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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 950x534, chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12663641 No.12663641 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a breast or leg man?

Breasts are perfect for masala or /fit/ homos, but legs are best for pretty much anything else, especially stirfry!

Fried white meat is too dry, but fry up some dark meat it's juicy and delicious; deal with it /pol/

>> No.12663647

Leg, but white meat can be used in certain applications where you'd like larger chunks instead of shreds.

>> No.12663659
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>white meat can be used in certain applications where you'd like larger chunks instead of shreds.
So aside from masala what are those applications? Enchiladas are a definite no go since the already cooked breast will fry out more.

>> No.12663672

I prefer thighs, I only ever used breast when making kiev cutlet.

>> No.12663733

>Fried white meat is too dry, but fry up some dark meat it's juicy and delicious
It's dry if it came out of the deep freezer and it's dry if you overcook it. I actually can't remember the last time I didn't have juicy chicken breast in any application or recipe, at home or in a restaurant. I think you're just underskilled and maybe poor and not going to better restaurants? Do you live in the US? Where do you source your chicken? Thighs are alright, but they're simply not the same thing as breast meat, nor interchangeable.

>> No.12663765

>Where do you source your chicken?
I get live chickens and kill them myself because kosher meat is nonexistent here.

>> No.12663867

>kiev cutlet
Sounds pretty good. Have you ever tried it with margarine instead of butter? If so, how was it?

>> No.12663874

I haven't and i don't plan on doing so.

>> No.12664164

Why not, you recipe card doesn't say so?

>> No.12664168

No, i'm just not gonna put margarine in it because i never buy any.

>> No.12664173

I'm an ass man

>> No.12664181
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There is no chicken ass meat though.

>> No.12664190


>> No.12664193

Not him but margarine is terrible and I feel bad for the people that have to buy 99¢ imperial or blue bonnet because they won't pay 3 bucks for bargain brand real butter.

>> No.12664199


eating all the shit on the legs, the skin, cartilage, etc is nonsense.

breast is a nice big juicy chunk of meat. no bones, no nonsense in there getting in the way of your delicious meat. breast is also so neutral that you can do so much shit to it that's delicious. the legs are trash.

and to all of you 'muh bones' 'muh dark meat' 'muh flavor' go fuck yourselves. you're delusional, and we have spices and sauces in first world countries to deal with any of that shit.

>> No.12664204

> I feel bad for the people that have to buy 99¢ imperial

We don't think about you at all.

>> No.12664208



>> No.12664483

Same as $0.99. Cents. I know it's a weird symbol to use but I try to keep it around.
You just did.

>> No.12664505

for me its breast, nicely browned, more on the dry side. i prefer other meats juicy but with chicken i like it dryer for some reason.

>> No.12664516

Depends on how I'm preparing the chicken and what dish I intend to have. If I'm doing fried chicken, I like the thighs/leg quarters. Juicy and tender meat is best.

If I'm making some sort of dish that involves piece of chicken - then I use a breast.

It all depends, I guess.

>> No.12664531

>delicious meat
yeah no. the worst meat on any poultry.
you eat it for dieting, not for flavor

>> No.12664567

Breast can be good but just takes too much effort. Even a 30min brine improves it by a lot and reduces the dryness, or do a proper marinade, or hammer it flat and bread it, it can be nice poached too if prepared properly. But thighs are just way more practical, skin's better, bones give flavor, you don't have to babysit it so that it comes out decent.

>> No.12664602

in a lot of applications you can just cook the thighs down so the meat falls off the bone and the cartilage etc liquifies into broth. you get shredded chicken great for a lot of recipes with a lot more flavor than the breast.

>> No.12664621


>> No.12665142

chopped or fried?

>> No.12665162

I used to hate dark meat, but as I aged, I realized that the things I didn't like about it, the color and veins running through it, didn't matter if I just pulled the whole leg off the bird and ate it like a cartoon king. Also it tastes great and has a higher skin to meat ratio

>> No.12665201

I'm a whole chicken man, eat it all then roast the bones and make a stock. Breasts are good for a chicken parm or marinated in buttermilk. It's just all around classier and cleaner flavor.

But the thighs/legs are good for slow cooking, deep frying, teriyaki chicken... etc.

>> No.12665220

I'll have wings, coach.

>> No.12665224

Both have their uses.

>> No.12665272
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>> No.12665290

>but white meat can be used in certain applications where you'd like larger chunks instead of shreds.
If you're going to serve it in a cream/butter sauce. I don't think dark meat in cream sauces is very good because it just feels too rich and heavy then.

>> No.12665990

>I don't think dark meat in cream sauces is very good because it just feels too rich and heavy then.
Nothing wrong with rich sauce. Give me a rich sauce over jerky tier chicken any day.

>> No.12666042
File: 6 KB, 180x241, Jimmy_Gourd_%28New%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf hates dark meat because of its texture
Kill me

>> No.12666069
File: 101 KB, 1920x1080, bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so get a new one. you're not married. you don't want to deal with that nonsense forever

>> No.12666307


>> No.12666636

for me it's the tomato

>> No.12666637

You sound like every episode of Seinfeld.

>> No.12666657
File: 327 KB, 499x499, pastrami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You sound like every episode of Seinfeld.
How can you have a happy relationship if you cannot cook and eat the same foods together? Family dinners are important to bring your kids up right.

>> No.12666923

cuCUMber crew checking in

>> No.12667426
File: 2.00 MB, 400x211, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not possible

>> No.12667444

i like the ass

>> No.12667448

piss off back to india you h1b type, I can tell by your shitty writing.

>> No.12667684

I get shit from my family when I roast raw chicken for a time I just determine by myself, no temp measuring involved. Even when I take out it and cut the thickest piece down the middle to show it is entirely white throughout they want to put it in at least 5 more minutes every time. Is this sane or am I rolling dice with the salmonella deities?

>> No.12667969

>Is this sane or am I rolling dice with the salmonella deities?
You will be okay. Your family is just paranoid.

>> No.12667976

I like chicken in general.

>> No.12668229

omfg this kid. You really didn't know what the cents symbol is?

>> No.12668234


>> No.12668252

I find breast really jucy as long as you make sure that the internal temp is 165. I don't like the texture of chicken thighs sometimes.