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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12674881 No.12674881 [Reply] [Original]

I've added way too much white wine to my pasta sauce, but being the moron that I am I didn't realise that until I had already mixed it with the pasta and other ingredients.
What can I do to salvage this? It completely ruined the taste and it feels like eating vodka. Would it be salvageable if I poured the whole thing into a pan and added more cream and cheese?

>> No.12674894

Yeah, best idea is to spread it out through a larger batch of food. If you've got the ingredients that is. You can always freeze the leftovers and eat it over the next few weeks, all you'd wait for is for it to thaw, then warm it up and you've got dinner rather quickly that evening.

>> No.12674898

Make a second portion the same but with no wine at all and mix them in a pan on low heat. Add a little more cream until it looks fresh.

>> No.12674927
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>jesus turned water into wine
>op turned wine into vodka
It truly is the second coming.

>> No.12676696

Sounds like you just didn't cook the alcohol off enough. Just put it in a pan and cook it for 5 mins. Your pasta will be mushy but the ethanol taste will go.

>> No.12676717

recipe? looks quite nice

>> No.12676745

no it doesn't

>> No.12676781

There's no such thing as too much white wine, you should add some sherry too.

>> No.12676871

yeah it does, looks cheesy and creamy, but not as heavy as something like mac and cheese

>> No.12676893

you're retarded

>> No.12677233

Next time taste it before you pull the sauce off

You almost definitely didn't add "too much" white wine also unless you added a full bottle, you just didn't cook it down enough

>> No.12677257


>> No.12677273

Big if true

>> No.12677761

I just got that off the internet to illustrate my post, that's not what my pasta looks like.

Anyway thanks everyone for the advice, I'll try what >>12676696 said when I reheat it for dinner tonight.

>> No.12677959

quick question: will microwaving be enough to cook the ethanol away?

>> No.12678481

it has to evaporate, microwaving the sauce for that long would probably ruin the texture, just throw it in the pan and don't cover it

>> No.12678506

No, it has to cook for a while and you have to stirr it a couple times. Creamy sauce will bubble once it reaches the cooking temp and make a mess in a microwave.