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File: 909 KB, 1280x857, 4658534778_0c5faae7c1_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12701576 No.12701576 [Reply] [Original]

Under Bridge or Hee Kee? Explain in 10 words or fewer. Appeals to authority are strictly forbidden.

Please note, this thread is for cultured people ONLY. Passportless, fear-gripped flyovers need not participate in this thread.

>> No.12701588

yeah can I get uh #L7 general tsos lunch special with white rice and a wonton soup instead of soda

>> No.12701637

and checked

>> No.12701655

"under bridge" that sounds like the faggots that live in Brooklyn or "west new york" which is really new jersey. They use those terms to raise up property prices and try to be what they're not.

>> No.12701664

The faggots in brooklyn that live "under bridge" raise up the prices by calling it DUMBO. Get a load of the fuckin' idiots.

>> No.12701675

Under Bridge, for me.

>> No.12701682

You're a fucking idiot.
You too, moron.

>> No.12701688

No. You're just someone that buys into DUMBO shit and could never make in Manhattan.

>> No.12701716

I've never lived in Dumbo, you fucking mong, you're an idiot for not understanding what this thread is about, you fucking NYC tardcart.

>> No.12701777

Nor have I, I'm not stupid enough to fall for the lingo of the property types.
It's DUMBO by the way for people like you, wannabe's
I got out of NYC about 10 years ago, I suspect that I'll cut my ties completely within the year. I just have to close out an account or two in person.

>> No.12701781

Imagine being this tryhard. You dumb asshole, go back to the roach infested hole you came out from.

>> No.12701795

My mom made sure that our home was not infested, but I'll take it from you that you didn't grow up in a vermin infested environment which is why you project on me.

>> No.12701823

>cleetus shows up in da big city, fails at life, moves back to the corn field where he crawled out from
>anything cultured anywhere on earth, even on the literal opposite side of the planet, must be in NYC and is therefore oppressing me

>> No.12701829

Yikes is what bloomberg and his henchmen/cronie de blasio have done to the city. I got out just in time.

>> No.12701833

Nice greentext.
> doesn't specify what it considers success

>> No.12701849

I grew up on an cattle ranch in Montana, and now work as an engineer in one of the nation's largest cities. I literally have the best of both worlds, unlike you. You're a sad fucking idiot who couldn't make it anywhere.

>> No.12701859
File: 29 KB, 450x276, pleb-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 years later
>still so buttblasted about da big city that a picture of a crab sends him off on an unhinged tirade
Wrong continent, wrong ocean, wrong coast, wrong food, and wrong attempt at life. Now grind up another oxycodone and snort the misery away, it was already mentioned that only those with passports need participate.

>> No.12701864

eww... touched a nerve did I.
What's your point?
Is that an omage to if you can make it in NYC you can make it anywhere?
Please tell me.
The difference between me and you is that I do out with insults, with that you already have failed.

>> No.12701869

I think that you forgot the flying saucers and lizard people.

>> No.12701883

I'm sorry, what is the thing in the picture?

>> No.12701884

My family owns a few cattle ranches, we pay people to deal with the shit.

>> No.12701891

Probably some bullshit from "i see dead people" that some idiot put text over and calls it a meme.

>> No.12701929

Lol, no, but nice try, larper.

>> No.12701949

The difference between you and me is that I'm sucessful, and you are a failure. You don't even understand what this thread is about. Go back to your crackpipe and get off McDonald's wifi, car dweller.

>> No.12701955

under skar

>> No.12702103

define "larper" I'd love to hear it from a jew like you.

>> No.12702114

Ok, keep dreaming that you're that billionaire in that stupid redhead movie.

>> No.12702133

When idiots such as you use the term larper then it's clear that you're just parroting and can't define it for yourself.
So define it, and not shit from niggerpedia.

>> No.12702137
File: 33 KB, 452x678, 84F4B0FA-8568-4B60-B9A1-DFBE840B14A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This mad about being a non-white

Holy get out of the costal cities. This place is for intelligent people with jobs, not fat shitskins living off of welfare in their mom’s basement like yourself.

Yikes and kys fatass

>> No.12702148

The fun thing about the h1b types usually stinking indians and pakis is to write stuff and not explain it to them. As soon as I see those faggots coming in, I give notice. It's so weird that it's kind of in fun.

>> No.12702154

Even funnier is to destroy the obfuscation that the indians and pakis on h1bs try to do in order to keep them in the USA.

>> No.12702165

As soon as I see those faggots coming in, I give notice.

I don’t even give notice lmao

>> No.12702167
File: 868 KB, 554x400, 1501894464181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here /anime/

>> No.12702171

That's true, idiots can fire me on a notice but that means I can do the same and have done it.

>> No.12702176

Why are you such a frog fag or this testing for a bot?

>> No.12702185
File: 313 KB, 1198x1198, 1491318942572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about hong kong restaurants
>dumb loudmouth amerilards manage to turn it into a referendum on USA immigration

>> No.12702186

Yeah, you can also say you want an exit bonus of 1k+ or you’ll walk out the door in 30 minutes and never return. If they agree, then make sure to train the H1Bs incorrectly on your way out

>> No.12702200

Doesn't work that way on contract.
Wake up bitch.
I don't honestly will not be stupid enough to be on staff for some company.

>> No.12702209

What is that some kind of "golden parachute?" no thanks, I wont live my life as a lie.

>> No.12702214

Did anyone else falsely get a (you) from this?

>> No.12702248

I don't know frogs and whatever so called brain fags, I just don't find a reason to keep up with it, just don't matter to me and their difficult to block.
My answer is, why does it matter to you?

>> No.12702264

... crickets ...

>> No.12702266

I did