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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12675254 No.12675254 [Reply] [Original]

Where should a beginner start with cigarettes? If American Spirits, which version?

just assume I have baby lungs

>> No.12675255

Yellow or light green if you like menthol

>> No.12675258

Weed. It cures cancer instead of causes it.

>> No.12675259

Did I accidentally stumble into 1960?

>> No.12675266

Always go with the golds.

>> No.12675268
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>> No.12675270
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Not if you inhale it, any smoke will damage the lungs over time.

>> No.12675277

Sage. This is a food and cooking board cancerfag.

>> No.12675290

Black (perique blend) is the best one, but it's also the highest nicotine / tar amounts for American Spirit outside of unfiltered (Brown) which I don't think you have in your picture.
Trying to go for weak cigarettes is retarded. You'll probably just smoke twice as much trying to get to the same place a proper full bodied cigarette would leave you with.

>> No.12675295
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I'd unironically rather have cigarette threads than f*st f**d

Everything causes cancer.

>> No.12675298

There are literally no cooks who don't chain smoke.

>> No.12675307

So does "mellow" mean gimped?

>> No.12675311

Why would you want to get into smoking? It's the biggest drain on money.

>> No.12675321

How do you feel about hand-rolling? Seems cheap but also patrician

>> No.12675323

Smoking is for liberals.

>> No.12675332
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If you want to enjoy tobacco, I'd suggest cigars and/or a pipe. Inhaling smoke is just a shit idea.

>> No.12675333

Camel smooth or marlboro menthol, I started off with newport, and I know now that they are vile.

>> No.12675334
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Get one of these some tubes and a bunch of pipe tobacco way better than any premade cigs and you dont pay taxes

>> No.12675339

I smoke reds and start to feel sick 2/3 of the way through an AS. The flavor is okay, but they just pack too much into each cigarette and it feels like a chore to finish one.

>> No.12675345

your not supposed to smoke the whole cigarette at once

>> No.12675349

>Everything causes cancer.
lmao why do dumb smokers always say this. it's an obvious exaggeration but also ignores that some things cause cancer at higher rates than others. smoking is one of the best ways to get cancer.

>> No.12675355

So does "mellow" mean gimped?
That's exactly right. It's not that they make the flavor different or anything of value like that; it just means the nicotine and tar levels are reduced.

>> No.12675359

>dude look it's natural and organic and le based redman does it how bad can it really be?
lmao imagine falling for this marketing

>> No.12675360


>> No.12675365

Cancer is good it keeps healthcare costs down and gets rid of old people

>> No.12675371

>Where should a beginner start with cigarettes?
nowhere. if you're stupid enough to start smoking then go for it, better off shortening your life anyways. not food or cooking, faggot

>> No.12675372

>How do you feel about hand-rolling?
Seems cheap but also patrician
I've tries before but I'm not very good at it even with a machine and ended up just buying cigarettes instead to not have to deal with it.

>> No.12675378

what is the perfect ratio of cannabis to tobacco to ensure a good smoke but also no cancer?

>> No.12675384


>> No.12675387

>not food or cooking, faggot
Cigarettes are as much food as zero calorie crap like diet soda is. Also we have cigarette threads here all the time, why are you still surprised?

>> No.12675389

it takes too long though, they need to up the carcinogens so people die within a year or two of forming the habit. weak genes eliminated before they can harm society or reproduce.

>> No.12675390

>Cancer is good it keeps healthcare costs down
Cancer treatment is ridiculously expensive

>> No.12675391

Tobacco is regulated by the usda it is food

>> No.12675393

do you think people have to choose between obesity and smoking? lmao

>> No.12675395

here in America, absolutely nobody mixes the two. we smoke pure green

>> No.12675396

its cheaper than old age care

>> No.12675402

No, weed smoke is medical, idiot.

>> No.12675408

Insurance doesn't pay for nursing homes

>> No.12675411

I started with the perique blend and I cut off the filter. Never smoked before that, got a super head rush and had to sleep for 2 hours after. Kept smoking filterless and rollies. If you want some real nicotine you gotta chew. Cigars are thr best though.

>> No.12675417
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>weed smoke is medical

>> No.12675418

>do you think people have to choose between obesity and smoking?
It unironically would explain a lot with the cancer scares driving cigarette smoking down and the obesity epidemic taking off afterwards.

>> No.12675425

>T. Pharmashill.

>> No.12675427

If you're rolling to "save money" you should probably stop smoking entirely.

>> No.12675444

>t. complete moron

>> No.12675455
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yellow camel fag here. cigs are like 2-3 euros here so i can buy anything but i still prefer this cheap shit over everything. quit smoking though, i smoke 4-5 cigs on saturday nights if i go somewhere but nothing other than that. im waiting for the day someone makes an alternative to cigarettes that doesnt destroy you.

>> No.12675593
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>your not supposed to smoke the whole cigarette at once

>> No.12675604

smoking, ever

>> No.12675609

>assume I have baby lungs
then don't fucking smoke

>> No.12675647

Everyone ive met who smokes either

A. Knows they shouldn't and know they should who/try to quit/actually quit

B. Are assholes and have short fuses/can't handle much when they don't get their smoke

Do NOT become one of those people who have to take 10 smoke breaks a day just to function. It's also a very expensive habit

>> No.12675661

>*farts in your face*
fuck off loser stop caring about what other people do with their time/money

have sex

>> No.12675682

I share them with my partner...

>> No.12675685

this is how people who have never had sex think

>> No.12675715
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Worse. They don't even change anything about the cigarette itself. They make it "lighter" by punching microscopic holes in the filter. It just makes for an unsatisfying smoke and leaves you sucking on it like trying to drink a milkshake through a coffee stirrer. And yes, as the other anon said, you'll end up smoking twice as much to get the same level of satisfaction, which really just means you're spending twice the money.

Don't listen to the fags telling you not to start smoking. Smoking is one of the highest pleasures in life. You hear the meme often that "you only like it because you're addicted" -- but ask yourself: If that were true, then why is the first cigarette you ever have so good?

>> No.12675719

when it pollutes the world and makes you sick so society has to waste resources trying to treat your conditions other people have a right to care

>> No.12675724

try not living in a socialist country then, faggot

>> No.12675731

The only people I know who smoke are low IQ individuals.

>> No.12675737

>why is the first cigarette you ever have so good?

Only a true ass would bullshit you by telling you the first time they smoked it was good.

>> No.12675741
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speak for yourself my first cigarette was divine

>> No.12675742

>then why is the first cigarette you ever have so good?
I'll take "Things that have never been said, ever" for $500, Alex.

>> No.12675746

actually im wrong even in a socialist country smoking saves the system money since you die sooner, keep it up

>> No.12675761

Wut? Cigarettes are one of a very small number of drugs where virtually everyone shares the sentiment that, "it's never as good as the first time".

>> No.12675765
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>> No.12675766

is there anything better than cig after a heavy meal? smoking cigs when you're high comes close though

>> No.12675769

>Smoking is one of the highest pleasures in life
That's pretty fucking sad, dude.

>> No.12675770

what the fuck are you even talking about? do you even smoke lol this is now 3/3 people telling you that's bullshit

>> No.12675787

3/3 shitposters unironically defending an addiction that makes you miserable and alienates you from your peers

>> No.12675791

How contrarian do you have to be to start smoking just to spite others.

>> No.12675796

>your peers
Believe it or not there are actually people old enough to be posting here.

>> No.12675801

I smoke but the first time I ever had nicotine was from Skoal pouches. I still remember the day I tried it, sitting around with a couple of my friends on a bench after school. I was in the middle of a sentence about how I didn't feel anything and they were full of shit, when suddenly it hit me like a truck. Like everything was beautiful and I was ok - it felt like getting a hundred hugs at once. I knew immediately that I was going to be hooked for life.

>> No.12675802


im saying the first cig u ever smoke sucks, that's all. you're most certainly not chasing the dragon like with heroin lol. whatever dude

>> No.12675812

jesus that's pathetic, try a real drug

>> No.12675832

And if they're smokers then they smell disgusting and leave social functions early to go to the designated smoking area outside in the rain and sleet.
Not exactly quality people.

>> No.12675842

I've done plenty of drugs, none of them compare to nicotine.

>> No.12675852

you're so full of shit it's leaking out of your fucking eyeballs

>> No.12675861

Maybe if you're a degenerate who needs to get high. I actually enjoy being sober and productive. Nicotine gives you the same mild euphoria / warmth without affecting your sobriety, that's what makes it the best.

>> No.12675864

Most toxic shit has a medical use in some sense. Pls dont make weedsmokers look so retardet.

>> No.12675871

>i d-didn't mean its the best at doing w-what drugs do
just shut the fuck up already, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.12675882

Reminder that it's illegal to advertise cigarettes online without buying an ad

>> No.12675898

>doing what drugs do
what the fuck are you talking about? Nicotine is a drug. If you have some personal definition about why only "cool drugs" count as drugs, you are probably a degenerate

>> No.12675905

you mean your faggot boyfriend

>> No.12675949

Degeneracy is a spook, druggie.

>> No.12676019

Medicinal tar man, that shit is good for you. This is why I hate potheads.

>> No.12676061
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American spirits tasted like shit when I went to Vegas. What are the best American smokes?

>> No.12676081

take light drags, hold the smoke in your mouth a bit to cool it and inhale at a steady pace.
don't smoke ciggs, do pipe tobacco, cigars, or anything where you dont inhale smoke into your lungs and destroy them.

>> No.12676121

Weed treats the symptoms of cancer, such as pain and discomfort. It doesn't cure cancer. Stupid fucking stoners.

And you, don't smoke. Why the hell would you possibly think that's a good idea? Do they need to bring back the ad campaigns from the 90s?

t. smoked for 23 years. 4 years non-smoker, non-vaper, non-stoner.

>> No.12676137

Man, once upon a time it was. I hand-rolled for about 5 years back around the turn of the century. Then the state got wise to our shinanigans and taxed the FUCK out of rolling tobacco. The price of a can tripled overnight making it about the same prices as cigarettes so I switched to those. Because why not if it's the same price?

I haven't checked prices in 20 years but I assume it's still the same because the man always has to get his cut.

>> No.12676150
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>jesus that's pathetic, try a real drug
Why would you even compare smoking to full blown psychoactive compounds? Nobody wants to take ten hallucinogenic trips a day you dummy.
That's like saying a walk in the park is pathetic and you should try flying to Switzerland and climbing The Matterhorn instead.

>> No.12676159

Servers, as well. Also it seems like 1/3 of servers are coke-heads from my 20 years in the industry. They snort $50/day of coke then they complain they're poor because black people don't tip and disregard their drug habit expense.

>> No.12676172

Nah, that's not really it. Poor people in general - that lifestyle - you see a lot of smokers. You probably see more middle-class conservatives smoking than middle-class liberals. Seems those middle-class liberals prefer unconventional habits, such as vaping and toking. Neither side is better than the other. They all have vices. I can't comment on rich liberals because I've literally never met one. I swear they only exist on the internet and in Hollywood.

>> No.12676177
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>itt: assblasted faggots who gag at even the thought of someone smoking thousands of miles away from them

Unironically? If you have babby lung then American Spirits might be trouble for you. They're pretty dense straight out of the pack. Get a bitch-cig like Camel blues or Turkish royals and build up to it.

But if we're talking the absolute best cig then American Spirit yellow or black. Remember - only niggers smoke menthols.

>> No.12676181

Camel's are fantastic. I've smoked a lot of cigarettes in my life (regrettably) and camels were the only ones that actually had a taste to them. I especially loved Turkish Jade and Turkish Royals.

>> No.12676184

>Smoking anything

Gays like you should be lynched.

>> No.12676191
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Why are you talking about a palate-killer on a cooking board?

>> No.12676196

Your body knows. I smoke 1 cigarette a week (long story) and I can smoke a whole ultra-light without a problem but if I try a regular light, I get halfway through and just start feeling like "I'm tired of this and want to do something else" like my body is telling me it's at its limit. ... People that smoke 2 packs a day of reds probably have their bodies grown used to it.

>> No.12676206

>Why are you talking about a palate-killer on a cooking board?
This. WTFLMAO at the stupidity. Unhealthy. Addiction roller coasters will suck for life. Why also start a damn thing that will numb your brain to food tastes?

>> No.12676207

Speaking of, what the hell happened with cigarette naming convention? Did they make it illegal to use the terms "Light" and "Ultra-Light"? I notice they're all color-coded now. Silver is ultra-light, Blue is light - I don't know the rest. What's the deal with that?

>> No.12676208

90% of /ck/ is food gore or shitposting anyway so it's basically in favor of anyone eating that slop

>> No.12676216

Sugar and sugar water are much worse for your palate than cigarettes and that stuff is discussed here all the time. Still doesn't make cigarettes food, but that wasn't your argument.

>> No.12676232

Your chance of getting lung cancer is increased by smoke itself severely damaging those delicate organs. It doesn't matter what the smoke comes from or what's in it. You could smoke vitamin supplements and get cancer. A "marijuana cigarette" (as the PTA call them) actually has an increased chance of promoting lung cancer do to how rich the unfiltered smoke is.

Lungs are delicate, more-so than most of your other organs. They evolved to process air. If you're putting anything other than pure air in your lungs, your pissing them off and (in the case of smoke) drastically escalating your chances of getting cancer. Period.

>> No.12676233

If you have baby lungs Def don't start with American spirits, or if you do, at least go with lights or ultra lights. That "organic" tobacco is actually pretty harsh without all the stuff big tobacco throws in it. Like, I smoked for hecka fortnight, but when I smoke a as turquoise, shit was rough. If you still wanna be a hipster fag and smoke American spirits, go ahead, but there is really no point since rj Reynolds bought them and added all the extra fun stuff they normally put in their shit. Or you could just go to your local tobacy shop and buy some loose shit and roll your own. Still pretty hipster without paying all that money to smoke a cigarette claiming to be additive free.

>> No.12676247

>have to take 10 smoke breaks a day just to function
I wonder if these people realize how much their non-smoking coworkers hate them. What's also is a mystery is why management allows it. I'd sooner fire an employee than allow them special break privileges for a vice. Unless they were irreplaceable, anyway.

>> No.12676249

Nicotine is literally the worst drug. It can't get you high, yet is highly addictive. The only things it does is restrict blood flow in capillaries and provide relief from it's own withdrawal symptoms. You may as well just smoke money, because that's pretty much what you're doing.

>> No.12676256

better than smoking dicks, faggot

>> No.12676268

>why is the first cigarette you ever have so good?
What smoker remembers their first cigarette, though? I'm sure it was around 1993 when I was 12-13 and stole a pack from a store, but I have zero recollection of that period of life. What I do know is it didn't make me NOT want to smoke, so it couldn't have been that bad.

>> No.12676272

>t. wagie who only gets to take 8 smoke breaks
Enjoy your cancer sticks I guess

>> No.12676275

Cigs after yard work, or after polishing off a big accomplishment. You smoke and feel all that tension wafting away. So nice.

>> No.12676283

Literally nobody gives a shit lol

>> No.12676293

The first cig is the best because it's the last time you'll ever taste one. Unless you quit smoking for 2-3 years and then try one again. Even as a non smoker (now) I can smell a pack of cigarettes and be like "god damn those smell good". But you don't even notice that smell anymore after smoking for a week.

>> No.12676295

>Waking up on the first cold day of the year
>Going outside
>Hearing the frosty crackle of the first cigarette you light up

Quit smoking like 5 years ago but I still have at least one cigarette a year around this time.

>> No.12676306

>around the turn of the century.
Settle down grandpa

>> No.12676311

You should not start with cigarettes. They are fucking addictive as hell and I wish I'd quit 20-some years ago. Seriously, there's no reason to consider smoking if you don't smoke. It's total bullshit.

t. 51 year-old smoker

>> No.12676324

Why would you start with American Spirits if you have baby lungs? You won't be able to smoke any of them.

>> No.12676329

>Get a bitch-cig like Camel blues or Turkish royals and build up to it. No, start with ultra lights. Even blues can be pretty nauseating if you're inexperienced with how the body responds to nicotine. They really need to teach you this stuff in school. The basics of alcohol and tobacco.

Like how you should only take 1 shot every 20 minutes and wait a bit to see how you're body responds because usually you only need 3 or 4 at most to feel good and happy without a hangover. And how to start smoking with ultra-lights and space out your draws by at least 20-30 seconds because (again) your body needs time to respond to the nicotine and put up red flags.

>> No.12676333

well that was a retarded misquote on my part but whatever. apologies to #12676177

>> No.12676334

That’s a lot of words just to say “cancer just happens to cells sometimes and fatties have more cells”

>> No.12676338

This is actually pretty quality smoking advice

Notice a lot of newbies try to puff as much as possible and it fucks them up a lot worse than if they took their time with it

>> No.12676350

Literally no one likes their first cigarette, unless they perhaps grew up with mommy and daddy's secondhand smoke breathed down their throats. What the actual fuck are you niggers on about?

>get really high
>smoke a cigarette
>then get drunk
>smoke another cigarette
>eat a big carb-heavy drunk/high meal
>smoke a last cigarette
That's the best cigarette there is.

>the only two drugs that exist are weak headrushes like nicotine or trips from strong hallucinogens
You're not only dumb, you're stupid, too.

>> No.12676357

To add to this, if you need that feeling that nicotine gives, do thorough research on anxiety disorders and polish up your acting skills, then go talk to your doctor about Xanax or something.

I work in the mental health care industry and a lot of people smoke for the genuine medicinal effect. Autism, a word you hear a lot, is especially prone to draw in smokers because it calms their minds when they start to obsess or worry. But lots of people simply need a little stress relief. And they make lots of drugs for that are ... probably ... safer.

>> No.12676362

>dude don't use smoking as a way to socialize with others just pop xannies lmao

>> No.12676363

>Literally no one likes their first cigarette, unless they perhaps grew up with mommy and daddy's secondhand smoke breathed down their throats
I think it's actually the opposite. I hated second hand smoke and the smell of cigarettes as a kid, but when I took my first drag and got that lightheaded feeling you only get the first few times I was hooked.

>> No.12676370

I literally pop 1mg of Xanax at 8pm every day because it makes sleep faster and deeper than most south-east asian porn scenes. Nicotine can't hold a candle to it. Or in it.

>> No.12676375

Im just disappointed at how many people took the bait, it really is summer. Not like people were riffing off it, just snarky hur hur comments. Sad.

>> No.12676377

This is pretty common in my experience, though. Smokers hating the smell of smoke on their hand, in their car, or in their house. They pick non-smoking sections at restaurants (the few that still allow it at all). They only smoke at home on their back porches unless they're on a trip or something.

>> No.12676393

Good for you m8?

>> No.12676461

>the only two drugs that exist are weak headrushes like nicotine or trips from strong hallucinogens
Which drugs are you talking about then? Stop being a defensive pussy and say what you mean.

>> No.12676472

Do you eat tobacco?

>> No.12676510

People actually believe weed cures cancer and that's far from the dumbest sincere argument anons on /ck/ make on a routine basis. If anything people here in the long term and not underage b& summer visitors would be the ones who've learned to expect the worst in stupid and/or mentally ill opinions. Half this board fell for the keto meme. A strong minority here force themselves to drink liters or even gallons of water each day under the impression it's "healthy." The majority believe beans somehow improve chili.
>Do you eat tobacco?
Do you eat soda or alcohol? Does it count as "food" if it has zero digestible calories like half of what vegans "eat?"

>> No.12676522

it counts as cooking if someone eats your smoked lungs after you die of cancer

>> No.12676524

I wasn't the other guy, but people take all kinds of things. Weak hallucinogens like LSA, prescription pills, weed, coke. Alcohol.
Don't be such a prick, faggot.

I hated the smell as a kid because I didn't grow up around it. I hated my first cigarette too. It wasn't until I Stockholm Syndromed myself into getting past the choking feeling that I started to enjoy the headrush. Before that, I just did it because I felt compelled to.

Beer and wine are considered food most places. Just because you can slurp a soup, does that make it not food?
You can eat applesauce without chewing, so is it not food? Stop being so obtusely pedantic.

>> No.12676533

Seriously. My chick just stopped smoking to save like $200 a month and now she's just angry and getting fat. Do you really want to go down this path anon?

>> No.12676536

This. Start with a cheap corncob pipe from missouri meerschaum and get some nice tobacco. Way cheaper, tastier, and healthier than cigarettes.

>> No.12676554

>I hated the smell as a kid because I didn't grow up around it.
Neither of my parents smoked but when I worked my first job as a busboy at 14 and was exposed to all the cigarette smoke there I got a weird enjoyment out of it (didn't start smoking cigarettes until I was 18 though).
>I wasn't the other guy
Then maybe you shouldn't answer for him.
>but people take all kinds of things
Nobody claimed people don't take other things. The anon's argument was that cigarettes are bad because they aren't like more serious drugs, which again is retarded. Cigarettes aren't meant to be a heavy duty mind altering experience. They're a lot more like coffee. They feel good as something on hand that you can go to more or less often depending on how much you want to step aside from whatever bullshit you're dealing with at the moment and just get some relaxing span of time winding down measured in a convenient minimal commitment interval of minutes.
>Stop being so obtusely pedantic.
You're the pedant here. /ck/ has always had cigarette threads.

>> No.12676555

it's also regulated by the ATF, does that make it a firearm?

>> No.12676589

It makes it alcohol, tobacco, a firearm, or an explosive.

>> No.12676619

Website full of sad boy cucks
> I'm sad, I wanna die
Someone brings up smoking
> ewwww smoking will kill you

>> No.12676741

I rest my case.

>> No.12676751

If I smoke will I too be able to rip off a French genius?

>> No.12676758

>not balancing it out by smoking weed and cigarettes

>> No.12676774

If all smoking did was increase the risk of cancer then i would still smoke. thing is, it fucks with your sense of smell and taste, and your physical fitness. i quit after i realised i was out of breath after cycling up the hill on the way to the supermarket. its also shit to be constantly coughing up lung butter

>> No.12677231

>starting with american spirits
we are really diving into the deep end from the get go, huh?

try a more conventional brand, maybe lights or even menthol if you really wish to be addicted to this devil's trap.

You'll love smoking, then you will hate smoking, then you will love to hate it, but cant do without it.

t. on and off smoker of 7 years

>> No.12677478
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>> No.12677488

As a smoker, I strongly advise against.

At first the buzz is nice, a relaxing dizziness, all cool. Then addiction kicks in and you never get that buzz again, there's just craving for another smoke.

And even if you don't give a shit about cancer, that's a hundred bucks or more down the drain each month. Also, your immunity goes to shit, you're about twice as likely to catch something, any sickness lasts twice as long. And it's fucking ridiculous how easily it is to get addicted.

>> No.12677497

You're not supposed to inhale with a pipe or a cigar?

>> No.12677527

Suck the puff into your mouth, roll around, don't pull into your lungs.

>> No.12677543
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>I pay american kikes to poison me, but in return I... I... I get... uh...

>> No.12677781

whats the point?

>> No.12677810


>> No.12677814

You are still getting nicotine. In fact massive amounts. You are just trading in possible lung cancer for possible throat cancer

>> No.12677847

>only ever smoked a handful of times when really drunk
>tfw have never gotten hooked because I can barely remember what it's like to smoke after I black out
>only thing I remember in the mornings is the smell of stale smoke around me which makes me not want to do it again ever
How weak minded do you have to be like really

>> No.12677865

Get to die sooner so I don't have to deal with faggots like you anymore.

>> No.12677890

Apparently the tobacco in a cigar has less sugar which makes the smoke more alkaline and the nicotine is absorbed in your mouth more easily from alkaline smoke. Cigarette tobacco has more sugar which makes the smoke acidic so you have to inhale it into your lungs to get the nicotine.

>> No.12678067

ladies and gentlemen, the most cancerous type of poster

>> No.12678089

Hope you smokers enjoy lung cancer, because as far as deaths go that's a pretty nasty one.

>> No.12678551

You need to point out to her another, low calorie, way to deal with those oral cravings, anon. Make sure that she gets hers too, that'll help with the anger as well.

>> No.12678558
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The fuck, this shit gets 200+ posts but al/ck/ is banned on sight? Fuck the mods, bring back Snax.

>> No.12678584

OP do not listen to all the idiots tricked in this thread. Fact is smoking is actually excellent for your health because it filters all the neurotoxins the jews have been putting into our water supply to keep us dormant out of your body. Think about it if smoking PSAs were purely because it's bad for you then how come there isn't such a push for alcohol? And don't you dare bring up prohibition because that despite what memers will claim actually worked, fact is alcohol keeps people under control cigarettes help wake people up to the truth around them and the jews DO NOT want that but because banning them outright would be too obvious they're instead trying to make everyone think they're nothing but poison so when they do take away our last chance of liberation everyone will be praising them in open arms.

>> No.12678589

Hey invite me over to eastern europe

>> No.12678629
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then why dont you kill yourself right now?

>> No.12678689

/ck/ hasn't been a cooking board for awhile.

>> No.12678716


>> No.12679144
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Don't start OP, nicotine addiction sucks

>> No.12679166

you should not start at all
t. smoker

>> No.12679322

Smoke catnip instead of tobacco.

>> No.12679476

Should I start vaping? I want to look cool

>> No.12679484

/ck/ - Tobacco and Marijuana?

>> No.12679503

As a former smoker (now a vaping loser) I understand wanting to enjoy cigarettes but try to keep it to under 5 a day? Quitting sucks, so does the way they make you feel after a while

I started smoking full flavored ones and desu you may as well, more bang for your buck. I'd try them all. Try hand rolling a few

Never was an American spirit fan.
Parliaments are probably my favorite.

>> No.12679510

Also if you're this much of a loser you want to chat online about tobaccos there is a tobacco discussion board on 420chan

>> No.12679539


>> No.12679963

You're heating up the tobacco slowly to taste the oils rather than charring it to inhale smoke.

>> No.12680951

Vaping is possibly the faggiest way to get nicotine

The bigger the cloud, the fatter the dick you've sucked

>> No.12681482

Golds are lights
Black blend is the best, grey is light black blend, never found em
You should smoke a pipe or cigars though, unless you really restrict yourself the buzz diminishes and smoke breaks become mostly self-defeating

>> No.12681585
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I smoked camel wides or turkish royals for 5 and a half years straight, a pack a day when they were under 5 bucks (ny state fag) and as of the end of august I will be smoke free for 8 years cold turkey. please quit, it's for the better, and who even smokes anymore? it's not 1997, scumbag.
write down how many cigs you smoke a day by the time you go to bed and try to stay under that number or do half of that, drink lots of water, do breathing exhales as if you're smoking (real reason you feel 'calm' after smoking, the buzz is gone after the first one of the day usually). I chewed lots of hot cinnamon gum like 3 - 5 sticks at a time. tumeric tea is great also. And the one thing that helped the most is walking for 5 to 10 mins outside, usually the body doesn't want a smoke after that. It's not worth it to waste all your money on something so fucking pointless, and the meme about everything smelling like smoke is true, I've had so much shit smelling like smoke when I left items at my mother in law's place and she smokes a pack of newports or more a day, and even ruined one of my first records I ever bought because it was pure white but in my place I looked at it in my LED lights and the fucking thing is yellowish, just all around a stupid habit. peace.

>> No.12681612

Smoke the offbrand cheap shit. Dont go for any big companys. Wild Horse soft packs are cheap as fuck and does the same thing.

>> No.12681620

Am i the only one who thinks this shit isnt addictive at all? You barely feel a thing from cigz

>> No.12681672

Basically, you should cut out the middleman and kill yourself right now. It's cheaper and less painful.

>> No.12681791
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I'm 23. Acouple of weeks ago I triedmy first ever cig at a family gathering where almost everyone smoked heavily.

The sensation was unbearable. Heat and posions engulfed my once pure mouth and throat. Fucking disgusting.

I fail to understand why anyone would go throught this voluntarily. Felt akin to torture.

>> No.12681794

That's a weird reaction. Most people who grew up in a family that smokes heavily become accustomed to it from passive smoking.

>> No.12681830
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My parents don't. We were visiting my extended family who all smoked.

I didn't even finish the cig.

>> No.12681837

What you should do if there is a next time is take a cigar. It seems hardcore, even for regular smokers, but in reality it isn't. You're not supposed to inhale, you just hold the smoke in your mouth and then blow it out, so there's nothing to compel a cough.

I guess you could also do the same thing with a cigarette if you want to be a complete weenie without anybody knowing.

>> No.12681887

Well I actually tried the shisha and it was way more pleasant. No burning sensation and a nice taste.

>> No.12681895

>Where should a beginner start with cigarettes? If American Spirits, which version?

Get a nice tin of tobacco (flavored with brandy or whatever, I prefer a 50/50 blend) and smoke a pipe instead.

>> No.12681897

This is also a good option. I love cigars but they're out of my price range now. Used to smoke one a week or so, Romeo y Julieta. Very tasty, and you don't take it into your lungs. Same as a pipe.

>> No.12681909

>t. never invited to smoke and still salty so use same shitty jokes

>> No.12681923

Got a mates Wedding coming up and I want to buy some cigars for me and the boys. Any recommendations for people who don't smoke, or should I just go to my local cigar shop? I don't know anything about cigars.

>> No.12681928

Romeo y Julieta. Trust. Get a nice medium shade. The darker the cigar, the more intense the buzz. The lighter it is, the less intense. Don't get extra extra long ones or very short ones. Just get the nice mediums. Forgot what they're called.

>> No.12681943

>Deliberately starting to smoke
How retarded can a single person get?
You will want to kill yourself for your stupidity in a couple of years.

>> No.12681949

Your stuff is also weaker on average though.
If you only were to smoke pure in euroland, you would get beamed out of your mind every time you smoked.
Also tobacco helps it burn more thoroughly.

>> No.12681951

>quit smoking
>i smoke 4-5 cigs on saturday nights
pick one.
You haven't quit, you just slowed down your consumption. You are still a slave to the chemicals.

>> No.12681953

Don't, it'll get you hooked up and you'll be the tobacco's bitch for the rest of your life. I speak from experience.

>> No.12681955

>why is the first cigarette you ever have so good
It literally isn't though?
When you see dumb kids starting to smoke, do you see them enjoy and cherish their first few cigs?
No you see them cough and turn green.
They have to FORCE themselves to get over that small bump until addiction sets in.
You are a massive retard and a weak willed addict.

>> No.12681964

So funny how retards will fall for the most transparent marketing strategies.
Cigarettes are not a valuable good intrinsically, why would they be.
That look and feel of "value" is a carefully crafted illusion. Like they put a little gold strip between the filter and cigarette, or look at how that box is designed.
They put the literal word "luxury" on there to suggest you how much of a quality product that is.
And being the retard you are, you eat that shit right up. I mean the box looks fancy, so it MUST be valuable and good, right?
I would tell you to kill yourself, but you already are.