how is this even a thing?

>> No.12702270

Its a refrigerated truck full of steaks

>> No.12702272

It could be Ellen's refrigerator giveaway

>> No.12702273


>> No.12702274

It could be me with a gun.

>> No.12702275

It's a way for retards to exchange their food stamps for actual cash.

>> No.12702297

>avoiding strangers because you're scared
wrong mentality, do it because you don't give a fuck

>> No.12702303

Get with the times, there are too many people out to scam and take advantage of you to risk answering your phone when you receive calls from unknown numbers or get an unsolicited knock at your door.
Buy a gun.

>> No.12702310

Some people are pretty dumb and you can make money off them.

>> No.12702322

My parents did once. But the guy fucked up and left half his stock behind by accident and my parents made out like bandits.

>> No.12702373

I've never heard of door-to-door meat salesmen; however locally there's an old guy that supposedly has a butcher shop out on his farm in the sticks, and he drives his ratty old pickup with a huge chest freezer in the bed and he'll set up in some abandoned parking lot, you have to be psychic to know where and what days he does this, then he sells frozen beef from the freezer on his pickup that he butchered out on his farm.

That gets all of my Ah, Hell-No!

>> No.12702383

I for one would definitely buy some missing-persons meat from him.

>> No.12702386
File: 3 KB, 597x73, 2019-07-28 17_54_50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i'm looking to get fucked during my meat purchase, i'll choose something decent quality like Omaha steaks.

>t. recently ordered 32 individually packaged burgers for $60.

>> No.12702414

>Any call or visit will be prearranged many hours in advance through text methods.
Most people knocking on my door are my elderly neighbors coming round to give me food or exchange a favor.
They're too old to figure out a text message and putting these sorts of restrictions on our neighborly interactions would dishearten them immensely besides.

The runner up is parcel delivery, which cannot be pre-arrainged further than an "out for delivery" status update (assuming I have a tracker code) on the carrier website at about 3am, meaning the delivery guy can show up anywhere from 10am to 8pm if at all.

>> No.12702416

yeah. I did have someone come to my door once with the background story of "I was just in the area delivering meat and your neighbor wasn't home so I was wondering if you might want ... then proceeds to list all these different cuts for low prices" I told him no and that was that. I later heard the scam is it's really cheap crappy cuts of meat that they're trying to sell off as more expensive cuts. Not as common as the white van speaker scam or the guy with the miracle rug cleaner type scam though.

>> No.12702470

It should be legal to beat solicitors for as long as they remain on your doorstep.

>> No.12702658

>speaker van scam
kek my brother fell for that shit, came home with 200$ worth of 'speakers' but they were fucking garbage

>> No.12702676


I don't know about that door to door but there's a booth that sets up in the mall parking lot near me and constantly advertises their "20 ribeyes for 30 dollars" deal. If you actually go, they shill a bunch of different expensive packages before they'll let you buy the "ribeyes" and they're really crappy, tiny before cooking and filled with liquids.

>> No.12702734

>housecvcks have to deal with door to door scammers
laughing my ass off from my gated 2nd story apartment.

>> No.12702742
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>> No.12702755
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wow boy this sure looks awful, eh? a mcmansion or a trailer is so much better.

>> No.12702774

Disgusting, imagine being proud of paying someone else to let you stay in their cube month-to-month.

>> No.12702793

Imagine losing all your equity when the boomers die off and there are no buyers for abandoned single-family detached housing in panera land

>> No.12702808

Happened to me with Omaha steaks about 10 years ago.
>hear knocking on door
>go answer it
>two dudes with boxes
>hello anon, we are here to sell steaks
>an order was supposed to go to your neighbor but they never answered and we need to sell this meat
>50 dollars for 4 new york strips
>okay how about 30 dollars
They were about a pound each so it was a good enough deal. I'm not sure what they do, but those steaks were extremely tender. Abnormally so.

>> No.12702858

>"owning land, bad!"
Okay retard.

>> No.12702866

Lmao @ living in a shoe box surrounded by others

>> No.12702870

i still get retards trying to sell me roofing or pest control, even jehovas witnesses.

>> No.12702879

We don't all live in a retirement community my man.

>> No.12702882 [DELETED] 

>owning land makes me Donald Trump
Lol? Technically I own a few acres of swamp in florida that my grandpa bought from a huckster in the 70s before he died. There's some trivial tax we've been paying for generations because the idea of actually going to florida and dealing with that piece of shit properly in garbage people land sounds like a nightmare.

You're underwater on a house nobody will want. You have a few months left before the next recession starts to kick in, I'd suggest you start inquiring about listing agents.

>> No.12702885

Oops meant that for the real estate tycoon up there >>12702858

>> No.12702896

I'm not even laughing at him for living in a hamster cage, I'm laughing at him being proud of it.
The fuck are you even talking about? Go shit up /tv/ if you're in the mood to act retarded.

>> No.12702931

I'm talking about the difference between "owning land" and having equity. Is this a language barrier? Do I need to link the version of wikipedia that only uses 2500 distinct words for every article?

>> No.12702933

rather just eat human meat instead. It’s far more nutritious and cheaper per pound

>> No.12702941

Designated shitposting board is that way retard.

>> No.12702946

Cleetus please. This started out as a steak thread, you started freaking out about apartment buildings, I came along to help you out with your misconceptions. If you're feeling like you're suddenly drowning in crazy new ideas, that's on you. You can either look up the common words, or you can bow out of the conversation. But you're the one who started this, so you don't have grounds for complaining that it's no longer a food discussion.

>> No.12702947

You give away guns door to door?
That's old fashioned as fuck.

>> No.12702949
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>door to door meat salesmen
Do Americans really do this?

>> No.12702957

Just the bullets.

>> No.12703055

Reminds me of the time I almost bought €100 worth of apples from some door to door farmer who I couldn't understand

>> No.12703104

For all you know, that's what they're selling.

>> No.12703187
File: 581 KB, 2016x1512, 20180506_120720-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently my grandparents fell for it, as evidenced by this box I found in their garage

>> No.12703214

Those old people you're being nice to are the same boomers who ruined the country.

>> No.12703219

>buying meat from the back of a van?
Why would anyone do this?

>> No.12703223

Yes, it is a scam for boomers and women.

>> No.12703224

>cook frozen
is this evidence that it's 50% water by weight?

>> No.12703236

Isn't it an amazing time to be alive?

>"Hell is other people."

>> No.12703247

Doubt it. None of them worked in any field that had direct involvement in ruining the country.

>> No.12703260
File: 15 KB, 774x386, 3360312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he look like this guy?

>> No.12703264

How do you think meat gets into a market

>> No.12703299

Welcome to 2019.

>> No.12704228

i'm so glad my dad is a genius and not a bumbling dipshit like most dads

>> No.12704297
File: 119 KB, 640x427, 6687645835_368fbe34a1_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I dogsit for a couple of rich Boomers that buy from Schwan's for some stupid reason

>> No.12704329

nope i have yet to have that happen to me

though while in high school another student was selling some extra deer jerky him or his parents had made at home that was really good

>> No.12704340

Read it in dale gribbles voice.

>> No.12704355

Based Pickton poster

>> No.12704676

My extended family waste their entire food stamp supply a month on this.

>> No.12704776

Burglars will almost always knock before attempting to break into your house. It's a pretty foolproof method of finding out if anyone's home. If you actually answer they will ask if you want to buy magazine subscriptions or ask you directions to school or some shit.

>> No.12704788

My dad's meat is.

>> No.12704879

Boomers can have some unusual habits.

>> No.12704962

Ice cream and frozen salmon?
The fuck?

>> No.12704992

Imagine buying property for boomer tier MUH INVESTMENT reasons and not to have a secure safe home to raise your children

>> No.12705016

Based and tweaker pilled

>> No.12705463

See this is why whenever there's a knock on my door I just stand in my living room naked with a shotgun

>> No.12705498

>cook frozen

Yeah the guy who came to my house with a "hey we delivered to your neighbors but they won't answer and we need to sell all this meat" schtick also insisted that I don't need to thaw the steaks but just throw them on the grill frozen. He told me that's how he does his steaks and they're the best steaks he's ever eaten. I ended up kind of ripping him off and we paid like $40 for 10 NY strips, 8 filets, and like 2 pounds of hamburger meat because I told him that I didn't have anymore cash but would be calling him back next week for a full order. I never called him back and he never came back either. He looked like some guy in his forties, probably divorced and alcoholic but trying to turn his life around so his ex wife can let him see his kids more often.

Anyway...throwing frozen steaks on the grill...yeah that's fucking retarded. Allow to come to room temperature, season generously with salt and pepper, and cook in pan until medium rare. I hope that guy did end up making his millions in the door-to-door meat sales industry though.

>> No.12705571

cute dogs anon

>> No.12705579

Imagine buying useless property in methville, USA and not having a decent school system to educate your children so you have to lock them inside wearing bible verse chastity belts so you can fill their brains with far right religious horror stories because you believe your children can never do the right thing without fear of punishment by an all-seeing ghost

>> No.12705590
File: 1.06 MB, 1879x821, signs3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put one of these up on your front door & gate at your property line if you have one

>> No.12705630


>> No.12705668

Finally, a fellow enlightened atheist.

*tips fedora*

>> No.12705675

I've never been directly approached by one but I almost went to one when I saw his van parked by where I live. It seemed a bit dodgy so I didn't do it but they're pitchmen and can sell cats and dogs to unsuspecting old ladies.

>> No.12705746

That looks awful holy shit, fuckin huge windows everyone can see your place through. I only have a tiny window and it's already a pain to cover it with tinfoil.

>> No.12705770

thats literally assault, and you and yuor dogs should be put down.

>> No.12705788

that's $7.50 per pound. you got hosed, broski.

>> No.12705796

Meh, it's decent quality meat, and individually packaged so I can have them in the freezer and only pull 1 or 2 out at a time.

and because they're individually packaged, they defrost very quickly.

>> No.12705799

>foolproof way of getting killed, raped and eaten in no particular order

>> No.12705812
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complacent dumbasses like you are their target market.

>> No.12705824

It's like retard level Manhattan buildings that block light. I suspect that most people don't really live in buildings like that, they buy them as investments because some company has to spend money to dick rate. One can also loan out the apartments to people visiting and also to hook up with hookers.
They all look very clinical and not anything that would wind up in Architectural Digest, they look like something some raghead arab would buy.

>> No.12705833

well yeah no shit.

I never said it was good value, literally read my post.

>If i'm looking to get fucked during my meat purchase, i'll choose something decent quality like Omaha steaks.

>> No.12705858

Value. That depends on how long you hold on to something in a good location while getting good use of it.

>> No.12705861

>yfw that's the price at 70% off

>> No.12705884

After the cunts multiplied the price by 4x or 5x, then they can do a 70% off and still make out like bandits. Those going out buisness signs really draw in the tourists.

>> No.12706187

I know a guy that used to do this silly shit
Big time dope addict
He would buy a couple coolers of cheap "meat glue" parts is parts steaks
He would hustle the stuff at truck stops, railyards, and day labor warehouses that paid by the day.
Get enough cash for his fix for a couple days
Get fucked up
Repeat the process
He got sober
Now he's scamming jebuss freaks as a traveling revival minister
Makes a pretty good living, using his church mission scam as a tax dodge

>> No.12706461

stop living in shitty parts of the world. Half my doors don't even have locks on them and if someone spends half an hour to drive to my door step I liusten to his proposal. Even if he sells shitty meat, its at least shitty meat delivered for free to my door step.

>> No.12706486

He sounds pretty based

>> No.12706967

>tfw I knock on peoples door when I go shut their power off
>mfw they dont answer and come outside once i do it

I mean they would have had their lights still on if they where not retarded like that.

>> No.12707198

See the income thats afforded me the ability to own 6 acres also allows me to send my kids to one of the top performing private schools in WA instead of tossing them in public schools to get ignored while Mrs Smith tries to deal with Tyrone and Jose disrupting the class and having all funding go to Drag Queen Storytime.

Also an atheist but since 2008 I unironically prefer the company to Bible thumpers than authoritarian left wing cucks like yourself.

>> No.12707324

Based and Dalepilled.

>> No.12707329

>bible thumpers aren't authoritarian and the equivalent of koran thumping sharia law muslims
>muh scary progressives who seek rights for oppressed groups are the authoritarians
Rethink your thoughts, they're literally retarded.

>> No.12707353

Yes, my boomer wife and I were outside doing lawnwork one evening when a guy cruising our neighborhood saw us and pulled into our driveway. It wasn't a fancy van like in OP's pic either, it was a run-down, dingy pickup truck with a freezer in the bed connected to his truck's battery. Wanted to sell us all kinds of cuts ranging from $150 to $500. Kindly told him no and sent him on his way but not before he started getting aggressive and refusing to drive off without a sale.

If you live in a gated HOA community maybe. Non-HOA neighborhoods are plagued by door to door salesmen. We get anywhere from 3 to 10 in ours weekly, ranging from roofing, siding, energy efficient windows, pest control, satellite TV, cable TV, internet, homeschooling materials, etc.

>> No.12707360

>Absolutely nothing good can happen when a random stranger summons your attention.

Schizopilled but also based.

>> No.12707514

I dont answer the door if I'm not expecting anyone because it's almost always a salesman. One time though my buddy was on a jog and he had to badly take a shit and my house was the nearest place he could think. He kept knocking in the door for like 5 mins and I eventually answered it as diarreah was dripping down his leg. He said he could see me in the window and why the fuck i wouldn't answer it. Anyway I let take a shower and I gave him some clean clothes. We still laugh about how defeated and crushed he looked when I answered the door seconds after he lost control, years later.

>> No.12707576

Mr Hickey, you fucking psycho.

>> No.12707724

Literally haven't had any come to my door, my friend's door or anyone's door since the early-mid 90's.
Closest we've had is the local Jehovah's Witnesses come around but they only try every 6 months or so.
Gated communities aren't a thing unless you're elderly or rich.
I feel sorry for you guys. Shit must be annoying.