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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12700912 No.12700912 [Reply] [Original]

I think peanut butter and red meat would go nicely together. I want to try this. Any ideas?

>> No.12700921

Never had a peanut butter burger?

>> No.12700925

No. Is this an American thing?

>> No.12700955

Of course it would. I take it you've never been to a thai restaurant? Go to one and order beef panang curry. It's amazing.

>> No.12700958

Alternately at said thai restaurant (or both), get beef satay. Two great peanut+beef dishes which can be made using peanut butter.

>> No.12700970

My uncle used to swear by peanut butter and bacon

>> No.12701034

Do it the Elvis Presley way.
That's spread peanut butter on other side of each slice of bread. Place banana slices on top of peanut butter.
While doing that lose your girl because of self destruction.

>> No.12701055
File: 284 KB, 1024x701, Elvis-Peanut_Butter-n-Banana-Sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing is that you foreign sacks of shit think that after so many years of oppression that we care about what you think.
You might consider fucking off.
Is this why you hate Trump so much because he knows what the USA is and that we don't have to suckup to fucking assholes?

>> No.12701072


>> No.12701093

Bu... bu... Elvis!
The Police - De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da (Beat Club performance)

>> No.12701097

Yeah but it's not terribly common, it's good though

>> No.12701124

If you didn't notice the sheriff's badge in the background is an omage to Elvis.
From your shit nation you wouldn't know anything about that would you?

ELVIS- Be bop a lula - YouTube

>> No.12701131

Fuck off, fast.

>> No.12701133

At Zombie Burger where I live we have the Undead Elvis burger that is patty, cheese, bacon, egg, fried bananas, peanut butter, and mayo.

>> No.12701142

That sounds weird, if I was with my ex-gf, none were fat we'd probably split one just for the fun of it if we were there.
Undead Elvis burger, that's a good one.
Is that near Memphis?

>> No.12701167

i had a peanut butter and jelly juicy lucy last time i was in flyover country. peanut butter and american stuffed in the burger with strawberry preserves on top. real good stuff

>> No.12701170

You could have just said "yes". did you really get an impression of hostility from that post? You are unhinged. Get help.

>> No.12701175

You're a fag, you didn't have banana slices on it.

>> No.12701181

ever heard of satay?

>> No.12701183

I could have but I didn't. Are you so fucked up by Merkel and democrat bullshit that you always have to say "yes?"

>> No.12701200

sorry man i ordered it the way it was on the menu

>> No.12701219

I know, go visit Memphis with a girl sometime and see what's on the menu on Beale Street. I took a girlfriend there once for her birthday for fun and she loved that stuff, I got the lovie dovie too.

Elvis Presley Suspicious Minds Live in Las Vegas

>> No.12701240

Nah, Des Moines.

>> No.12701263

I was never a "fan" it was that ex-gf so Memphis was what she liked so brought her there.
Is that full concert there at Des Moines? I'll look that up. That ex kind of grew on me so I'll look that up if that's a concert.

>> No.12701275

I looked it up, I understand.

>> No.12701312
File: 401 KB, 2592x1944, Peanut_Butter_and_Banana_Pancakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside y'all...

>> No.12701324


The Elvis sandwich is ' Peanut butter, banana and bacon'... how dare you call yourself an American not knowing that!?

>> No.12701348

If this isn't trolling you are very sensitive about being American online, and this is a fellow American saying this.

>> No.12701356

Holy fuck breh calm down. He was just asking a question.

Go take a break off 4chan you clearly need one

>> No.12701423

Here's one for our limey friends

Elvis 'Burning Love' with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

>> No.12701438
File: 90 KB, 451x600, Victoria_justice_1273369747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of you people will all go to hell!

>> No.12701465

>I think peanut butter and red meat would go nicely together.
Peanuts are essentially a legume. Beans and meat can go together. It's just unfamiliar to you because you usually have PB a certain way in your life thusfar. Peanut butter goes into a pie, as do sweet potatoes, pumpkin, etc. People can take foods that are essentially savory and morph them into dessert and vice versa.

Thai food is a good example, the satay sauce with it's naturally sweet coconut cream and spicy chilies are quite excellent with grilled meat, from steak to chicken. Peanuts can garnish any dish and add crunch and roasted flavor.

I love meat dishes with sweet dates and raisins. From stuffing a date with gorgonzola or spicy chorizo, or wrapping in bacon, it's all good, to adding raisins to cuban picadillo filled with tomatoes, saffron, capers, peppers, etc, food can go (nearly) any sweet or savory direction if you think about it. Japanese people with their genetic lactose intolerance, as well as other Asians morph red beans and other beans into dessert like fake custards, fake ice cream and sweet fillings to baked goods.

>> No.12701483

I've put it on hot dogs before. It works surprisingly well on them as both flavors are fatty and salty. I think it could work. Penut butter also melts into liquid when hot.

>> No.12701547
File: 1.19 MB, 1199x630, 12b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12701574

When I was a kid, I saw an episode of Pink Panther where he put some weird condament on a hot dog, and I assumed it was peanut butter. I thought it would taste good so I tried making one and it didn't taste that terrible, but it did make me hate hot dogs for like 6 years

>> No.12701606

What did victorious lawbringer mean by this gesture

>> No.12701616

Yeah but I've only seen it a few places. Never tried it. Seems like it could be good though.
He just asked a question you fucking Nancy.