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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 412 KB, 614x602, chef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12679739 No.12679739 [Reply] [Original]

well /ck/, is she gonna make it?

>> No.12679740
File: 123 KB, 675x1200, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12679745
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>> No.12679746

wow... the corn has such vivid color! great presentation!

>> No.12679756

This nigger should stick to TV dinners.

>> No.12679763
File: 54 KB, 600x600, rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I can do is $5

>> No.12679768

Boiled dinner?

>> No.12679775

even there youre getting fucked

>> No.12679831

She should go all in on LINK to make it

>> No.12680024

jesus this is definitely someone who suffered every meal in the public school system... only somehow this manages to be much worse. fucking niggers I swear

>> No.12680064

Is that a prepackaged roll, Doritos, and beef ramen?

>> No.12680071

She should not use stryofoam

>> No.12680077


>> No.12680087

christ those are fucking microwaved lmao

>> No.12680090

Kek lazy din du. How shocking.

>> No.12680100

That's some choice chow there for your local soup kitchen. Otherwise get that shit out of my sight!

>> No.12680122

Where are the seasonings

>> No.12680128

This is devastating. At least she'll have a few meals before she goes homeless

>> No.12680184

If she throws in 12 monsters than that’s a deal

>> No.12680191

The sad thing is people are actually paying for this and returning for more.

>> No.12680192 [DELETED] 

If she were Wh*te the FDA would be shitting all over her parade.

>> No.12680218

Only top maximum 5 USD value

>> No.12680228

Jesus Christ how retarded can one board be? It's not fucking real

>> No.12680245
File: 458 KB, 596x500, k6YWD9k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this doesn't look good

>> No.12680279

Is this a parody account?

>> No.12680282

Prove it.

>> No.12680284


>> No.12680289

It's 100% real.

>> No.12680507

>Beef ramen
>Nacho Cheese Doritos
>Great Value brand dinner roll
>Bottled water
And all for the price of a dinner for two at an actually competant restaraunt. What a steal!

>> No.12680534
File: 42 KB, 256x256, 1563069567186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would buy

>> No.12680547

What the fuck is that nigger jabbering on about?

>> No.12680570

mexican friend does this and charges about $12-$18 for what amounts to a big burrito. but she's attractive and white looking so she cleans all the beta indios out of their money at her work. clears $1000 after costs some weeks. proud of my little guera learning how to extort thirsty geeks american style

>> No.12680595

There is no way in hell the same person made both of those. Boiled corn/potatoes/seafood is actually fucking delicious, you can make one big pot and add white wine/old bay and some herbs and it turns out delicious.

Also the To-Go boxes are different in each picture.

One of these is not like the other. Hoax.

>> No.12680608

What the fuck does that even mean? Maybe this is some kind of bodega and you buy a plate of doritos and ramen and also get a blowjob.
Maybe "bone gonna bite duh teef" means she sucks you off or something.

>> No.12680621

Bone apple tea

>> No.12680630

no she can't be trying to say that

>> No.12680635

The only thing you are going to make is your .10 cents jacob.

>> No.12680796

At least she tries to cook until most of /ck/ who eat andpost fast food.

>> No.12680828

Jesus fuck /ck/ is full of facebook dad or just retarded. How out of touch are you all that you don't immediately understand this normie meme

>> No.12680838

I’m assuming it’s an expression meaning the food is so delicious that you’ll eat it so voraciously that you’ll bite it so hard that your jawbone clips through your bottom teeth and into your top teeth.

>> No.12680850

What's the meme? Its not even funny

>> No.12680858
File: 65 KB, 250x350, os7_251a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger food

>> No.12680872

There’s a woman in my hometown that shills her shit cooking very hard. Prices are insane too. A large casserole dish of something of $30. She was shilling taco meat for $10 a pound. I also remember her trying to sell frozen home made pizzas for $20 a piece but they didn’t go over well. And retards are paying her for this shit.

>> No.12680913

Low IQ post

>> No.12680919

It's not nice to mock people trying to follow their heart.

>> No.12680920

>t. fast food poster

>> No.12680930
File: 49 KB, 623x431, tumblr_ozpr1k6KRa1wpeqgwo1_640~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, I'm not American.

>> No.12680964

I bet she clapped every space of her words when she quit

>> No.12680994

They are an unironic parody race.

>> No.12681036

Unpopular truth.

>> No.12681180

the trumpets of the apocalypse are sounding
can you hear them?

>> No.12681441

holy fuck this is real...

>> No.12681831

my sides

>> No.12681833

$2 worth of shrimp
$1 worth of corn
$1 worth of potato

>that'll be $15 dollah now

>> No.12681836

i thought it was white people who didnt season their food?

>> No.12681838

salt is $2 extra


>> No.12681840

How to keep my man, and my customers.

>> No.12681848

Maybe you should go back. I don‘t care about your social media garbage.

>> No.12681991

Hear me out guys

It's actually super complicated molecular gastronomy where the food looks simple and inelegant, but in reality it surprises the eaters with high quality, gourmet food.

>> No.12681995

carbs carbs cargs

>> No.12681997

Damn right is real.

>> No.12682016

>the "bone app the teeth" meme
Seems like no one on this board can take a fucking hint that she's literally joking around

>> No.12682084

why does everything have to come down to some of racial dominance for /pol/fags like yourself? are you really that insecure about the future of your race (and your own choice to racemix kek) that you have to get off on your chica hustling squat amerindians? feel more sorry for you desu

>> No.12682085

It's a memeing that black people can actually cook, when they truly cannot, and are actually like the woman in the meme. it's very meta.

>> No.12682149

Homegrown artisanal dinner, bro

>> No.12682284
File: 38 KB, 530x530, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well /ck/, is she gonna make it?

>> No.12682315

>Well a low country boil might n->>12679740
Did this bitch just boil it in plain water? With prepeeled shrimp, salt potatoes and the dollar sausage from the Walmart?

>> No.12682320

Does she blow you for 20$ too?

>> No.12682353

>thinking this is not a joke

>> No.12682537

Low IQ post

>> No.12682544

Wouldn't even do $5, you can get a pack of ramen and a bag of chips with twice as many for a $1 combined, the roll maybe an additional 50c from the bakery section of your local grocery store. The water is the most expensive thing and even then it would still be less than $5.

>> No.12682655

Where do you live that a bottle of water ranges from .50 to $5.00? That shit is like $1 tops.

>> No.12682826

I've got a soft spot for people who actually dare to leave their regular jobs for their dreams.
I wanted to be a chef but here I am, an IT goon at a local company

>> No.12682845

Any community that gets its laughs from pretending to be retarded will eventually be full of retards who think they are in good company.

>> No.12682861

Where are you getting chips that cheap, even the little single serve bags are over a dollar now

On the other hand I can buy a 24-pack of bottled water for $2.50 if not less

You're not wrong but your sense of price is strange

>> No.12683003


>> No.12683337

The way she talks and her looks legitimately make me angry

>> No.12683358


>> No.12683511

how low is your iq

>> No.12683531

is this nigga seriously still doing this grugposting bs? meme died months ago transpa

>> No.12683536

>Where are you getting chips that cheap, even the little single serve bags are over a dollar now
Walmart sells 40-packs of those single serve packages for like 12 bucks dude. So 30c per bag each with more chips than are in that pic.

>> No.12683891

Lmao water is usually under 1$ for 16.9oz at your local grocer

>> No.12683939

>Ramen packet
>Handful of Doritos
>Prepackaged roll heated in a microwave


>> No.12684030


A 48 pack of ramen costs $8.28. So that's 17 cents per ramen pack, and that looks like about 1 bricks worth.

A bag of dorritos costs $1.99 for 15.5 oz. That looks like maybe 1 oz of dorritos, so about 13 cents worth of dorritos

Since some other people said they were walmart rolls, It costs $3.24 to get a 12 pack of FRESH rolls from walmart, so thays 17 cents a roll.

So that's about 47 cents worth of fucking food.

All she did was throw shit in a container and make some ramen. Apparently boiling water for 3 minutes is worth $14.50

>> No.12684049

Forgot the water bottle.

Its 3.98 for a 32 pack of nestle bottled water from Walmart. That's 12 cents per bottle. So it's actually 59 cents worth of food

>> No.12684343
File: 382 KB, 1080x1416, boil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12684361

Is this fucking doobies doghouse 2?

>> No.12684384

Why does no one on this board understand satire

>> No.12684400

I’m sure niggers would probably buy it because only they would think that meal is good

>> No.12684519

You can't be serious.

>> No.12686100

Solid advice

>> No.12686107

>those boiled peanuts LITERALLY look like shit
holy fuck my sides are in orbit

>> No.12686114

She's not serious. She's pushing the bone bite the teeth meme.

>> No.12686115
File: 699 KB, 556x772, 1561506105401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12686117

/ck/ has had threads about this meme, retard.

>> No.12686124
File: 85 KB, 960x935, 1541852413572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12686144


>wypipo use no seasonin!'
>wypipo food ain't got no flayvuh'!

lol fucking niggers

>> No.12686145

Sweet summer child one day you will realize there really are people that dumb

>> No.12686626
File: 40 KB, 750x879, 1531018393168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frozen bagged corn on the cob
>mid shelf sausages
>cans of pre-boiled peanuts
>boiled eggs/possbily pre-boilded
>throw in 3-4 shrimp from a bag of frozen, shell-on shrimp
they're learning how to rob people the white people way. we must adapt.

>> No.12686638

this, it's all so tiresome

>> No.12686657
File: 120 KB, 634x815, 1560690403386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12686705

That looks like a shitty school lunch, especially with that side of Doritos. That shit doesn't even look remotely warm, and has zero seasoning.

>> No.12686826

>the quack is in on it

>> No.12687145

>plus mandatory 20% tip

>> No.12687153

do Americans really have 16.9oz bottles? that seems like an oddly uneven amount

>> No.12687157

it's obviously a joke tweet you fucking morons

>> No.12687164

16.9 fluid oz's is almost exactly 500 milliliters, so it's probably a European supplier, or company that operates in both.

>> No.12687283
File: 558 KB, 717x644, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a shitty twitter meme, geniuses

>> No.12687370

/ck/ isn't sending their best I see

>> No.12687418

The tweet is mocking her tweet. But the sad part is there are people like that.
They usually regret it because they overestimated the effort to sell food and lack the skill to cook well enough for anyone who isn't a greedy pig to buy.

>> No.12687426

This is bad, but
this is some next level scam. The most expensive part of this meal is the fucking package.

>> No.12687457

Yeah, seeing the third tweet, it's gets obvious it's a joke, but I don't underestimate shit like this since I saw people selling a fourth of a dry ramem in bags with seaweed shreds for 50c each.

>> No.12687468

>post is clearly fake
>triggered /pol/ cucks come out in full force
>LoL nIGgErS aRe So DuMb

>> No.12687476

Living rent free.

>> No.12687498

Some people have this idea if they pull some depression era shit like selling homemade food or bags of treats will lead to some big pay out.
It just doesn't work.
Steve Harvey isn't going to notice your brownie "business" while in town and you're going to blow.
Selling "plates" isn't going to scale into a full blown entrepreneurial business. It just won't. Especially when you see the slop people post on social media and they lack education.

>> No.12687510

yea but that doesn't change my hate for niggers

>> No.12687527

Do black people really do this?

>> No.12687528

oh god i thought those were pickles

>> No.12687625

Yeah, their low-end is miserably fucking useless. Like, we have way more legitimate handicapped people than any other color of people but they still end up doing better than blacks. I saw a guy working at the front desk of the hospital last night who had one fully functional arm and no apparent use of his legs or other arm. He was well dressed and polite and had a decent job.

>> No.12687633

You should be used to feral sperglords by now dude, they lack the social awareness required for average communication.

>> No.12687642
File: 522 KB, 740x842, 'Merican Flyover Cities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do black people really do this?

Please don't mix real Africans with your American niggers. We're from different planets when you compare our education level & culture.

>> No.12687689

What's actually happening in here? /ck/ is usually not this fucking stupid.

>> No.12687719

Prison food

>> No.12687729

Good on her, but I've heard horror stories of people getting absolutely fucked by the FDA and food inspectors when selling food from their homes

>> No.12687739
File: 67 KB, 666x666, 778DFC03-E1C7-442C-BD57-DB022C8BAD35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have battletoads?

>> No.12687751

autistic people don't even know what satire is, that's why.

>> No.12687794

So 4chan

>> No.12688686

Going to mcds takes more effort than her "cooking"

>> No.12688742

this post made me retarded

>> No.12688768

>literally boils everything that isn’t already cooked

How can you be this delusional? I’m a pretty talented home cook but professional kitchens aren’t anything like that.

People in her very neighborhood probably sell BBQ on their front yards. Black people do that and it’s where you can get some decadent ribs and shit.

Next to that mess? She wouldn’t even be competitive on her own block.

>> No.12688770

fuck. no.

>> No.12688829

what the hell does TL mean

>> No.12688841

considering it's twitter
I'm gonna assume it's timeline

>> No.12688890

Bitch couldn't even spring for Kings Hawian Buns

>> No.12688912

Fuck that, this looks prison tier.

>> No.12688936
File: 637 KB, 733x876, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tweet in the OP definitely wasn't the first of these, it seems like they started showing up around the 17th.
I assume they're making fun of someone who was seriously shilling their shitty food, but I can't find the original tweet. Probably deleted.

>> No.12689189

If she made the meals for The poison squad then she'd have a 100% chance of making it.

>> No.12689239
File: 2 KB, 186x134, 1551311094845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shattering of the seventh seal was many years ago, let it rain brother.

>> No.12689274 [DELETED] 


And niggers have the audacity to spout the "shiiiet nigga white mofugga dont season dey food bix nood" meme.

>> No.12690591

That's a divided plate used in nursing homes for patients with trouble eating or have difficulty using or remembering how to use a utensil. The food is also pureed which with the lack of butter on the potatoes leads me to believe that the patient is on a NAS Puree diet. Might require a feeder as well.

>> No.12691322

If this didn't look like normie twitter I'd think it was ironic.
It IS ironic, right?

>> No.12691696

Excuse me, what the fuck kind of psychologist would do this instead of helping her stop this fucking retarded obsession? Is this the consequence of tranny acceptance?

>> No.12691837

Mexicans are racist as fuck my dude.

>> No.12691890

It's a missy elliot quote

>> No.12691907

>this thread
>the genuine boomer tier disconnect with normfags
4channel wasn't this bad before the split...