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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 500x214, Ketchup_or_Catsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12689762 No.12689762 [Reply] [Original]

The Great Debate

>> No.12689771


>> No.12689773


>> No.12689781


Before Heinz fucked it all up, Catsup could be a sauce from literally anything, mushrooms, garlic, onions, turnips... then Big Tomato rolled through and via marketing made it all into Ketchup.

Kind of like Rape Oil.
Go to your grocery and ask for Rape Oil, I dare you.
But Canola Oil? Aisle 5.

>> No.12689790

It's just a different spelling. It's the same.

>> No.12689797

Formerly only on /tv/

>> No.12689801

Literally every store has rape oil where i live.

>> No.12689805

No shit you retard. He's asking which word you use you fucking idiot.

You're also stupid and lots of places sell rape oil

>> No.12689808

>Literally every store has rape oil where i live.

I doubt you're in any english speaking part of the world if the front label actually calls it rape oil.

>> No.12689833
File: 435 KB, 1200x1418, 1537754571846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the reason everyone tells redditors to go back to redddit. you just say shit and don't even bother to look at things before you go spouting bullshit as if you know what you're talking about.

>> No.12689837
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>> No.12689841
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>> No.12689848
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>> No.12689857
File: 1.05 MB, 801x597, Skærmbillede 2019-07-26 kl. 03.29.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know what rapeseed is

>> No.12689860


I want to meet the man who first enjoyed this sneed against it's will

>> No.12690100


Hoity-toity Euro shit, in the USA the chances of ever seeing "Rape Oil" on the front label is next to ZERO, thanks to BRANDING as was my original point if you lot weren't sperging out.
Also cultural mores in 2019 USA... holy shit if anyone dared call it Rape and not Canola, even the generic off-brand shit is called Canola or Seed Oil.
Only on the back label, in the teeny-tiny print ingredients list will you see "from rape seed"

>> No.12690108
File: 713 KB, 2268x4032, QkbHc8L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ketchup, or as some say Catsup

>> No.12690120

It’s rapeSEED oil and yes, you can find it in almost every grocery store in the US.

>> No.12690146

Yes, you dumbass sperg, that's what I've been saying, but it's because BRANDING way long ago, it's all called CANOLA OIL.

Is this penetrating the pea soup you call a brain?

>> No.12690151
File: 2.75 MB, 720x480, 1529817049838.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12690152

there's more than one of us

>> No.12690157

I grew up hating those fucking calculators. My schools were in a nicer area despite me only being middle class and they forced us to buy the new model every fucking year for trigonometry and shit. Then we'd waste classroom hours learning how to use it, but only use it once or twice a week on a few problems because they made us do everything by hand.

Good fucking waste of time and money those things. They were like 70 bucks or something in the early 90s if I remember right. Good luck convincing your parents to go out to eat for your good grades for a little bit when your school makes you buy equipment like this all the time. You wanna head to that steakhouse? Nah I need a new wheelcompass, the last one snapped.

>> No.12690166

imagine growing up so poor that $70 a year was a big enough deal to prevent you from eating

>> No.12690171

Go back

>> No.12690175

The fire rises, brother.

>> No.12690185

graphing calculators are a scam anyways. $10 scientific calculators are all you need and any time you would need a graphing feature it would be better to use a proper computer program.

>> No.12690200

You can find PRODUCTS with RAPESEED OIL inside of THEM with BRAAAANDING that LABELS it AS RAPEseed OIL in the US in most GROCERY stores. not all RAPESEED OIL was REBRANDED as CANOLA OIL.
THINK you DUMB motherFUCKer.

>> No.12690243

>ask for rape oil
>they give you ky jelly
T-thanks you too

>> No.12691361


>> No.12691378


>> No.12691665

>t. Chef John

>> No.12691677

I hope there’s a trigger warning in that aisle.

>> No.12692083

You are after all really in turmoil after arguing about rapeseed oil

>> No.12692263

imagine the smell

>> No.12692383

He said early 90s, so $70 then was probably like $150 now. That's almost the price of a console, so imagine your mom having to buy your a useless calculator you don't really need versus a Sega Genesis. It'd piss you off too if it was one versus the other.

>> No.12692438

We are the Legion, we are the Sneed

>> No.12692463

>The Great Debate
Maybe 50 years ago....

>Kind of like Rape Oil.
>Go to your grocery and ask for Rape Oil, I dare you.
>But Canola Oil? Aisle 5
It's called rapeseed, and if you at all cook, you know it has a different name. Every N. American also knows Brits call toilets "loo" and no one would blink of one or the other term was used. You simply like to say rape, because you're a tool, and being provocative is your way to appear interesting or intelligent. It's not working. Stop assuming you're more intelligent than other people and know that you are being judged as the loser you wish no one knew you to be.

>> No.12693389 [DELETED] 

imagine growing up so poor that $70 a year was a big enough deal to prevent you from eating

>> No.12693395

imagine being so poor that $150 a year is a big enough deal to prevent you from eating

>> No.12693402


>> No.12693447

Cat's Up is actually made from tomatoes that barn cats paw from the bushels in the barn, they're sweeter than the normal tomatoes so the cats paw at them until they end up on the barn floor. That's how Catsup or Ketchup was created.

>> No.12694189

Anyone who says 'catsup', or buys 'catsup' in the US is an east coast dick sucker

>> No.12695126

I prefer rapesneed oil.

>> No.12696222

>being this desperate for attention
go shit on the floor somewhere else

>> No.12696251

Feed or Seed

>> No.12696589

we are sneed
we are many

>> No.12696598

Who the fuck censors curse words on this site? Lmaoing at this faggot.

>> No.12696706


they have that in Egypt too. that's what they used on Lara Logan in Tahrir Square that one night