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12701159 No.12701159 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that alcohol is a neurotoxin.

>> No.12701172

holy... damn.... you're right.... time to turn my life around

>> No.12701177

Friendly reminder you have no friends, no life, and no job. But at least you have anime clip art.

>> No.12701178

Nobody cares

>> No.12701180

agreed, fuck drunkies

>> No.12701182

i had my last drink a week ago. i've never felt better. i'm going to the bar tonight to celebrate

>> No.12701185

Underage sour grapes

>> No.12701186
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If only they could make it stronger.

>> No.12701188

have sex

>> No.12701194

>a week
I'm happy for you. But that's nothing. Go to some AA meetings and get a sponsor, otherwise you have no chance.

>> No.12701217

This. AA is a great place to meet new drinking buddies.

>> No.12701231


>> No.12701250

shut da fuck up

>> No.12701257


>> No.12701361

Went to a local AA meeting and their "leader" was one of my old highschool teachers. Pretty awkward, back then we used to gift him a bottle of whiskey on his birthdays.

>> No.12701366

How does it feel knowing you ruined a man's life?

>> No.12701380

Pretty sure he did that on his own, in that "we tell ourselves our life story" session he admitted to having been drunk all day every day while at work. So one bottle per year was nothing for him. I'm just glad that he didn't recognize me, and I didn't chat him up either.

>> No.12701384

I know this feel

>> No.12701393

delicious, delicious neurotoxin

>> No.12701400

Either way, if you drink, try to do it in moderation. Getting the shakes and delirium tremens is not really fun. Just this year alone I've been in hospital 3 times when I tried to stop. And 2 weeks in a rehab clinic, that was pretty interesting because you meet all sorts of fucked up yet completely nice folks there.

>> No.12701799

And what a neurotoxin!

damn i love alcohol

>> No.12702643
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friendly reminder its already too late

>> No.12702654
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Based acholic skelton poster

>> No.12702675

when should i expect the shakes if i drink every 24 hours? my hands get slightly shaky for the first hour or so when i wake up but by the time i go to pour myself a drink again theyve cleared up. will they come back harder if i skip drinking for a few days? i usually have 6-8 shots a night of whatever plastic bottle 40 proof is cheapest

>> No.12702685

funny how alcohol is so glamorized by mainstream media

>> No.12702690

Yes, because an addiction to Jesus is so much better.

>> No.12702694

Have you never read anything concerning human history? Do you really believe that humanity's love for alcohol is a recent thing?

>> No.12702740

I want to try everclear, that not strong enough for you?

>> No.12702744

fuck your double dubs

>> No.12702754

that's not what he said dickshit

>> No.12702767

Well, I should certainly hope so. I'm not drinking this shit for the taste.

>> No.12703037

He's still wrong. It's not "funny", meaining "strange or suspicious", at all. It's not "funny" meaning humorous at all. It's entirely to be expected. Fuck him and fuck you.

>> No.12704840

so are 99% of all foods if you have eat much of them

>> No.12704843

Early to rise, early to bed, makes a man healthy and socially dead.

>> No.12704850

Bathos is still humor.

>> No.12705020

>don't drink
>people get angry when I tell them
It's not like I aggressively broadcast it like vegan faggots, I just refuse drinks when offered. Why does everyone get so butthurt about others not drinking?

>> No.12705021

What is the success rate fro AA?

>> No.12705030

>6-8 shots a night
>I-I’m getting the DT’s guys
That is nowhere near alcoholic levels. You could stop cold if you had to. That’s equivalent to 6-8 beers a night buddy, not good for you long term but not gonna kill you if you don’t drink for a few days.

>> No.12705039

This is part of what drove me to alcoholism. I wish I hadn't succumbed. Don't listen to them. They're fucking idiots. Read Wake In Fright, or at least watch the movie. That's basically all it is.

>> No.12705045

If you are a "daily bingedrinker" you can go for a long time without getting physically addicted, like years. If you don't get the shakes after 9 hours sober you won't get them. In terms of physical addiction and tolerance build up continuous drinking is a lot worse.

>> No.12705052

Some people seem able to have 2-3 drinks max and call it a night. I think that’s fine if they can stay disciplined. Others seem to keep drinking till they get super fucked up or till the alcohol is gone, and 2-3 drinks just seems like a tease. I’m the latter mostly and feel like absolute shit the next day, try to avoid it mostly but still give in every few weeks or so. However still better than doing it every day or other day, what a nightmare.

>> No.12705056

It's practically impossible to find an opportunity to continually drink all day. Everybody starts by binge drinking every night. I don't even understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.12705060

>Don't listen to them
I don't. Never gave in to peer pressure. It's still weird that people give so much of a shit, though.

>> No.12705061

>drink first time
>notice how it removes anxiety and makes me more social
>use it as a social lubricant
>drink before social situations
>start drinking all the time
>fast forward
>just drink so I don't freak out and be a total psychotic mess

just fuck my shit up famalam

>> No.12705063

i'm pretty sure a shot isn't equivalent to a whole beer, so it's even less than that. 6 shots would get me tipsy at best and im not even an alcoholic

>> No.12705067

I mean if you are intoxicated all the time. If you can go through the day without a drink you probably won't get the shakes if you don't drink that evening.

>> No.12705068

A shot is two ounces of 40% spirits. Some beers are stronger than that, but most are slightly weaker.

>> No.12705073

That's why we choose it, and that's why it works

>> No.12705077

What beers are 80 proof?
1/8th is slightly?

>> No.12705088


gotta get the day started tho

>> No.12705102

You really shouldn't recommend AA. It's a massive scam. They don't even do statistical research of their own work, anymore, after their own study proved how ineffective AA really is. I had a friend who ruined his marriage because of his AA addiction. He would have literally been better off if he just kept drinking.

>> No.12705111

I'm somewhere between a little and a lot drunk so I'm not quite sure what you're saying. I think you might be ignoring that beers have more volume than a shot of spirit. I think that's it. I'm about to lie down and probably won't get up again before this thread dies.

>> No.12705149

people who only drink 2 glasses a day were shown to experience memory loss 5-8 years sooner than non-drinkers. not a big difference. people who shill against alcohol instead of preaching moderation are typically sandniggers and mormons

>> No.12705156

also studies show that life long drinkers even their brains can recover to the performance level of those who had never had an alcohol use disorder after abstaining long enough.

>> No.12705159

Yeah, true functional alcoholic is fasting all day to get drunk on an empty stomach at night and pig out before crashing

>> No.12705162

Wh-what studies? This sounds like the kind of bullshit my mother would tell me when I wondered when daddy would come home.

>> No.12705164

Alcohol (and other drugs) isn't as bad as it is made out to be, a lot of it is just scare propaganda to keep people away from it and nothing really wrong with that. It often takes decades of alcohol abuse for it to show real health repocussions.

>> No.12705191


>> No.12705196

Know a guy who does this. Skinny, in his early 40s, drinks slowly and steadily from about 5pm till past midnight and only has one meal, like a small frozen pizza. Internally he must be a mess but outside he looks semi healthy still.

>> No.12705224

How much does he drink and for how long?

>> No.12705240

Really depends. Usually a lot of beer, like 6-10 pints a few cocktails and a few shots, from sometime in the late afternoon till about 2am, more on the weekends. He’s been doing this for nearly 20 years. Never seen him super wasted, paces himself well, he just gets quiet when he’s had way too much. Good guy though just likes to drink.

>> No.12705306

*takes 15 feel good pills then smokes a pack a day*

>> No.12705353
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>> No.12705361
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>Friendly reminder that alcohol is a neurotoxin.
this kills the alkies, glad that mods are banning the al/ck/ threads as well. pathetic fuckers.

>> No.12705373

Why does Ai-chan drink?

I thought Kaguya Luna was the alcoholic.

>> No.12705443

Neurotox- *hick*

>> No.12705450

I'm pretty sure I'm turning into an alcoholic.

>> No.12705947

Good job missing the extremely obvious joke.

>> No.12706075

Can you drink in moderation once you have been an alcoholic before or do you have to quit completely?

>> No.12706121

only when you drink as much as i do... wait

>> No.12706148

Depends on the person. Consuming moderate alcohol will make an alcoholic crave more, but if you can handle your cravings to a degree then you can be OK for a while. Likewise, being teetotal benefits most alcoholics but you run the risk of any setback being catastrophic, i.e. I've broken my abstinence so now might as well go on a bender.

Nobody can really know what's right for you, and neither can you until you try it. But alcoholism is pretty insidious and will find ways to break you when you don't see it coming.

>> No.12706155

Everyone’s different but I expect many alcoholics got that way in the first place because they could not drink in moderation.

>> No.12706184

A lot of them got issues they try to drown and forget with alcohol. If they solve their issues I don't think they'd feel like getting plastered all the time.

>> No.12706411

When it first started it was about 50% maybe, now like 3%.

>> No.12706573

Based idiot

>> No.12706589

crabs in a bucket

>> No.12706611

>otherwise you have no chance
They sure do tell you that. These two years of no drinking have been great, boy howdy do I dread the day I relapse because I didn't join a cult.

>> No.12706634

Depends what you call "a beer". Some people think of a pint others think of 0.3L bottles. 0.3L of standard 5% Lager is about the equivalent of a shot of hard liquor, a pint of beer is a bit more than one shot of hard liquor in terms of alcohol

>> No.12706640

A shot being 2cl of hard liquor.

>> No.12706641
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I drink 2 Tall cans a good 5 days out of the week as well as smoking weed on the regular. I'm always early to work, married and still work my passion project on the side. Shit's pretty chill senpai. When did everyone become whiney sober fuck bois. They always say "wHy U cArE i No DrInK?" Nobody cares, you just always need to make it a point to mention it like some cuck vegan.

>> No.12706650

Alcohol, like most everything you can consume, has beneficial and negative amounts of ingestion. Anyone who says -any- alcohol -at all- -ever- is bad is a fucking retard brainlet who can't even be bothered to use their google search (Obviously they wouldn't be smart enough to have a different browser)

Oh and what I said is not debatable, so don't waste your effort.

>> No.12706686
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That's what you get for falling for the "social lubricant" meme

>> No.12706701

alcohol is not beneficial at all.
No amount of alcohol is safe to consume
Alcohol raises the risk of developing dozens of different types of cancer.

>> No.12706710

my life nut shelled

>> No.12706726

Alcohol is outstanding to include in mouth washes.
Alcohol is a blood thinner and anti stroke aid.
Alcohol is a very good carrier for other medications.
Choice of alcohol can include beneficial antioxidants.

Then you can discuss potential mental benefits of alcohol as well, which are numerous - but they are all essentially negative when compared to other forms of mental health. Yes, drinking to blacking out to forget your dead friends in Vietnam is a benefit of the substance - unfortunately the negatives outweigh the benefits tremendously. What I listed above this has no inherent negatives and alcohol is as good a choice as you can make for those things I listed.

All of this is simply fact and can be researched via google in two seconds.

>> No.12706738
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>> No.12706755

Also, knowing what cancers you are susceptible to means that you can actively counter them. So being aware of which cancers alcohol causes also enables you to drink more of it while fighting the negative side effects of booze.