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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12680708 No.12680708 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: weaknesses

>> No.12680732
File: 50 KB, 585x438, latkes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brehs... once i pop... i just can't fucking stop! i eat every FUCKING LATKE!

>> No.12680735
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spicy tuna rolls. especially the shitty kind with that mashed up mystery meat packed up with the tempura flakes
exactly like this

>> No.12680737

raspberry danish is top

>> No.12680741

i ate a whole one of these one morning, it wasnt that good and tasted like lemon for some reason. they never put enough filling in these things because muh calories. i work manual labor so i can eat 5 of these in one sitting and be fine, fucking ofice cucks messing with my based bearclaw/danishes

>> No.12680743
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and it's numerous variations.
truly the best

>> No.12680755
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>> No.12680758

my favorite!

>> No.12680762

Yeah man. Me too. So fucking good.

>> No.12680765
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>> No.12680766

stale cheetos

>> No.12680774

good taste

>> No.12681415

My dad used to buy these every time we went camping. I could honestly eat it until it caused me physical pain. In fact I have. They dont sell them at any stores in my town so I had to buy 2 on amazon for like over $20 each, no joke. I got part way into the second one before it stopped tasting good anymore. Good times.

>> No.12681429
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>> No.12681432

i needs it brotendos

>> No.12681447
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>> No.12681455

you "needs" to go a diet you fat fuck

>> No.12681852

Patrician crisps flavour

>> No.12681866
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Sausage in bun (not hot dog shite) with ketchup, sweet spicy mustard and fried onion

>> No.12681879

This, but the dill ones instead

>> No.12681880

Based scandinavian poster

>> No.12681940
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I don't think I've gone a week without eating this for about 2 years now.

>> No.12681983

>that lil azz crumbels of onion
Muh sides bro. I’ve be smashing them dogs in grind up rostad loek untill someone stop me with force bro. Imma be brushing up my insides so bad they’ll have to wash me up shiet

>> No.12681993
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>> No.12682023 [DELETED] 
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Cant stop

>> No.12682043

Whats that?

>> No.12682045

>scat fetishist

>> No.12682173

where the fuck are people putting cucumber

>> No.12682269

Chinese food. And not the authentic shit, i like the low grade gutter oil fried sesame chicken bits, glazed up and with some fried rice.

>> No.12682278


>> No.12682285

Corn muffins/cake. The cover just a little bit moist

>> No.12682337
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I gotta say, I have a major weakness for the c____.

>> No.12682378
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Home made McRibs

>> No.12682381

Brownies, all kinds. I don't care if they are fresh or stale. Gimme some milk and I will not stop eating them.

I used to live near an Entenmann's bakery or something. It was a place that sold ONLY Entenmann's products and (I'm pretty sure) they baked that shit in the back. I might need to treat myself one of these days, it's been too long.

>> No.12682384

bbq chicken, hot chips & garlic sauce, often with pickles & flat bread. it's a lot.

>> No.12682410

ITT: Mexican food

>> No.12682674


>> No.12682692
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>> No.12682705
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yes i do eat them both in one sitting

>> No.12682741
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These are like crack

>> No.12683426
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Pig liver pastey on knackebread with sliced gurks on

>> No.12683465
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>thos Beans

>> No.12683497

Nutty Buddies

>> No.12683532


>> No.12683600


>> No.12683611

Fuck Mueller

>> No.12683613

This is the best flavor they have, nice choice

>> No.12683650
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Love this stuff

>> No.12683653

t. never smoked crack

>> No.12683673

fast food

>> No.12683719

Any trail mix/nuts that are spicy

>> No.12683724

Fucking nasty. Swedish?

>> No.12683754

In the kebap of course, are you blind?

>> No.12683760

Keep deluding yourself, third-world hotdog faggot.

>> No.12683786
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>> No.12684050
