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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12677213 No.12677213 [Reply] [Original]

>Japanese "food"

>> No.12677218

>a solid stick of butter in all their dishes
Pretty sure Japan summed it up correctly.

>> No.12677242

oh no I thought it was cheese

>> No.12677315

fucking moron

>> No.12677326
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>Japanese “food”

>> No.12677329

I still love you

>> No.12677351

You need to shut the fuck up. That's traditional french cuisine you're dissing on.

>> No.12677359
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Looks great OP

>> No.12677367

Why dont they sell these in the west

>> No.12677368

Can't make a jambon beurre without beurre ya know

>> No.12677422 [DELETED] 

Ugh, why can't japs speak american? What are they hiding? This political correctness has gotten out of control.

>> No.12677481


>> No.12677546

That's actually a Dutch dish, the flag is sideways.

>> No.12677589

It's French though

>> No.12677596

Japan dropping bombs like it's opposite day in Hiroshima.

>> No.12677598

troll'd hard

>> No.12677615

This is just something that would creep out every normie.
But I guess to you every normie is SJW probably.

>> No.12677637

Outed yourself with that last line, buddy.

Better luck next time though.

>> No.12677651

fuck off

>> No.12677709

>Obviously French
>Can tell from the sign despite not knowing Japanese
>People still fall for the bait
Shouldn't you be cooking your boar on a spit roast, Jooga?

>> No.12677716

it's a japanese bastardization of a french recipe, what's so difficult to grasp? do you blame italians for american hot dog pizza crust?

>> No.12677724

Doesn't make it Japanese by origin, Gurg. A misinterpretation at best. Go read a book.

>> No.12677734

Those butter sticks were folded over 1000 times, excellent flavor

>> No.12677736

0/10 for that attempt at damage control. just stop

>> No.12677743

damn those look delicious

>> No.12677747
File: 563 KB, 1920x1090, chicago-pizza[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like telling me chicago pizza is still "italian by origin"

>> No.12677752

Right, because we all know cheese and some type of meat on a roll is the bulk of Japanese food. Don't slam your head in the wall Bonko, I'm convinced you're really this stupid.

>> No.12677758

settle down there ken sama, your precious nips will survive this grievous insult on their honor

>> No.12677779

>A side dish in one restaurant
>A citywide alternative to an Italian dish
Not enough people biting your bait on /v/ I see.

>> No.12677789

Says the baiter.
Bait goes in the ocean, troglodyte.

>> No.12677796


>> No.12677887

Underrated butterlord post

>> No.12677891


>> No.12677924


>> No.12677947

i like fish

>> No.12677997

And yet they're all thin and healthy while you're just another obese gaijin

>> No.12678093

and yet the west will take any opportunity to brag about pussy any chance they get, west is so ass backwards.

>> No.12678105

Yeah because they arent a bunch of preverts who enjoy eating cartoon girl pussy sweets.

Reminder that japs have women ride different subway cars because jap men are such perverts they regularly molest women so much.

>> No.12678539

>whites are too beta to take what they want

>> No.12678555

imagine the smell haha

>> No.12679628

I threw up in my mouth just looking at that

>> No.12679659

>Reminder that japs have women ride different subway cars because jap men are such perverts they regularly molest women so much.
I never see that in my chinese cartoons i think you made it up. I also think your mother is fat.

>> No.12679667

Memes aside these shelf-stable flavored sweet breads from China and Japan are fucking god tier. Sometimes when I'm feeling like a particular lard-ass I'll buy a large pack and take one to work every day.

>> No.12679817

Butter is very expensive in japland so it's seen as a luxury, which also fits their twisted image of france.
What's funny is that they clearly say it's a kaiser roll: There's no such word for a small sandwich-size bread in french because it simply doesn't exist. Closest they have is some niche stuff like the mauricette, that is confined to the region of alsace. It's like a bagel but bread instead of being a stupid jewish donut.
>Can tell from the sign despite not knowing Japanese

>> No.12679824

They even eat pig vaginas.

>> No.12679825

C'mon, now. I've seen some of those herbivores/neets.

>> No.12679827

>french flag
>huuur nippon food

based retard

>> No.12679828

Fuck off, normalfag.

>> No.12680369


>> No.12680376

man these people really don't know what japanese food is.

>> No.12680781 [DELETED] 

this. it's accurate. nippongese bantz at their finest.
daily reminder that the fr*nch deserve extermination.

>> No.12681301

shit like this is why i turned gay

>> No.12681312

>shit filled buttholes are less gross than vagina
fuck off sodomite

>> No.12681348

so what
it's butter bread

>> No.12681409

Imagine having such shit Japanese.
I live in japan faggot. You jelly? You pathetic piece of shit. Probably work McDonald’s then in your precious free time jack off over hentai and play shit Japanese games pretending you live in japan.
Come visit me cunt I’ll fucking end your pitiful existence.

>> No.12681430

Chill out there, eikawafag.

>> No.12681553


>> No.12681902

そうやってわざわざ自分の語彙力を見せつけるチャンスを逃すんか普通w タヒんでくれいw

>> No.12682876

Check out the angry fingers on this faggot. A real boyfucker, this one is.

>> No.12683478
File: 19 KB, 259x194, 1549686601882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American "food"

>> No.12683488


Chicago pizza is real italian food. Wimpy wastewater-flavored "Noo Yawk" pizza is for idiot n*ggers.

>> No.12683499

Quite expensive too

>> No.12683620

>What's funny is that they clearly say it's a kaiser roll: There's no such word for a small sandwich-size bread in french because it simply doesn't exist.
Une déjeunette.

>> No.12683690

>he thinks erotic bakery isn't a thing in the west
Oh little boy, you have so much to learn.

>> No.12683696


Mmm delicious butter ham. See it's sophisticated because it's in french

>> No.12683768

thats clearly french

>> No.12683812

>Une déjeunette.
Been French my whole live and I've never seen that in any bakery nor heard about it.
Are you a fucking bobo from paris or some shit? kill yourslef you fucking nerd.

>> No.12683823

No, exposure to effeminate moeshit {{{anime}}} fried your brain and made you into a faggot.

>> No.12683834

You'd probably get murdered in your sleep here if you said that has the name pizza in it

>> No.12684281

>Butter expensive in Japan
You obviously don’t live here

The fuck is that Japanese sentence? Lmaooooo boy go study your minna no Nihongo more

>> No.12684296

based Nip, putting wannabe expatriates in their place

>> No.12684816

>What's funny is that they clearly say it's a kaiser roll: There's no such word for a small sandwich-size bread in french because it simply doesn't exist.

You pretentious twat, the place this bread is sold is called Maison Kayser, the katakana KAIZAA is in reference to their in house butter. How you got kaiser roll from that, I have no idea. Basic Japanese reading comprehension. But stay on this board, I love reading your posts.

>> No.12684824


Further reading for you, go educate yourself more since you seem to know a lot about bread.

>> No.12686090

Yup that's marketing for you.

>> No.12686112

nah you turned gay because you like to chortle balls

>> No.12686116

What's the name of this pastry? You know for research purposes.

>> No.12686359


>> No.12686796

Well it's simple, I didn't read the whole thing, I saw カイザー and assumed it was a kaiser roll because I didn't know about a pretentious baking company 's fermented butter, whatever the fuck that is, it isn't something I'd expect.
Why? because I couldn't care less, I just wanted to hate the pretentious fucks for making a butter stick in a bread and call it a sandwich of exquisite harmony.

Also the butter isn't in house, it clearly says in the url you provided it comes from 雪印、so maybe follow your own fucking advice before getting all preachy, fucklord.

>> No.12687941

>not wanting to taste Miku's sweet cream
holy fuck what an absolute pleb

>> No.12689892

>Also the butter isn't in house, it clearly says in the url you provided it comes from 雪印、so maybe follow your own fucking advice before getting all preachy, fucklord.

Yeah, and that butter isnt exactly commercially available because it comes direct from Hokkaido and has never been frozen, so it is an in house butter....

adjective: in-house; adjective: inhouse
done or existing within an organization.
"in-house publications"

>Well it's simple, I didn't read the whole thing, I saw カイザー and assumed it was a kaiser roll because I didn't know about a pretentious baking company 's fermented butter, whatever the fuck that is, it isn't something I'd expect.
Why? because I couldn't care less, I just wanted to hate the pretentious fucks for making a butter stick in a bread and call it a sandwich of exquisite harmony.

Just admit you made a dumb mistake, theres no way that looks vaguely like a kaiser roll, plus it says baguette on top. Just.... come on

>> No.12690334

What actually happens when Nips eat bread?
Like- they never had any for generations upon generations and then they probably have it first as teens or some shit.
It's stupid calorie dense and just kind of weird as fuck, you'd think it'd wreck an uninitiated system.

>> No.12690340

>vaginal discharge is ooky so instead I eat da poopoo

>> No.12690734

It says Sakura no Katachi no Ichigo Creampan

>> No.12690944

Japanese people eat bread from a young age. what are you on about

>> No.12690945

90% of a poor Asian's diet is rice. It's basically the same thing unless you are allergic to gluten.

>> No.12690960


>> No.12691172

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.12691228

>butter sandwich

>> No.12691569

It's supposed to represent their interpretation of French food dummy.

>> No.12691578


>> No.12691583

It's not really as much as it looks like since it's not the same width as the bread. I'm not sure why they didn't just spread it evenly over the bread though.

>> No.12692393

Well it doesn't need to be complex to be good. Try it with some 10/10 bread and some choice Ham from your local butcher shop and get the best butter you can get. It's all in the quality of the base components. Don't overdo it on the butter. You shouldn't see an alvéoles but nothing more.

>> No.12692755

ah yes, go'za... i wash mine down with a can of oliet bang's.

>> No.12692867

Why is Japan so obsessed with France?

I heard it's so bad that when Japanese tourists visit France there's an actual named syndrome they develop when the realization hits them it is not like their romanticised animes and that France is mostly a hell hole just the same as the rest of the world.

>> No.12692933

Oh no the government found the guy who ran Exhentai's snacks!

>> No.12693006

upbooted for epic topical reference

>> No.12693040

well you'd be wrong, it's actually that they're so overwhelmed with joy they cannot function properly

not that you'd know about that

>> No.12693060

rice has like half the cals and no yeast.

>> No.12693096

Why would going to France and being surrounded by gypsies and muslims fill anyone with joy?

>> No.12693471

fun fact, you can't buy regular bread in japanese 7/11 stores, or in any kind of store for that matter. all they sell is fucking sweet bread that makes me feel like i'm eating dessert. haven't seen a bakery yet either, albeit i haven't been really looking for any

>> No.12693557

>Just admit you made a dumb mistake
Not as dumb as failing to quote someone.

As for the in-house, you didn't specify so it could mean literally (and I mean literally) anyone. Your point is that you can't write proper english? Because last time I checked never being frozen isn't equal to in-house. Do you have a fetish for non-sequitur or are you just plain dumb?

As for the kaiser roll, well I never seen one so I might have conceded that one bit if you didn't follow that up with the stupidest thing in this thread ever. Just because it says baguette doesn't mean it's one, get your eyes checked. And maybe google for baguette, and by that I mean the actual french boulangerie definition of baguette, not some ass definition you couldn't include the source for, so as far as I'm concerned Tyrone wrote this.
You might like this tidbit as well: the French language is defined by France, unlike shitty English that can have conflicting sources. Admittedly it's not state-owned like Korean, but it still doesn't leave any space for ambiguity.
Add to that the fact that french bread are classified by weight... If we were to argue based on the French bread nomenclature, it's closer to a kaiser roll than a baguette at least by weight (probably by size and volume as well if you really wanna argue). And judging by the silly french flag, arguing otherwise is moronic; which is why I went ahead and spared you the trouble of embarrassing you further by explaining exactly how wrong any possible comeback is.
Also, your mind may be too numb to notice it so here's a friendly advice: get check for hemorrhoids because you just got butt-ravaged. You're welcome.

PS: just because you can't admit your mistakes doesn't mean I didn't admit mine. Maybe you're just so dumb you don't even realize you're projecting, you should get treatment for that too.

>> No.12693700

Frenchanon here. This is a hilarious take on the jambon-beurre sandwich, a classic sandwich in France. Normally, you're supposed to butter the inner part of the bread, then you just add ham and some pickles.
The only way I can understand why a nip would put a whole bar of butter inside is if the guy saw a picture of a ham and cheese sandwich, confused the cheese with butter, and thought that is how you made a jambon-beurre.

>> No.12693725


would you rather be sent to a gulag or burned at the stake for your sin?

>> No.12694009

so from my limited moonrunes reading ability
this is a baguette with red bean paste and some special fermented butter

>> No.12694024

ahh, I finally figured it out
from the paper I figured it's from メゾンカイザー
and 叶 匠寿庵 is apparently some sort of 菓子 store
and this is a collaboration betweem those two stores
so this indeed appears to be a red bean paste filled baguette with some sort of special fermented butter

>> No.12694093

Please stop LARPing on the internet you fucking wierdo.

Pic related is in EVERY supermarket and costs like $4USD equivalent.

This. Fucking idiots on this board, I swear.

>> No.12694956

Wanna know how I know you are a teenager newfag

>> No.12694961

Holy autism Batman

>> No.12694977

How long did it take you to write this essay
You sound butthurt

>> No.12695333

Paris≠the rest of france

>> No.12696008
File: 9 KB, 383x382, 1551224076970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12696662


Personne appelle ca comme ca a Paris non plus saloperie de provincial. Retourne traire ta vache.