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File: 14 KB, 277x182, Part Time Vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12683348 No.12683348 [Reply] [Original]

Can I still call myself a vegan if I eat meat about 4 or 5 meals a week?

The vast majority of my meals are still vegan and my "default" food when going out with friends is still vegan. But I just can't give up the things I love in life, like a real burger or steak a few times a week.

I still consider myself a vegan. F what other people think...

>> No.12683363

Maybe you shouldnt identify with labels you pathetic faggot

>> No.12683367
File: 9 KB, 291x173, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you seriously responding to this obvious b8?

>> No.12683368

>shouldnt identify with labels
There's literally nothing wrong with promoting myself or labeling others in 2019... get with the times, loser boomer faggot.

>> No.12683376

Fuck off back to /pol/ triggered faggot. This thread is about how we define ourselves as vegans... it's food related and absolutely on topic.

>> No.12683382

Back to /pol/ yourself, falseflagging bait shitter.

>> No.12683385
File: 63 KB, 500x500, 1_iq6HSUDFnpNNJEc6q-HTpA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12683512

Yeah, the important thing is you're making an effort.
Somtimes, a compromise is the best option.

>> No.12683753
File: 86 KB, 320x320, special.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can I still call myself a vegan if I eat meat about 4 or 5 meals a week?
Sure you can!
THe most important thing about being Vegan is feeling like you're a special snowflake who is morally superior to his fellow man.

Don't forget to give into that urge to tell everyone else why their wrong on a daily basis!

>> No.12683771

That was awful. Forced af and mind numbing stupid.

>> No.12683801

For once the vegan is being annoyed and irritated. Good job, OP.

>> No.12683807

The definition is strict but is irrelevant. What happens in reality is that more and more people are getting concerned about health and environment, thinking about stopping meat altogether is binary thinking. If everybody reduced meat consumption to 4 or 5 meals a week like you do we'd already see some major changes in society at several levels, and it would open gates for even more improvement, so don't beat yourself too much about this. I know this is bait but it's good to have this said anyway.

>> No.12683818

Why the fuck not? Do blacks call themselves 1/3 black, 1/2 black, 1/8th black, etc? No, they're just black.

Who says you have to justify how much meat you can eat to be vegan? If they tell you your'e not vegan then they're full of shit.

>> No.12683822

>THe most important thing about being Vegan is feeling like you're a specia

So, if you're doing something that saves the planet that other people don't do, you can't even feel "special" about your accomplishment? Go fuck yourself.

>> No.12683880

No, that's what wh*tes call them. Many look whiter than you mutt.

>> No.12683881

>if you're doing something that saves the planet
oh how sweet your farts must smell.

I am no vegan but I can guarantee you I've done more for the environment than you ever will.

This is the exact egotistical vegan fallacy I was mocking. YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL, and YOUR NOT EFFECTIVE. We need a paradigm shift in the way society works and dumb ass snowflake vegans scolding people and propagating bullshit PETA propaganda ISN'T THE WAY.

Fuck you

>> No.12683889

I identify as Vegan

>> No.12683931

nice ad hominem bro
Did I hurt your feeble vegan sensibilities?

You know what would be environmentally friendly? If you killed yourself. Think of it, all that pollution you would have created over your life span. All those animals that died so you could have a house, a car, an ipad, and farms to eat your vegan food. wow, i mean really suicide is the right thing to do.

>> No.12683936

>people responding at all
lol fuck you retards
unpolite _ _ _ _.

>> No.12684168
File: 74 KB, 960x878, 1562864828549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm vegan and I eat meat two or three times a day. Popular tennis ace Djokovic, is vegan, and he eats chicken and fish daily. Jon Venus a very popular vegan, consumes eggs. If they are vegan, so are we bro!

>> No.12684211

I’ve been vegetarian for 15 years and probably eat vegan 90% of the time unless at restaurants. My coworkers don’t even know because I’m not an annoying fag thats constantly bitching about being pro vegan or pro meat like OP.

>> No.12684609

Oh they know allright, by the narrowness of your wrist and the fact it's very limp.

>> No.12684620

Do what makes you happy, faggot!

>> No.12684643
File: 31 KB, 598x492, december16_finding_rehkamp_fig01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 75% vegan like most Americans

>> No.12684742

Absolutely not.
Calling yourself a vegan is a lie. And if people are making sacrifices for your lie then you are a terrible person.

My friends girlfriend was once vegetarian. As in didn't eat meat. As the dictionary says. Obviously. Only she didn't have a reason for it; moral or dietary. Or even flavour. When she was out with friends she chose a restaurant, we would go out of our way to choose a restaurant with a non-token vegetarian option. Her BF would even cook her an entirely separate dish whenever they had company over.


>> No.12684867

>Do blacks call themselves 1/3 black, 1/2 black, 1/8th black
Why yes they do, all the way up to 1/16th. You may say that's indiscernibly black, but it's abo enough for benefits.

>> No.12685080

Yeah it's called the one drop rule

>> No.12685752

Djojkevich the pro tennis player is a very well known vegan, he avoids all Red meat, so of course he's vegan, he only eats fish and chicken.

>> No.12685764

I agree
I identify as a vegan and I eat meat at least 3 times a week
dairy every day because I like strong bones

I still consider myself a vegan. F what other people think...

>> No.12685793

>he only eats fish and chicken
Use words that mean the same thing to the person you are talking to.

>> No.12686213

Are you retarded? Obviously eating meat 4-5 time a week makes you not a vegan

>> No.12686250

Ya but I identify as vegan. F what you think bigot. Go back to /pol/ nazi.

>> No.12686273

Fuck off with your labels and prejudice please. If he feels vegan hes vegan. End of story.

>> No.12686764

Does this rule not apply if one is a prominent tennis star? Time and Time again we hear about these "vegan athletes." Among which is Novak Djojkevich, a vegan. He is held up as an example of how being vegan is consistent with elite athletic performance.

Protip he eats fish and chicken. I think you don't know what vegan means. Or is it that the rules are different, depending on how rich and famous a particular vegan is?

>> No.12686811

Brand new video about Novak Djojkevich major improvements he made as a vegan (who eats chicken and fish)

Vegan must mean "no red meat" because this nigger eats chicken every day, and he's Veganism biggest poster goy, he even produces vegan movies like "game changers"

So eat your healthy fish and chicken, your still vegan..
