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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12666163 No.12666163[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is 10% good tip if you go into a restaurant and you don't really get a full meal. You just get their quickest app and a fountain drink. Out the door within 15-20mins...

>> No.12666167

Customers define the value of their service. Any tip, including none, is, by definition, a good tip.

>> No.12666173

tip whatever you want just don't be a cunt about it

>> No.12666175

You don't have to tip at McDonald's, Anon

>> No.12666197

Well if you go for the full course meal you really get treated well but seeing as I only wanted a quick bite they didn't fully setup the table. Never was ask if my food was ok or was I offered a refull (20% left on my drink)

>> No.12666215

Apparently the new standard tip at restaurants where I live (for a full meal) is 18%
18 fucking precent!
Some people I talk to say it's not uncommon to go as high as 22/24%
Has the world gone mad?!

Ok sorry done.

>> No.12667719


Start paying your fucking servers muricans, honestly I couldn't be bothered to calculate 18% for a tip after eating especially if I'm in a hurry.

>> No.12667738

the standard is 20% and has been for a while

>> No.12667746
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Here's an all-in-one guide. Note that these are pretty much all minimums to avoid negative repercussions (spit in food, stolen clothing etc.). If you get good service you should tip more.

>> No.12667774


>> No.12667782

Do you guys tip for takeaway as well?

>> No.12667790

I might leave a dollar but usually no

>> No.12668148

only if you want to be seen as a cheapskate or flyover. 25% is normal in important cities

>> No.12668151

>minimums to avoid negative repercussions (spit in food, stolen clothing etc.)
kek. imagine being so cucked that you have to bribe servers not to harass you

>> No.12668170

>tipping for fastfood

>> No.12668172

also, if it doesn't have a Michelin star, it's fast food

>> No.12668193

seeing image macros like this make me not want to tip. I literally only ever tip when I go to my favorite local diner, because the service is good even when theres only 2 waitresses and 25+ customers (pretty much every friday-sunday night)

>> No.12668220
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>> No.12668239

>always get food to go and eat within the comfort of my home
>if it's not an option I never go

Fuck servers, I dont owe you shit for doing your job.
t. worked in restaurants during teens

>> No.12668250

I usually tip 20%, 25% if it's *exceptionally* good service, but honestly that's because I just like to feel like a big shot. The standard tip is and always will be 15%, add or subtract up to 5% from that based on service.

I will say the few restaurants I've been to where they add on a surcharge of 2-3% in fine print (a horrible practice), I'll tip 12-13% and then write a note saying how much I hate their surcharges. Then I won't ever eat at that restaurant again.

>> No.12668253

What's stopping you to just smooth-talk the fucker that (s)he gets a big tip if (s)he does good job so there's no spit, stolen clothes etc. and then just nope.avi when the time comes?
What's (s)he gonna do?

>> No.12668267

>not just tipping 5 pennies and moving on to a different restaurant so you don't have to eat cum

>> No.12668273
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Ok retards listen up:

If you do the traditional sit-down meal with cocktails 15% is the minimum tip unless the service was subpar. If you're trying to impress other people do not tip less than 20%. A lot of people worked in food service when they were younger and even if they are a CEO now, might take offense that you tipping lower, although typically if you're doing a business meal the CEO should be covering it. Typically I tip 20 to 25%, but I don't go out very often and I can afford to do so.

If you're just getting drinks at a bar tip for the amount of effort and the number of interactions with the bartending staff. Tipping a percentage on a few drinks is ridiculous. If I get a couple basic drinks I'm going to tip 2 to 3 bucks no matter what the cost of the drinks are. Just because the bar charges me more for drinks than other places doesn't mean I should be tipping more. If I get something more complicated like a martini of some kind I'll tip more.

Never tip on takeout food. The staff might appreciate it but they're also going to think you're retarded because you are being retarded.

Tipping anything less than a dollar is a huge offense to whoever your server was. If you're not going to tip a dollar or more don't tip anything at all. If you get really bad service tip a couple cents in the line and that will send a huge message.

if a bartender buys you drinks you should tip a large portion of the money they saved you.
These are the basic rules.

>> No.12668283

You realize that percents scale with the amount you get, thats the whole point of them

>> No.12668284

Food and restaurant culture in the US is generally terrible.
Go in - eat - go out. 30 minutes max. One of the things that surprised me most when I visited.

>> No.12668295

>If I get something more complicated like a martini of some kind I'll tip more.
A martini is one of the easiest and least complicated cocktails to make: 2 simple ingredients, put on ice and shaken or stirred. Poured into glass. Garnished. Done. It's not complicated at all.

>> No.12668301

I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about, I was traveling on business and every single dinner I had last week was at least 2 hours long it was ridiculous, and then it was followed up with a 2-hour 3-hour trip to the bar.

>> No.12668304

The US (at least in mid-sized metro areas and up) has options. You can do quick 15-30 minutes, but you can also find a nice restaurant and spend a few hours over a multi-course meal. It's up to you.

>> No.12668309

Don't tip mate. You don't have to. You shouldn't feel obliged to. If an individual's career choice is a low paying one then that is their problem. There's huge profit in preparing and selling food. Owner's however for years have been tight and only paid staff minimum wage. The industry's come back to this is to invent the tip. A gratuity paid on top of the contractually agreed amount. It's all a ruse mate. Never pay tips. Never.

>> No.12668310

yeah but it's a little more complicated than just pouring liquor and soda into a glass. I guess more accurate drink would be like a mojito or something.

>> No.12668319

>Customers define the value of their service. Any tip, including none, is, by definition, a good tip.
This. I never tip under a dollar, so if you literally can't make 10-15% make a dollar? Then you leave the dollar. If they did anything twice for you, you leave a couple of dollars or whatever you want. If you literally sat down with your food like fast food, and didn't leave a mess or require a refill, use your judgement to stuff a dollar in a tip jar on the way out or not. If you aren't going back and you aren't worried about leaving more than that *shrug*

>> No.12668320

Every job has it's complexities. Why the fact should I pay anyone more money for knowing ho to do their job?

>> No.12668322

>paying the waiter's wage because the owner us too cheap to pay them at least minimum wage
Do Americans really do this?

>> No.12668325

Imagine paying extra for somebody to do their job

>> No.12668332

You pay either way, anon. The owner isn't going into his own pocket to pay his waitstaff - it's coming out of what he charges you for the food.

>> No.12668334

Not a restaurant but:
>Uber starts taking all the taxi business from the airport
>Taxi company installs touch screens in the back seat as desperate way to catch up to Uber
>Touch screen allows you to pay with credit card, that’s their only “innovation”
>Default tip amounts are 25%, 30% and 35%
Absolute cunts. Glad the local taxi company got destroyed

>> No.12668344

The food and healthcare industry is so full of cucks. Everyone in this industry made a personal choice to work in it. If they don't like the wage they get for doing it, then they can bloody well go back to school, college or get an apprenticeship and improve themselves to gt a better job and arn more money. I don't give a fuck about the whining fucking nurses who put up with all the shit that patients and their families give them. I care nothing for the hard working single mother waitress working their fingers to the bone to earn a crust. They all chose to do what they are doing. They can choose to leave it and find something better. Fuck your tips. You get nothing from me.

>> No.12668350

Are you running for state rep you republican cunt? Those women make shit, what's another dollar?

>> No.12668352

Absolutely solid advice.

>> No.12668356

Australian or Brit?

>> No.12668359

Do not tip anyone in the food industry. It is a clever sympathy ploy.

I'm in construction. Why don't my clients tip me for the good work I do for them? I am always working more hours than my salary pays me for. A deadline is a deadline and if it is missed, I risk losing my job. I get no bonuses. I get a few free beers and a couple of free meals a year from my employer at christmas and midsummer but I never expect a client to pay any extra than what he is contractually obliged to do. Fuck the food industry. why are they so special

>> No.12668367

Then they can go to fucking school and learn how to write code or go to college and learn ho to be a chef. Fuck them. You don't know shit then you get paid shit wages?

Unlike you I never bought into the sympathy tack that was invented by the food industry to squeeze more money out of hard working citizens.

>> No.12668370

I'm American and proud to know the truth that tipping is a ripoff for the diner that is in no way a contactual obligation. So fuck off with paying tips. Get a better job or put pressure on restaurant owners to pay decent fair liveable wages.

>> No.12668386

>30-55% for waiters
The fuck is this Jewish shit? Is this for people with money or the average person? There's no way in hell the average person is doing 30%.

>> No.12668389

Because Jews during the depression times.

>> No.12668391

It's a shop. Look at the pie chart slices and how they don't match up with the %s listed.

>> No.12668395

I don't know man, some idiots just don't know how to make a pie chart correctly. Still would like to see the original if it's around.

>> No.12668443
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Here you go.

>> No.12668445

Well, that didn't work... Just go here - https://www.scribd.com/document/94813682/Tipping-etiquette

>> No.12668472

>tipping at a funeral
there's no fucking way

>> No.12668496

>if a bartender buys you drinks
Why the fuck would a bartender buy me drinks?
And why the fuck would i tip him for buying me drinks.
Tipping culture is the height of retardation.

>> No.12668503

That at least would be a honest way to do business.

>> No.12668505

If you're at a bar and having a few drinks and get along well with the bartender, he might decide to just make you a drink. You don't really tip him for that drink, but you do probably increase the amount that you'll tip at the end of the night since the bartender is being cool.

>> No.12668719

>bartender gives you free drink you didnt ask for
>now you're forced to give a generous tip so you dont look like an asshole

I'll just make my own fucking drinks thanks

>> No.12668724

Jesus bub, you are not forced to do anything. I prefer drinking at home too, but if I'm out at a bar and get along well with the bartender and he makes me a free drink, I'll throw him a few extra bucks on the end-of-night tip. What is so wrong about that?

>> No.12668739

In my opinion, if you close the check before you get the food, then you're free to not tip.

>> No.12668742
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>not tipping your landlord
Smh, what are you, fucking poorfag?

>> No.12668805

I see your point. I just really dislike tipping culture here and avoid any place that expects it by default, out of experience in the industry and experience as a customer

>> No.12668857

Thanks, anon.

>> No.12668865


How do you know the bartender didnt make you the drink so he could get a larger tip and pocket the money?

>> No.12668942

Why would I care?

>> No.12668957

>waiter brings you a plate of cheese sticks and a coke
>only tip 10%
>waiter brings you a plate with a steak on it, and a glass of red wine
>tip 20%
Why? It's the same amount of work. In fact, the app and soda is more work for the server, because s/he had to make your drink. The bartender makes the wine.

>> No.12668963

>server makes the soda
>bartender makes the wine

I sincerely hope English is not your first language, because you aren't using it correctly.

>> No.12668984

You're correct. I'm American, so Espanish is the first one to me.

>> No.12669127

How much am I supposed to tip my garbage man?

>> No.12669143

these american threads are just like going to safari

>> No.12669163

15% of garbage he takes is enough

>> No.12669477

standard has been 20% for at least a decade.

>> No.12669482

yeah waiter's minimum wage is something like $2.35/hour whereas normal minimum is 7.25-15 depending on what state/city you are in.