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12664253 No.12664253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder to drink more water.

>> No.12664278

why does he move like that

>> No.12664285

hes posing for photos all the time

>> No.12664288

It's what happens when a suit isn't properly fitted around the shoulders and you're afraid of ripping the seams. Also I swear those are padded shoulders.

>> No.12664292

his suit is bulletproof

>> No.12664297


>> No.12664310

he doesn't want to mess up his make up

>> No.12664313
File: 257 KB, 504x517, hydrate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please format your reminders in the form of a cute anime girl, thanks.

>> No.12664314

this guy is acting the fool...
oh snap, and he's orange...
hmm, I think there's a different drink he may enjoy. it seems like it suits him perfectly -- I speak of course about the orange fool custard beverage.

>> No.12664320

Thank you little platelet, heat index of 105 right now and that is a good reminder

>> No.12664388

he's a robot

>> No.12664403

People hate this guy, but his first term in office was better than the last 16

>> No.12664406

Well at least you've dropped the veneer of caring about making this even remotely food and cooking related.

>> No.12664408

Years. I should have said last 4 terms. Whatever

>> No.12664409

You're right

>> No.12664416

>his first term in office was better than the last 16
I'm guessing your sole criteria for how well a president has done is how many people hate him.

>> No.12664422

to own the libs

>> No.12664425

More along the lines of avoiding wars and pursuing peace with a nation that poses a nuclear threat to us and our allies. Economy is pretty good too thanks to his tax reform. Starting your own business is the easiest it's been in years

>> No.12664437
File: 58 KB, 750x445, 5C8546A8-9E5E-4C11-A19B-021ADCEE73F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he drink water with two hands?
Is he trying to hide a degenerative motor neurone disorder?

>> No.12664476

the tax reform ran up the deficit bigly though and now he's discussing big cuts if he wins a second term, mixed bag overall. he's really only increased the chances of war with iran too (as far as i can tell simply to spite obama). his efforts with north korea failed and he looks like an idiot for fellating a murderous tyrant. his relations with putin have been embarrassing too.

>> No.12664480

trump moves like he is in constant pain.

>> No.12664494

He's 73 so he probably has a little trouble moving just from age. Might also just want to make sure he doesn't drop it because of all the drama it would cause, which is sad to realize that spilling a glass of water would cause people to freak out and talk about for days or weeks.

>> No.12664510

His "bone spur" is probably aching.

>> No.12664518

I think he's trying to pose 24/7 to minimize those "bad picture of celebrity making a dumb face because we snapped them mid-syllable" pictures that the media relies on, which is why he constantly makes either that grimace or some other exaggerated face.
All politicians autistically work on their body language but he takes it to an absurd level. I remember even during the primaries he'd drink water like that, while never breaking his steely gaze from Little Marco or someone else.

>> No.12664519

I dont see Iran doing much of anything desu. I dont agree with some of the shit hes done, but you're a moron if you think reopening peace talks between north and South Korea made trump look like an idiot. His relationship with Putin is whatever

>> No.12664530

I thought he was saying "big league" this whole time?

>> No.12664537

He was saying "bigly" and then everyone made fun of him for having the vocabulary of a second grader so he pretended like he was saying "big league" the whole time.

>> No.12664539

don't drink unfiltered tapwater

>> No.12664540
File: 2.85 MB, 320x304, sip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree fellow human

>> No.12664543

North Korea is still developing their nuclear weapons program and he isn't the first president to try and open peace talks with them. The key to North Korea (or any nation for that matter) staying it's own sovereign nation and eliminating the idea of outside direct regime change is by owning nuclear weapons. Why would they ever give that up?

>> No.12664544

more people hated Obama, the only difference is the media isn't covering it up for Trump like they did for the nigger.

>> No.12664556

>more people hated Obama
That's ridiculous. Aside from being black (kind of) there was literally nothing controversial or grating about Obama.

>> No.12664566

They wouldnt, but if you can reach an agreement that resembles peace why not go for it. It's literally what Obama did with Iran that you just praised. Honestly as long as we stay out of retarded wars and small businesses can start to flourish without a million retarded regulations, I'm fine with trump. The more the media smears him the more support he gets as well. Criticism where criticism is due is fine, but the concentration camp bullshit is seriously winning him the next election just by exposing how nuts the left has gotten. It's really sad too because I used to support most Democrats. Now I cant help but find myself on the right somehow

>> No.12664569

he did bomb libya and syria back to the stone and killed millions and displaced even more than that

>> No.12664570

He's trying to hide his alcoholism

>> No.12664573

He killed someone for something they did a decade ago.

>> No.12664574

Drone strikes were a huge blemish on his presidency. Also that dumbass operation that flooded guns to the cartel and fucked Mexico even harder happened under him, or at least was exposed. There was also all the shit with hillary

>> No.12664577

people hated bush too. people always hate the current president.

>> No.12664578

my grandfather is 87 and doesn’t need two hands to hold a glass.
trunp has early onset parkinsons

>> No.12664588

why are all of our current overlords so robot like?
I swear all the top level people were replaced by robots and we're just the test subjects to see if they can get away with it.
We haven't had a human president in office since bush.

>> No.12664600

lol you are a fucking idiot

>> No.12664603

you have to be abnormal to just make it to those positions, i think, and it probably only gets worse once they make it there

>> No.12664607

Stop watching Fox news.

>> No.12664617

The difference between the situations you're describing are immense. The iran deal heavily stifled their ability to enrich uranium for weapons development in exchange for sanctions being removed and their was monitoring in place to oversee it. Most nations in the world agreed it was a good deal. The "peace" you're talking about with North Korea has essentially remained unchanged since Trump entered office. The only difference is Trump basically went on a PR tour and further legitimized a brutal regime in exchange for nothing. What a deal.

>> No.12664635

Oh yea and Trump either was foolish enough to believe or lied that NK halted their nuclear weapons development.

>> No.12664640

every move a president makes is hammered down by some body language geek because the ravenous shitty media will year any slip up to shreds

trump seems especially robotic about it because he's not really the type. hes more informal and off the cuff by nature

>> No.12664642

>he did bomb libya and syria back to the stone and killed millions and displaced even more than that
Sure, but he wasn't perfect, either.

>> No.12664652

think it was Reagan that said anyone willing to run for president should be disqualified from being president

I like trump but I find it stupid when people say he's a narcissist. of course he is, you get that office if you arent and you're a dumbfuck if you think there's any exceptions

>> No.12664659

it was the other way around, he was saying "big-league" in the debates, and some shit libs tried to make him look stupid by imitating him but saying 'bigly' so he started using bigly and they were like 'oh I guess we gotta make fun of his skin color now. He's a master.

>> No.12664682

I can understand you liking the guy's policies but to find the guy personally likeable is strange to me. I think if you had ever actually met a narcissist in person you'd understand why so many people who've worked with Trump come out the other end saying what he's a huge prick.

I'll just leave you with this gem.

“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.”

>> No.12664769

>this gem.
Yeah so he's giving a speech about Iran and their nukes, what's the big deal?

>> No.12664812

could you be anymore of a bootlicking cuck. All of the other dumb shot he says that you cannot defend in any way cancels out anything you could consider “4D chess”

>> No.12664821

>drinking imported water for fags instead of American spring water


>> No.12664825

“trayvon could have been my son”

>> No.12664833

imagine supporting the people that lost to an idiot like that

>> No.12664871

>imagine voting for that idiot
All the shit Trumps pulled would have led to any Obama being crucified and he'd already be facing impeachment proceedings.

>> No.12664924


>> No.12664979

Why do the major parties make us pick between decrepit elderly people like Trump and Hilary